January 3: Sixteen entries and files 1047-71 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
The actual timeline was rearranged slightly. Some entries are quite long so I have decided to put these in separate HTML files linked from an introduction, all new ones and the old ones. There is no set length for entries selected by this criterion but the first ones are as follows:
File 1065: Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests — Brief Background; this is a new entry
File 1066: National Association for People Abused in Childhood — Brief Background; another new entry
File 1067: Rape Trauma Syndrome — Brief Background And Analysis; an old one, retitled from simply Rape Trauma Syndrome
File 1069: Harvey Proctor and Operation Midland; the entry for August 23, 2015 did not originally have a title.
January 3: Fight Like A Girl was published on VennerRoad with two photographs.
January 4: 2016 — Who We Lost In Music was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs. Another featured page, no less. Wow!
January 6: Seven entries were added to the False Rape Timeline and files 1072-7 & 1079.
January 6: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, September 2016
British Library flyer – World War I, 1916
Chekhov Trilogy
Street Girl, May 2016.
Circa January 8: The following were published by Songfacts:
Azaria by Black Assassins
Murder Mack (Roy Norris & Lawrence Bittaker) by Rich Hillen Junior
Something Blue by Rich Hillen Junior
The Lady Of Shalott by Loreena McKennitt
My Dream by Marilyn Lovell
Torment by Marilyn Lovell
Need A Lot Of Love by Magnum
Pray For The Day by Magnum
Drift by Emily Osment
Self Portrait by Rainbow
What You Don’t Know (Sure Can Hurt You) by Twisted Sister.
Re the above:
Azaria was submitted as A.Z.A.R.I.A. by The Black Assassins; I also submitted a captioned photograph of Lindy Chamberlain and her baby which was not used.
Self Portrait has been edited significantly; I will add the original to this site at a later date.
January 8: Six entries and files 1080-92 were added to the False Rape Timeline. In addition to this, the entry for NAPAC/Peter Saunders was augmented (including file 1080 – a short video clip), and the entry for December 28, 2008 from New Zealand was moved to a separate file (1089).
File 1091 replaces an archived link for The Scope Of Rape, the analysis of which was moved to a separate HTML file.
January 11: The following were published by Songfacts:
The Song Of The Grateful Duck from the soundtrack of Animal Farm (1999)
She Sells Sea Shells (with a captioned image) credited to Wilkie Bard
Sake Of The Song by Blackmore’s Night
Fire On The Water by Divlje Jagode
Go Home by Evil Stig
Angel Of Love by Linda Fletcher
Sally’s Come Back (And Brought The Sunshine Home) credited to Jack Hylton
You Need A Great Big Woman by Candye Kane
Red, Hot And Heavy by Pretty Maids
Chilli by Randallen (from the film Wendigo)
To Be Or Not To Be by B.A. Robertson
Aretusa Loser by Peter Sarstedt
Frozen Orange Juice by Peter Sarstedt
Beauty Of The Rose by The Gits
Are You Sincere by Andy Williams.
Re the above, I sent in most of this tranche shortly after hearing of the death of Peter Sarstedt. A third paragraph was added to Frozen Orange Juice; the reference to the New Seekers was added to Angel Of Love. Fire On The Water should really be credited to Wild Strawberries – the Anglicised name of the band who recorded the album on which this track appears as such. Are You Sincere (sans question mark) has been rewritten slightly; I sent it in as Es-Tu Sincère. Red, Hot And Heavy has been edited down slightly as has You Need A Great Big Woman
January 11: Sleepwalking Into A Surveillance State was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
January 12: A review of the Second Edition of the Nick Lowles book White Riot was published on the Amazon UK website.
January 13: Six entries and files 1093-1102 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 13-4: The following were published by Songfacts:
Prince Waldeck’s Galliard by Blackmore’s Night
A Second Hand Turban And A Crystal Ball from the film Anything Goes but credited here to Bing Crosby
My Gal Sal by Paul Dresser
Good Bye Reyhaneh by Hussam Ezz Eldin.
The third of the above was augmented significantly, presumably by Carl.
January 14: The following were published on this site:
The Jihad that Islam must win with an image.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 23, 2016 to January 14, 2017, including this entire page, of course.
The above article was published originally on Mathaba, which appears now to have folded even though its Twitter account appears still to be operating.
I have decided from this article forth to stop italicising certain words as a matter of course, including: gay, jihad, racist, sexist and similar including declensions thereof.
January 15: Five entries and files 1103-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 16: A new entry and files 1111-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 17: The petition Grant Harvey Proctor a Royal Pardon for his 1987 gross indecency prosecution was added to Change Dot Org with a photograph.
January 17: An entry for Emma Humphreys and files 1115-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. I will be publishing an in-depth article about this head case very soon.
January 17: On this site The “Anti-Semitism” Of Unsophisticated Minds and Is Zionism A Collective Mental Illness? were (re)published from Mathaba.
An edited clip of the Rodney King beating video was added to the first as was a clip downloaded from YouTube and uploaded to this site. The latter was included in the original. The second article includes the five images from the original; all but the first were supplied by me.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 15-7, 2017 was also added.
January 18: Five entries and files 1118-1123 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see entry for March 10, 2018.
January 19: Three entries and files 1124-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 20: Why Did We Fight The Cold War? was published originally by Wikinut with two images.
January 20: Eight entries and files 1130-38 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 20-21: It’s been a busy month for Songfacts; the following were added to the site:
Hier Encore by Charles Aznavour
Suzie (Dramas) by Elton John
Pretty Little Black Eyed Susie by Guy Mitchell
I Ain’t No Nice Guy by Motörhead (featuring Ozzy Osbourne)
It Depends On What You Pay from the musical The Fantasticks and credited here to the Cast
Meet The Flockers by YG.
Re the above, the Guy Mitchell songfact has been edited somewhat as was the Elton John number; the originals will be published on this site in due course.
January 21: Four entries and files 1139-46 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 23: On this site:
The limerick Biometrics In Schools was published
The HomePage was updated
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 18-23, 2017 was added.
January 24: Three entries and files 1147-55 were added to the False Rape Timeline. A couple of existing entries were also augmented.
Re file 1148, see entry for September 24, 2019
And file 1147, see entry for October 16, 2021.
January 24: Is Daniel Holtzclaw Innocent? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
January 25: A new counter was added to the IsMichaelStoneGuilty homepage.
January 25: Two entries and files 1156-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see entry for May 10, 2019 re file 1157.
January 25: When Rape Lies Lead To Murder was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
January 26: Two entries and files 1160-68 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 27: Four entries and files 1169-73 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 28: Four entries and files 1174-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 27-8: The following were added to Songfacts:
Prince Of The Punks by The Kinks
Don’t Take No For An Answer by Tom Robinson.
January 29: The following Taha correspondence was published on his site:
Daily Mirror, April 4, 2008
City A.M., January 10, 2017.
January 31: I gave a speech at The Extremists Club tonight with less than 24 hours notice: FAKE NEWS: Old Beer In New Bottles
I made it from notes, and it was okay. Met Alison Chabloz there, another victim of malicious persecution, and in her case malicious prosecution.
Below is the way it was advertised; I did send David Parry and his collaborator my notes, but not until very late, so this e-mail advice is slightly misleading, but I did touch on government disinformation, and my speech went down well as usual.
The speech – or most of it – was uploaded to YouTube on August 26, 2019.
February 3: Eight entries and files 1180-93 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
On May 24, 2021, I noticed I had not in fact added file 1190, so added it then.
Re file 1184, see entry for October 16, 2021.
February 3: A review of The Map Of My Life: The Story Of Emma Humphreys was published on Amazon.
February 3: A PDF of The Absurdity Of The National Debt was added to FinancialReform supplementing the existing JPG files. My long defunct Facebook e-mail address was also removed from the HomePage.
Circa February 4: The following were added to Songfacts:
The Closer I Get To You by Asia
Strike Up The Band credited here to its composer George Gershwin
Superhero by Candy Kane
Idle On Parade from the film Idol On Parade, credited here to Anthony Newley
747 (Strangers In The Night) by Saxon
Broken Heroes by Saxon
Militia Guard by Saxon
Frozen Rainbow by Saxon
Lionheart by Saxon
Party Till You Puke by Saxon
Rainbow Theme by Saxon
Requiem (We Will Remember) by Saxon
Sailing To America by Saxon
Suzie Hold On by Saxon
To Hell And Back Again by Saxon.
Re the above, The Closer I Get To You and Strike Up The Band were sent in yesterday following the deaths of John Wetton and Desmond Carrington. I also sent in Fly Like An Eagle... but that was too strong for Carl, although he didn’t put it quite like that!
In Requiem..., I used the phrase “a terrific riff” rather than “a beloved riff” – this was corrected February 27, 2017.
February 4: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Daniel In The Den
Ted Bundy: Natural Porn Killer
The Secret from the series Dateline NBC
February 4: See this page for Why You Should Oppose The Travel Ban
February 5: The following were added to this site:
Ethnic group urges curb on immigration – linked directly into note 47 of The Man Who Invented “Racism”
The songfact for Fly Like An Eagle by Julie McNamara
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 24-February 5, 2017.
February 6: The Fallacy Of Mental Illness was published originally by Wikinut with 2 images.
The above was actually published after the review of Dead Bodies below but before Dracula Reborn.
February 6: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Dead Bodies
Dracula: Reborn (2012)
Held Hostage
February 6-7: The following were added to Songfacts:
Departure Of A Troopship credited to the London Military Band
Say It With Music by Irving Berlin.
February 7: Six entries and files 1194-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 10: Four entries and files 1197-1202 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 10-11: The following were published by Songfacts:
Brothers Without A Name by Lucifer’s Friend
Harry May by The Business
The Employers Blacklist by The Business.
February 11: The following were added to this site:
Ten Rape Prevention Tips For Rad-Fems
A screengrab of a short extract from a YouTube help page re the view counter together with an explanatory note.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 6-11, 2017.
The above rad-fem joke was posted to Facebook on February 10, 2017 as a long overdue response to a feminist diatribe on the same subject. Later that night it was published on the A Voice For Men forum. One tiny correction has been made to paragraph 9.
February 12: Four entries and files 1203-09 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 13-4: The following were published by Songfacts:
Halfway by Luke Dowler
Don’t Turn Your Back On Me by Jackie DeShannon
John Wayne Gacy by Rich Hillen Jr
Just Born Bad by Rich Hillen Jr
Carl Panzram by Nightmare At Hanging Rock
I think this is a record. I sent in these on the afternoon of February 13 and asked Carl if he could publish the songfact for Halfway in the next week or two.
The songfact for Don’t Turn Your Back On Me has been augmented considerably. I will add the original (as submitted) to this site in due course.
February 14: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb:
Consent: The Louise Nicholas Story
Wake In Fear
Re the above, they were published more or less simultaneously although the second was submitted around half an hour before the first even though the second e-mail acknowledgment arrived first. The second was originally called All I Need.
February 14: 8213 West Summerdale Avenue, Chicago, Illinois was added to Songplaces
This is my first such entry, and any future ones are likely to be few and far between.
February 14-5: The following were published by Songfacts:
Song For Gary by Eric Bell
Joe by Inspiral Carpets
Mississippi Rag by William Krell
Panzram’s Blues by Nightmare At Hanging Rock
Make Them Understand by Mike Sheridan’s Lot
Take My Hand by Mike Sheridan’s Lot
Man And Machine by Saxon
The above were probably all published on February 14, but I don’t check absolutely every day, although I’ve had a lot published on this site so far this year.
February 15: Three entries and files 1210-15 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 16: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Point Of Fear
The Sentinel (1977)
The Tunnel (2011)
February 17: The following were published originally by Wikinut in this order, each with an image:
The Al Atkins Interview
‘Swallow’ — Album Review
February 19: Four entries and files 1216-20 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 19: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
Evening Standard, November 14, 1990
Evening Standard, September 6, 2016
Boxing News, September 8, 2016
Boxing News, September 15, 2016
West End Extra, September 16, 2016
Spectator, September 17, 2016
Daily Mirror, November 14, 2016
Daily Mirror, November 16, 2016
The Call Boy, Winter 2016
Ealing & Acton Gazette, January 13, 2017
Evening Standard, January 18, 2017.
February 21: Two entries and files 1221-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 21: The following were added to this website:
David Duke and Patricia McAllister – A marriage made in Heaven
David Duke’s most unlikely supporter
Patricia McAllister finds the plot and loses her marbles
All the above were published originally on Digital Journal; they include two images and a short video clip.
The David Duke video Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts with a short introduction
And Leroy Cool Meets David Duke
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 12-21, 2017 was also added.
February 22: My running battles with Britain’s Nazi godfather was added to SearchlightArchive; this is Gable’s Jewish Chronicle obituary for Colin Jordan. This is the first update of that site this year.
February 22: The Return Of The Keystone Kops was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs.
February 24: Beware — Computer Repair Scammers At Work! was published originally by Wikinut with a cartoon.
The above article is dated February 22, but that is the date it was submitted.
February 26: Five entries and files 1228-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 27: Four entries and files 1231-2 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
February 27: The following were published by Songfacts:
England Belongs To Me by Cock Sparrer
Spacer by Sheila B. Devotion
A Time To Buy by Katie Melua
Plane Song by Katie Melua.
February 28: The Canonisation Of Emma Humphreys was published originally by Wikinut with 3 photographs.
February 28: The following were published by Songfacts:
Last Night Another Soldier Angelic Upstarts
Are You Ready To Ruck? by Cockney Rejects
Someone Like You by Cockney Rejects
I Know I’m Losing You by Inspiral Carpets
Dragging Me Down by Inspiral Carpets
The existing songfact for The Fields Of Athenry was augmented (a mere paragraph).
March 4: Fourteen entries and files 1233-45 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 6: Clinton — Don’t Let The Greater Felon Loose... was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph of a smiling Hillary Clinton, though she won’t be smiling when she reads this!
March 6: The following were added to this site:
A review of The Map Of My Life... republished from the Amazon UK website
A screengrab of a flattering comment from A Voice For Men re the False Rape Timeline – this was published August 22 last year; here I have added it to the Image Gallery.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 22-March 6, 2017.
March 7: Seven entries and files 1246-55 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 8: Three entries and files 1256-62 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 8: The Great Free Speech Experiment was uploaded to YouTube.
March 9: Five entries and files 1263-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 10: The following were published by Songfacts:
Medusa by Burnt Out Wreck
Devil In Her Eyes by Heavy Pettin’
Rock Ain’t Dead by Heavy Pettin’
I Ain’t Down Yet from The Unsinkable Molly Brown but credited here to Debbie Reynolds (and initially without my credit!)
Nothing Looks The Same In The Light by Wham!
March 11: Five entries and files 1270-75 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 11: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Flyer for Dreamgirls, Savoy Theatre
Four postcards – front only – and the obverse of one from Matilda The Musical
March 11: The Flaherty Fallacy was published originally by Wikinut with a screengrab.
March 12: Four entries and files 1276-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 12: The comment below by rona smith was added to the Colin Flaherty YouTube channel today; it was added to this site on April 10, 2017. Clearly this individual is not a member of my fan club!
March 14: Four entries and files 1280-84 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 15: Four entries and files 1285-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
The above includes the Kanin article on false rape allegations which I uploaded to the Internet Archive on December 15, 2009. I did not add that to this bibliography at the time because...
March 18: Thirteen entries and files 1290-1304 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 20: Chuck Berry (1926-2017) was published originally by Wikinut.
The above includes a photo of the great man. I was expecting Chuck to make the ton as has Vera Lynn this very day. On that subject, it includes a reference to her turning a hundred tomorrow (meaning today); this is because the article is dated March 19, when it was submitted.
March 20: Although nothing new was added to this site yesterday, I did replace another couple of compressed PDF files with new scans. It will be some time before I can find the remaining 30+ much less rescan them.
Today, two e-mails from students re Gena Turgel were added under Other Contributors together with some explanatory blurb.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 7-20, 2017 was also added.
March 21: Four entries and files 1305-14 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 22: Five entries and files 1315-26 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1317 is a long entry relating to Donald Trump.
March 22: The following correspondence was published on the Mark Taha website:
Bella, October 25, 2016
The Friars’ Chronicles, Christmas 2016
West End Extra, February 17, 2017
Camden New Journal, February 23, 2017.
March 22: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Cromwelliana: leaflets for Cromwell’s Day 1963, 1964 & 1965; a bust of Cromwell and a flyer for ...Hero and Villain?
March 24: Five entries and files 1327-40 were added to the False Rape Timeline. This includes a substantial augmentation of file 1067 (Rape Trauma Syndrome) to which 3 screengrabs and an HTML file were added.
March 24-5: The following were added to Songfacts:
Jaguar And Thunderbird by Chuck Berry
Wee Wee Hours by Chuck Berry
A Man For All Seasons by Al Stewart
Knoxville Girl – Traditional but credited here to Arthur Tanner.
March 26: On this site:
A review of ...The Lynching Of A Guilty Man was added to the Review Section (in PDF as well as HTML) – see also entry for March 28, 2017, (below).
And the Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 21-6, 2017.
March 27: Five entries and files 1341-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
March 27: Does YouTube Need Advertising Revenue? was published originally by Wikinut.
The above article includes the YouTube logo, one of them, and earned me the accolade Author of the day, probably because so few people are writing for this site nowadays!
March 28: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man so titled was republished by Majority Rights – my first submission to that site in ages. They added 5 images but omitted the formatting!
March 28-9: Six entries and files 1351-63 were added to the False Rape Timeline excluding file 1358.
I had some problems with this site, hence the update spread over two days.
March 30: Holtzclaw, Harris, And The Dangers Of Trawling was published originally by Wikinut with two images.
March 30: Four entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Also files 1364-75 and file 1358.
March 31: Two entries and files 1376-80 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 2: Four entries and files 1381-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 2: The Great Free Speech Experiment was added to the Internet Archive.
April 2: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Blood Diner (1987)
Greetings (2007)
Taken: The Search For Sophie Parker
April 4: Six entries and files 1387-1403 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The entry for Jane Andrews was augmented, a photograph was added, and it was moved to a separate file, (1399).
April 5: Six entries and files 1404-14 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 5: A Tale Of Two Fallacies was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
April 6: Four entries and files 1415-23 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1421 (not a new entry) concerns Rhiannon Brooker; I realised the other day that an archived version of the associated video is linked to the article The Women Who Need To Stop Lying About Rape so I have replaced the archived link on this site with a direct link to the relevant mp4 file (907).
April 7: Three entries and files 1424-34 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The entry for rape trauma syndrome was also augmented signficantly.
April 9: Four entries and files 1435-42 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 9: The Real Cause Of “Anti-Semitism” was published on VennerRoad with an image.
April 10: The following were added to this site:
A PDF of TAKE YOUR CHOICE: Separation or Mongrelization by Theodore Bilbo – under Other Contributors
A cartoon entered as Comparative Religion, ie my title
Two screengrabs of YouTube comments – one re the Tyson rape case; the other on the Colin Flaherty channel. They are entered directly into this Bibliography at October 9, 2016 and March 12, 2017 respectively, ie the last dates concerned.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 27-April 10, 2017.
April 11: Seven entries and files 1443-55 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 12: Two entries and files 1456-65 were added to the False Rape Timeline. These include two JPGs and an HTML file to replace three entries linked originally from the website Mlive dot com. These files were archived, or I thought they were, but when I checked one of them yesterday I received the message ‘‘Page cannot be displayed due to robots.txt.” in red. Hopefully there are no more of these, but I’m not counting on it.
April 14: The TEMPLE Of CANDICE was added to this site; this consists of an index.html file (placeholder); the Gallery file – ie The TEMPLE Of Candice; JPG files candice-1 to candice-73; JPG files candice-u-1 to candice-u-67; and an MP3 of Temple Of The King which plays when the page is loaded.
I was going to upload this on May 8 – her 46th birthday, but today is her husband’s 72nd birthday, so...
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 11-4, 2017 was also added.
April 15: Four entries and files 1466-80 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see entry for November 8, 2021 re file 1470.
April 17: Five entries and files 1481, 1483-92 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
The above was entered originally as 1481-92; this entry was corrected May 24, 2017. 1482 was uploaded (to replace an archived link of the same file) but was not actually linked.
April 18: Six entries and files 1493-1500 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 19: Open Research Group notes on a meeting – includes a paragraph on my video The Case For Basic Income.
Circa April 21: The following were added to Songfacts:
I Survived by Adam Faith
All Because Of You by Geordie
Behind Bars by Mover.
April 21: Two entries and files 1501-03 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 21-2: The following were added to Songfacts:
All Because Of You by Blackmore’s Night Love Came To Me by Dion; see also the original
Harry Is Our Man – Redknapp For England I’ve Got A Plan (Based On Maddie McCann)
Avenging And Bright – Traditional but credited here to Various
The Burning Babe – Traditional but credited here to Sting.
April 23: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
Permission To Speak, Sir!, Spring 2017
The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2017.
April 24: Six entries and files 1504-24 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 26: Three entries and files 1525-38 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 26: An anti-usury leaflet produced by the old National Front was added to FinancialReform; this is slightly smaller than A5 height wise, and an inch or so less in width. Taha gave it to me Sunday; it probably dates from a 1970s election; I recall seeing it – decades ago!
April 26: The following were added to this site:
Files candice-u-68 to candice-u-71 to The Candice Night Gallery.
One of the above is dated April 14, 2016 – Ritchie’s birthday – but rather than spend hours sorting and resorting, all future additions including this one will go at the bottom of the page.
Notes on a meeting of the Open Research Group – entered directly into the Bibliography at April 19, 2017, (above). I sent the link of my Basic Income video to Mary Fee, and she was quite impressed with it.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 15-26, 2017 was also added.
April 27: Two entries and files 1539-48 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
Re the above, on Easter Sunday, I decided to recheck a link or two on the False Rape Timeline, and discovered that all the archived links for the (London) Daily Mail gave only a robots.txt error message. I contacted the Internet Archive, and received a message to the effect that playback on that site was currently being blocked. There was also a blog post to that effect. At the time of writing, pages are not being archived by the Wayback Machine either, like no pages. I have contacted them in connection with that several times, but have had no response. Regarding the Daily Mail, all its webpages appear to contain the code “noodp,noydir,all,noarchive”.
I decided therefore to download them, remove this fragment of code, and rearchive them through this site, but the Wayback Machine anomaly has scuppered that for the moment. The best alternative is to convert said pages to PDFs and upload them as regular files. This is not as easy as it sounds with pages that contain photographs, but I have made a start, in particular files 1541-3 above.
See also entry for May 15, 2019 re file 1548.
Circa April 28: The following were published by Songfacts:
I Remember You by Frank Ifield
She Taught Me How To Yodel by Frank Ifield
Temple Of The King by Rainbow (seriously augmented)
Conquest by Ronnie And The Red Caps
Living Next Door To Alice by Smokie.
April 28: Two entries and files 1549-56 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
April 29: Two entries and files 1557-70 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 1: Four entries and files 1571-82 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
File 1580 is a PDF of my 2015 article Gloria Allred’s Despicable Crusade; file 1581 is a PDF version of file 1333, the HTML original of which was replaced with a separate entry for the anaylsis of the article concerned.
May 1: The Magic Of Rolf Harris was uploaded to YouTube with a transcript.
Alternative link for the above video.
Alternative link for the transcript.
May 1: The Ten Biggest Lies About Islam In The West was published originally by Wikinut with an image.
The above is dated April 28 but was published this afternoon.
May 2: Three entries and files 1583-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 3: The following were added to this site:
Images u-72 to u-76 to The Candice Night Gallery
My review of Intersectionality: An Intellectual History – published originally on the Amazon UK site
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 27-May 3, 2017.
May 4: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Christmas Makers Market – 2015
Ripley Recital – May 21, 2016
Sydenham & Forest Hill CND, May 2016.
May 4: Three entries and files 1592-605 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 6: Three entries and files 1606-15 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
The Graeme Stening case had already been mentioned en passant but I decided it warranted not only an entry on its own account but a page.
May 8: Two entries and files 1616-28 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Most of the files are PDFs of Daily Mail webpages. The problem with the Wayback Machine has been sorted; I was informed last night there was indeed a bug in it which had been fixed Friday, but there is now a separate Save Page Now feature on a different page which Yours Truly had overlooked.
May 9: “Love Is Calling” — Album Review was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
Technically the above is not an album, but what the...
Circa May 11: The following were published by Songfacts:
I’m Always Here – the theme from the Baywatch TV series but credited here to Jamison
Somewhere In America by Jackie DeShannon.
Both the above were submitted May 8.
May 11: Three entries and files 1629-43 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1638 is a replacement for an existing but archived MP4 file, but was not linked properly until April 14, 2019.
May 12: Three entries and files 1644-53 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 12-3: The following were published by Songfacts:
All My Life by Aeriel School
Darker Shade Of Gray by Aeriel School
Red Hot Flame by Aeriel School
Say What You Will by Aeriel School
Dreaming by The Firm.
May 14: Three entries and files 1654-61 were added to the False Rape Timeline. I have now replaced all the archived Daily Mail links with PDFs. File 1661 is a replacement for an archived video.
May 15: Trump v The Media Liars was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
May 17: Eleven entries and files 1662-79 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 18: Nine entries and files 1680-1703 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 19: Seven entries and files 1704-12 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
The above take the Timeline to just over three thousand entries.
May 20: A three minute video Trump “Collusion” And Clinton Corruption was uploaded to YouTube with a transcript.
May 22: Three entries and files 1714-23 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 23: The following were added to this site:
Photographs u-77 and u-86 to The Candice Night Gallery
The previously published review of The Death Of Lisa Steinberg to the Review Section
An introductory page to Take Your Choice...
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 4-23, 2017.
May 24: Four entries and three files were added to the False Rape Timeline: 1482, 1713 & 1724.
May 27: Four entries and files 1725-40 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
May 30: I started another petition on Change Dot Org: Stop paying women to lie about rape
The above included a cartoon from the False Rape Timeline; I also embedded the introductory video but this appears not to show up.
May 30: I finally got round to opening a Patreon account; added my photo to this and a new video linked from the False Rape Timeline although I have not and will not be including this on the Timeline itself. I thought it was possible to upload videos directly to Patreon. Evidently not.
But see entry for August 23, 2020.
May 30: When Police Are Falsely Accused was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
May 31: The Trump Conspiracy was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
Circa June 4: The following were published by Songfacts:
Heavy Thoughts by Al Atkins
Mind Conception by Al Atkins
When You Walk In The Room by Jackie DeShannon
Angel Of Mons by Shiva
Call Me In The Morning by Shiva
Rendez-Vous With Death by Shiva
Shiva by Shiva
Stranger Lands by Shiva.
June 4: Twelve entries and files 1741-65 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The video I made for my Patreon appeal (May 30, 2017) was linked from the HomePage.
The same video was also added to my YouTube account, and then to Vimeo.
June 5: Allman Brothers Reunited was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
June 7: A review of Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues by Catherine MacKinnon was published on Amazon.
June 7: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
47 Meters Down
Bedeviled (2016)
From The Shadows
Not that it matters but the above were submitted in this order; the acknowledgment e-mails were also received in this order but From The Shadows may have been published seconds before Bedeviled.
June 7: The recent two part documentary on the Chillenden Murders was added to the Michael Stone website (archived versions).
June 7: A new page was added to the Mark Taha website with PDFs of his sixteen articles and reviews, ie all his contributions to The Latest News.
Three screengrabs were also included; one of these was deleted on September 12, 2017 after being incorporated into the actual article. I can’t be bothered to edit the other two, but like my contributions, all his original articles have been archived. Navigate from this link.
June 7: The following were added to this site:
A photograph of Ritchie Blackmore
Songfacts for Gethsemane Again and Running Man with their relevant images
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 24-June 7, 2017.
Re the above songfacts, I added these because since Songfacts was revamped, some song images – including for these two – have been deleted. Curiously they don’t appear to have been archived either.
June 8: Four entries and files 1766-73 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
June 8: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Downward Spiral: Inside the Case Against Aaron Hernandez from the series CNN Special Reports
Texas Dad Sets UP, Violently Confronts Daughter’s Abuser from the series Crime Watch Daily
The Slumdog Cannibal: Surinder Koli from the series Evil Up Close
Yes, the word UP in the second of the above is capitalised thus.
Circa June 9: The following were published by Songfacts:
Anything Goes by Gregg Allman
Babydog by The Raincoats
No One’s Little Girl by The Raincoats
A Castle Full Of Rascals by Deep Purple.
The existing songfact Heigh-Ho from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs was augmented.
The above were all submitted on June 5. Babydog was edited significantly.
June 9: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Exploring Psychic Powers Live
Islam: The Untold Story
The Boy Next Door from the series 48 Hours
Daughter’s Deadly Betrayal from the series Crime Watch Daily
June 11: Two Thought Experiments Concerning Rape uploaded to YouTube with a transcript.
Alternative link for the above video. Alternative link for the transcript.
June 15: Trump “Collusion” And Clinton Corruption was published originally by Wikinut with a cartoon.
June 21: Four entries and files 1774-85 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
Circa June 22: The following were published by Songfacts:
Bloodsucker by Deep Purple
Into The Fire by Deep Purple
Mellow Mama Blues – credited here to Dinah Washington.
June 22: Reviews of the following were published by IMDb:
A Whisper In The Dark
Boobs In The Wood
Doctor Strange
My Favorite Spy (1951).
June 22: Four entries and files 1786-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
June 22: The following were published originally by Wikinut. This site is getting worse as can be seen by the dates of the articles.
Blackmore Plays The O2 with an image
To Get Away With Murder, Wear A Badge with two images.
June 27: Thirteen entries and files 1792-805 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
File 1799 wasn’t uploaded until February 4, 2021 when I noticed the problem.
June 27: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb:
Brainwash the entire series; this is actually called Hjernevask and is largely in Norwegian.
Second Shot At Love from Forensic Files
June 30: Michael Stone — Twenty Years On, Still Innocent was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph from the Michael Stone website.
July 3: Five entries and files 1806-17 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
July 4: MSO 2017 Begins Next Month was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
July 5: Killer Couples In California was published originally by Wikinut with three photographs.
Wow, Star Page again. Probably because there are now so few people writing for this site. Sigh.
July 5: A duplicate entry was removed from the False Rape Timeline. This was for September 24, 2010 – a teenager from Encinatas.
Four new entries and files 1818-27 were added.
July 5: The following were added to this site:
Photographs of Candice Night: u-87 to u-102
The original songfact for Strawberry Girl
The limerick James Comey (2)
The above limerick was published originally on Sickipedia May 12, 2017 without a title. The existing limerick called James Comey published on social media October 28, 2016 and here December 8, 2016 was renamed James Comey (1). As with all the other such limericks, the number on the page is included in the italicised title – this is due to the page layout and my limited HTML skills.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 8-July 5, 2017 was also added.
July 6: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb:
The Redwood Massacre
July 6: A Sterling Revenge was published on VennerRoad.
July 8: Jian Ghomeshi And Dave Lee Travis — INNOCENT MEN TRASHED was uploaded to YouTube.
July 9: Trump — The Lies, The Smears, The Hate, The Retractions was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
July 10: The folowing were published on this site:
Leroy Cool Is Bemused By James Comey
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 6-10, 2017.
July 11: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb:
The Hillside Stranglers from the series American Justice
Sex Offenders from the series Lockdown
Madness In The Fast Lane
July 11: Four entries and files 1828-36 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
July 13: When Will They Listen To Eric? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
July 13: CRYING WOLF: Hate Crime Hoaxes In Britain
Perpetrators, Motives, Consequences was published at the Internet Archive.
Although the above is dated July 6, 2017, it was published today. And was more or less completed in 2002! (Re the url, see immediately below).
July 14: I made a couple of very minor corrections to Crying Wolf... – formatting, not actual content – but was unable to upload to the same page, so I deleted the original files and uploaded to this new page.
July 14: Three entries and files 1837-47 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
July 14-5: The following were published on Songfacts:
Love Help Me by Deep Purple
No No No by Deep Purple
The Ballad Of Leonard And Charles by Exodus
Where’s God by Insane Clown Posse
Steppin’ Out by Memphis Slim.
July 15: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb:
Pitchfork (2016)
Running Wild (1995)
Summer Camp (2015).
July 16: The following scans were added to SearchlightArchive:
Searchlight, May 1976, page 4
Searchlight, May 1978: front page and pages 3-9
Searchlight, June 2000, page 18.
July 17: The video Donald Trump’s Disgraceful Real Estate was uploaded to YouTube.
July 19: The following were added to this site:
My Amazon review of Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues
My response to the Government proposals/consultation re Racial and Religiously Aggravated Offences
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 11-9, 2017.
July 20: Five entries and files 1848-54 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
July 20: The Fallacy Of Rape Shield Laws was published originally by Wikinut with an image.
The above contained an incorrect date – the Sulkowicz/Nungesser non-incident was August 27, 2012; originally I wrote August 22, 2012. This was corrected shortly.
July 21: How Fake Is Our News? was published originally by Wikinut with a cartoon.
July 22: The petition Stop The Special Counsel Investigation Into Donald Trump was added to Change Dot Org with a photograph.
July 25: Four entries and files 1855-62 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
July 25-6: The following were added to Songfacts:
Angels In Chains by Geri Halliwell
A Boy Named Ben by John Evans.
July 28: Six entries and files 1863-72 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
July 28: Whine, Women & Wages was published originally by Wikinut with two images.
The above was a star page!
July 29: A scan of the back page of Searchlight, March 1982 was added to SearchlightArchive
August 3: Eleven entries and files 1873-89 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see February 4, 2022 re file 1873 and the associated entry.
August 6: Democrats Double Down With Smears On Trump And Putin was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
Circa August 11: The following were added to Songfacts:
Hey Bop A Re Bop (an alternative version of The Painter) by Deep Purple.
Hideaway by Freddie King (credited here as Hide Away) – this was actually an existing songfact I amended significantly.
August 12: The Truth About Lobbying was published originally by Wikinut with two images.
August 13: Twelve entries and files 1890-1903 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
August 15: Over the past few days I have been uploading some of my old jokes to the new Sickipedia site; the result is that I am now in eighth place! See below. This is probably as high as I will get, I certainly won’t get anywhere near number one. Curiously, some of my jokes that scored well before have been buried while others that were deleted shortly have picked up a few points.
August 15: Colin Pitchfork To Be Paroled was published originally by Wikinut with a previously published photograph.
A PDF replacd a link on then April 11, 2020 and 2 more PDFs replaced links on April 2, 2024.
August 17: Charlottesville — Whose Hate? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
August 18: Five entries and files 1904-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
August 19: Nine entries and files 1911-9 (excluding file 1914) were added to the False Rape Timeline.
August 19: Trump The Hater? was uploaded to YouTube.
The above entry was added only August 23, 2022. I didn’t intend to add it initially. Not that it matters but I can’t remember if I uploaded it before or after the False Rape Timeline entries above. August 24: Files 1914 and 1920 were added to the False Rape Timeline along with three entries.
August 24: The video No Country For Dead White Men was uploaded to YouTube.
August 25: Five entries and files 1921-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
August 26: Four entries and files 1926-31 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
August 27: Four entries and files 1932-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
August 28: “Beyond The Pain Barrier” — Album Review was published originally by Wikinut with an image.
September 2: The following were added to this site:
Alexander Baron’s contributions to The Latest News (2015-6)
The above has been placed in a separate directory with an index.html file. The listing page includes a lengthy introduction/explanation. The PDF files are numbered sequentially 1-431 with 7 supplementary files 7 for comments [6 for individual articles, one for the entire site (including articles by other authors)], and three counters. There are 5 JPG files, 4 MP4 files (previously linked videos) and of course the two aforementioned HTML files.
A PDF of ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Homosexuality, (1990), Volume 1, pages 536-9 (directly into the notes for The Man Who Invented Racism).
The latest update to the HomePage
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for July 20-September 2, 2017.
September 3: The following were published by IMDb in this order:
Reviews of the films:
Dead Of Night (1996)
Reviews of the documentaries:
A Brilliant Madness from the series American Experience
Betrayal from the series 48 Hours
Deadly Betrayal from the series Dateline NBC
Letters From An Indian Clerk
Marissa DeVault from the series Snapped
OJ Simpson: Monster Or Myth?
Paul Sykes: At Large from the series First Tuesday
Circa September 4: The following songs – all by Thor – were added to Songfacts:
Beyond The Pain Barrier
Deity In The Sky
Galactic Sun
On Golden Sea
Phantom’s Light
Quest For Valor
The Land
Thunder Road
When A Hero Dies
September 4: Thirteen entries and files 1936-59 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
September 6: Looking Back On MSO 2017 was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
September 8: Three entries and files 1960-68 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
September 8: The following documents listed below in chronological order were added to SearchlightArchive:
Death certificate of Walter Gable, father of the Evil One!
Front man fled on spare passport – 1979
Black Flag, Autumn 1993, pages 12-3 & 21
Vanguard, issue 41, page 24
Hard Muslims top of hate list: Gay students fear them most (I published this originally in a leaflet 22 years ago)
Brought to book – two letters (one from Mike Newland) published in the Guardian; the full text of my letter as sent is included in this Bibliography.
September 9: The following documents listed below in chronological order were added to SearchlightArchive:
Lobster, December 1995, pages 26-9
Lobster, June 1996, page 31
Crusader, issue 6, pages 809
Lobster, December 1996, (article from) page 39
Lobster, Summer 1999, (article from) page 26
Taxinform Limited Accounts for June 30, 2013.
September 10: This morning I was on Sunday Spiritual Radio with Alan Cox and David Parry. Here is the full programme.
September 10: The following documents listed below in chronological order were added to SearchlightArchive:
Letter by Gerry Gable in the Guardian, May 7, 1996
Lobster, Summer 1997, pages 35-8
Searchlight, March 1983, page 8
Searchlight Exposed – December 30, 2008.
September 11: The following were added to this site:
Crying Wolf... by Laird Wilcox – this has already been added to the False Rape Timeline, but I hope at some point to give that its own domain, so rather than simply link it I have added another file
The Macpherson Report, Volume I.
Both the above are on separate HTML pages each with a few words of introduction.
Photographs candice-u-103 to candice-u-110 to The Candice Night Gallery
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 3-11, 2017.
September 12:
Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Bala: The Novel Killer from the series Killers: Behind The Myth
Flesh And Blood from the series FBI: Criminal Pursuit
Leung/Bunton from the series For My Man
Traitors Within
The above were submitted in that order, ie alphabetical order, but for the record the notification of publication e-mail for number 2 arrived seconds before that for number 1. And the notification for number 4 arrived slightly before that for number 3.
September 12: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
City A.M., July 13, 2016
The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2016
Sun, January 17, 2017
West End Extra, March 3, 2017
Boxing News, April 20, 2017
Daily Mail, June 5, 2017
Sun, July 5, 2017
I also did some site maintenance.
September 12: Two entries and files 1969-76 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
September 13: Who Or What Is God? was published originally by Wikinut with an image.
September 16: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
A Complaint Of Rape from the series 24 Hours In Police Custody
Polly Klaas: Kidnapped from the series The F.B.I. Files
Vanessa Coleman/Tamika Barbary from the series For My Man
September 17: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Prisoners Of Silence from the series Frontline
Psychiatry: An Industry Of Death
You Rat, You Die from the series Gangland
September 17: The following were added to Vexatious Litigant:
Duff – transcript of 2013 vexatious litigant case
How To Deal With A Vexatious Litigant Or Legal Bully
Vexatious Litigants And Unusually Persistent Complainants And Petitioners: From Querulous Paranoia To Querulous Behaviour
September 17: Three entries and files 1977-84 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
File 1978 wasn’t linked until January 29, 2021 when I noticed it had been coded as a PDF instead of a JPG.
Circa September 21: The following were published by Songfacts:
Set Me Free by The Kinks
The Ballad Of Booth from the musical Assassins
The Party’s Over credited here to Judy Holliday
We’re Gonna Make It Together by Jackie Trent & Tony Hatch.
September 21: Is Russia Now The Free World? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
On April 2, 2024, an uploaded PDF replaced a link to a website.
September 22: The following were added to this website:
“Racism” Defined – includes 3 scans and 4 screengrabs.
The archived version of Great White in concert was replaced with a new file uploaded here – ie the same file but not archived.
Seven photographs – candice-u-111 to candice u-117 – to The Candice Night Gallery.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 12-22, 2017.
September 23: Five entries and files 1885-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
September 23: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
Metro, June 21, 2017
Boxing News, June 22, 2017
The i, July 11, 2017
Daily Mail, July 14, 2017
Boxing News, August 3, 2017
Boxing News, August 10, 2017
Boxing News, September 14, 2017.
September 23: Three entries and files 1992-2000 were added to the False Rape Timeline. I could call this four entries but file 1998 was also used to note that 5 false reports of rape or attempted rape had been made at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2004, so technically it is a new entry, but...
September 23: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Aries Affair, Brixton, March 25, 2017
Four Femmes On The Thames
Join Lewisham’s cycle loan scheme
Radio Sydenham – A5
Sea Life – Brighton, 2016
What a night! – Brighton, October 6, 2017
September 25: The following were added to FinancialReform:
Real Wealth, Virtual Wealth, And Money with two images – published originally as a Digital Journal blog
UK Minimum Wage Rise Will Hurt the Poorest by Enza Ferreri – published originally by The Latest News
September 28: Why Rape Liars Recant was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs.
This site is getting worse; the above article was submitted September 23 and is so dated, but it really was published today.
September 29: Six entries and files 2001 to 2010 were added to the False Rape Timeline. A text file 2016- Supplementary Cases was also added by way of explanation for the new and future post-2015 entries.
Of the new entries, one is from 2015, two from 2016, and three from 2017.
September 29: What Is The Bandwagon Effect? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
September 29: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Annie ‘A Glorious Revival’
Dulwich Pavilion – Summer 2017
Peace Train – UK tour
The Cloggz – August & September 2017
West End Summer School at the Brighton Academy.
October 2: Seven entries and files 2011 to 2027 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Two of these entries are from last year and one from this year. More of both to follow!
October 3: One entry and files 2028-31 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 4: One entry and files 2032-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 5: Punishing The Bad Acts Of Women was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs.
October 5: Four entries and files 2035-46 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see entry for March 2, 2022 re file 2042.
October 6: Eight entries and files 2047-62 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 6: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Bleed For This
Family Film Fest, Beckenham
Homecroft Road street party (2 flyers)
The Albany Garden, Autumn 2017.
October 6-7: The following were published by Songfacts:
The Fishermen Hung The Monkey, O! by Ned Corvan
The Hartlepool Monkey credited here to The Teeside Fettlers.
October 7: Five entries and files 2063-74 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 7: The following were added to this site:
Pages 66-8 of Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study, Third Edition.
The above (one PDF file) was linked directly into the note section of ...The Man Who Invented “Racism”...
In this connection, note (35) was altered from
Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study, Edited by Paula S. Rothenberg, Third Edition, published by St Martin’s Press, New York, (1995), page 67.
Rothenberg, Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, page 67, (op cit).
Call the above an edit if you wish, but this was published as an actual pamphlet, so...
The full text of Kinsey, Sex And Fraud... in PDF. I have put this book on an HTML page which includes a short introduction.
The full text of Sex Versus Civilization in PDF and an archived version in JPG format. Like the above, I have put this book on an HTML page which includes a short introduction.
The archived version of Prosecuting Rape Victims While Rapists Run Free... was replaced with a PDF on this site in the file Documentation on the lies of law professor Lisa Avalos
The archived version of The Friday Rock Show (excerpt), August 21, 1992, was replaced with the same file on this site.
The original songfact for Jail Bait (entered originally as Jailbait, corrected December 5, 2024).
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for September 23-October 7, 2017.
October 8: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Blood Of Dracula’s Castle
Cabin 28
Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
October 8: Five entries and files 2075-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 9: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Night Train To Murder
Playing With Dolls (2015)
The Night Watchmen
Those Mad Mad Movie Makers
Re the above, the films were submitted in this order but the notification for Whirlpool arrived before that for Those Mad Mad Movie Makers, but at the same time to the nearest minute. My e-mail program does not do seconds.
Those Mad, Mad Moviemakers was originally called The Last Porn Flick; its film credits are listed under the former; reviews under the latter.
October 10: The Big Lie Is Alive And Well was published originally by Wikinut with an image.
October 10: The following were added to this site:
To The DuQuesne Gallery (in chronological order):
Five GCE certificates
Bibliographia Personalis
Record of a tarot reading
Change of name document
A PDF of Tragedy & Hope... on an HTML page with a short introduction.
In connection with the above, the scans of individual pages (53, 257, 316, 325) were removed; a link to the above page was substituted.
The edited clip of the Rodney King beating added January 17 this year linked from The “Anti-Semitism” Of Unsophisticated Minds was deleted and replaced with the 1 minute 32 second clip uploaded August 29, 2011.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 8-10, 2017 was also added.
October 11: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Green/Santos from the series For My Man
Red Right Hand: The Cleveland Strangler
The Real American – Joe McCarthy
October 13: Eleven entries and files 2080 to 2106 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 15: Four entries and files 2107-17 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 16: Reviews of Propaganda by Edward Bernays and A Fast Ride Out Of Here... were published initially on Amazon, in that order, although they were submitted alphabetically, as usual.
My review of Race, Class, And Gender In The United States was rejected by both Amazon and Amazon US! In double quick time, I might add. I amended the first sentence of the second attempt – removed the phrase complete rubbish, but still no, no. Will post it to AVfM Forum at some point.
October 16: Powerful Predators And Pathetic Women was published originally by Wikinut with two images.
October 17: Three entries and files 2118-23 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 17: Memory Is A Strange Thing was published on VennerRoad with a scan from the Image Gallery on this site.
Memory Is A Fragile Thing is arguably a better title, but heck, my name is Baron, not Loftus. And for the record, I definitely did not and have never seen Joe Satriani in the flesh.
October 17-8: The songfact for Depot Street by Mudcrutch was published. By Songfacts!
October 18: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Arina Lazgiian recital, October 14, 2017
Black Chronicles
MSO, 2017
Spurs at Wembley, 2017-8.
October 18-9: The songfact for Boogie For George by UFO was published. By Songfacts!
October 19: Four entries and files 2124-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 20: The following were added to this site; they are listed in no particular order:
The short story Arrest At Dawn
Correspondence with the Home Secretary/Home Office re Edward Heath
Fan mail from Tuppy Owens
Photographs candice-u-118 to candice-u-122 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
The Friday Rock Show, September 11, 1992 (the archived excerpt was replaced with the same file linked from this site)
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 11-20, 2017 was also added.
October 21: Six entries and files 2130-40 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 21: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Joanna Dennehy from the series Killers: Behind The Myth
Out Of Darkness, Into The Light
Tobin: Portrait Of A Serial Killer from the series Real Crime
Tom Petty from the series VH1 Storytellers
October 22: Files 2141-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Only one new entry was added, but it is a long one. I did a fair bit of editing too including replacing two archived videos with the same videos linked from this site. The HTML file 1990 was edited, specifically a significant error was corrected and a couple of minor alterations were made.
October 22: Are All “Victims” Worthy Of Belief? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph of the falsely accused David Blaine.
October 24: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
Hookie Street, 2002, Issue 25
Friends Of The Chalet School, August 2015 (6 pages including the front cover)
Boxing News, May 11, 2017
The i, July 13, 2017
City A.M., September 19, 2017
October 24: My Final Word On The Harvey Weinstein Scandal was published on VennerRoad
October 24: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
The Green River Killer from the series Biography
The Party’s Over from the series 20/20
The Story Of UFO: Too Hot To Handle
Truth And Lies: The Family Manson
Unlikely Lovers from the series For My Man
October 24: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Buddy Holly & The Cricketers, September 2017
Lazarus, 2016-7
The Spinners Legends..., September 2017
UK Record Fairs.
October 24: Three entries and files 2149-55 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 26: Three entries and files 2156-61 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 26: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Allegro, 2016
Bette And Joan/Landscape With Weapon, 2016
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time
The Importance Of Being Earnest/Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Brighton.
October 27: The following were added to Songfacts this evening:
Lonely Heart
Love To Love
Only You Can Rock Me
Star Storm
Too Hot To Handle by UFO
Hole In My Heart by Pete Way.
There was one significant edit to the above; the (deleted) last sentence for Love To Love reads: “And the strings sounded just as wonderful as three decades previously.”
October 28: The Trump/Russia Collusion Hoax Collapses was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
October 29: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
The Bunnyman Massacre
Bunnyman Vengeance
October 29: Four entries were added to the False Rape Timeline as were files 2162-5 and 2167-71.
October 31: Nine entries and files 2166, 2172-81 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
October 31: When Women Fight Back was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
October 31: Kangaroo & Chips was published on VennerRoad
November 3: Three entries and files 2182-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
November 3: The following were published originally by Wikinut in this order, the former with a photograph, the latter with a cartoon:
Shami Chakrabarti On The Horrors Of Being A Woman
Stop The New Cold War!
November 3: How Feminist Airheads Lie With Statistics was published on VennerRoad with a screengrab.
After posting the above blog I sent the link to the feminist airhead concerned through Reddit. In response I received the message below (on November 4). This is typical not only of the sisterhood but of all these self-styled anti-fascists, ad nauseum.
November 5: A three minute video The Hoax Of The Twenty-First Century was published uploaded to YouTube.
November 5: Two entries and files 2188-95 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File false-rape-1946.jpg replaced false-rape-1946.html; the content is the same but the new file is a screengrab rather than a simplified webpage.
November 7: Seven entries and files 2196-99 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
November 8: The Late Great Chuck Berry was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
November 8: Strange Lady In Town credited to Frankie Laine was published by Songfacts, possibly slightly before the article immediately above.
The following three entries all by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. I found these by chance on the morning of November 9; they were published way out of sequence, but almost certainly at the same time, ie November 8. All four were sent in October 24.
The first has been augmented with two paragraphs beneath my credit. The second two were both linked to a video of Petty explaining how he came to write the songs. Carl has removed this link (from both songfacts) and added the actual quotes from the man, the quote from Swingin’ is quite lengthy.
Even The Losers
November 8: Five entries and files 2200-2207 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
November 9: The following were published on this site:
The limerick Reds In Her Head
Ten pictures to The Candice Night Gallery – candice-u-123 to candice-u-132.
Re the above, file candice-u-130.jpg was not linked properly; I didn’t notice this until the evening of January 7, 2017 when it was linked properly (ie published).
A title was affixed to the Site Corrections Page entry for the three Friday Rock Show files. An Update was added at the bottom of this section re their being transferred to this site.
Volume 1, page 456 and volume 2, page 773 of the Encyclopedia Of Homosexuality directly into the note section of Gay “Rights”: Rhetoric And Reality
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 21-November 9, 2017.
November 10: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Belinda Henry/Ashley Ervin from the series For My Man
How To Commit The Perfect Murder from the Horizon series
Who Took Polly Klaas? from the series Motives & Murders: Cracking The Case
November 10: A five minute video called Advice To Women And Girls was uploaded to YouTube.
November 13: I’m Here To See The President was uploaded to YouTube.
Circa November 14: The following were published by Songfacts:
Detroit City Blues by Fats Domino
The Fat Man by Fats Domino
Ma Tiger Lily from the musical Aunt Hannah but credited here to Arthur Collins
Ev’rybody’s Gonna Be Happy by The Kinks
Who’ll Be The Next In Line by The Kinks
Is You Holding by Dolla
Follow That Dream by Elvis Presley.
Re the above, The Fat Man was augmented significantly; my original submission ran to only five sentences. Follow That Dream may have been published as early as October 17; it was sent in the same time as Depot Street; either it was added later out of sequence or I missed it at the time, probably the latter.
November 14: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
The Krays: The Prison Years
The Richardsons By Fred Dinenage
November 15: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Blood Hunt
Found Footage 3D
Re the above, the notificaton for Inbred arrived less than a minute before the notification for Found Footage 3D although the latter was submitted at least ten minutes prior to Inbred. For what all this is worth.
November 15: “Angry, White & American” — Review was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
November 16: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
It’s how well you bounce
Painted Hall Ceiling Tours
Stand-Up Tempest, 2016
Street Dance Extravaganza – Sydenham, Honor Oak and Deptford.
November 16: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Pinball Summer
November 17: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
7 Witches
Nightworld: Lost Souls
Rescue Me (1992)
Vampire Circus
November 17: Deke Leonard (1944-2017) was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
November 19: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
A Killer Walks Free from the series 48 Hours (see entry for July 23, 2018)
Origin Of The Vampire from the series Ancient Mysteries
The Cambridge Rapist
November 20: An amusing comment was added to my YouTube video The Magic Of Rolf Harris
November 20: Four entries and files 2208-15 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
November 20: Can All These Women Be Lying? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
November 23: Three entries and files 2216-21 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
November 23: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
Ealing Gazette, August 1, 1997
Ripperana, April, 2017
Times Educational Supplement, July 7, 2017
The i, September 18, 2017
The i, September 23, 2017
The i, September 25, 2017
The i, September 28, 2017
Ripperana, October 2017.
The last of the above was uploaded October 24 but was not linked properly. I noticed this by chance today.
November 23: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Brighton’s Hidden Mysteries Tour, 2017
Jane Eyre, Brighton, 2017
The English Choral Tradition, March 2017.
November 23: The Persecution Of Alison Chabloz was published on VennerRoad
I actually submitted the above to MajorityRights on November 19, but having no feedback at all after four days...It was published around 10.30 at night.
November 24: Don’t Blame Putin was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.
November 27: PROSTITUTION — The Four Narratives was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs.
November 28: I gave a speech to The Extremists Club tonight on The Evolution Of No-Platform
Re the above, see also the entry for December 17, 2017.
November 29: At 10.50 this morning my phone rang. I was still in bed having not turned in until nearly 4am after being awake for probably well over 24 hours almost continuously.
It was a woman named Sophia Wenzler from Channel 5; she’d sent me an e-mail at 10.18 asking for my phone number but had discovered Google in the meantime. Michael Stone is back in the news. The new homepage counter which I installed only on January 25 this year is at 334. I’ll check it in a day or two.
There is or is supposed to be new forensic evidence linking Bellfield to the Chillenden Murders. I’ve had this sort of thing before. Anyway, as I told her she would have to pay me, I doubt she’ll phone back.
December 2: Nine entries and files 2222-35 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see entry for March 10, 2018.
December 2: FALSE HISTORICAL ALLEGATIONS — The Irish Connection was uploaded to YouTube.
December 2: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Grandmother’s House (1988)
House Of Evil
Justice (2017)
The Perfect Tenant
White Settlers
December 2: I’m Here To See The President was uploaded to the Internet Archive.
Maybe it will pick up more views than on YouTube.
Circa December 3: The following were published by Songfacts:
Born To Be Wasted credited to 009 Sound System (ie Alexander Perls)
Colour It by Helen Austin
7171-551 by Deke Leonard
A Hard Way To Live by Deke Leonard
The existing songfact for April Showers (credited to Al Jolson) was augmented.
December 3: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Murder At Yosemite: Cary Stayner from the series Mugshots
Live To Tell: Afraid Of The Dark from the series 48 Hours
Manhunt from the series Cold Case Files
Pretty Poison from the series The Investigators
December 4: Five entries and files 2236-45 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 2243-5 are previously archived files which I elected to transfer to the site.
December 5: Three entries and files 2246-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Also, the entry for circa early December 1998 (Ong Peng Peng) was moved to April 4, 1998 (the date she and her victim had sex) and a new screengrab (false-rape-2096.jpg) substituted for the original which was from the London Independent.
December 6: The following were published originally by Wikinut in this order:
“Raped: My Story” — Review with a photograph
“A Complaint Of Rape” — Revisited with two photographs.
December 6: Four scans from Searchlight magazine were added to SearchlightArchive:
August 1981, page 20 (notice from Gerry Gable and Veronica Ware re Dave Roberts
April 1993, pages 10 & 11
April 2000, page 9.
December 7: The following were added to this site:
Photographs candice-u-133 to candice-u-150 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
A GCE Certificate (January 1962) to The DuQuesne Gallery – out of sequence; this will almost certainly be the last addition I make to this page. Incidentally, the actual page (duq.html) could not be found on my hard disk, a problem I’ve had now and again. I had to download it from the site.
An entry for The Latest News on the Site Corrections Page.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 10-December 7, 2017.
December 8: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Deja Vu/Secret In The Well from the series Cold Case Files
Rape In A Small Town: The Florence Holway Story
The Child Molester
The Missing Hunters/The Flashlight Rapist from the series Cold Case Files
December 8: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Albourne Estate
Gangsta Granny, Vaudeville Theatre
PureGym, Sydenham
The Boys In The Band, Vaudeville Theatre
War Horse, Brighton Theatre.
The first of the above is double-sided; initially only the first side was uploaded. The full scan was uploaded December 29, 2017.
December 9: Entries 2250-64 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
December 12: Six entries and files 2265-71 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
A related archived video file linked to this site (in an article about the recently deceased Max Clifford) was replaced with the same file on the site.
December 13: Blue Murder In Black And White was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph of a murdering pig.
The above was updated – with a final paragraph – the following day.
December 15: Six entries and files 2272-81 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
December 15: The following – all by Deep Purple – were added to Songfacts:
Nasty Piece Of Work
Ramshackle Man
The Spanish Archer (this was augmented).
December 17: The Evolution of No-Platform was uploaded to YouTube. This includes discussion afterwards.
December 19: Five entries and files 2282-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
December 21: The following were added to this site:
Ten photographs to The Candice Night Gallery (candice-u-151 to candice-u-160)
Page 27 of The Overthrow Of Czarism (directly into a citation)
Leroy Cool Meets Kirsten Gillibrand
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography December 8-21, 2017.
December 22: Three entries and files 2292-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
December 22: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb:
Hidden Wrath
The Wrong Student
This site has changed the way reviews are processed, and Alexander does not like it!
December 25: Seventeen entries and files 2300-2312 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
December 25: Photographs webb_photos_527 to webb_photos_532 were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site. File 532 was also linked to The NCROPA Virtual Archive
December 26: Six entries and files 2313-24 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
December 28: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
A double-sided thin A5 card flyer for the Stone Free Festival featuring Rainbow, June 2017
Advert/flyer for Gareth Carter
Charleston, Lewes, 2017
Reigate & Banstead Arts Council events, Autumn 2016
Star Wars exhibition, 02.
December 29: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Ghost Walk Of The Lanes, 2017
Kinky Boots, Adelphi Theatre
Tango Fire, Peacock Theatre
See also entries for December 8, (above and June 18, 2018).
December 31: A duplicate entry was removed from the False Rape Timeline – a bloke named Ferguson from New Zealand. Seven new entries and files 2325-38 were added.
The JPG file 1695 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered of the same article.
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