Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography


January 1, 2012: New Year’s Eve in London’s Trafalgar Square was published by Digital Journal with 3 photographs: 2 uploaded and a screengrab.

January 2: Misunderstanding Ayn Rand was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

January 2: The following were added to this site:

The poem We Luv Ken

I added a note to the Site Corrections Page correcting a very minor (and irrelevant) error in my speech SATPAL RAM: A Case Study In “Anti-Racist” Brainwashing

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 29, 2011-January 2, 2012 was also added.

Regarding the above poem, around New Year I was browsing the Mayor of London’s website when I found a form that allowed people to submit entries to a poetry competition. Unfortunately, the entry date had long passed, so rather than submit this humorous ditty to Boris, here it is in all its glory. Actually, Johnson comes across as quite a decent bloke, and unlike Ken, someone from his office did bother to reply to my letter about free public transport, even though the answer was not the one I wanted.

January 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Boxing Day was ‘Murder Day’ in Britain with a photograph
Time to end the war on drugs with a photograph.

January 3: Alexander Baron & Gilad Atzmon- A Mutual Admiration Society

This article did not come to my attention until January 13 – see my refutation of January 17, below.

January 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Chuck Berry is back! with a photograph
Phil Lynott – 26 years gone, not forgotten with 2 photographs
Stephen Lawrence – the compounding of an injustice

January 5: Clive Stafford Smith on the death penalty was uploaded to YouTube.

This is a short video, 3 minutes 35 seconds, which includes some minimal annotation.

January 5: After Stephen Lawrence, what about Mark Duggan? was published by Digital Journal

This was republished almost at once on the Historical Review Press blog as Did Police massage Forensics to get a result?

January 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Empty words from convicted killer Michael Luvaglio with a photograph
People Power comes to Britain’s hospitals

January 6: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 3-6, 2012 was added to this site.

January 7: A new counter was added to Vexatious Litigant; the old one appears to have stopped on March 2 last year, I think it was last year!

Below is the old one showing its last reading:

January 7: The Following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Gangstas, psychos and adulterers in Britain’s soaps
‘Racism’ and rationality

The latter is a blog, and contains two personal anecdotes I’ve been meaning to write about for years.

January 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Cameron guns for boardroom parasites
Thought crime and real crime in the UK
Bombing Iran – a British anti-war view with a photograph.

January 8: The bibliography file – ie this page – was updated at some point, accidentally, either today or January 9.

January 8-9: The following were published by Songfacts:

Onidodo by Fela Kuti And His Koola Lobitos

Woody Allen Jesus by Tim Minchin

Controversy by Prince.

January 9: Open Letter To Lord Justice Leveson was published, initially unlinked.

This includes some associated files:

A JPG scan of paragraph 36 of a witness statement by a certain Chainey of the Yard (yes, I know about the spelling)

A PDF of a letter from Bromley Police date 1 October 1996 – this is actually a scan of a photocopy; the author is David Chinchen of Penge

A PDF of a copy of my reply dated October 14, 1996

A PDF of a list of telephone numbers

I went to the Leveson Inquiry in the morning, and after a few minutes sitting in the press gallery, I wrote down the link and gave it to the guy sitting next to me telling him it was his exclusive. Then I interrupted the hearing, and to my chagrin was told simply to leave. On the way out a security bloke came up to me and when I asked him if I was being arrested, he said no. I could have attacked the Judge with a machette, and he’d still have thrown me out rather than have me cited for contempt of court.

When I left the building I went to Westminster Library but even though I left through the back door there was a massive crowd of photographers snapping away just like in one of those implausible TV or film portrayals.

The first report appears to have been on the Guardian blog; there was another one on the Daily Telegraph, according to which I had alluded to the Northern Ireland Loyalist and mass murderer Michael Stone. That was pulled by mid-afternoon, but here is a PDF of same: Heckler interrupts former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie at the Leveson Inquiry

A guy from the Press Association called at 14.51 and I spoke to him for a few minutes; I was just about to link the article as he phoned, and completed it after our conversation. He did tell me his name but I didn’t note it (Sam Marsden!). The video of my heckling also appeared on the Daily Mail site, so I don’t supposed I can complain too much about still being at liberty.

Shortly, this appeared in The Independent on-line.

And I made a lead story on ITN with a clip Heckler disrupts Leveson Inquiry uploaded to YouTube as Heckler interrupts Kelvin MacKenzie at the Leveson Inquiry


And a bit later, this

appeared on the website of the Daily Mail.

I wasn’t actually heckling MacKenzie or anyone; I was creating a contempt of court in the hope of being arrested. Alas...

Today, the Michael Stone website Motigo counter had 83 hits; yesterday it had 2! The all time record is 90 on June 24 last year.

This site had 44 today; the all time record is still October 18, 2001 when it had 167 page views.

January 9: Neville Lawrence on why he returned to Jamaica was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

January 10: Vitamin D in the news was published by Digital Journal

January 10: On this site, the Baron/ITMA Bibliography was brought right up to date.

January 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Get your free ticket with PokerStars with two screengrabs
America’s most shameful anniversary

January 11: When I deleted the old counter for Vexatious Litigant, I appear to have deleted the one for FinancialReform too, so have installed a new one this evening.

January 12: My Internet sermon Anti-Semitism In The Modern World: Its Real Causes – And How To Reduce It was published on a website called Try My Rabbi

They appear to believe I am a rabbi, oy gevalt! I found this November 29, 2012.

When I checked the original link on July 31, 2020, my contriubution was no longer there, but the above is the archived link.

January 12: Leroy Cool Meets Abraham Foxman At The Lawrence Trial was published here.

The 11th cartoon in this popular series – he says.

January 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Thompson & Venables back in the news
Andrew Murray – warming up for Wimbledon? with a photograph.

January 13: The Following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Michael Chapman to play The Lexington with a photograph
The return of the Barn Owl with a photograph
Positive Money release new anti-usury video with a screengrab of Ben Dyson.

January 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

New Tricks — feminazis, Zionism and paedophiles
The tragedy of Eddie Gilfoyle with a photograph.

January 14: This site:

For some reason, the photograph I uploaded with the New Tricks article above was deleted shortly and replaced. Here it is, below.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 11-4, 2012 was added.

January 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Casey Anthony plumbs new depths of depravity
Kate Bush fan gives her the Wuthering frights with a photograph.

January 16: The following were published by Songfacts:

The Velocipede by Fred Coyne

Genocide (The Killing Of The Buffalo) by Thin Lizzy
Hey You by Thin Lizzy
We Will Be Strong by Thin Lizzy

An Old Man’s Darling credited to Vesta Victoria.

January 17: NO ONE LOVES A MORON – Reply To An “Anti-Fascist” Creep was published on this site.

January 17: Muhammad Ali – the Greatest at 70 was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

As an afterthought I added my photograph of Ali with Taha.

January 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Bic and the wine and the music – Down Under
Has Obama lost the Black vote?
Spectacular pageant planned for Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

The Bic Runga article required a bit of editing later due to an incorrect listing or something of that nature; the third article saw me quoting from FinancialReform re the Queen and Shirley Bassey.

January 19: Taha’s letter in the Sun, January 3, 2012 was published on his site.

January 19: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 15-9, 2012 was added.

January 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Who the Dickens was Major Douglas? with an uploaded photograph
Playing God – to manufacture oil
That old Razz magic – poker on Ladbrokes with 6 screengrabs.

The Douglas article is a major work that I started putting together several weeks ago. It is something of a contrived news piece, but likewise something that needed to be said. The big question is will anyone who matters listen?

January 21: The following Taha letters were published on his website:

Evening Standard, January 12, 2012

The Sun, January 17, 2012.

January 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Adultery and betrayal in soapland
Law & Order UK – in fiction and in fact

January 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Massive Reggae festival for Europe this Summer – book now with a photograph
News from the British Library

January 23: The Following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Brixton Pound goes digital with a photograph
Obama’s enemy within

January 24: Taken for a ride – the truth about Britain’s railways was published by Digital Journal

January 24-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Dear Miss Lonely Hearts by Phil Lynott
Girls by Phil Lynott
Solo In Soho by Phil Lynott

Oklahoma! credited to Cast of Oklahoma! – ie from the musical/film

Hold On by Trilogee (from a film soundtrack)

Spend, Spend, Spend credited to Barbara Dickson – from the musical.

January 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

After yet another dog attack, time to rethink Man’s best friend
Wanted — 600 million new jobs

January 25: On this site, the Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 20-25, 2012 was added.

January 26: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Introducing the Spanish reggae TV channel
Now Cameron takes on the European Court of Human Rights
Gingrich promises the Moon; Obama promises jobs

January 26: On this site I added a note to the Site Corrections Page re A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud”

January 27: Two articles were published on this site:

11 Questions And Answers About Holocaust Denial
Happy Birthday, Gerry Gable!

I also added a note to No One Loves A Moron, see entry for January 17, above.

January 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

David Icke’s Jewish history lesson is not Kosher
It’s Magic! – coming to a TV screen near you with an uploaded photograph.

January 29: Soccer – the not so beautiful game was published by Digital Journal

January 30: Snooker and Tennis — looking forward to Sheffield and Wimbledon was published by Digital Journal

January 31: On Taha’s site, two screengrabs were added of letters from the Times Digital Archive:

May 24, 2000, page 23
November 18, 2000, page 113

The latter includes letters from other correspondents because of the layout of the page; I decided not to cut and paste.

January 31: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

David Icke talking nonsense — and some sense — on Croatian TV
A ghoulish scandal over America’s Iraqi war dead

February 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Good news for asthma sufferers
Teetotal terror gang receive discounted sentences with a photograph.

February 1: On this site:

I did a bit of maintenance, including correcting a spelling mistake or two.

I also updated this bibliography adding January 26-February 1, 2012.

February 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Poker: Full Tilt perils, and promotions galore with a screengrab.
Senator Orrin Hatch on the ‘National Defense Authorization Act’ with 2 screengrabs.

The above Hatch article was deactivated after just 19 page views! Silverberg had some issues with it being private correspondence; it is actually a form letter. See also entry for February 4 below.

February 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A British MP rails against the banking system with 2 screengrabs. The screengrabs were actually uploaded yesterday.
Rod Hull – The man with the Emu with a photograph.

Circa February 2012: This afternoon, February 3, when I went downstairs to let in Taha I picked up my mail; one letter was a routine statement, the other was a white A5 envelope affixed with two second class stamps, no postmark, and containing three enclosures.

One was a four page mailing apparently by the cartoonist Robert Edwards, A Christmas Carol.
The second was a print out of a page from the website of the same Mr Edwards, which includes a cartoon of Yours Truly with, hmm, shall we call it a suntan?
The third was a photocopy of HOIST WITH THEIR OWN PETARD subtitled A Cautionary Tale For Jews. It is reprinted by European Action without my author credit. And without my permission, but as it was published on this website sometime ago... I appear not to have listed in the bibliography, but from the relevant file dates, it was published here circa December 10, 2003.

The new pamphlet appears to have been published after November 14, 2010 according to the Internet Archive, and may have been (re)published this week. Amusingly, Edwards has replaced the character of Richard Edmonds with himself, although from what I know of Mr Edwards, he would have no use for a 30 year old blonde. Or a woman of any age!

The cartoon can be found here. I also added it to the Cartoon Gallery this afternoon.

I suppose I asked for this, literally, because late last month I e-mailed Edwards and suggested he produce a cartoon to celebrate Gerry Gable’s 75th birthday.

February 4: The article Senator Orrin Hatch on the ‘National Defense Authorization Act’ was republished on this site, again with the screengrabs, and with some added comment.

February 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Nazis, nutters and rogue doctors in ‘Law & Order – UK’
Rape and false rape — in fiction and fact with a video
Positive Money – training people to take on the banksters

February 4: On Taha’s site, 5 excellent limericks were published:

Ben Mitchell

I suggested one or two very minor alterations to a couple of the above, which he accepted, but they were all his own original work, and uncharacteristically good! The first two were inspired by characters from the BBC soap opera EastEnders.

February 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Queen Elizabeth II — 60 glorious years with a photograph
More murders on the way in Britain’s leading soaps

February 5: This evening I did a bit of maintenance on this site, adding links and stuff. I also altered the word day-dreaming to daydreaming in the short story Hoist With Their Own Petard, but I sure as Hell didn’t alter Richard Edmonds to Robert Edwards in it, (see circa February 2012, above).

Football, ‘racism’ and hysteria was republished here together with some explanatory blurb at the end of the article, and the same photograph of John Terry.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 2-5, 2012 was also added.

February 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Toad Patrol – preserving Britain’s amphibious heritage with 4 photographs
Trial over shooting of girl, 5, opens in London with a photograph.

This latter was originally called ‘Gangsta’ shooting trial opens in London, but Silverberg was paranoid that Gangsta might be construed as – bore, bore – racist. The title had to be altered again because he thought it was a murder trial!

February 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Is the UK being taxed to a standstill?
Serial killer to appeal murder conviction

February 7: The limerick Fred Shredded was added to this site

I also did a bit more maintenance including to the short story Termination; I just realised I had a statue instead of a statute in that!

I actually sent that limerick to a website the same day I wrote it, February 1, can’t remember what it was called but it specialises in publishing limericks based on news stories. It doesn’t appear to have been used, anyway.

February 7-8: The following were published by Songfacts:

Old Town by Phil Lynott

Bachelor Boy by Cliff Richard
Big Ship by Cliff Richard
The Next Time by Cliff Richard

Commencing In Chattanooga from the musical The Scottsboro Boys

A Night In The Life Of A Blues Singer by Thin Lizzy
Song For Jimi by Thin Lizzy

Snuff That Girl from the musical Urinetown credited to the Cast
What Is Urinetown? from the musical Urinetown credited to the Cast

Song For Jimi by Mark William.

February 8: Fighting cyber-bullies or pushing for censorship? was published by Digital Journal

February 8: On this site:

See entry for October 17, 2010.

Also, this picture appears not to have been uploaded with the rest of the related Model Journal material on May 16, 2009. This was likewise uploaded today.

Finally, the Baron/ITMA Bibliography was added for February 6-8, 2012 was added.

February 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The obscenity of high stakes poker with 4 screengrabs
Calling all academics — time to publish your peer-reviewed paper
Heather Mills at the Leveson Inquiry with a photograph/screengrab
More Quantitative Easing sleight of hand

Re the first of the above, an entirely different article with the same title was published by The Duran, July 14, 2020.

February 11: The following limericks were published on Taha’s site:

Gang War
Page 3

Of the above, the first had some minimal editing by Yours Truly. Another excellent offering, although their topicality may be a bar to future enjoyment.

February 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

UK crime round up
Should we embrace the death of the high street?

February 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Yet more poker tyranny by the American Government with a screengrab
Two political meetings to avoid in London soon
Whitney Houston songs found on SongFacts

This last was originally called Whitney Houston on SongFacts [both (mis)capitalised thus]

February 13: The following were published by Songfacts:

Liverpool Drive by Chuck Berry
No Particular Place To Go by Chuck Berry
Woodpecker by Chuck Berry

You And The Night And The Music credited here to Frank Sinatra; this is actually a jazz standard from the show Revenge With Music

Honesty Is No Excuse by Thin Lizzy.

February 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Pensioners’ newspaper backs campaign against abuse of the elderly with a photograph
UK police officer news round-up with a photograph.

The title of this latter is down to Silverberg; apparently UK bent copper round up was too much for him. He’ll change his mind when he’s been fitted up by Bent Filth as much as I have.

February 14: America — Home of the homeless was published by Digital Journal

February 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Poker promotions and a free app with two screengrabs
A quiet time ahead in Britain’s leading soaps

February 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Whitney Houston – after the tributes comes the dirt

I published this before I went to bed; when I logged on in the morning, the title had been changed to After the tributes comes the dirt on Whitney Houston, which may give the wrong impression that I believe any of this lesbian crap.

State snooping and tyranny in Canada
Turning rubbish into energy – the Kenyan way with a photograph.

February 16: On this site, the Baron/ITMA Bibliography was added for February 9-16, 2012.

February 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Yet more police killings, stateside this time with a photograph
Positive Money release new video

February 18: 10 Reasons not to bomb Iran was published by Digital Journal

February 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Lord Lucan — wanted dead or alive with a photograph
The war on drugs — time to think outside the box?

February 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Whitney should have married Michael Jackson, says David Gest
The sad tale of Robert Green with a photograph.

February 21: On SearchlightArchive, the Brief Biography for Harry Bidney was augmented considerably.

February 21: More bailout madness for Greece was published by Digital Journal

I was going to take a break from Digital Journal today but after watching a bit of TV including the news, I had half a dozen stories I could have written up.

February 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Pregnant women attacked, raped, and murdered with a photograph
Syria, and the facts about rebellion with a photograph from Flickr, which was promptly deleted and replaced with a similar one for some reason
E-petition started against government snooping
The truth about Data Protection — jobs for the boys?

February 24: Abū Qatāda — the man the Grand Conspiracy can’t kill was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

February 24-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Aviator by Michael Chapman
Naked Ladies & Electric Ragtime by Michael Chapman
Stranger In The Room by Michael Chapman

Hitler Song by Leadbelly
My Friend Blind Lemon by Leadbelly with an image
Please Pardon Me by Leadbelly
The Scottsboro Boys by Leadbelly

Garforth from the musical Spend, Spend, Spend credited to the Cast

Financial Advice from the musical The Scottsboro Boys
Go Back Home from the musical The Scottsboro Boys

Cop Song from the musical Urinetown credited to the Cast
Too Much Exposition from the musical Urinetown credited to the Cast.

Down Bound Train by Chuck Berry was also amended very slightly here or at about this time.

Circa February 25: Lord Lucan Is Missing was published by Songfacts together with a Song Image.

I can’t be sure of the exact date but it was probably shortly after February 25; I found this only on June 24.

February 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

What’s to come in Britain’s leading soap operas?
Government watchdog to act on payday loans

February 26: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Poker: free tournaments, free money, but not for American players with 2 screengrabs
Just Out: The Grand Slam 1984 Tour Guide

Re the latter, the words Just Out and the colon were added by an editor within 8 minutes of publication.

February 27: The Leveson Inquiry and more was published by Digital Journal

February 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Socialist Workers Party on the Greek debt crisis
Working towards a world without polio with a photograph
Red tape madness in America

February 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Review: Greece — From tragedy to farce with a new board game
Gary Moore drank himself to death.
Real crime and thought crime in the UK

March 1: David Rathband — The Spirit of the Blue Lamp was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

March 2-3: The following were published by Songfacts:

Key To The Highway is usually credited to Big Bill Broonzy but here to Charlie Segar

I Cain’t Say No from Oklahoma! credited to the Cast
Kansas City from Oklahoma! credited to the Cast
Many A New Day from Oklahoma! credited to the Cast
Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’ from Oklahoma! credited to the Cast
People Will Say We’re In Love from Oklahoma! credited to the Cast
The Surrey With The Fringe On Top from Oklahoma! credited to the Cast.

Forgive Me My Love by Guy Marks
Loving You Has Made Me Bananas by Guy Marks

Sur Le Pont D’Avignon – the traditional French folk song.

March 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Positive Money release video of whistleblower Paul Moore
Only two murders in next week’s leading soaps with a photograph
New anti-crime website launched in Bromley
Poker — big prizes for small buy-ins and cash awards for grinders with a screengrab.

March 3: The following NewsUK screengrabs were published on Taha’s site:

Daily Telegraph, February 17, 2012
Sunday Telegraph, February 19, 2012
Sunday Telegraph, February 26, 2012.

March 3: On this site, the Baron/ITMA Bibliography was added for February 18-March 3, 2012.

The entry for February 17, 2012 was added the same day by mistake.

March 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Free concerts and confirmed artists announced for reggae festival
No Easy Road for Martin Turner

March 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Islam is the root of all evil says Nick Griffin

I added a screengrab to the Paul Moore article of March 3, above, then

Smokers’ rights group launches anti-plain packaging campaign with a photograph

For some reason, this photograph was removed, apparently the next day. Sometime later, Silverberg told me that not everything on Flickr meets their copyright criteria, or words to that effect.

March 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Crime, punishment and witchcraft in the Capital
Dominic Littlewood exposes the postcode lottery

March 7: The following were published on this site:

Ibe To Sibe
On Extra Sensory Perception

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography was added for March 4-7, 2012.

The two limericks above were written in 1984 or 1985.

March 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

UFO — rocking into their fifth decade with three photographs
Arthur Jones doesn’t understand economics

March 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A drug to ‘cure’ racism?
Review: David Icke meets Alex Jones
A Song for International Women’s Day

March 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Riot mugger given heavy sentence with a police mugshot
Murder and intrigue in and out of Britain’s leading soaps
The return of ‘Red Dwarf’ with a photograph
Angry ‘Wimmin’ protest Strauss-Kahn speech at Cambridge Union

After publishing the first of the above, I amended the article Crime, punishment and witchcraft in the Capital of March 6 to link to the conviction of this scumbag Beau Isagba.

March 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

One fuel rip off you can easily avoid
Remember to light up for ‘No Smoking Day’

March 12: The following were published by Songfacts:

Don’t Bring Lulu credited here to Dorothy Provine

Thoroughly Modern Millie the title song of the film, but credited here to Julie Andrews.

March 13: Jeremy Paxman’s ‘Empire’ was published by Digital Journal

March 13: The short story (or more properly sketch/cameo) Cherie Blair After Ten was published on Taha’s site.

This includes limited editing by Yours Truly.

March 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

How to murder a baby — in theory and practice
David Icke’s own mini-world conspiracy
The latest UKIP videos

March 14: The following screengrabs were published on Taha’s website: the first from the paper’s own; the second two from NewsUK:

West End Extra, March 2, 2012
Daily Mirror, March 5, 2012
Sunday Telegraph, March 11, 2012.

March 14: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 8-14, 2012 was added here.

March 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Brian Paddick for Mayor – Seriously? was published by Digital Journal with a photograph
Murder and mystery in the Bromley press with a photograph.

March 15: Taha’s letter in the New Statesman of January 24, 2005 was published on his site – a screengrab from the magazine’s website.

March 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Murder, arson and infidelity in next week’s leading soaps
On the trail of the cowboy builders

March 18: George Clooney — the story behind that arrest was published by Digital Journal

March 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Beethoven comes to London with Chinese virtuoso Lang Lang with a photograph
The Sheriffs Are Coming
The TSA agent and the 3 year old boy in a wheelchair

I wasn’t going to publish anything today but turned on the TV for the morning news programme, and...

March 19-20: The following were published by Songfacts:

By The Sea from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
God, That’s Good from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
Green Finch And Linnet Bird from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
Johanna (Judge’s Song) from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
My Friends from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
No Place Like London from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
Poor Thing, from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
The Ballad Of Sweeney Todd from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
The Barber And His Wife from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd
The Worst Pies In London from the Stephen Sondheim musical, credited here to Cast of Sweeney Todd

Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey! from The Scottsboro Boys credited here to The Scottsboro Boys.

March 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The legacy of Chris Tame with a photograph of him from my main website
Murder is murder, Mr Foxman

March 20: On this site, I made a few cosmetic alterations to Open Letter To The Richest Man In The World including adding a scan of the Douglas Money Equation

I also added the Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 15-20, 2012.

March 21: The Anti-Social Network was published by Digital Journal

March 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Bartitsu — The typically English martial art
How to avoid an unfair dismissal rap
The London Olympics: style, sense and lunacy
Darren Sutherland’s promoter Frank Maloney to quit boxing
The crimes of rapist Antoni Imiela with a photograph

The title of the Maloney story was augmented by Silverberg; likewise the word “rapist” was added to the Imiela article, it seems a bit superfluous to me.

March 22: I didn’t publish anything on this site today but I did quite a bit of maintenance including on EXTRADITION: JACK STRAW OR GENERAL PINOCHET? and A GOY PRIES INTO THE “TALMUD”

This involved mostly adding and removing quotations marks etc, and in one case on the former replacing them with a block of italicised text. I also made one or two tiny corrections. The layout of the former still leaves much to be desired, but I think I’ll leave it like this.

March 23: Death and dog attacks in and out of soapland was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

March 23: “Fan Mail” From An Exterminationist Creep was published on this site together with quite a lot of comment.

March 24: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Whitney Houston: sex, drugs and rumours
Facebook — damned if it does, damned if it doesn’t

March 24: I added a “Further, Further Update” to “MUMIA ABU-JAMAL: A Précis” on satpalramisguilty

March 25: The following screengrabs of his letters from the New Statesman website were published on Taha’s site:

February 14, 2000
January 22, 2001
May 17, 2007

March 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Trayvon Martin case — A British perspective
Time to Unlock Democracy in the UK

March 25: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 21-5, 2012 was added here.

March 25-6: The following were published by Songfacts:

A Room In Bloomsbury from The Boy Friend credited to the Cast
Perfect Young Ladies from The Boy Friend credited to the Cast
The Boy Friend the title song from The Boy Friend credited to the Cast.

Overture by John Miles – I didn’t find this until June 24, but it was probably published at the same time as the above three.

March 26: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Playing the Party Poker Sunday Bankroll Booster with 3 screengrabs
Azhar Ahmed and the truth about free speech in Britain
Thusha Kamaleswaran shooting — three found guilty

March 27: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Cameron tears up red tape
The Honey Trap Murder with two photographs
Trayvon Martin — The smears continue

March 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

COI RIP – government film maker is wound up
Welcome to the Year Of The Bat
Like Trayvon Martin, I am now officially a hoodie with a screengrab

March 28-9: The following were published by Songfacts:

Me from the musical Beauty And The Beast credited to the Cast

Speak To Me Pretty by Brenda Lee

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day by Wizzard
See My Baby Jive by Wizzard

Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow by Frank Zappa
Orrin Hatch On Skis by Frank Zappa

Originally, the songfact for Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow read simply:

This is about a dream of being a baby Eskimo. As with many Frank Zappa compositions, it is best to ignore the scatological lyrics, and listen to the music. (thanks, Alexander Baron – London, England)

It has since been augmented considerably, and my original credit has rightly been lost. (This note was added January 6, 2014).

March 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Shawn Tyson convicted of double murder in Florida with a photograph
Hollywood Poker — where the stars come to play with 2 screengrabs
More statistical racism nonsense

March 29: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 26-9, 2012 was added here.

March 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘I Never Said Yes’ — Propaganda for proper geese on rape
Reggae from Kingston, Jamaica and Barcelona with 2 images.
The Honeymoon Murder
Sending a message to the Phishers with 2 of my own screengrabs.

The fourth of the above article was credited initially to March 28 as well for some reason. I have now removed the first entry.

March 31: About The House, a review by Taha, was published on his site.

March 31: Do you remember the 1950s? Len Goodman does was published by Digital Journal

The short story Covington The Hater was published here.

This had been sitting unfinished on my hard disk for well over a year.

April 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Confessions and deceptions in next week’s leading soaps with a photograph
If I Ruled The World
Thusha Kamaleswaran — the long road ahead
The latest false rape round up with a PDF of a previously linked webpage

The second of the above is a blog.

April 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Move over Kanye West, Noah Stewart is here with a photograph
Do we really need yet another film about 9/11?

April 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Scum-loving criminal — The life and crimes of Dennis Stafford – later a PDF of a court judgment was added
The ugly truth about the Falklands War

April 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Lionel Richie at the BBC with a photograph
Chairman Bernanke on the financial crisis with a photograph.

April 4: On this site, two pictures were added to the Cartoon Gallery:

The George Bush Pencil Holder
The Rioters Credit Card

The former dates, I believe, from the Bush Administration days, ie sometime before Obama. The latter from the riots of last August or thereabout. I’ve omitted an apostrophe.

I also did quite a bit of maintenance on the site, but mostly of a cosmetic nature. In my second article on boxing and freedom I altered “oppressed” classes to “oppressed” masses. And in the HTML version of Chamber Of Horrors, I altered Rule Britannia to Rule, Britannia!

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 26-April 4, 2012 was also added.

April 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Teenage gang violence in Britain with a photograph
Poor little rich girl, dumb little rich girl — Laura and Rihanna

April 5-6: The following were published by Songfacts:

Do It To Me (Once More With Feeling), by Britt Ekland
Private Party by Britt Ekland

In The Summer Of His Years credited to Connie Francis

Heartbreak Hotel by Whitney Houston
Whatchulookinat by Whitney Houston

That Was The Week That Was credited to Millicent Martin

Goodness Gracious Me! credited here to Peter Sellers (actually it is Sophia Loren who does most of the vocals)

All Or Nothing by The Small Faces
Grow Your Own by The Small Faces
Sha La La La Lee by The Small Faces

The Farmer Is The Man – Traditional.

April 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Full Tilt Poker — An Easter Resurrection? with 2 screengrabs
Electric cars — The next generation

April 6: Between approximately 5 and 6pm London time, Al appeared on Iranian television with Bob Ayers and Amir Tahouri in the chair to discuss the Euro Crisis. (See entries below).

April 7: The Euro crisis — in plain English, and Farsi was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

See immediate entry above.

April 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Euro crisis — in plain English, and Farsi with 4 screengrabs
Should you invest in uranium? with a photograph.

April 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

This Is Lionel Richie with a photograph
More madness ahead in Britain’s leading soaps with a photograph.

Less than three minutes after posting the Lionel Richie article, two people had pressed the like button, Digital Journal staff, obviously.

April 8: Taha’s review of The Guns Of The South from a 1994 issue of Free Life, was added to his site.

April 9: The Euro crisis — in plain English, and Farsi was uploaded to YouTube as IRIB Television broadcast – Alexander Baron and Bob Ayers on the Euro crisis

Later, this video was made private but see entry for April 7 above, the same upload to the Internet Archive.

April 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A Marxist economist explains what is wrong with capitalism. Not
Who will be Mayor of London?

April 9: On this site, the following were published:

Fan Mail From The UK (name witheld)

Reply To A 13 Year Old Re “Holocaust Denial”

Some formatting alterations were made to Letter To An Australian Jewish Lawyer

The original can be found here

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 5-9, 2012 was also added.

April 10: Two screengrabs were published on Taha’s site:

Daily Mail, March 18, 2012
Daily Mail, March 22, 2012

The former is a response to a Taha missive from Dr Bruce Denness.

April 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Jethro Tull still Thick As A Brick forty years on with a photograph
Phil Lynott plays the O2

April 11: The Age Of Insecurity was published on Taha’s site.

This is a review of a book of this name that was published originally on the New Alliance website; the reference at the end to abridged means the original (as reproduced here) was edited – on account of Taha’s turgid prose!

April 11: Free Mumia comes to Sydenham was published by Digital Journal

April 11: I made some heavy cosmetic amendments to The Strongest Case For Ram Deconstructed (both pages) on satpalramisguilty, and added a note to the first page.

April 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Why are computers so cheap and money so expensive?
The House that won’t fall down — Trevor Reeves on the riots with 3 photographs.

April 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Patricia McAllister finds the plot and loses her marbles
Divas in the news — alive and dead

Today, through Digital Journal I had a correspondence with a young bloke called Tom Head who is based in Leeds and working on a dissertation. That’s the second such inquiry I’ve had recently, the first was from a young woman, who I think was based in the USA.

Altogether that makes four dissertations I could possibly figure in, the other two being a bloke named Anthony Long and Laura Pérez, both back in the 1990s.

April 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

10 ways to make London safer for women — sort of
Ivory Wars: Out Of Africa with a photograph

The second article was originally called Ivory Wars — Out Of Africa

April 14: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 10-14, 2012 was published here.

April 15: I added two more of his letters to Taha’s website, both screengrabs:

New Statesman, May 23, 2011
Daily Telegraph, April 13, 2012.

April 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

David Mamet’s ‘Homicide’ still a masterpiece with a photograph
Best foot forward — Rebecca Shawcross on the Shoe Museum with 6 photographs
Network Rail — more crime without punishment

The first of the above was originally called David Mamet’s ‘Homicide’

April 17: On this site I added two pages to Other Contributors containing:

A PDF file of The Celebrated Case Of The State Of Georgia Vs. Leo Frank, by Tom Watson
Scans of 6 pages from Sex Vs. Civilization, by Elmer Pendell in JPG format

Some brief explanatory notes were added to each.

April 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A Summer of Sport ahead for Britain
Thusha shooters get heavy sentences
Barack Obama needs thick skin dealing with verbal assaults

The original title of the last of the above was Barack Obama is all things to all men — and nutters; it was changed within 5 minutes of posting!

April 19-20: The following were published by Songfacts:

God Defend New Zealand listed as traditional

Now Is The Hour credited here to Ana Hato

I Really Miss You by BeBe Winans

April 20: Guitar legend Bert Weedon goes to the great gig in the sky was published by Digital Journal

April 20: On this site I published compressed PDFs of two old articles from Pensioners’ Voice:

And MR. ROBIN COOK, Chief Opposition Spokesman...

Because they are compressed, these files have lost a bit of quality. They are part of the batch I began scanning way back in August 2008. There are still plenty more to be added to this site and elsewhere, and they will be if and when I can find the time.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 15-20, 2012 was also added.

The Bert Weedon obituary, above, was actually published after this bibliography update. I didn’t intend to publish anything on Digital Journal today but remember Bert well, including from Tuesday Rendezvous!

April 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Another footballer convicted of rape with a photograph
Party Poker Pokerfest II begins tomorrow with 6 screengrabs
Battered burglars and battered fathers in next week’s soaps with a photograph.

April 22: Two letters from the archives were published on Taha’s site:

Tribune, October 26, 1984
The Economist, September 4, 1999, issue 8135, page 10

The former was written under the name Bob Dennis – don’t ask. This is the first of his letters from 1984 to be published here.

April 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Old murders, old hat — O.J. Simpson and Siôn Jenkins
Reprise to Paxman’s ‘Empire’

April 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

More hate crime nonsense — This time black on white with a photograph
A left wing view of Britain’s police
Shakespeare in Somali and 36 other languages
The new British Communist Manifesto?

The original title of the third of the above was Shakespeare in Somali, but I had a premonition that Silverberg would amend it thus!

April 24: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Jerry Guerinot shoots from the hip with a photograph from Houston Police
Fisher House – a charity we shouldn’t need
Positive Money keeps up the pressure on the banksters
America — land of the fee

April 26: The following were added to FinancialReform:

The PDF document “Submission To The Independent Commission On Banking” together with some introductory blurb.

Some purely cosmetic alterations to OPEN LETTER TO THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD, in particular replacing quotes with italics for the two book titles and one magazine title within. I also added a link to a document held at Kew.

April 26: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The murder of Mary Phagan — 99 years ago today with 4 photographs
Richard Dawkins — evangelist for atheism with 2 photographs, including one from this site
Jonathan Bowden (1962-2012) with a photograph
Newborn babies to be microchipped by order of the Government

As usual, the photographs in the above articles were added prior to their being activated. Later, Silverberg changed the title of the third article to UK politician Jonathan Bowden dead at 49; the original is to be preferred. Jonathan was a cultural critic, not a politician. (See also entry for this site, May 2, below).

April 28: The following screengrabs of his turgid prose were published on Taha’s site:

The Express, October 14, 2011
The Spectator, April 28, 2012
The Independent, January 7, 2012.

April 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

From vicar to serial killer? — a soap spectacular in the making with a photograph
Ivan Teleguz — More nonsense by Clive Stafford Smith’s Reprieve
‘Take It Easy’ board game launched for phone and ipad with 7 photographs.

April 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Remembering John Le Mesurier with a photograph
The crime and punishment of Dwain Chambers with a photograph.

April 29: The following were published on Taha’s site:

His letter in the Camden New Journal, August 13, 2009

Apocalypse South Africa, a speech he made in December 2009

This latter was published originally by the Springbok Club; I have altered the punctuation and corrected one obvious spelling mistake but have allowed any grammatical errors to stand.

May 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Flying saucers have landed — or have they?
Legal Deposit — your place in history

Circa May 1: I found Another Day At The Office by the Stranglers and the song image on Songfacts on May 15, but they appear to have been published from April 20 onwards.

May 1: On this site:

The World Will Not Miss This Woman was published (with acknowledgments to Chelsea Hoffman)

Some blurb was added to the HomePage

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 21-May 1, 2012 was also added.

May 1-2: The following were published by Songfacts:

The Mexican by Babe Ruth, credited initially to Alan Shacklock, but corrected in March 2017!

Housewife’s Choice by Derrick & Patsy
Forward March by Derrick Morgan

Diamond Jack by Wishbone Ash.

May 2: My obituary of Jonathan Bowden was republished here with the original title and the same photograph – see entry for April 26, above. I also linked the photograph to the Image Gallery.

May 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The latest false rape cases from the UK
Sydenham Arts Festival, 2012 with 6 photographs
Gareth Williams — the enigma of the spy in the bag with a photograph.

The second of the above was shortly renamed Inside the 2012 Sydenham Arts Festival

May 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Amarillo Slim dies at 83 with 1 photograph and 5 screengrabs from poker tournaments
‘The Hunt For Bin Laden’ with a photograph
In defence of Rupert Murdoch

May 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The latest poker promotions with 2 screengrabs
The murder of Mark Duggan, and a conspiracy of silence
Massive protests and meetings against World War III

May 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A good night on the tables at Party Poker with 7 screengrabs
Despicable crimes UK — fraud, porn, rape, and granny bashing with a photograph.

May 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Good news and strange news from Bromley with a screengrab
A freebie from Golden Earring with a photograph.

May 6: I did a bit of work on this site and elsewhere replacing quotes with smart quotes. I removed what appeared to be a superfluous set of quote marks from Holocaust Revisionism After Irving Versus Lipstadt, in particular a quote by Sefton Delmer (from Black Boomerang under the sub-heading A Note On Paper Fakery).

On checking my notes, they appear not to have been superfluous, but I won’t be able to recheck this for a few weeks, and removing them does not detract from the accuracy of the quote, and may just avoid confusion if not improve comprehension.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 2-6, 2012 was also added.

May 7: The screengrab below is from a message at:

I found it November 24, 2012. See also the two screengrabs for May 12, below.

May 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Obama’s police state — the net widens
Is copyright more trouble than it’s worth?

May 7: On Taha’s site, screengrabs (scans of the original letters from the Times Digital Archive) of the following were published:

November 3, 2003
November 4, 2003 (under QUESTIONS ASKED with another question from someone else)
November 18, 2003

May 7: On this site, two limericks were published:

Claude The Crab and Claude The Crab – An Extended Limerick, the latter with a short explanatory note.

May 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Immortal Rory Gallagher with a photograph
Three current trials for mass murder — worlds apart

May 8: On this site, the limericks Crabsticks and Jane Reynolds were published; the latter with a photograph of the crab concerned. The Leigh alluded to is Leigh Goessl, who wrote the Digital Journal report.

May 8: Back to Digital Journal for Stars in the news as life mirrors art

I wasn’t going to publish this until tomorrow but decided to take a couple of days off from writing, for that site at any rate.

May 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The case of John Travolta and the male masseurs is nothing new
Stopping the Snoopers’ Charter

May 10: On this site:

I added Click Here To Become A Paedophile and the related correspondence to the Letters Section.

This was published way back on February 14, 2004 as an article.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 7-10, 2012 was added.

May 10-11: The following were published by Songfacts:

Ned Ludd by Robert Calvert

A Man Could Go Quite Mad from The Mystery Of Edwin Drood credited to Cast of Drood
There You Are from The Mystery Of Edwin Drood credited to Cast of Drood
Two Kinsmen from The Mystery Of Edwin Drood credited to Cast of Drood

The Cutty Wren credited as Traditional
The Triumph Of General Ludd credited as Traditional.

Circa May 11: Last month I started submitting odd bits and pieces to the Songfacts Calendar.

On May 11, I noticed the first entries. As these are basically dates with here and there a bit of comment, and not identifiably submitted by me, I won’t be listing them all individually, but here is a sample. Only the entry for Innovations is mine:

May 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Remembering Irving Berlin with a photograph
‘Michael Portillo’s Great Euro Crisis’ with a photograph
The latest web conspiracy talk

May 12: The screengrabs below are from a message at:

I found this November 24, 2012. See also the screengrab for May 7, above. This is the beginning and end of this particular argument, which is less pro-Baron than anti-Irving.

This is not entirely accurate; I didn’t go around the country asking about Irving, rather I cruised (that awful word), gay bars mostly in Central London looking for witnesses. In the end, the mountain came to Muhammad. Nor was I nearly murdered by Organised Jewry, although the man behind the attack on my doorstep (Sunday, November 28, 1993), was the most evil Jew in Britain, this was not related to my researches into Irving, which had then not been made public, and which Gerry Gable knew about only in a very general sense.

May 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Rabin murder plot conspirator released from gaol
A bailout in ‘Coronation Street’ and a lesson for Greece with a photograph
Despicable crimes round up, UK

May 13: ‘There Is Business Like Show Business’ – off-beat music was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

May 13: On this site:

A screengrab from the Songfacts Calendar was added – see May 11 above.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 11-3, 2012 was also added.

May 14: I Love Justin Bieber was published here.

This was written with two people in mind: one who will appreciate it; the other who will definitely not!

May 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Penge Festival now in its 40th year with 5 photographs, including one of my own from this site.
Lil Boosie and the rise of murder music

The title of this last article is probably a bit misleading; it is actually about murder ballads.

May 15: Would Shakespeare be employable today? published by Digital Journal with an image

I also uploaded 4 photographs for ECO — recycling for Britain, and for a greener future, see May 18, below.

May 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘The Truth About Tax’ or bashing big business? with a photograph
David Icke fighting fire with fire and censorship with censorship
Stop The War Coalition in overdrive
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee tour continues

The David Icke article is the quickest I have ever written for Digital Journal and arguably the quickest I have written ever. It took less than 20 minutes to conceive, write, check, save and post, although admittedly the bulk of it is a copied and pasted e-mail.

After 20 page views, Silverberg removed it; his exact words were: “Getting an email from someone doesn’t constitute as news, and with its casual tone, we think you can post this as a blog.”

And a blog is what it now is!

May 16: I added a bit of text to a page on satpalramisguilty relating to some lost text about Ram’s solicitor, John Morgan.

May 16-7: The following were published by Songfacts:

I Hate The Dutch by John Dowie

Remember Who You Are by Gareth Icke

Alcohol by The Kinks

Nellie The Elephant by Mandy Miller

Show Me The Way To Go Home, a standard credited here to Irving King (the two men who wrote it)
When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin’ Along, a standard credited here to Al Jolson.

May 17: I saw the Google street car in Sydenham today; not sure if it saw me!

May 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

How the Government should administer cuts to the police
Donna Summer RIP (1948-2012)

The original title of this latter was Donna Summer (1948-2012)

May 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

ECO — recycling for Britain, and for a greener future – the photographs for this article were published May 15, see above.
Injustice UK – Sam Hallam freed, Michael Stone not with 2 photographs.

May 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A.K. Chesterton and the New World Order
Despicable crimes round up, UK, mid-May

Today, after more than eight hundred articles, I finally reached half a million page views!

May 19: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 14-9, 2012 was added here.

May 20: Police state UK/police state USA was published by Digital Journal

May 20: On this site, I added a bit of blurb to OPEN LETTER TO LOONY LISA TAYLOR and some links.

May 21: Reprieve releases new video about consular assistance was published by Digital Journal

May 21: On this site I added Wicked Harold’s Designer Babies to the Cartoon Gallery.

May 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

From vicar to pariah in three painful moves – soap tragedy with a photograph
Detention without trial — a lesson from World War II
The criminalisation of smoking, and of smokers.

May 23: I continued tidying up my websites. On satpalramisguilty I had some problems with my letter of December 31, 2000 to FIGHT RACISM! FIGHT IMPERIALISM!

The original page does not appear to have been preserved by the Internet Archive, but there is no material difference, although the reformated page may display slightly differently.

May 24: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Time to occupy Bilderberg 2012
Gene Therapy: An update by Aubrey de Grey
Victoria Grant explains the banking rip off in 6 minutes with a screengrab.

May 24: The following screengrabs were published on Taha’s website:

Times, November 25, 2003, page 20 – this is from David Walton of Peterborough in response to Taha’s letter of November 18).
Times, October 28, 2004
Times, May 20, 2006, page 19
Times, November 25, 2006.

This last is a scan of 3 letters under the title Faith, unity and free speech, the other two from a vicar and a theologian respectively.

Also, his letter in the Times Educational Supplement, December 8, 2006. Although this was uploaded May 15, 2011, it didn’t display until today, I had uploaded the file with a .JPG extension instead of .jpg. File names on websites are case sensitive – not a lot of people know that!

May 24: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 20-24, 2012 was added here.

May 24-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Ball And Chain by Barclay James Harvest

Dancing On The Ceiling from the musical Ever Green credited to the Cast

One More Spliff by Ras Jamal

5.15am by Mark Knopfler

Dancing On The Ceiling by Lionel Richie
Deep River Woman by Lionel Richie.

May 25: On Taha’s site I added an advertisement in the Times of July 19, 1980, which he signed in his student days; this is prefixed with a bit of explanatory blurb.

May 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Despicable crimes UK — rape, murder and grievous assault with a photograph
The Obama ‘birther’ nonsense explained
Poor little rich girl Laura Johnson gets two years in jug with 2 photographs.

May 26: Iain Duncan Smith and the fantasy of making work ‘always’ pay was published by Digital Journal

This article is dated May 15 because an old page was used for it, the one that used originally for the David Icke article that was converted to a blog. See entry for May 16 above. When it was republished here, a PDF of a previously linked webpage was added.

May 27: Bailout: The Movie was published by Digital Journal

May 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Bee Gees: In Our Own Time with a photograph
The Lagarde controversy — austerity should begin at home

The former title was shortly amended to Bee Gees — In Our Own Time in keeping with Silverberg’s M dash obsession.

May 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘How To Beat Pain’ with a photograph
A closer look at the Michigan Law School exonerations
Sofa surfing with Speech Debelle with a photograph.

May 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Emma Winnall — now it’s murder
Thugs in uniform taser pregnant women

May 31: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

More names confirmed for European reggae festival
Crystal Palace Overground – How not to run a festival?

May 31: Al gets a mention or two en passant in

Thoughts & Perspectives
, Edited by Troy Southgate, published by Black Front Press, London.

See in particular pages 8 & 141.

This shows the sort of bloke Troy Southgate is, he must have worked flat out to produce this and arrange the memorial meeting.

See also entries for June 3 & 5 below.

May 31-June 1: The following were published by Songfacts:

Shadows On The Sky by Barclay James Harvest

High Ball Shooter by Deep Purple
Mistreated by Deep Purple

The Sun Goes Down by Thin Lizzy.

Circa June 1: I Never Enjoyed My Operation More credited to Spirit of ’78, was published by Songfacts.

I found this on July 7 but it was certainly published earlier, sometime from about May 20, 2012 onwards.

June 2, 2012: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Unsolved murders UK
The other Diamond Jubilee — The UK Singles Chart
Police officer gaoled for rape with a photograph.

June 3: I attended the 39th meeting of the New Right in Central London where I introduced Rabbi Ahron Cohen – see entry for June 4, below.

June 4: The following were published on this website:

“Introducing Rabbi Ahron Cohen” under speeches

George Zimmerman – a poem

Leigh Goessl and
Number 1 Fan, two limericks

Lord Ahmed cancels far-right meeting published by the on-line Jewish Chronicle

The poem about George Zimmerman was published originally on June 2, 2012 as a comment to a Digital Journal article by Yukio Strachan – without the title. He was then currently awaiting trial for the second degree murder of teenager Trayvon Martin.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 25-June 4 2012 was added. (The Jewish Chronicle report was added July 30, 2022).

June 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Rabbi Ahron Cohen addresses the New Right on Judaism v Zionism with 4 photographs, 2 of which include Al who is wearing his now famous Tehran shirt!
Jonathan Bowden tribute published
Anti-war meeting at the House of Lords
Did the Internet really turn a boy into a child rapist?

June 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Diamond Jubilee — a splendid time was had by all. Almost
The Bilder Burger is no joke with a photograph
‘The Code: Reporting police misconduct to the police’

June 7: Strictly Orthodox Neturei Karta’s new alliance with extreme right by Jessica Elgot was published in THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ONLINE.

The Jewish Chronicle is published on a Friday, June 8, when I received an e-mail message from Mark to the effect that my photograph had appeared therein, and that he was glad he attended the Jubilee flotilla instead!

The same article was also published or republished on the Searchlight website.

There are actually some minor errors in the above article, but apart from the de rigueur wailing and gnashing of teeth, nothing either mendacious or important.

June 8: Neturei Karta’s Aharon Cohen and the New Right by Jessica Elgot, published in the Jewish Chronicle, June 8, 2012, page 4.

This version does not include a photograph (see June 7 above). I find it mildly amusing not only that these Kosher crazies smear a real Jew, but that they should both wilfully misspell his name and imply that he is not entitled to call himself Rabbi.

See also entry for July 15, 2019.

June 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Did Bilderberg plan the Euro?
The Southern Poverty Law Center exposed with a photograph.

June 8: On this site I published A Prayer Against The GLC

I wrote this poem circa 1984. Better late than never!

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 5-8, 2012 was added.

June 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Baroness Warsi non-scandal continues with a photograph
‘Racism’ in Israel

June 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Welcome to ‘Punk Britannia’ with a photograph
Who Wants Workfare? with a photograph and when republished here, a PDF of a previously linked pamphlet.

June 10-11: The following were published by Songfacts:

An Old-Fashioned Wedding from the Irving Berlin musical Annie Get Your Gun, credited here to the Cast
You Can’t Get A Man With A Gun from the Irving Berlin musical Annie Get Your Gun, credited here to the Cast

There is a song image with this latter, and as usual it was not linked properly. The error was corrected by June 14.

When That Midnight Choo Choo Leaves for Alabam’ by Irving Berlin appears to have been added at the same time as the two above, but I didn’t add it here until June 24.

June 11: The Sydenham Arts Festival 2012: an update was published by Digital Journal

June 11: The ‘New Right’: a British Tradition, by Mark Gardner was published on the blog of the so-called Community Security Trust.

This was added July 3, 2012.

June 11: The Idiots and Fools of Neturei Karta by Tony Greenstein, published on his blog.

Someone else who didn’t like the last New Right meeting, see entries for June 3 & 4 above. This was added July 3, 2012.

June 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Horror as Old Bailey murder trial mirrors urban legend with a photograph
‘The Story of Capital Punishment’ — in one hour with a photograph

I wasn’t going to publish anything today but couldn’t resist the first article; alas, one thing led to another...I’m going to have to write an obituary for Hancock soon. Heard the news today from Mr Southgate. Very sad.

June 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Training to beat the Snoopers’ Charter
Police State America — Attack of the Drones

June 14: Silent Spring (The Outsider Returns) was published here.

I can’t be absolutely sure but I may have written this poem as early as 1984. More metaphysical stuff.


I found the above on January 27, 2021 – the 84th birthday of the odious Gerry Gable. It was added the following day. Christ, are these people demented or what?

June 15: Anthony Hancock (1947-2012), by Alexander Baron was published by MajorityRights.

It includes a screengrab of Gerry Gable’s brief obituary from his website; more has been promised for the August issue of his hate sheet.

June 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

More free money for Britain’s banks
Bilderberg in and out of the news

Lord Ahmed cancels far-right meeting by Jessica Elgot from the Jewish Chronicle, June 15, 2012, page 7

The above entry and scan were added August 15, 2022.

In February 2012, Lord Ahmed was given a five and a half year sentence for sex offences against minors, so perhaps the far-right should have cancelled him?

June 16: Football players in the news for all the wrong reasons was published by Digital Journal

June 16: On this site I published adventure number 12 for Leroy Cool.

Sonia Gable will like this. Not a lot!


Ravioli Spider and
Squirrel Pie were also published.

These are two more limericks inspired by Leigh Goessl

June 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Life And Work Of Antony C. Sutton with 2 photographs
Notorious Knoxville double murder headed for retrial? with a photograph (and later 2 previously linked PDFs).

June 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Bilderberg academic henchman preaches austerity for the young with a photograph
The Unemployed and the Unemployable — in Fiction and Fact
The Lawful Bank is launched with a screengrab.

June 19: Inside the ‘Jewish Chronicle’ Hall of Infamy was published by Digital Journal

June 19: On this site:

Race And The Jewish Question No Longer Taboo... was added to the Review Section

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 9-19, 2012 was added.

June 20: The US gunwalking controversy/scandal — stranger than was published by Digital Journal

June 22: On this site I added a further note to the Site Corrections Page re A Goy Pries Into The “Talmud”...

June 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Should Jimmy Carr pay more tax? with a photograph
News from the British Library, mid-June 2012
Harry Potter explains English law with an image and a PDF of a previously linked webpage
Abominable crimes round up, Europe with a photograph.

Circa June 23: The following were published by Songfacts:

Crinoline Days by Irving Berlin
I Can Always Find a Little Sunshine In The Y.M.C.A. by Irving Berlin, credited here to Lambert Murphy with the Orpheus Quartet
I Love A Piano by Irving Berlin
Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning credited here to Irving Berlin – who actually performed it in the film This Is The Army
The Hand That Rocked My Cradle Rules My Heart by Irving Berlin
We’re On Our Way To France by Irving Berlin
You’d Be Surprised by Irving Berlin, credited here to Eddie Cantor.

(In All Of My Dreams) You Rescue Me by Wishbone Ash
She Was My Best Friend by Wishbone Ash.

I also found the Song Calendar entry below (only 1930 is mine). I sent this in June 11, 2012.

June 23: I added a memorial for Jonathan Bowden to Find-A-Grave

June 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Mark Duggan — You’ve seen the cover up, now here comes the film
Casey Anthony — The farce continues
‘David Bowie and the Story of Ziggy Stardust’ with a photograph.

June 24: The following were published on Taha’s site, (in chronological order):

Letters in the

Collectors’ Digest, February 1992, page 25
Canada Post, Jan-February 2012, page 8
Ealing Gazette, May 11, 2012 (MJ TAYLOR)

The full citation for the first entry is STORY PAPER COLLECTORS’ DIGEST, VOLUME 46 No 542 FEBRUARY 1992, page 25.

I have included the front cover because Taha used to write for this publication regularly.

Reviews in

STORY PAPER COLLECTORS’ DIGEST, VOL. 42 No. 502 OCTOBER 1988, pages 21-2 (with front over)
STORY PAPER COLLECTORS’ DIGEST, VOL. 44 No. 521 MAY 1990, pages 23-4.

Reviews from this publication have their own page.

June 24: On-line Poker — New games and new players was published by Digital Journal with 8 screengrabs from PokerStars and Ladbrokes.

June 24: On this site I did some minor editing and added some desiderata (Songfacts)

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 20-24, 2012 was also added.

June 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Olympics comes to the British Library
Hate, Hope and Money — ‘anti-fascists’ fall out

June 25: I added screengrabs of the following to Taha’s site:

Daily Telegraph, May 21, 2012
Daily Mail, June 18, 2012 (this includes a letter from another contributor)
Daily Telegraph, June 22, 2012

I also added a sentence to the Collectors’ Digest page.

June 26: On this site I published adventure number 13 for Leroy Cool.

June 27: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Can We Trust The Police?’ with a photograph
Should local newspapers be subsidised? with a photograph
The view from the Left — banks, benefits and tribunals with one of my photographs of Tom Caldwell.

June 27: On this site I published scans of the front and back of my old disabled card; these were added to the Image Gallery with a bit of comment.

June 29: On this site, I added a substantial note to The Man Who Invented “Racism”

June 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Financial news from the UK — rip offs and whines
Crime in the UK — bomb threats, rape and murder.

June 30: On this site I published Leroy Cool Meets Loony Larry O’Hara.

June 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

All charge at the British Library?
Big prizes for small buy-ins on PokerStars with 2 screengrabs from poker tournaments
Imagination Gaming this Summer with 3 uploaded photographs.

, NO. 81, JULY 2012

On page 8, Taha has a letter about Derek Bentley and Timothy Evans which alludes to me, though not by name.

July 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

How We Can Defeat The New World Order
Bank rip off was not criminal, says head of financial watchdog

The first of the above is a blog.

July 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

David Webb (1931-2012), anti-censorship activist
Whose fault is the Facebook flotation fiasco?

The first of the above was originally called David Webb (1930-2012), anti-censorship activist, but the title was changed July 23, 2012 and some more information added.

July 3: On this site, the following were added:

Slanders on Keith Thompson under Correspondence

This is 3 screengrabs and some comment.

Eight more limericks called Leigh Goessl

The first was renamed Leigh Goessl (1), and numbers (2) to (9) were added.

Unlike other limericks on this page that have duplicated names, I have not put them in any sort of order, chronologically or first line-wise. The reason being I might well write more, and frankly it would be too much hassle to keep rearranging them.

A few recent links were inserted.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 25-July 3, 2012 was also added.

July 3-4: The following were published by Songfacts:

Anything You Can Do from Annie Get Your Gun, credited to Ethel Merman and Ray Middleton, and written by Irving Berlin
Buffalo Bill from Annie Get Your Gun, credited to the Cast, and written by Irving Berlin (typically with an unlinked image!)
Doin’ What Comes Natur’lly from Annie Get Your Gun, credited to Ethel Merman, and written by Irving Berlin

Try It On Your Piano by Irving Berlin

The unlinked image alluded to above was linked by July 5.

July 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Murder for love, kicks and madness
Can exercise and diet help you live longer?

July 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A challenge from a 9/11 Truth crank
Clive Stafford Smith — the Baron Münchhausen of Death Row

July 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Unthinkable crimes UK: the baby raper and the baby killer with a photograph
Police brutality – the Robert Leone case

July 6-7: The following were published by Songfacts:

Tractor Drivin’ Man written by Hank Beebe but credited here to Bill Shirley

Tractor Drivin’ Man by Stephen Kramer.

July 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

7/7 Seven Years On — The tale of one victim with a photograph
How to deal with the banksters — a lesson from the soaps.

July 7: I added Ewing v Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Administrative Court) to Vexatious Litigant under Overseas And Miscellaneous

This is the first case I’ve added to this site since it was set up

I also added a donate button to the index.html page (fat chance).

July 8: War On Want and the business of charity was published by Digital Journal

July 8: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 3-8, 2012 was added here.

I also made a tiny but significant correction to the poem It’s A Dog’s Life; I noticed that in the line

“So say you”, said the scamp, “I’m hungry but at least I’m free.”

I’d used the word last instead of least. April 8, 2000 that was published; still, better late than never! What was that about proof reading?

July 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Chillenden Murders — 16 years ago today
Bob Hope and James Bond hit London in two new exhibitions

I also added three screengrabs from a poker tournament.

July 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Four more screengrabs, which with the ones added last night were published in

The British at Wimbledon — looking back, and back with 2 new photographs
Some poker advice for Rafael Nadal, this includes the 3 poker screengrabs from last night and the 4 from the small hours this morning.

July 10: I added a memorial to Find-A-Grave for Anthony Sandford Hancock

Very sad.

July 10: On this site I added limericks (9) to (13) in the Leigh Goessl series.

Number (10) is an extended limerick.

July 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The truth about the banking conspiracy – a blog
Mad, bad and dangerous — three women in the dock with 2 photographs supplied by South Yorkshire Police.

July 12: British Slavery Trial ends in convictions was published by Digital Journal

July 12: On this site:

I moved Leigh Goessl limericks (2) to (13) to a new, dedicated page which has a tiny bit of explanatory blurb.

I also added numbers (14) to (30)

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 9-12, 2012 was also added.

July 12: The limerick Bob Diamond was published on the website of Mature Times

July 12-3: The following were published by Songfacts:

187 by Lil’ Boosie
Bodybag by Lil’ Boosie.

July 13: Leigh Goessl numbers (31) to (40) were added here.

July 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘British’ slave holders sentenced with 2 photographs, which were also used for the previous article about these pondlife.
Police state America — now it’s checkpoints
Justice for John Terry, but not for Mark Duggan

July 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Two books you will probably NOT be buying
Roy Orbison – The ‘Big O’ in Britain with a photograph.

July 14: “ROBERT NAPPER – The Killer of Rachel Nickell” was added to satpalramisguilty

This is more of a three paragraph note than an article. It was actually published after Two books... but before Roy Orbison

July 14: A Lesson in Whitewashing
The Anti-Semitism of A.K. Chesterton’s “The New Unhappy Lords”
, by Will Banyan

In addition to anything factual, there are a few minor typos in the original as linked here: eg, “brave expose”, instead of “brave exposé”,

I found this July 22, 2012.

July 15: Leigh Goessl numbers (41) to (51) were added here.

(41) was actually published as a comment the previous day.

July 15: Clive Stafford Smith and the ‘innocent’ murderer — same old story was published by Digital Journal

July 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

After the John Terry acquittal was published by Digital Journal with a photograph
Welcome to the Terror Olympics.

July 16: The limerick John Terry was published on the website of Mature Times; the original wasn’t archived but see entry for August 10 this year, below.

July 16: On this site I added adventure number 15 for Leroy Cool – a rather topical one, this time.

A bit later I added Leigh Goessl numbers (52) to (63)

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 13-16, 2012 was also added.

July 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Murder and manslaughter in the UK
Jon Lord (1941-2012) rock star supreme with a photograph.

July 18: On this site Leigh Goessl numbers (63) to (77) were added here.

Actually, I got the numbering mixed up; an extra one was included from the start of the Leigh Goessl Page, and another one later. Tonight I was going to stop at 75, but there are now 77.

Jonah Falcon was added to the main Limerick Page.

This was actually published the previous night – without the title – as a Digital Journal comment.

July 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Chuggers are at it again; calls for legislation
Top Missouri Democrat endorses 9/11 idiocy

Interestingly, Silverberg marked this Op-Ed; most Jews would not.

July 18: The limerick London Olympics was published on the website of Mature Times (uncredited). It wasn’t archived but see entry for August 10, (below).

A scan was published here on August 10, 2012.

Circa July 19: I found the following on the Songfacts Calendar today; they were probably published sometime before although not too much before because they showed up as recent entries:

The Lordi entry was sent in June 19; the Love Chronicles entry was sent in May 30; the Irving Berlin entry, May 7. The first two and last entries only are mine.

Only the following of the above were sent in by me: Gussie Davis (fist [sic!]); Tommy Cooper; Satpal Ram; Lawrence Wright; Hughie Thomasson (augmented); Among My Souvenirs; Wings. They were sent in at various times: Thomasson on April 15, so this has probably been there awhile; ditto Among My Souvenirs, April 24.

Of the above, only Scott Joplin to Tokyo Melody inclusive are mine. The latter was sent in June 19.

Of the above, the following only are mine: Chuck Berry (duplicated); Marie Lloyd, Cole Porter; Flight 19; Lena Guilbert Ford; and David Hennessy.

All the above are mine: Charlotte Church and Liberace were sent in June 19.

All the above are mine except Gary Lewis.

All the above are mine. The Scott Joplin entries were sent in May 22.

All the above are mine. THE FILTH AND THE FURY! was sent in June 11.

July 19: Simon Harwood and the death of Ian Tomlinson was published by Digital Journal

July 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Looking back on Sydenham Arts Festival 2012 with 6 photographs
The death of Ian Tomlinson — After the not guilty verdict
More money, more debt and more austerity for Britain
Max Mosley — an unlikely people’s champion
The blog David Ray Griffin — Prince Of Fools with a photograph uploaded by me and one already on the site. When uploaded to this site, on August 3, 2022, two previously linked videos were added

July 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Save the Hedgehog! with 9 photographs
Jeremy Bamber goes to Europe, but will stay in gaol with a photograph.

Two days later, Silverberg altered the title of the first of the above to UK activists dedicated to saving the hedgehog.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 17-21, 2012 was added to this site including the recent screengrabs, above and one from May 2006.

July 22: I published a memorial to David Webb on Find-A-Grave.

These bloody things are getting closer together.

July 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The hijacking of 12160 with 4 screengrabs
Is this the future of book advertising?
More marvels from the digital archives, totally free

July 22: 9/11 Haiku was published here.

This was published earlier today as a tweet, my first Twitter poem.

July 22-3: The following were published by Songfacts:

I’ve Got My Love To Keep Me Warm by Irving Berlin, credited here to Dick Powell

Monroe Man from the Monroe Calculator Show credited here to Diane Findlay

A Little Priest by from the Stephen Sondheim musical Sweeney Todd, credited to the Cast
Pretty Women by from the Stephen Sondheim musical Sweeney Todd, credited to the Cast.

July 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Mass shootings — An American tradition? with an image
The PokerStars Micromillions II with 5 screengrabs

Within minutes, the title of the second article was changed to Recap of PokerStars Micromillions II

July 23: I added a video to Taha’s site; he was interviewed in the street on April 12, 2012 about the London Mayoral race.

When I saw him today he said he didn’t remember it.

The page Miscellaneous Publications was renamed “Miscellaneous Publications By And/Or About Mark Taha”.

July 24: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Tony Blair to run the gauntlet in London
The Great Survivors — Keith, Elton and Nile
False Flags — in fiction and fact with a photograph.

July 25: I received a photo of David Webb from Sean Gabb today and added it to the obituaries on Digital Journal and Find-A-Grave

This is the only thing I did today apart from a few comments on the former. I’ve gone down with some sort of infection and feel really ill.

July 25-6: The following were published by Songfacts:

Let Me Love You by the Bee Gees
Spicks And Specks by the Bee Gees
The Echo Of Your Love by the Bee Gees
Time Is Passing by the Bee Gees

Autumn Changes by Donna Summer
Spring Affair by Donna Summer
Summer Fever by Donna Summer
Winter Melody by Donna Summer

The existing songfact Empty Rooms by Gary Moore was augmented.

July 27: On Taha’s site I added his letter of July 7, 2012 in The Independent.

July 27: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Two foreigners murdered abroad — England and China with one added photograph
A look inside the new Bookmarks catalogue
A photograph was also added for a previous article – of Harold Shipman
Born To Kill — Fred West

July 27: The “True And Fair Campaign Research Report” issued February 2012 was uploaded to the Internet Archive

This is an adjunct to the associated Digital Journal article.

July 27: On this site, the following were published:

Cal Burns (1)
Cal Burns (2)
Jon Gold
Steve K (1)
Steve K (2)

The above are all limericks

A Moment In Time – I wrote this yesterday on the 6th anniversary of Jessie’s death

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 17-27, 2012 was also added.

July 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The London Olympics on the Big Screen
Gina Miller on cleaning up the financial services industry with a screengrab
Was John Terry set up?
Thin Lizzy — ‘Bad Reputation’

The title of the latter was changed shortly to Thin Lizzy — ‘Bad Reputation’; I think Silverberg has a real thing about the M dash! The original title was the actual title of the documentary reviewed, by the way.

July 28: I added a photograph of AH to his Find-A-Grave obituary.

July 29: On this site I published ‘Fan Mail And “Fan Mail” Re 9/11 Truth’ which is fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve added some explanatory blurb anyway with the 3 screengrabs.

This is indexed under both Baron Correspondence and Other Contributors.

July 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Free Speech And Responsible Publishing
ADL attempts to censor the Internet with a photograph
Some 9/11 Anomalies Addressed

The first of the above is a blog, as is the third.

July 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Britain’s politically correct police hoist with their own petard
Censorship in Bromley Libraries with no fewer than 9 screengrabs
The John Terry silliness continues — now Ferdinand is charged
ARABS FOR ISRAEL: The Story Of One Woman And Her Dog with a photograph.

The last of the above is a blog.

July 31: Crime and victimless crime at the London Olympics was published by Digital Journal

July 31: The following were published here:

In Praise Of Ticket Touting – this was actually published in the small hours, before the Digital Journal article above. The rest, below, were published in the afternoon.

“Fan Mail” From A 9/11 Truther – this is a screengrab with some added comment by me.

Leigh End – I told Leigh Goessl I was going to write at least one limerick for every Digital Journal article she wrote. Eventually we agreed this was not a good idea, so this is, well, Leigh end!

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 28-31, 2012.

August 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Olympics rip-off backfires as tourists boycott shops and theatres
Disabled or Faking It? with a photograph.

August 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Old Jews Telling Jokes with an image
Rape liar Angela Gilbert pleads no contest with a photograph
Time to put Assange on trial
UK crime round up — theft and far, far worse with a photograph.

The first of the above was shortly amended to Old Jews Telling Jokes on BBC by Silverberg. Who else? The second was pulled by Silverberg, apparently on December 30, 2013.

August 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Your chance to become World Pentamind Champion
Amish: A Secret Life with a photograph.

August 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The death of Mark Duggan — one year on, and still nothing
The Soham Murders ten years on

August 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Jonathan Portes on the latest banking rip-off with a photograph
Speed poker is here with 7 screengrabs
Nuclear attack at the Olympics? Mathaba descends into silliness
The Two-Thousand-Year-Old Computer with a photograph.

August 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Frank Skinner on George Formby with 2 photographs
Eat, Fast and Live Longer with a photograph.

August 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘The Hit Factory – The Stock, Aitken and Waterman Story’ with a photograph
Summer Poker Promotions with 8 screengrabs.

August 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Secrets of the Pickpockets’ with a photograph
Sexual perversion and obscenity in the British courts

August 9: Leroy Cool Meets the 9/11 Truth Movement was published here.

August 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Crime in and around Bromley with a photograph
The music of Jon Lord lives on

August 10: On this site, screengrabs of the following limericks were republished from the website of Mature Times:

Bob Diamond
John Terry
London Olympics

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 1-10, 2012 was added to this site.

August 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘The Briefs’ — ITV documentary with a photograph
Jonathan Oates on the Acid Bath Murderer with a new photograph

The first of the above was originally called simply ‘The Briefs’

August 11: I added a screengrab to this Bibliography for February 20, 2006.

August 12: On Taha’s site, his letter in the Independent, August 4, 2012 was published.

The above was actually credited initially as August 3, but on June 19, 2013 the screengrab was replaced with a scan of the hard copy.

August 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Banksters behind bars!
Murder in Croydon? Tia Sharp

The first of the above was retitled Banksters behind bars by Chris Hogg.

August 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘The Riots: In Their Own Words’ with 4 photographs
Murder in the UK: remand, manhunt and trial
Looking back on the London Olympics from a UK perspective with a photograph

Before the third article, I added two photographs to the August 11 interview with Jonathan Oates.

August 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

PokerStars aiming for 85 billionth hand with 4 screengrabs
Chick-fil-A supporters resist homophile tyranny
The Online Hate Prevention Institute censors YouTube with 3 screengrabs.

August 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘The Freethinker’ — The nasty face of atheism with a photograph
A Good Night On The Tables – a blog, with 5 screengrabs.

August 16: The following were added to Taha’s site:

The Freethinker, March 2012
The Freethinker, April 2012
The Freethinker, May 2012
The Freethinker, June 2012

All the above are PDFs of one page, except for the April issue, which is two pages; the relevant correspondence is both by and alluding to him, and includes one unrelated letter by Goodman.

August 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Chick-fil-A in Rwanda with 2 photographs
‘Justice Denied: The Greatest Scandal?’ with a photograph.

August 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘EastEnders’ — Murder in the Square, Ben confesses with a photograph
Poker: Roundabouts And Swings – a blog, with 9 screengrabs
Aldo Nova: The best kept secret in Canadian rock with a photograph.

August 19: The Moors Murders — A Retrospective was published by Digital Journal with a photograph.

August 20: Mind Sports Olympiad 2012 is underway was published by Digital Journal with 2 photographs.

August 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Brandon Raub — victim of 9/11 ‘Truth’
Keith Blakelock — Can justice be done this time?
The UK Rummikub Championship with a photograph.

August 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Sex, motiveless and violent crime in the UK with 2 photographs
AIDS, Africa and Duesberg with a photograph
Grand Theft and Grand Grand Theft in the UK with a photograph.

August 22-3: The following were published by Songfacts:

False Economy by General Electric Silicone Products Department from Got To Investigate Silicones
Sand by General Electric Silicone Products Department from Got To Investigate Silicones
Silicones, Silicones by General Electric Silicone Products Department from Got To Investigate Silicones
We’ve A Story To Tell by General Electric Silicone Products Department from Got To Investigate Silicones

Calm Before The Storm by Saxon
S.O.S. by Saxon

1977 by The Clash

New Rose by The Damned.

August 24: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

More from the Mind Sports Olympiad with 3 new photographs
‘The Oklahoma City Bomber Tapes’ with a photograph
Crime and crime prevention in London with a photograph.

The photograph of Timothy McVeigh I uploaded with the second of the above articles was removed within a few days. I have no idea why, there was certainly no copyright issue with it. Silverberg and his team have done this before on occasion; once he cited copyright reasons but like I said, that was not an issue with this one, and who cares anyway?

August 24: On this site:

The limerick The Strange Fellow Named Fred was published
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 11-24, 2012 was also added.

August 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The bad, the mad, and the sexually perverted
The Rail rip-off — the fightback begins
Policemen behaving badly

August 26: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Reprieve House of Trivia Quiz
How to make 35c tax-free, a blog with 4 screengrabs.

August 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Titan and Celeb poker sites to merge with 4 screengrabs
Will Israel bomb Iran?
Murdered with a comb with 2 photographs

Within an hour Silverberg had altered the title of the last one to Girl, 16, murdered with a comb

This means that I have now currently 985 articles and 16 blogs on this site, a total of 1,001.

August 28: On this site:

Liberal Definition Of Racism was added to the Cartoon Gallery
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 25-8, 2012 was also added.

Circa August 28: My songfact for Analog Man by Joe Walsh was augmented.

I don’t know when this was done but almost certainly since the last update, and possibly overnight.

August 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Conspiracy anomalies from Lee Harvey Oswald to Building 7 this is a blog with a photograph of a black swan and 2 screengrabs of Building 7
Nick Clegg’s foolish u-turn on taxation
Health Fascism in India — Bollywood strikes back with a photograph.

I posted the above blog in Religion!

August 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘A Death in the Family’ — ‘New Tricks’ with a photograph
Is poker skill or luck? with 6 screengrabs
George Lane, the Human Calculator (original title) with a photograph.

September 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A round up of ‘non-legitimate’ rape cases
‘Great TV Mistakes – Cutdowns’ with a photograph
Two relatively new magazines: ‘CALM’ and ‘For ’Em’ with a photograph.

September 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Who is Laura Robson? with a photograph
Hackney Council to evict ‘radical’ bookshop
Mitt Romney quits, but can you believe what you see?

September 3: The following scans were published on Taha’s website:

Daily Telegraph, July 20, 2012
Sunday Times, July 22, 2012
Daily Telegraph, August, 2012.

September 4-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Why I Sing the Blues by B.B. King

Jericho Siren by Saxon

Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho listed as traditional
Old Farmer Buck – Traditional

No Getaway by UFO

The Cornfields Of Old England credited to the composer Clementine Ward.

September 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

UltimateBet is dead with 4 screengrabs
Mind Sports Olympiad 2012 and 2013 with 3 new photographs

The former was retitled shortly by Chris Hogg to Poker website UltimateBet is dead

September 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Speed dating at the British Library
‘The King’s War On Witches: Revealed’ with a photograph

I have now exactly 1,000 articles on Digital Journal; I’ve actually written 1,002 but one was converted to a blog and Silverberg thought the other one was unsuitable so I republished it here and deleted the original.

September 7: On this site the following were added:

“Correspondence With Grand Conspiracy Nutter Eric Hufschmid” – this is listed under both Baron Correspondence and Contributions By Other Authors

I added a screengrab direct into this Bibliography for February 1994
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 25-September 7, 2012 was also added.

September 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The man behind the Paralympic Games initially with a photograph and 2 screengrabs
Farrakhan to address the world live from Chicago
Is ‘investing’ skill or luck?
More free money from the world’s leading poker sites with 5 screengrabs.

September 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Al Stewart on tour
Jews Against The New World Order, a blog with a photograph of George Weiss
The murders that shocked France and Britain with a photograph and a screengrab; another screengrab was added the following day.

September 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Benefit changes threaten the poor
Is your bank deposit safe?
Glasgow rockers Gun are back with a photograph
When To Fold Jacks Pre-Flop At No Limit Hold ’Em – a blog with 2 screengrabs.

September 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

9/11 ’Truth’ — The Triumph of Lunacy over Reason
Is There A Better Way To Give To Charity?
’Defeating the Superbugs’ with a photograph.

September 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Big Brother is watching you — in the john
Sydenham Arts Festival: The First Four Years in pictures.

September 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Policemen telling lies — lots of them with a photograph and a screengrab
The World Sit ’n’ Go Masters in Prague with 2 screengrabs
Grisly crimes in the UK with a photograph

The photograph from the poker article may have been uploaded a few seconds before midnight September 12/3!

September 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Nude Royals — first Harry, now Kate
The Royal Flush Phenomenon – a blog with 8 screengrabs
City trader goes on trial for ‘doing his job’
The blasphemous film ‘Innocence Of Muslims’

Shortly, Hogg renamed the first article French magazine publishes topless photos of Kate Middleton

September 14-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

I Shall Be Ever Maiden credited to William Bliss Carman
Lonely Night credited to William Bliss Carman
Soft Was The Wind credited to William Bliss Carman
The Apple Orchard credited to William Bliss Carman

Last Of The Teenage Idols by The Sensational Alex Harvey Band

Mademoiselle From Armentières credited as Traditional

T-Bone Shuffle by T-Bone Walker [This was augmented significantly when published].

September 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Royal Flush 2008 – a blog with 12 screengrabs
The Amy Winehouse Foundation one year on with a screengrab
Predator drones and the murder of innocents
Western hypocrisy over freedom of expression

September 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Kate Middleton privacy controversy is nothing new
America doesn’t need 12 million new jobs or Mitt Romney
Terry Williams — Another Amnesty fairy tale of a useless lawyer with 2 photographs and 2 PDFs when republished here.

September 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Oh Golly! More ‘racism’ at Chelsea with a photograph
Illegal abortion and anti-abortion in the UK with a photograph
’Masters of Money’ with a photograph
Police killers and killers of police with a photograph
A new alternative currency in Bristol
Royal Flush — A Reprise – a blog with 7 screengrabs.

Five articles and a blog in one day, a record, one I have no intention of breaking, ever!

September 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Head Hunting On CryptoLogic – this is a blog with a scan and 10 screengrabs
Jim Marshall tribute at London’s Wembley Arena this Saturday
Should the British police be armed? with a new photo.

September 19: On this site

I added a Bibliography entry for May 17, 2011

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 8-19, 2012 was also added.

September 20: On this side I added a screengrab to the Cartoon Gallery, sadly it was not intended originally as a cartoon but is what homosexuals consider bona fide advice regarding safe sex.
And later the illustrated poem Monica Lewinsky Tells All with 3 photographs, 2 of them new.

September 20: I wasn’t going to publish anything by Digital Journal today, but couldn’t stay away, so:

Shocking crimes in the UK — ‘solved’ and unsolved
Dale Cregan — Murder, madness and contempt of court

September 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The latest news from the Internet Archive
John Travolta says he’s in ‘celebrity prison’
Despicable thefts UK — Robbing the dead

September 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Beware of these Internet con men with a screengrab
The price of socialism
The PokerStars Depositor Freerolls with 12 screengrabs.

September 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Absolute Poker R.I.P. with 13 screengrabs
Nick Clegg bashes the rich on ‘The Andrew Marr Show’

September 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Vince Cable and the mystery of the missing billions
The new easy target for Britain’s politically correct police
The long walk back for Thusha Kamaleswaran
Gun — Still taking on the world

September 25: The following are two screengrabs from a UK business forum. Normally I wouldn’t publish this sort of thing here but I felt my response to this idiot was worthy of mentioning. They were added October 29, 2012:

September 26: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Masters of Money — Hayek’ with a photograph
UltimateBet R.I.P. – a blog with 11 new screengrabs
How I murdered Mark Duggan, by Mr Anonymous

September 26-7: Al’s name was added to the Songfact’s contributors’ page

I figured that after seven years I might be entitled to this, and Carl concurred. See image below.

September 27: A Feast Of Bad Beats – a blog with 18 screengrabs was published originally by Digital Journal

Another 11 screengrabs were added in due course.

September 27: On this site I added:

A screengrab direct into the Bibliography – see below and entry for September 26-7 above
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 20-27, 2012 was also added.

September 27-8: The following were published by Songfacts:

Honky Cat by Elton John
Lady Samantha by Elton John

Signs Of Christmas by Arthur Frederick – this includes the ArtistFact for Arthur Frederick!

September 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Whatever became of Linda Lewis? with 2 photographs
Daniel Pipes — the war against Iran and Islam continues with a photograph
Don’t Play Stud When Everybody Else Is Playing Razz – a blog with 2 screengrabs
Mathaba news website out on a limb
I also added 4 more screengrabs to yesterday’s blog A Feast Of Bad Beats: two from today, one from September 24, and one from I believe August 11 this year (the file was misdated, but I’m fairly certain this is correct).

September 29: I didn’t publish anything today, but I did speak at the 41st meeting of the New Right:


September 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs’ with a photograph
A Straight Look At Capital Punishment – a blog with a photograph.

September 30: The following were published on Taha’s site:

A letter in West End Extra, July 10, 2010 – from Douglas Walters in reply to Taha’s letter of the previous week.
Sunday Telegraph, September 9, 2012
Daily Telegraph, September 18, 2012 – both letters from Taha.

September 30: On this site:

The full text of Anti-fascist articles prove rich pickings was added directly into the Bibliography
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 28-30, 2012 was also added.

October 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Financial news from the UK: pension reform and new minimum wage
Purchasing Power Belongs To Producers, Not Bookkeepers

The second of the above was published as a blog, its original title was Purchasing Power Belongs To Producers, Not Book-Keepers; the word bookkeeper (and declensions thereof) was originally hyphenated throughout.

October 1: On Taha’s site I added “Mark Taha At The Springbok Club” which is two screengrabs from a blog reporting on a meeting in December 2009. The original report was published December 26, 2009.

October 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

How Practicable Is Basic Income Today? – a blog
‘Masters of Money — Marx’ with a new uploaded photograph
A Straight Flush Or Thirty-One with 31 screengrabs.

October 2: On this site I added two screengrabs from Digital Journal – see below. These are the Achievements. Although this is extremely early in the month, I’ve added this because I’m in the top of all categories. This is unlikely to be the case later in the month, if only for Top Photographer.

I also added the Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 28-October 2, 2012.

October 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Stop the wars and name the dead
Old Soldiers — murder, suicide and attempted murder with a photograph
Freerolls And Easy Money. Easy??!!! – a blog with 10 screengrabs
Britain’s political police want secret tribunal for Kennedy case
Is Manchester the Murder Capital of Britain?

October 3-4: The following were published by Songfacts:

Catch Us If You Can by the Dave Clark Five

The Sun Will Shine Again by Jon Lord

Personality by Lloyd Price

The existing songfact for Sorry appears to have been augmented with this update, although I didn’t notice it until October 30 2012.

October 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Anti-austerity heats up in the UK
The Legacy of Steve Jobs
‘Exposure: The Other Side Of Jimmy Savile’ with a photograph
Greek ‘tax dodgers’ and the real financial parasites
How to stop people using their mobile phones while driving
Happy birthday Mr. Bond
Adventures And Misadventures On Full Tilt – a blog with 20 screengrabs

Six articles and a blog in one day; a record for me, and I could easily have written two more articles if not three!

October 6: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Misconduct in public office — the police chief and the nurse
The Tragedy And Hope Of April Jones with a photgraph

I also added another 5 screengrabs to yesterday’s blog.

Mark Bridger charged with the murder of April Jones

The above was a breaking news story following on from the first report today. Curiously, no one else had covered it to date on Digital Journal

Soap — The Cure For Homosexuality? – a blog with a photograph, which as usual was uploaded first.

Then I added another 10 screengrabs to yesterday’s blog followed by 2 to the blog Absolute Poker R.I.P. which I augmented with a couple of explanatory sentences.

October 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

WPT Poker at 15c per hour – a blog with 10 screengrabs
Free wine but no bombs allowed — CND meeting in London
The view from the loony left — ‘Labour Briefing’ and ‘Unity’
How safe is Bitcoin? with 4 new screengrabs and an existing one. When republished here, two PDFs of previously linked articles were added.

October 7: On Taha’s site, the following three limericks were published:

Coronation Street
Footballer Fined
Prisoners’ Wives

Taha wrote these back in March; they have all been edited minimally by a bloke who knows how to write limericks properly!

October 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Rape liar prison nurse given three year sentence with a screengrab
Britain’s football problem — Bigotry or just plain nastiness?
April Jones: Sadness, anger and obscenity with an uploaded photograph

I also uploaded 16 screengrabs for my next blog.

October 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Five screengrabs for the next blog

It’s Razztastic! – a blog with another screengrab, making it a total of 22 in all
Bob Marley comes to Sydenham
Then I added another 17 screengrabs to the above blog
Cop-killer Mumia and the Angola 3 are back in the news
Finally, I added further screengrabs to the blog, sharing two of them with the blog Don’t Play Stud When Everybody Else Is Playing Razz and amended it accordingly – changing one word!

This makes a total of 1,010 images I now have on this site.

October 9: I added an entry on Find-A-Grave for Colin Jordan.

October 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Another image for It’s Razztastic!
Full Tilt Poker — Date of relaunch confirmed with 4 screengrabs
‘Conspiracy Road Trip — 7/7 Bombings’ with 3 photographs
A duet with the ghost of Jimmy Savile
The Moron Who Can Never Fold An Ace (Or Anything Else) – a blog with 11 screengrabs
Jimmy Savile — Sex, lies, but where is the tape?
Finally, I uploaded another 5 screengrabs to yesterday’s blog.

October 12: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Jimmy Savile Ate My Hamster – a blog with a new photograph
Sexual predators in the UK with 2 new photographs courtesy of the Metropolitan Police
I added 3 more screengrabs to The Moron Who Can Never Fold An Ace... (see October 10 above)
Conference on the Book Trade — for academics only!
The Magic River – another blog with 13 screengrabs, which were of course uploaded first.

October 12: On this site the following were added:

Leroy Cool Meets Andrew Mitchell
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 2-12, 2012.

October 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Sadistic killers appeal their tariffs — Court of Appeal to decide
Is The Lad Really Broke? – a blog with 17 screengrabs
New from the On-Line Archives
How We Can End The Tyranny – another blog, with a photograph of George Weiss
Auntie’s Poker Party – another blog with 12 screengrabs
Poker Is Not Always A Party – a blog with 18 screengrabs
More on the relaunch of Full Tilt Poker

October 14: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Six screengrabs added to the blog The Descartes’ Demon Of On-Line Poker (which was published December 16 last year)
George Galloway, the NUS and rape
Heather Watson — Another rising star?
Stud You Like It – a blog with 13 screengrabs

I added one of the screengrabs from the last blog to A Feast Of Bad Beats, which was published September 27

End of the line for Audley Harrison with a photograph

Four more images were added to the Stud You Like It blog

Finally, False Flags & False Moves — The FBI and British police in action with 2 screengrabs.

October 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

I added 5 screengrabs to Stud You Like It, yesterday’s blog
One to It’s Razztastic!

The Men Who Make Money But Produce Nothing – a blog

I added 3 more screengrabs to yesterday’s Stud You Like It and one to A Feast Of Bad Beats

Can a doll save the world’s endangered languages?

Four more screengrabs were added to A Feast Of Bad Beats

The Fallacy of the New Jim Crow

I added another screengrab (from tonight’s E5.00 Razz tournament) to the blog Don’t Play Stud When Everybody Else Is Playing Razz (published September 28) and also amended the text somewhat.

October 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Pot Limit Omaha — Your Ten Cents Worth – a blog with 9 screengrabs
The Great Storm of 1987 with a photograph
Any Two Cards – a blog with 10 screengrabs. More to be added!
A Primer On Economic Fallacies – a blog

Ten more screengrabs were added to Any Two Cards

Prince Charles and the right to privacy

Finally, I added 4 more screengrabs to Any Two Cards and copied one of them to The Moron Who Can Never Fold An Ace..., which was published October 10.

October 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Review: ‘Conspiracy Road Trip – 3. UFOs’ with an uploaded photograph

I uploaded another image, this time to The Magic River, a blog published October 12.

I was going to add some more but found another blog that I had to comment on:

Open Letter to The Managing Editor: Mr Alexander Baron’s Racial Slur on Nigerians by that muppet Didymus. It was posted sometime yesterday morning, so after commenting on it, I went to bed. Laughing, of course!

Next I added 5 more screengrabs to Stud You Like It

Organised fraud round up for London with a photograph

I added 5 more screengrabs to Any Two Cards

Finally, False Flags & False Moves — The FBI and British police in action with 2 screengrabs.

Well, maybe not quite finally, on February 2, 2013 I noticed I had omitted the blog The Absurdity Of The National Debt, which although borrowing a title from the Duke Of Bedford is actually about Anthony Robbins.

October 18: John Christie Of Rillington Place was published.

I was told by the author that he saw it in one shop on October 15. Whatever. Re my humble contribution, see the entry for the paperback edition.

October 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Legacy of David Webb with 2 screengrabs
Stud You Like It Again – a blog with 6 screengrabs
The latest news from Stop-the-War

Three more screengrabs were added to Stud You Like It

The real cost of servicing the UK’s National Debt

Finally, I added 2 more screengrabs to Any Two Cards

October 18-9: The following were published by Songfacts:

Lonely Days by the Bee Gees

Jimmy Savile And The Sexy Kids by Kunt and the Gang

October 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Sad Tale Of An Umbrella – a blog
Slavery and trafficking in Britain today with a photograph

Four more screengrabs were added to Stud You Like It Again then 2 more to A Feast Of Bad Beats then 3 more to Any Two Cards

The Lost Boys — And Girls — Of Britain

Within minutes, the title of the last one was changed to The lost boys and girls of Britain; evidently someone missed the pun (on a film title).

October 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Four screengrabs: 2 each to 2 different poker blogs

The latest graphic rail safety video goes viral

Within one minute, somebody had pressed the like button!

Poker Hi And Lo – a blog with 11 screengrabs, more to be added!
Is Fort Knox empty?

I added another screengrab to the blog Stud You Like It then 2 more to today’s blog, then finally 3 more to Any Two Cards

October 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Happy Birthday Sir Malcolm with a photograph

Then I added a total of 7 screengrabs to 3 blogs, and a tiny bit more text to Any Two Cards

‘Dave Davies: Kinkdom Come’ with 2 photographs

Finally, I added a total of 9 screengrabs to 3 poker blogs.

October 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A total of 6 screengrabs to 2 blogs

Frankie Boyle — ‘racist’ comedians and ’racist’ nonsense

I added another 6 screengrabs to poker blogs

Yet another book about Thin Lizzy published
Little Miss Mozart

I thought this title was so original, but she’s been called it before.

October 22-3: Deutscher Girls, by Adam & The Ants was published by Songfacts.

The existing songfact for Dog Eat Dog by the same artist was also apparently augmented at the same time, but I didn’t find this until October 28.

October 23: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Three more screengrabs for two of the poker blogs

‘Jimmy Savile – What the BBC Knew’ with a photograph

The photograph for the above article (of Paul Gambaccini) was actually uploaded before the 3 screengrabs for the poker blog

Whatever Became Of Draw Poker? – a blog with 16 screengrabs

I added a total of 5 more screengrabs to other poker blogs

Trouble enough — more child sex charges in Rochdale.

October 23: On this site I published:

“Fan Mail Re Linda Carty Articles”
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 13-23, 2012.

October 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Full Tilt Poker returns with a bang with a screengrab and later a PDF of a formerly linked webpage

Then I added a total of 4 more screengrabs to 2 poker blogs.

India comes to the British Library
Jimmy Savile, John Good, and historical sex offences with a new photograph
The man who wants pensioners to work for their pittance with a photograph

I added a total of 8 screengrabs for various poker blogs.

October 26: I added photographs of Maurice Ludmer and Vron Ware to their SearchlightArchive Brief Biographies together with a bit of text for each.

October 27: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Hold ’Em On The Cheap with 7 screengrabs

Then I added a total of 5 screengrabs to other poker blogs

What’s On At The British Museum next month? with a photograph
‘Chas & Dave: Last Orders’ with a photograph

Then I added 7 more screengrabs to poker blogs.

October 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Sharmeka Moffitt hate crime hoax is nothing new with a photograph, and a (new) uploaded video replacing a link to a webpage

Then a total of 12 more screengrabs to various poker blogs, and a bit more text to Any Two Cards

“Racism”, The Underclass And The Numbers Game – a blog.

October 28, 2012: On this site I added:

“RACISM” AND BRAINWASHING: A UK Perspective – my speech of September 29

(This includes some Preamble and scanned citations, in particular two pages from a ludicrous SWP pamphlet, and screengrabs. There is also a PDF from the New York Times of May 15, 1910).

Some HomePage blurb
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 25-8, 2012 (the last update was until October 23 but nothing was added October 24).

October 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Banksters seek to control national budgets
Late Night Hold ’Em On The Cheap – a blog with 15 screengrabs
Why does everybody hate Gilad?
I added a total of 7 screengrabs to various poker blogs.

October 29: On this site I added two screengrabs from a forum, dated September 25, 2012, straight into the Bibliography.

October 29-30: The following were published by Songfacts:

Kings Of The Wild Frontier by Adam & The Ants

Crackpot History And The Right To Lie by Adam Ant
Desperate But Not Serious by Adam Ant
Here Comes The Grump by Adam Ant
Made Of Money by Adam Ant
Why Do Girls Love Horses? by Adam Ant

Down At The Doctors by Dr Feelgood
Milk And Alcohol by Dr Feelgood

There’s Only One Way To Rock by Sammy Hagar

The Answer’s At The End by George Harrison
Tired Of Midnight Blue by George Harrison
You by George Harrison

Midnight Blue by Melissa Manchester

London Bridge Is Falling Down credited as Traditional.

October 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Six screengrabs to various poker blogs

Bubbles and bankruptcy: A warning from history
Britain’ s politically correct police — fighting crime or racism?
Poker In September – a blog with 20 screengrabs
The latest NUJ whine about Copyright

October 30: On this site, Leroy Cool Meets Justin Forsyth was added.

October 30-31: The Gussie Davis entry to the Songfacts Calendar of circa July 19 (was half-fixed), see below and above.

October 31: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

After The Hurricane – a blog
Football thug confesses to battering opponent on live TV with a photograph

Then I added two screengrabs to Any Two Cards

South Dakota executes child rapist and killer with a photograph

Finally, I added two more poker screengrabs to the blog The Magic River

I finished the month in 4th position on the leaderboard – as far as I can tell shortly before I hit the sack in the small hours of November 1. My name appears in all the Achievement categories, including Top Photographer, (see screengrab for October 2 above).

Re the second of the above, when it was uploaded here on July 26, 2024, a PDF of a court judgment and a short video were uploaded. I believe this is the same video that was linked previously although the upload I used before has been removed from YouTube.

October 31: On this site:

A screengrab from the Songfacts Calendar was added (see entry for October 30-31 above)
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 29-31, 2012 was also added.

November 2012: Tea Party activist seeks New Right support by Gerry Gable, published in Searchlight, page 11

A typically flattering review of my latest speech. This scan was added March 5, 2013.

November 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Four screengrabs were added to the blog Stud You Like It

Middle East — Is Peace Possible?
The scramble begins for Jimmy Savile’s money with a new photograph.

November 1-2: The Gussie Davis entry on Songfacts was finally completely corrected. See below and also entry for October 30-31 above.

November 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Hate Crime Hoax in Albert Square
Lewisham Hospital A&E to close: Public meeting November 8 with a photograph
Poker For Free – a blog with 12 screengrabs
Guitar Legends announce new tours
Hate Crime and Monkey Business in the UK with 2 photographs
Finally, I added a total of 4 screengrabs to the poker blogs.

November 2: On this site:

The Songfacts image from November 1-2 above was added – see above!
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 1-2, 2012 was also added.

November 3: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Poker with Bitcoin with a screengrab
Tony Blair to get warm welcome from ‘Stop The War’ — not
‘Unsafe Sex in the City’ with a photograph
Finally, I added 4 screengrabs to the blog Any Two Cards then 1 to It’s Razztastic!

The third of the above was shortly retitled ‘Unsafe Sex in the City’ looks at STDs in the UK

November 3-4: His Name Is Legs (Ladies And Gents) by George Harrison was published by Songfacts, (without my author credit!)

November 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Rich Hall’s Inventing the Indian’ with a photograph

Two screengrabs were added to the blog Poker Hi And Lo

Voodoo Economics at the Bank of England
Full Tilt Poker is back for play money until Tuesday with 3 screengrabs.

November 4-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Prince Charming by Adam & The Ants

I Think I’m Going To Kill Myself by Elton John

November 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Lewisham Hospital and the fight against the cuts
The Worst Poker Player In France – a blog with 12 screengrabs
Paedophile Michael Jackson gaoled for life with a photograph, which was also appended to the story last November about this odious character’s arrest.

November 6: Civil War at ‘Searchlight’ magazine was published by Digital Journal

November 6: There appears to have been some weird stuff going on with this site; following publication of the above article I decided to link it to Ode To Sweet Sonia, but when I did, the PDF file was missing. However, when I checked the Internet Archive log, below, this is what I found. It appears to have uploaded all right and to have been crawled, but when I clicked on the Archive link, that didn’t work either. I can only assume there has been some sort of problem with my host. Still, all’s well that ends well. Except for Sonia and her beleaguered spouse!

November 6: After this I added 3 photographs to the poker blogs on Digital Journal the
Labour, the Living Wage and Child Benefit
I added a total of 4 screengrabs to 2 poker blogs

Finally, I added Full Tilt Poker — Business as usual? with 2 screengrabs, then after winning the 21.40 Pot Limit Razz on Ladbrokes, I added 2 screengrabs from that. Smart ass!

November 7: On this site I added:

“Letter To A Zoora Shah Supporter” (that’s the polite version)
And the Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 3-7, 2012.

November 8: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Two new books by Jonathan Oates
Women in the boardroom — the gender pay gap returns
David Icke dices with criminal libel — again.

November 8: I added a scan from Hansard, May 11, 1976 straight into the SearchlightArchive Bibliography

November 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Full Tilt Poker is business as usual with 8 screengrabs – see below:

The above was pulled after 10 page views and 1 like.

I added a total of 4 more screengrabs to 2 poker blogs

‘How Safe are Britain’s Roads?’ with a photograph
SunPoker bites the dust
Full Tilt Poker is business as usual – this is the second of today’s poker articles reposted as a blog. Silverberg said it was pulled because my playing poker was not news. I suppose he has a point! He also said they’ve started deleting some of the images. I can’t be sure but he does appear to have made a start. Sigh.

I’ve just noticed he did the same to the the first such article today too – re SunPoker, so ditto:

SunPoker bites the dust

November 9: On this site:

The limerick Pamela Geller was added, and
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 8-9, 2012.

November 10: Three screengrabs from News UK were added to Taha’s site:

The Times, September 26, 2012
The Sunday Times, November 4, 2012
The Sun, November 5, 2012 – this includes an unrelated letter by Sarah Osbourne of Lemington.

November 10: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Lewisham Hospital — Keeping up the pressure with 2 photographs
Jimmy Savile — From hero to zero — a timeline with a photograph
Young women raped and murdered by ‘asylum seekers’ with a photograph.

November 11: Leroy Cool Meets Pamela Geller was published here.

November 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Mr K and his Gang on tour and on video
Saudi justice in the news again

November 12: On this site I added

My previously unpublished letter of February 10, 2012 to the Daily Telegraph re Quantitative Easing – with some minor corrections
meeting with George Osborne has had one very tiny correction made to the last line: “too understand” now reads “to understand”.

I mention this last because someone has copied it elsewhere.

November 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Google — Sinner, or Saint?
Linda Carty’s amen corner is back in the UK
‘Badgers: Dodging the Bullet?’ with a photograph

Re what Silverberg said November 9, he does appear to have deleted some screengrabs from one of the news articles – and probably more than one – but the pictures are still there. I noticed this last night. I’ll speak to him about that sometime. I think I’ve got them all on my hard disk and backed up anyway.

November 15: See entry for November 17 below re the Songfacts Calendar.

November 15: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A National Investment Bank for the UK?
The Legacy of Thomas Szasz with a photograph
Emergency Protest at the Israeli Embassy in London
Violence against the elderly: never brave, sometimes foolish with a photograph.

November 16: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Mervyn King hasn’t got a clue
European Union rips off consumers with ‘dumping’ tax
Kuala Lumpur Commission to indict Zionist war criminals? originally with a stock image and later another

November 16-7: The following were published by Songfacts:

As Long As The Price Is Right by Dr. Feelgood
She Does It Right by Dr. Feelgood

A note here about Songfacts entries. The date given for publication is the date I found a particular entry or entries. The above were found November 17. Normally I go through the database starting with the last update, but here, As Long As The Price Is Right is number 27,831. The last entry for the update appeared to be song number 27,848; there appeared to be no entries beyond that, but then I found She Does It Right at number 27,886. This appears to be an orphan; I found it only by chance.

Although entries are constantly being augmented, updated and occasionally corrected, Songfacts is basically a static database, but with a database of any size, entries end up being filed in the “wrong order” here and there for one reason or another. This doesn’t matter in the slightest because all the information is accessible in the “right order”, but it does mean that if a song is entered at a higher or indeed lower url than would be expected, it is no guarantee that it was entered on a particular date or in a particular order, and frankly, Carl has more important things to do than pander to my whims by notifying me when a particular submission was entered.

November 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

How should we deal with Abū Qatāda — and other undesirables?
Race and crime — Not as simple as some think

Silverberg has been deleting some of those poker screengrabs too. I think I have them all on disk, but it’s annoying all the same.

November 17: On this site, the following screengrabs were published:

Re the above, only the entries for 1889 and 1952 are mine.

Re the above, only the entry for 1985 is mine.

Re the above, only the entry for Gary Glitter is mine.

Re the above, only the entry for Tommy Cooper is mine.

I had an e-mail from Carl that said many of the entries I had sent in recently had been added on November 15. I probably won’t bother with listing these here in future because there are so many of them and they are for the most part little more than dates with a comment here and there.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 10-17, 2012 was also added.

November 18: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Rhubard & Custard – a blog with 2 screengrabs
Reprieve and humane executions in the USA with a new photograph
James Coburn — Ten years gone today with a photograph
November 26 is Boycott Israel Day
‘Rolling Stones: Crossfire Hurricane’ with a photograph.

No, that is not a spelling mistake in the blog title.

November 19: Yesterday, Taha told me he’d had two letters published in West End Extra the same day. When I checked the website I found them and ten others dating back years which have apparently been added recently. Here they all are below, in chronological order:

April 27, 2007
July 27, 2007
October 31, 2008
June 12, 2009
August 7, 2009
March 9, 2012
May 18, 2012
June 22, 2012
July 6, 2012
July 13, 2012
November 16, 2012 (1)
November 16, 2012 (2)

Not all the above are by Taha himself: The letter of October 31, 2008 is, though I’m not sure if the title is an incorrect spelling or a pun on the name Banksy. March 9, 2012 is a comment on Taha’s letter of the previous week. The letter of July 13, 2012 is from Albert Beale of Housman’s Bookshop, no less. Finally, the last letter is from Taha, but it has been anonymised, probably because it was his second letter of the day. They could have deleted it, of course.

November 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Ealing Passenger Transport Users’ Group with 2 photographs
Israel and its partners-in-crime

November 19: On this site I added the following screengrabs from the Songfacts Calendar, see for example the entry for November 17 above.

Above, the following entries only (reading from top to bottom) are mine: January 2, 1926; June 17, 1959; March 18, 1911.

Above, the following entries only (reading from top to bottom) are mine:
February 15, 1888; January 2, 1926; March 11, 1972; May 19, 1964; November 8, 1958; February 19, 1981.

Above, the following entries only (reading from top to bottom) are mine:
October 28, 1964; March 31, 1934; May 9, 1936; May 23, 1964;
January 16, 1965 (I did not allude to Melody Maker as a magazine!); March 31, 1973.

I can’t be certain exactly when these were entered. See also the entry for March 11, 1972 (Wings) with the same entry under circa July 19 above.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 18-9, 2012 was also added.

November 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Torah-true Jews protest against Zionist aggression
November 20: A Great Day for a guitar solo with a new photograph
Kweku Adoboli — Scapegoat for the bankster mafia with a photograph.

November 21: I added Gable’s letter of April 21, 1995 in the Jewish Chronicle to SearchlightArchive.

November 21: Application For The Post Of Governor Of The Bank Of England, And Reply was added to FinancialReform

This includes some introductory blurb, my letter in Portable Document Format and a JPG of the response.

November 21: On this site I added a JPG scan of page 30 of A VERY LIGHT SLEEPER: THE PERSISTENCE AND DANGERS OF ANTISEMITISM linked directly into Public Reply To The Ongoing Libels Of Organised Jewry in the third paragraph.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 20-21, 2012 was also added.

November 22: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The latest from violent Britain
Killers in the news with a photograph
Fifty Years of Manfred Mann with a photograph
Man cleared of Boxing Day murder with a photograph.

November 23: I wasn’t going to publish anything by Digital Journal today, but this evening I received an e-mail from Silverberg about an error in yesterday’s Manfred Mann article that I needed to correct. Having done that I thought I might as well add the article I’d prepared for tomorrow: Sandy Island and other modern hoaxes – this includes a photograph.

November 24: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Britain’s most dangerous paedophile gaoled for life
Why Lord McAlpine will not sue David Icke for libel
Héctor Camacho (1962-2012)

As I suspected, Silverberg couldn’t leave this alone, and within two hours he had retitled it to the unwieldy Boxer Héctor Camacho dies days after being shot in face, which is not what the article is about, it is clearly an obituary, hence its obvious (original) title.

November 24: On this site I added:

My response to a blog by Mark Gardner of the CST
And three screengrabs from two messages posted to the (now defunct) rys2sense dot com forum; they were posted May 7 and May 12, 2012 respectively.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 22-24, 2012 was also added.

November 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Abū Qatāda — and the Drones
15,000 march for Gaza in London

November 25: I added a combined Cartoon & Image Gallery to FinancialReform with a bit of introductory blurb and five images.

November 27: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The latest wheeze from Save The Children
‘Why Poverty? with a photograph of Dumbisa Moyo
A GP and his lunatic ideas

In the second article I wrote “Dambisa Moyo, or perhaps that should be Dumbisa Moyo”, and continued to refer to her as Dumbisa; within two hours, Silverberg had altered this. Also, when I uploaded her photograph earlier in the day, I captioned it similar together with some comment about her pedigree. Editorial – almost certainly Silverberg – altered that to simply “Dambisa Moyo”. He did though allow the important part in the article to stand: “This woman is presented as the poster girl for the new Africa, and claims to speak here in her capacity as ‘an African woman’. In reality she is a creature of Goldman Sachs, a member of the Cosmopolitan elite; her résumé includes the World Bank and the Council on Foreign Relations (the organisation believed by many serious scholars to lie at the heart of the New World Order).”

Silverberg e-mailed me about the deletion – verbatim: “Hi Alexander, we deleted mentions of Dumbisa because it’s immature and potentially slandeous and we can’t allow that kind of material on our news network. Please don’t do this again, thanks,”

Gotta love the guy!

I can’t believe it, he’s edited the third one too, which is now rendered A GP and his unusual medical ideas; that one lasted less than 33 minutes!

November 28-9: The following were published by Songfacts:

Grey Cloudy Lies by George Harrison

Ya Mujabid Fe Sabil Alla by Umm Kulthum.

November 29: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Remembering George Harrison
Why Greece, Britain and everyone else should default.

As of November 25 I had no fewer than 1,179 articles and 63 blogs on the Digital Journal website dating from April 22 last year.
It’s been fun, and in a very small way, financially rewarding, but I made a decision last weekend to write for the site a lot less.

November 29: On this site:

The following were added to the Cartoon Gallery; the names are for guidance only:

Abraham Foxhate
Bend over
Blair and Brown
Founding Fathers
Gaza War Crimes
George Bush
God Bless Hitler
Hand me the hairdryer
IDF cartoon
Israel’s Bitch
Liberated Zimbabwe
No Pass
Palestinian Terrorist
Race cartoon
Retirement party
Skunk of the world
Statue of Liberty

The following screengrabs from the Songfacts Calendar were added. They all appeared under the Recent Entries category, so were presumably added in the last two or three weeks:

Deaths – I sent all these in.
Debuts – The first three only are mine.
Health Issues – All but the first one are mine; the entry for Cole Porter was duplicated.
Incidents – The first three only are mine.
Innovations – The first three only are mine.
Legal Issues – All but the second entry are mine.
Miscellaneous – The first and last are not mine.
Movies – All four are mine.
Music and Politics – All but the last one are mine.
Recordings – All but the entry for Queen are mine.
TV, Radio, Press – All but the entry for Steven Tyler are mine.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 25-9, 2012 was also added.

November 29-30: The following were published by Songfacts:

Poor Little Rich Girl by Noël Coward

It Wasn’t Me by Dr. Feelgood
Shotgun Blues by Dr. Feelgood

In A Little Wigan Garden by George Formby
The Emperor Of Lancashire by George Formby

You Are Love (Toujours Gai Mon Cher) by Janis Ian

Ship Ahoy! (All The Nice Girls Love A Sailor) credited here to Hetty King

A Woman’s Place by Gilbert O’Sullivan

Mother Of God, Putin’s Run by Pussy Riot

Shotgun Blues by Sonny Boy Williamson

Don’t Laugh At Me (’Cause I’m A Fool) by Norman Wisdom.

November 30: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Full Tilt Poker a shadow of its former self with 2 screengrabs
Ayoade and Bamber — The Street thug and the mass killer with 2 photographs and a PDF

Re the first of the above articles, within minutes, the photograph below had been removed (though not deleted), probably by Silverberg. This was from the $150 nightly freeroll HORSE tournament on Full Tilt. I finished 25th of 2,515 runners.

November 30-December 1: Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me? credited as Traditional was published by Songfacts.

December 1: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Coronation Street’ rapist charged with child sex assaults
The 1957 Lewisham train crash and its relevance today with a photograph

Finally, I appear to have published this blog on the same day, although I didn’t enter it here until February 2, 2013:
Does Printing Money Cause Inflation?

December 2: The following were published on this site:

THE MARTYR AND THE FOOL: A Comparative Study Of Gerald Fredrick Töben And David Ray Griffin
Sonia Gable – This limerick was first published as a comment to a Digital Journal article last night after the lady herself turned up and very kindly pointed out an error in my arithmetic.

December 2: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Shop Revolution comes to Sydenham with 6 photographs
Prisoners rights and wrongs
Fairfield Halls at 50

December 4: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Inside Claridge’s — A world beyond austerity with a photograph
Why does the British Government hate Google?

December 4: The following were added to this site:

Letter To Steve Jobs

Two images to the Cartoon Gallery:

News International
Zionism is not healthy...

The former is a screengrab from the BBC 1pm news on July 8, 2011, and would normally belong in the Image Gallery but for the people holding the amusing placards.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 30-December 4, 2012 was also added.

December 5: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Is there a future for kids’ comics?
How plausible is the Great Paedophile Cover Up? with an uploaded photograph.

December 7: Correspondence from the following were added to Taha’s website in chronological order:

Times Educational Supplement, August 26, 2011
Times Educational Supplement, January 6, 2012
Times Educational Supplement, October 5, 2012.

December 7: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The Administrator’s non-response to saving Lewisham Hospital A&E
The great pit bull non-outrage.

December 8: Correspondence from the following were added to Taha’s website in chronological order:

The Spectator, May 30, 2007
Times Educational Supplement, May 15, 2009
Times Educational Supplement, July 17, 2009
Times Educational Supplement, November 2, 2012.

December 8: Homelessness in London this Christmas was published by Digital Journal

December 9: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Michael Sherrard and the ghost of James Hanratty with a photograph of Hanratty (and PDFs of three previously linked webpages when added here)
How Interest Causes Inflation

December 11: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘The Secret Drone War’
False Rape and Alleged Historical Rape

December 12: Florida executes serial killer with a photograph was published by Digital Journal

December 13: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

A shocking tale from Syria, but is it true?
‘Inside Guinness World Records’ with a photograph.

December 13-4: The following were published by Songfacts:

The Upstroke by Agents Aren’t Aeroplanes

Strawberry Girl by Blackmore’s Night
The above is uncredited; here is the Songfact as first published.

Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) by Hazell Dean

You Think You’re A Man, by Divine.

The existing songfact for You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) by Dead Or Alive was (probably) augmented today as well.

December 14: Jacintha Saldanha and the suicide solution was published by Digital Journal

December 14-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Lady by Adam & The Ants
Whip In My Valise by Adam & The Ants
Young Parisians by Adam & The Ants
Zerox by Adam & The Ants.

December 15: Connors slave holding family convicted again was published by Digital Journal

December 15: The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 5-15, 2012 was added to this site.

December 16: The David Webb Virtual Archive opened for business; it contained the following:

HomePage with some blurb; this includes a donate button, a counter and a guestbook
A legal notice page with a bit of text that is unlikely to change
A links page
The Site Index page which includes links to:

A photograph of David Webb

Programmes for:

Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue
Theatre Royal, Bath
Blackpool, Palace Theatre: Summer Showboat
Blackpool Tower Circus 1955 International Summer Season
Bradford Alhambra Theatre – 7 programmes
Prince’s Theatre Bradford – 8
Bromley New Theatre – 2
Connaught Theatre, Worthing
Covent Garden Royal Opera House – ballet
Garrick Theatre
Globe Theatre – 2
Harpenden Public Hall
Leeds Empire – 10
Theatre Royal, Leeds
Luton Choral Society – 2
Luton Grammar School Dramatic Society
Luton Grand Theatre – 2
Lyric Theatre – 3
Nottingham Empire – 2
Theatre Royal, Nottingham
Old Vic – 3
Piccadilly Theatre
Richmond Theatre
Stanhope Theatre
Stoll Theatre
Streatham Hill Theatre
The Arts Theatre Club
Theatre Royal Haymarket
Vaudeville Theatre

A leaflet from Bedford County A.A.A. County Junior & Colts Championship, 1944

Celebrity Empire Concert, Central Hall, Westminster – programme
Charterhouse – music programme
Chelsea Boys Club – two documents
Empire Youth Sunday – two documents
Luton Band Concert
Luton Girls Choir – 3 documents
Luton Airport Orchestra – 1 document
Luton Grammar School – 3 documents
Luton High School – 3 documents (2 plays and a fete)
Luton Jollidays – 4 documents
Luton Modern School – music programme
Luton Churches – 6 documents
Luton Salvation Army – 1 flyer
Luton Secondary School – 1 document
Albert Hall, Nottingham
Nottingham church
Royal Army Education Corps
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Territorial Army Summer Camp
West-End Theatre Guide – 1 issue
Winchester Cathedral – 1 document.

The above may seem a bit arbitrary but it is extracted from the Site Index reading top to bottom.

I advertised this site shortly before I went to bed in the small hours, and had hits from Nildram, Chalfont Saint Giles at 03.48; TalkTalk at Bromley, 06.30. Amazing the hours some people keep, and coming from me that is something.

This afternoon I added two more scans from Old Vic Theatre programmes.

December 16: On this site I added adventure number twenty for Leroy Cool.

December 16: Then I added two more scans of programmes from Prince’s Theatre Bradford followed by two from the Bradford Alhambra, one from a Folkstone theatre, one from New Theatre, St. Martin’s Lane, one from Vauxhall Motors Music Club, and finally another Leeds Empire programme to the new David Webb site.

December 17: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

’The Making of Elton John — Madman Across the Water’ with an uploaded photograph
What is the Freecycle Network?

The original title of the first was ’The Making of Elton John: Madman Across the Water’ – Silverberg’s M dash obsession strikes again!

December 17: “Hanbarne Baroque Ensemble At St. Stephen’s Church, Gloucester Road, London SW7” and another 4 programmes from the Grand Theatre, Luton, one with an insert, and one from Brooke Hall (Night Must Fall were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive

The first of the above generated quite a lot of blurb on the Site Index page; it is to be taken for granted that some publications will.

A bit later I added The Boy Friend – Wyndham’s Theatre; Mister Roberts – Coliseum; and The World Of Suzie Wong – Prince Of Wales Theatre.
Finally, I added a document from a 1951 art competition at Chilwell.

The second Digital Journal article above was published while I was working on this site this afternoon, so not sure which saw the light of day first, but it isn’t important.

December 18: I added The Gondoliers, Alma Theatre, Luton to The David Webb Virtual Archive

December 18: Lindsay Sandiford — Reprieve’s latest damsel in distress was published by Digital Journal

December 18: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive in this order:

Another scan from Prince’s Theatre, Bradford
Alma Theatre Luton: The Maid Of The Mountains

December 18: Back to Digital Journal for Sandy Hook — The lunatics come out to play.

December 18: Back to The David Webb Virtual Archive where the following were published, in no particular order they are:

Another from Prince’s Theatre, Bradford
Official Accommodation Register for Stratford-Upon-Avon, 1951
Large As Life – Harry Secombe
Yorkshire Watercolour Society Exhibition at the House of Commons

December 19: In the small hours, the following scans – in no particular order – were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive:

Two more programmes from the Bradford Alhambra Theatre
The Apollo Society
Charterhouse Carol Service 1973

December 19: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Plebgate — Startling new revelations
Connors family sentenced

December 19: Back To The David Webb Virtual Archive, and the following were added in this order:

Cambridge Theatre: Ludmilla Tcherina
Ice hockey at Wembley, 1949
Bromley: The First Mrs. Fraser
Harpenden: Antigone
Richard Tauber – four documents with some lengthy explanatory notes.
Savoy Theatre: Relative Values
Winter Garden Theatre: The Water Gipsies
Covent Garden: The Lady And The Fool
Grand Theatre, Luton – one more programme
King Henry the Fourth Part I, 1951
Charterhouse: Saint Joan
Haymarket: The Innocents
Strand Theatre: Goodnight Mrs. Puffin
Coliseum: Die Fledermaus

December 20: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order each with a photograph:

‘You’ve Been Scammed’ — and it was your own fault
The warring White Tribes of Northern Ireland
The Best of Bic Runga

December 20: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive:

Ten more programmes from Prince’s Theatre, Bradford

And later

London: RADA, 1953
London: St. Martin’s Theatre: Penny Plain
Luton: Milestones.

December 21: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Christian Legal Centre prays away sin with a photograph, which was shortly both removed and deleted. I didn’t bother to ask why – see below.
Clive Stafford Smith — Still campaigning, still lying with a photograph

December 21: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive:

Three more programmes from Prince’s Theatre, Bradford
Royal Opera House: The Sleeping Beauty
Sadler’s Wells: Carl Rosa Opera.

December 21: Why Parliament must act on the drone scandal was published by Digital Journal

December 21: See entry for January 3, 2013 regarding the “retweet”.

December 21: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive:
London: A Cheap Bunch Of Nice Flowers
Luton: Major Barbara
Old Vic: Richard II

December 21: On this site:

The picture below was added here (ie not in the Image Gallery) – see first entry for Digital Journal, December 21, above.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 16-21, 2012 was added.

December 22: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

Bradford: Prince’s Theatre, one more
London: NFT programme
Luton Grammar School, Annual Athletic Sports, 1945
Triangular Athletic Meeting, May 24, 1950
Whitehall Theatre: Pyjama Tops

December 22: Arthur Scargill — The fall of King Coal was published by Digital Journal

December 22: Back to The David Webb Virtual Archive; the following were published simultaneously:

Bulwell: Strictly Confidential
Duke Of York’s Theatre: The Big Knife
Luton Easter Bonnet Parade
Luton Grammar School Annual Speech Day, 1950

Followed by – in this order

The Arts Theatre: The Vagina Monologues
Two more from the Nottingham Empire
Old Vic: King Henry VIII
London: Nuremberg

December 23: Scans of the following documents were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive in this order, with additional blurb as dictated:

Luton Grammar School Annual Speech Day, March 9, 1949
Bullwell: Jane Comes To Town
Luton, Alma Theatre: November 26, 1951
Duke Of York’s Theatre: Breath Of Spring
Bradford, Prince’s Theatre: one more
Shakespeare Memorial Theatre: A Recital Of Poetry And Music, 1951
Two more Alma Theatre, Luton: Babes In The Woods and Cinderella
The Open Space, Tottenham Court Road.

The following were in fact added after the Digital Journal article below

Four more programmes from Prince’s Theatre, Bradford
Luton: Mother Goose
House of Commons: Guide to the Galleries.
Wyndham’s Theatre: A Gust Of Wind

December 23: Who we lost this year in Music was published by Digital Journal

December 24: A new view of the Middle East, through the photographer’s lens was published by Digital Journal

December 24: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

Bradford, Prince’s Theatre – 2 more
Cambridge: Salad Days
Chilwell: Commemoration for King George VI
Luton Grammar School Speech Day 1945
Luton Grammar School Speech Day 1951
Rotherham: The Odd Couple.

December 25: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

Murder in Emmerdale village, for the Nth time! with a photograph
What Is Charity? – a blog

December 25: Scans of the following documents were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive in the following alphabetical order of sorts, with additional blurb as dictated:

David Webb’s travel pass
Golders Green: Hotel Paradiso
Kingston Upon Hull, April 1971
London, Sadler’s Wells: The Flying Dutchman, 1958
London, Savoy: Ring Of Truth
London Theatre Guide, May 4-9, 1959
Luton Grammar School Speech Day, February 12, 1947
Swansea: Salad Days

December 25: Back to Digital Journal for A freebie from Full Tilt Poker

December 26: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

Las Vegas: Guide to shows
Leeds Empire: November 14, 1955
London: Art exhibition, 1970
London Cambridge Theatre: The Crooked Mile
Luton Sports: May 26, 1949
Nottingham Empire: November 13, 1950
Richmond: Salad Days
Stratford, 1951: Henry IV Part 2
Stratford, 1951: Henry V
Stratford, 1951: Richard II

Some of the above include inserts.

Later I added four more from Prince’s Theatre, Bradford followed by:

Charles Dickens, Criterion Theatre
Othello, King Street, Bristol
The Best Of Enemies, Leceister Square
The Way Of The World

Leaflet: Missionhotellet, Denmark
Leaflet: Sight-See New York by Helicopter...

December 27: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive simultaneously; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

London: Pygmalion
London: The School For Scandal
London: The Tragedy Of King Richard III
London, New Theatre: Hamlet
Old Vic: Mary Stuart
Old Vic: The Tragedy Of Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

December 27: Nick Clegg and the fear of a free ride was published by Digital Journal

December 27: Back to The David Webb Virtual Archive where the following were added simultaneously; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

London: Comédie Française
London: The Seagull
Lyric Theatre: The Pink Room
New Theatre: Antigone with insert.

December 28: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

The latest quaint ministerial advice to old age pensioners with a photograph
Facebook — censorship, common sense and nonsense

December 28: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive simultaneously; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

London: My Fair Lady
London: The Gay Dog
London: Under The Sycamore Tree
Luton: The Admirable Crichton
Lyric Theatre: Let’s Make An Opera!

The above include enclosures.

Circa December 29: The following were published by Songfacts:

Cartrouble by Adam & The Ants
Dirk Wears White Sox by Adam & The Ants

I’m The Ukulele Man by George Formby
Wunga Bunga Bu by George Formby

Boys And Girls Come Out To Play credited as Traditional

Carl appears to have augmented the first of the above considerably.

December 29: Making money from your digital photographs was published by Digital Journal

December 29: The following theatre programmes were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive:

London: Mexican Dance Company
Oxford: Jezebel

December 29: I despair of Silverberg sometimes. First he said the article I published today could be construed as defamatory – of that crook Ted Hynds – then after it was edited and republished, he decided there was not enough meat to it, and suggested it be converted to a blog, hence:

Making Money From Your Digital Photographs followed by
‘The Richest Songs in the World’ with a new photograph.

December 30: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

Globe: The White Carnation
London: Come Spy With Me
London, RADA: Candida
Luton: Beauty And The Beast
Luton: The Hollow
New Theatre: Dear Charles
Old Vic: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Palace Theatre: Philippine Dance Company
Phoenix Theatre: Camino Real
Phoenix Theatre: Hamlet
Sadler’s Wells: Sierra Leone National Dance Troupe
Strand: To Dorothy A Son
Vaudeville Theatre: Who Goes There?

December 31: The following were published by Digital Journal in this order:

‘Climbed Every Mountain – The Story Behind the Sound of Music’ with a photograph
The fight to save Ealing Hospital with 2 photographs.

December 31: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive; they are listed in alphabetical order of a fashion:

Luton Parish Church: Programme Of Music
Sex And The Law
Thanksgiving For The Life Of Harold Owen White
The Cedars School: The Tempest
Watford: As Dorothy Parker Once Said.

December 31: The following were added to this site:

Greetings From The JDL (And Response)
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 22-31, 2012.

To Bibliography (1980-89)
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2002)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
To Bibliography (2005-07)
To Bibliography (2008)
To Bibliography (2009)
To Bibliography (2010)
To Bibliography (2011)
To Bibliography (2013)
To Bibliography (2014)
To Bibliography (2015)
To Bibliography (2016)
To Bibliography (2017)
To Bibliography (2018)
To Bibliography (2019)
To Bibliography (2020)
To Bibliography (2021)
To Bibliography (2022)
To Bibliography (2023)
To Bibliography (2024)

Back To Introduction
Back To Site Index