A Room With A View


Once I had freedom, possessions and you,
But I traded them all for a room with a view,
I’ve nothing left now, but I’m almost at ease,
And it won’t be too long till I’m out of this squeeze.
The things that once matter don’t seem to so much,
Except you, your smile, and your scent and your touch.
No longer will I sense that heady perfume
That tells me my Love has walked into the room.
No longer will I feel you holding me tight,
Your tempting caress that says: “Take me tonight!”
No longer will life be rewarding, fulfilled,
Because now you’re gone, all emotion is chilled.
A faint heart now beats in the place of one bold,
A heart that is broken and mortally cold.

My room with a view shows me two feet of sky,
A wall and a fence nearly thirty feet high,
An exercise yard and a backstreet beyond,
A picture of which I’m not overly fond,
But it’s not the bars or the locks or the view
That chafe me, there’s nothing here makes me feel pain,
The one thing that hurts me is knowing we’re through
Forever, and you’ll never love me again.

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