Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label:
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography


January 4, 2018: Six entries and files 2339-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1832 was edited and augmented significantly.

January 4: The Further Decline Of Trafalgar Square was published on VennerRoad

January 4: The following videos were added to the Internet Archive in this order:

Defending Ched Evans And Rolf Harris On Iranian TV
Standpoint – Depression

Alternative link for Defending Ched Evans...

Alternative link for discussion of depression video.

Re the above, the first, on which I appeared as a phone-in guest, was recorded February 11, 2015 and uploaded to YouTube on April 24 the same year. The programme on depression was recorded August 27, 2014 and uploaded to YouTube on September 16, 2014.

On October 20, 2017, Tahouri phoned and asked me to make all my IRIB videos that included him private. I did, but for reasons I won’t go into, I decided to upload the above today. I will say only that no one who took part in these discussions has anything of which to be ashamed or embarrassed, least of all him.

See also entry for January 9, 2017 (below).

January 5: One entry and files 2351-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

I’ve actually done quite a bit of work on this, as far as possible replacing archived files with files on the site.

January 7: Two entries and files 2359-63 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

I spent much of the past few days researching more cases, but it will probably be at least two weeks before I can add them, probably at least twenty.

January 7: Notes From A Contrarian was published on VennerRoad

January 7: The following were added to this site::

Files candice-u-161 to candice-u-165 and candice-u-130 to The Candice Night Gallery
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography December 22, 2017-January 7, 2018.

January 8: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

David Lean Cinema, programme for January 2018
Degas: A Passion For Perfection, October 2017-January 2018
Lady Bunny, February 2017
The Snowman And The Christmas Fairy, Sydenham, 2017.

January 9: My full appearance on Standpoint (February 11, 2015) was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

This includes my defences of the falsely accused Ched Evans and Rolf Harris. This programme is spelt Stand Point, but as the people behind it are not native English speakers...This is Episode 88: Sexual Abuse, and Episode 89: Ex-Offenders.

At the end of the programme he alludes to David Eden as David Evans. The following year, Eden and I met again. I spoke after him at The Extremists Club on April 26, 2016.

Alternative link for the above.

January 9: Why Innocent People Plead Guilty was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

January 9-10: The two below were added to Songfacts:

Dear Mother Love Albert by Rodney Bewes (theme song to the TV series)
Meter Maid by Rodney Bewes.

January 10: Has The UK Parole Board Lost Its Collective Mind? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

January 10: The following were published by Songfacts:

Hello Hello (Swap Shop Theme) by Brown Sauce
I Wanna Be A Winner by Brown Sauce

Friends by Deborah Garvey
Here I Am by Deborah Garvey
Snowman’s Song by Deborah Garvey.

January 11: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

Randy (review) from The Southern Ex-Boxer, 1996
The i, May 31, 2017
The i, July 19, 2017

January 15: Fourteen entries and files 2364-82 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

The above includes the first entry for this year: January 8, a report from Thailand.

January 16: Me Times Two was published on VennerRoad

January 16: Where Does Investment Come From? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

Yeah, I know, from whence does investment come, is more grammatically correct, but the former sounds more natural.

January 18: Five entries and files 2383-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 18: The following were added to this site:

An entry for the False Rape Timeline on the Site Corrections Page
Photographs candice-u-166 to candice-u-175 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
The limerick Seth Rich
A previously published review of the documentary Sally Anne Bowman from the series Crimes That Shook Britain
The songfacts for Because He Loves Me and Wonderful Woman
The front cover of the 1932 edition of The Life Of Reason..., page 284 of same and an explanatory note (directly note 88 in my Lady Birdwood interviews)
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 8-18, 2018.

January 19, 2017: Five entries and files 2392-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

I also did a bit of editing. I found one big error, file 2175 is a false allegation dated December 30, 2016. Somehow I entered it originally as December 30, 1996!

January 20: Three entries and files 2397-402 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Circa January 21: Alarm Clock by Shinee was published by Songfacts.

January 21: Three entries and files 2403-14 were added to the False Rape Timeline

I was going to take things easy today, instead I ended up doing a lot of maintenance on this database which was very labour intensive.

January 22: I’m Here To See The President was uploaded to Vimeo.

This video has had such pathetic views on both YouTube and the Internet Archive that I thought I might as well upload it here too.

January 22: Sound Advice Is Not Victim Blaming was published on VennerRoad

January 24: Ten entries and files 2415-33 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 26: Six entries and files 2434-42 were added to the False Rape Timeline. You can count this as seven entries if you like, but the entry from Sun Prairie, May 11, 1996 was already alluded to in file 2169 without the date. It also gets a mention in file 2439.

January 28: Five entries and files 2443-52 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 29: BLOOD AND SHEKELS Exposing the International Zionist Cartel: According to Editor and Publisher Troy Southgate, this book was announced November 2, 2017 – the centenary of the Balfour Declaration and mailed out today, so I am giving today as the official publication date.

My contribution is Chapter VI, pages 79-85: The Anti-Defamation League and its Perpetual Victim Narrative

The following appears on pages 1-2 under Contributors

ALEXANDER BARON was born at Dulwich, South London in 1956. After a difficult childhood and a wasted youth he found his true vocation in 1984, and since 1988 has carried out seminal research in London (which has some of the finest archives in the world) and increasingly on-line. He is the author of two full length books on the Nazi Holocaust from the Revisionist perspective, a bibliography of the notorious Protocols Of Zion, and numerous other works on the Jewish Question and both related and unrelated issues. He is also an archivist, and since 2012 has created and maintained two on-line archives, including one relating to censorship in the UK.

January 29: Five entries and files 2453-60 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 30: The following articles were published originally by Wikinut – finally! In this order. The first has two images; the second has one.

The Truth About The Rape Crisis Network
The Plot To Seize The White House

January 31: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Bromley & Beckenham Philatelic Society
Crafty Saturdays, December 2015
Harmony Prayer – Prayer For Material Help
Love Bites Again – Sydenham, February 2018
There Will Be Wings, March 2, 2018.

February 2: The following were published by Songfacts:

Whisper In The Night by Graham Bonnet

Run Little Linda by Ral Donner

Carolina County Ball by Elf
Rainbow by Elf

The Chase Is Better Than The Catch by Motörhead

A Light In The Black by Rainbow
Can’t Happen Here by Rainbow
Gates Of Babylon by Rainbow
No Time To Lose by Rainbow

We’re At The Top Of The World by The Juliana Theory

Only One Woman by The Marbles.

Re the above, the first paragraph of Carolina County Ball was added in-house. The other two are mine. If this songfact is augmented further in the future, this archived version is how it was published initially. The first two paragraphs of Can’t Happen Here were added in-house. It has also been edited very slightly. Likewise, this songfact was archived the night it was added, as were all the above. Some of the others have also been edited very slightly.

February 2: The following were added to this site:

An entry in the Baron/ITMA Bibliography (May 3, 2002) for my citation in the Shermer/Grobman book Denying History.
Heckler stoppers 13-5. I wrote these literally decades ago, and I doubt they were original even then!
Photographs candice-u-176 to candice-u-187 to The Candice Night Gallery, but see entry for March 30, 2018 (below) re u-177 and entry for May 27, 2018 re candice-u-183.
The links of the four Plymouth Daily News articles from 2015 were replaced with PDF files on this site straight into the Baron/ITMA Bibliography.
Time ‘Too Painful’ to Remember, by Aril Goldman, published in the New York Times, November 10, 1988, page A10. (This was actually a PDF from the paper’s archive. It was added directly into a note of Holocaust Revisionism After Irving Versus Lipstadt replacing an external link. On October 18, 2019, it was replaced with a scan from the microfilm of the actual newspaper).


The HomePage was updated (including a linked JPG file – a comment on Get Satisfaction related to IMDb).
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 19-February 2, 2018 was added.

February 3: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home: Animal cruelty
Christmas with Saint Christopher’s
Jack And The Beanstalk, Sydenham, 2017
Penge Jumble Trail, July 2, 2017.

February 3: Three entries and files 2461-70 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 5: Two entries and files 2471-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 5: Never Explain Insurance To A Moron was published on VennerRoad with a screengrab.

February 6: Five entries and files 2474-83 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 6: A False Report: The Chilling True Story Of The Woman Nobody Believed is published.

This book by T. Christian Miller and Ken Armstrong alludes to the False Rape Timeline at page 2, at least I think it’s page 2, or more likely Chapter 2. Below is the screengrab from the Kindle edition.

I actually found out about this on December 23 last year from this webpage. I contacted the authors shortly after finding it, but had no response.

February 9: THE BULGER KILLERS: Was Justice Done? — Review was published originally by Wikinut with an image.

February 9: One entry and files 2484-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline. This included correcting one entry that had been misdated.

February 10: Four entries and files 2489-92 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 11: Three entries and files 2493-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 13: Five entries and files 2500-2505 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 13: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website to celebrate the 59th birthday of the great man:

Tottenham Journal, November 11, 1993
Hornsey Journal, January 27, 1994
Ealing Gazette, March 25, 1994
Islington Gazette, October 23, 1997
The Big Issue, January 26-February 1, 1998
(London) Metro, October 30, 2008
(London) Metro, July 27, 2009
(London) Metro, September 17, 2009
(London) Metro, February 8, 2010
Daily Mirror, March 5, 2012 (hard copy supplementing the on-line version)
New Statesman, May 12-8, 2017
New Statesman, May 19-25, 2017
Times Educational Supplement, May 26, 2017
Sunday Telegraph, July 9, 2017
The i, December 3, 2017, page 18
Boxing News, January 18, 2018

Plus Essex Graduate Convocation, 1989, front page and page 8 – to the Miscellaneous Publications page.

February 15: Seven entries were added to the False Rape Timeline as were files 2506-16 except 2509 & 2512.

February 15: A review of Ian Hunter’s classic Diary Of A Rock ’N’ Roll Star was published on Amazon.

February 16: Four entries and the following files were added to the False Rape Timeline: 2509, 2512, 2517-9.

February 16-7: The songfact for Hummingbird was published, my submission sandwiched between two in-house paragraphs.

February 18: Nine entries and files 2520-2532 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 20: One entry and files 2533-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline. This included quite a bit of maintenance; file 1310 was replaced, as was the JPG file 2535 linked from within it.

February 21: Not Russia But The Enemy Within was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph of that old witch Hillary Clinton.

February 21: Four entries and files 2537-41 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 22: Four entries and files 2542-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 23: The video The Truth About Those Vulnerable Women was uploaded to YouTube.

Alternative link for the above.

February 24: Six entries and files 2549-60 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 25: Documents extracted from file J 190/310 at Kew – Regina v Satpal Ram (1987) was added to the Internet Archive.

This includes some introductory blurb and the following documents:

Response of August 23, 2017 to my Freedom Of Information request

Charges against Ram and Shinji
Indictment of Ram and Shinj
Indictment of Shinji
Memorandum of conviction for both Ram and Shinji
Notes for the trial judge
Witness statement of Gary Norgrove.

Alternative link for the above (one file).

February 26: Will Google Self-Destruct? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

March 2: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Programme of the Memorial Service for Shamsi Navidi, February 4, 2007
Rowlandsons Jewellers at Banstead
Urns & Keepsakes – a flyer from an undertaker!

March 2: One entry was added to the False Rape Timeline as were files 2561-4. File 1865 was corrected. This is a big file which includes mention of a woman named Verna Joseph. Her name appears in a legal judgment along with the names of several others, and I confused an allegation with one of these women with the allegations made by her. Files 1670 and 1667 were replaced with file 2565, ie an audio file and a picture were replaced with an MP4 file (audio with the same picture). There are two or three audio files on the Timeline that I will be replacing in this manner.

March 3: The video The Truth About Those Vulnerable Women was also uploaded to the Internet Archive.

March 3: Four entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Also files 1670, 1677, 2566-7. The mp3 file 1641 was replaced with an mp4; this leaves only 3 mp3 files on this site, which I will replace shortly.

March 5-6: The following were published by Songfacts:

Black Masquerade by Rainbow

Zizzy, Ze Zum, Zum credited to John Terrell.

March 6: The following were published originally by Wikinut in this order:

Tales Of Trafficked Women with three photographs
The Shocking Truth About Managed Investment Funds with a photograph

March 7: Figures Don’t Lie But Laura Can Figure was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

March 8: On the False Rape Timeline, file 149 – an HTML file – was replaced with a PDF, and the text edited accordingly. Three entries and files 2568-70 were also added.

March 10: Re the False Rape Timeline, I noticed yesterday there was a 1118.jpg file and a 1118.pdf; the former a duplicate of 1120.jpg, so I deleted it. A new entry and file 2233 were also added; this file number should have been added December 2 last year, but I missed it.

March 10: The Satpal Ram website was updated. A separate page was added for this: satpalramisguilty – FINAL UPDATE – with a fairly lengthy introduction (that includes an image from the Kew Discovery catalogue – more or less a duplicate of one already on the site).

The last major update was March 10, 2004 – 14 years to the day. The date of this update was by accident rather than design.

This is if not the final update ever then almost certainly the final major update, and is the main reason this Bibligraphy hasn’t been updated for over a month. The update consists of the following, in no particular order:

The front cover of the trial folder from Kew, and scans of documents from this folder, in particular:

Witness statements of the following (in alphabetical order):

Sharon Badger (first page only)
Norman Gower
Muhammed Hamid
Dave Lea (first page only of first statement; one page of a supplementary statement)
Jeanne McGivern
Abdul Mozomil
Gary Norgrove
Nadine O’Neill (first page only)
Brian Pearce (first page only)
John Richards
Evelyn Schneider (first page only)
Jacqueline Watson

Legal Aid certificate

Charges against Satpal Ram and Navinder Singh Shinji

Indictment of Navinder Singh Shinji
Indictments of Satpal Ram and Navinder Singh Shinji

Notes for the judge (in two parts)

Memorandum of conviction (Ram only)
Memorandum of conviction (Ram and Shinji).

Other Documents

Boye and Ram — Murderers in and out of the news – reprinted from Digital Journal – this includes two images, one of which is a smaller version of one already on the site
Fan Mail From Japan – correspondence: two e-mails from him; two from me
Killer On The Loose
Legal Aid For Convicted Murderer On The Run
Letter from the Prisoner Location Service, June 23, 2005
Marxists Favourite Prisoner Knifed White Man In Race Attack
Response T15969 5 from the Home Office
Satpal Ram – A Briefing On His Case
Satpal Ram – and his army of liars
Satpal Ram – Entry From Murder In The UK

Partial response of August 23, 2017 to my Freedom Of Information request – the full response was added to the Internet Archive on February 25 this year.

Unpublished letter to the Guardian, May 17, 2006.

The Ram Bibliography and Chronology were both augmented to reflect the new entries, the latter very minimally.

Twelve files ram_wikipedia_1 to ram_wikipedia_12 – HTML pages converted to PDF. These are only two pages downloaded between September 17, 2006 and August 24, 2007.
A PDF file of a communication relating to the above, dated May 13, 2007, and in another PDF, the reply from Wikipedia dated May 26, 2007. All these documents were linked by an introductory page: Wikipedia Pages And Correspondence.

Re the judgment in Ram v Parole Board, January 12, 2004, the existing WORD rich text format file was replaced with a PDF of the same document.

The 1977 Confait report and the Free Satpal Ram picket leaflet are too large to upload to this free site, so they were uploaded here and linked – here – and here.

March 13: Six entries and files 2571-93 were added to the False Rape Timeline. One of these – Said Hajib – was already included in the database, but here he gets his own, unique entry.

The reason I am currently adding far more files than entries is that I am replacing archived links as far as possible with files on this site, in particular JPGs and PDFs. I used to create the latter using Google Chrome, but these don’t always come out satisfactorily. Recently I have been copying the page to a WORD file. I can then edit out advertisements and stuff, perhaps inserting a masthead when that doesn’t copy properly, save, then convert to PDF. Adding the original url at the bottom of the file allows the reader to authenticate it for himself, assuming either it is still there or has been archived.

March 13: The following were added to this website:

A new entry for January 29
A new entry for February 6 with two screengrabs
Photographs candice-u-188 to candice-u-204 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
Two screengrabs: YouTube “FAN MAIL” and YouTube FAN MAIL under Other Contributors – the first relates to Jimmy Savile; the second to Rolf Harris.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 3-March 13, 2018 was also added.

March 14: Six entries and files 2594-2604 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

A duplicate entry was also removed: an alleged rape at Longlevens, Gloucestershire. Hopefully this is the last one. It was reported by the BBC as January 29, 2013 and by the local press as the following day, something I only noticed in the last day or two.

March 14: Scans of the following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Beckenham Chorale, March 2017
Croydon HF Rambling Club, November 2016-February 2017
Lady Antebellum, The O2
Vintage Toy Train Show, April, 2017.

March 15: Files 2505 & 2506 were added to the False Rape Timeline, to the same existing entry, which was augmented.

March 15: A scan of a letter by Jeffrey Hamm (1991) was added to SearchlightArchive, the first update of that site this year.

March 16: Four entries and files 2607-13 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 17: Shortly after midnight I fixed a problem with the Satpal Ram website, not a problem of my own making, for once, one caused by an advertising banner. This does not qualify as an update, and in the absence of further developments before I depart this Earth, I think the March 10 update of that site will be the final one ever.

March 17: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Girls Allowed – poetry competition, 2017
Music In The Heart Of The City, Brighton, 2017
The Battle Of Lewisham – battle, indeed
Winter Winds, Lewisham, 2017.

March 18: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website: The Imperialist Patriot, February 2018 (undated)
Boxing News, February 1, 2018
The Ring, March 2018
Wooster Sauce, March 2018

And Apartheid Was Fallen was added to the Previously Unpublished Works page.

March 18: Eleven entries and files 2614-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 19: The Russians Aren’t Coming, The Russians Aren’t Coming was published originally by Wikinut with an image.

March 20: Muhammad & Aisha – And Mr Robinson was published on VennerRoad with a photograph.

March 21: Four entries and files 2631-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The entry for the Scottsboro Boys was also augmented; I had misquoted Judge Horton slightly.

March 24: Seven entries and files 2640-52 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 2493 (JPG) was removed; the PDF file substituted (2650) is the full report. Later in the evening, file 2493 (another PDF) was added; this relates to a different entry.

March 25: Two entries and files 2653-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 27: The Curse Of The Drinking Classes was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph of the great Major Douglas.

March 28: Soap Operas, Rape And Brainwashing was published originally by Wikinut with 3 images.

March 30: Four entries and files 2658-67 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 30: The following were added to this site:

Candice Night Gallery photographs u-205 to u-216
Photograph u-177 was a duplicate of u-121, so this was replaced.

A PDF of the Gay Liberation Front Manifesto under Other Contributors, with an introduction.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 14-30, 2018.

March 31: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Orpington Symphony Orchestra, April 1, 2017
Radio Sydenham (second flyer – A5 portrait)
The Tiger Lillies February 2017.

March 31: Twenty-one or twenty-three entries (depending on what you count as an entry) were added to the False Rape Timeline. Most of these are from Singapore. Files 2668-81 were also added. I am continuing to replace archived links with files on this site.

April 2: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

The Little Dragons
The Vault

These are the first reviews I’ve had published by IMDb this year. The Little Dragons review is the one alluded to in the February 2, 2018 HomePage update.

April 2: Five entries and files to 2682-94 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 4: Three entries and files 2695-704 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The audio file 1875 was replaced with a file in a different format for technical reasons, ie when clicked on using Google Chrome, the original downloaded; the replacement is technically a video file but has audio only, albeit with a screengrab.

April 4: A clip from The Fenn Street Gang episode All Mod Cons was added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site.

Taha e-mailed Goodman about this, this afternoon; he forwarded it to me after 9pm this evening, and I found the episode, edited and uploaded the clip in less than two hours.

April 5: “Evil Enough” — Album Review was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

April 5: FinancialReform was updated for the first (and last) time this year.

That is a bit of an overstatement. Earlier today I discovered by accident that the link to a JPG file was broken. It appears to have been my fault (as usual) though God knows how I did it.

While I was at it, I found another broken link; my article Review: The Euro crisis — in plain English, and Farsi appears to have been deleted by Digital Journal. I replaced the link with the archived version, and may add it directly to the site when I get time.

Apart from all that, the update consisted of a letter dated October 27, 2017 to Sajid Javid MP. This was actually an e-mail headed “Financial home building”. As far as I recall, I received no response; at any rate, it is entered as unanswered correspondence.

April 5: I am soooo flattered; TFM made a video based almost entirely on my recent e-mails to him!

April 5-6: The following Songfacts were probably published on April 5, certainly from April 5:

Amours Incestueses by Barbara

Ghost Melody by Behind The Labyrinth

Black Flower In The White House credited to Muammar Gaddafi!

Liar by Seven The Hardway

Antidote by Tara Lynch
Enigmatic by Tara Lynch
Evil Enough by Tara Lynch
Kringeworthy by Tara Lynch
Trustless by Tara Lynch
Unbreakable by Tara Lynch.

April 6: Four entries and files 2705-15 were added to the False Rape Timeline. I am still replacing archived pages with PDFs.

April 7: Debunking The Feminist Porn Narrative was published originally by Wikinut with four images.

April 7: Two entries and files 2716-20 and 2722-28 were added to the False Rape Timeline, ie continuing to replace archived links with actual files.

April 8: Four entries were added to the False Rape Timeline along with files 2721, 2729-36.

April 9: Six entries and files 2737-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Also, the HTML file 71 was replaced with a PDF of the same report.

April 9: The following were added to this site:

Photos u-217 to u-225 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
A JPG to Documentation on the lies of law professor Lisa Avalos plus a note re same to the Site corrections Page.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for March 31-April 9, 2018.

April 10: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

A Murder Before Homecoming from the series American Justice
Forget Me Not from the series Unusual Suspects
James Bulger: A Mother’s Story from the series Real Crime

April 10: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Football Easter Camp 2018
Frida And Diego, 1989
Fun Palaces, October 2018
Greenhill People, April 1992

And a video clip from Doctor At Large, 1971.

April 12: Six entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1890 was replaced; the original was a JPG, ie part of an article; the replacement is a PDF of the full article. Files 2751-61 were also added.

April 12: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

A Fatal Attraction from the series 48 Hours
Banaz: A Love Story
The Hunting Ground

April 13: Three entries and files 2762-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 14: Who Wants War With Russia? was published by Eurasian Perspective

The above includes a cartoon. Not sure I approve entirely of the way it was subbed but I was hoping it would be the first article of many for this website. Alas, it soon disappeared. Thanks to David Parry for the referral anyway.

April 14: Five entries and files 2769-77 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 15: THESE BITCHES ARE PLAYING YOU: The Truth About Women Who ‘Delay’ Reporting Rape was uploaded to Vimeo.

Alternative link for the above.

This was added to the Internet Archive on May 2, 2018. A transcript of my narration only was added October 7, 2018.

April 16: Files 2778-87 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 695.jpg was deleted, and file 695.pdf was added (to a different entry). This is part of my continuing to replace archived links with files on this site (as far as possible).

April 17: Six entries and files 2788-97 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 19: Four entries and files 2798-807 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 19: What Is The Woozle Effect? was published originally by Wikinut with two images.

Although the above is dated April 16, it would have been published sooner but I forgot to press the publish button. I did this late last night or early this morning.

April 20: Three entries and files 2808-20 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 21: Six entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 2821-32 were added.

The following files were all replaced with PDFs, each of the same webpage:

1391.jpg & 1894.jpg
1150.html, 1342.html/1343.jpg

April 22: One entry was added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1504.html was removed, and the unrelated 1504.pdf was added; file 2395.jpg was replaced with a PDF; files 2833-41 were added.

April 23: The Russians Are Laughing, The Russians Are Laughing was published originally by Wikinut with a cartoon.

April 23: Six entries and files 2842-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 23: A memorial with photograph for Charles Goodman was added to Find-A-Grave

The above is for Goodman’s cousin. A photograph is included. I also uploaded my own photo for the profile. This is said to be a new site, in reality it is the same domain but they have changed the url allocation system; they are now based on the names of the deceased.

Apparently the changeover was made December last, so I have had to update all the urls in this Bibliography.

April 24: This evening I gave an impromptu talk at The Free Speech Club (formerly The Extremists Club) and hence apparently defunct.

April 27: Seven entries and files 2851-63 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 27: The following were added to this site:

CRYING WOLF: Hate Crime Hoaxes In Britain...

The above consists of the following files:

Introduction To The HTML Version
Full text including Foreword – 2017 with notes and references
“Back Cover”

(The four files below are linked internally from the above)

A scan of News Shopper (Beckenham & Penge), August 18, 1999, front page
Encyclopedia Of Homosexuality, Volume 1, pages 552-5
The Fatal Embrace: Jews And The State, page 1 – but see entry for July 21, 2019
Criminal Justice Under The Microscope by Satpal Ram.

A(nother) scan of The Balfour Declaration, this time to the Image Gallery

An .mp4 format video of a short address to the White Man by Louis Farrakhan replacing the .wmv (of the same) clip

A PDF of web-sermon-7 at the bottom of this file replacing (the same) file in WORD format.

Photos u-226-36 to The Candice Night Gallery

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 10-27, 2018.

April 28: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Chappaquiddick (1994)
Millions Of Reasons To Kill from the series American Justice
Dirty Little Secrets from the series 48 Hours

Circa April 29: The following were published by Songfacts:

The Bee Song by Arthur Askey
Happiness by Ken Dodd
I Will Not Say Goodbye credited here to Danny Gokey
Two Hearts by Magnum
7½ Cents from the musical The Pajama Game and credited here to the Ensemble
Look At Me from the musical The Witches Of Eastwick and credited here to the Cast.

April 29: Eight entries and files 2864-76 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 29: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

Arbor Demon
Magee And The Lady
Taking Back My Life: The Nancy Ziegenmeyer Story

May 2: Seven entries were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Also, HTML files 1183, 1310, 2467 & 2530 were replaced with PDF files similarly numbered. New files 2877-84 were added.

May 2: THESE BITCHES ARE PLAYING YOU: The Truth About Women Who ‘Delay’ Reporting Rape was added to the Internet Archive.

The above was published originally on Vimeo, April 15, 2018.

May 3: Two entries and files 2885-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The HTML file 951 was replaced with a PDF.

May 3: Murder Ballads — an impromptu address was uploaded to YouTube.

Alternative link for the above video.

Alternative link for the introductory blurb (PDF file).

May 3: The Voter ID Controversy — What Controversy? was published on Venner Road.

May 4: When Will Stormy Daniels Be Arrested? was uploaded to YouTube. All 1 minute 32 seconds of it. Will a full transcript.

Alternative link for the above video.

Alternative link for the transcript (PDF file).

May 6: Six entries and files 2892-98 were added to the False Rape Timeline. HTML file 949 was replaced with a PDF, as were 2440 and 2441. File 184 (JPG) and file 185 (HTML) were replaced by a single PDF file (185).

May 7: Two entries and files 2899-902 were added to the False Rape Timeline. A new 184 file, a PDF, was also added. Files 194 & 195 were replaced with a new 195, a PDF. A new file 194 replaced an archived link.

May 8: Files candice-u-237 to candice-u-244 were added to The Candice Night Gallery

Happy birthday, Faerie Queen.

May 9: Three entries and files 2903-13 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Additionally, files 1900 and 1901 were replaced with a single PDF file, 1900. A separate file 1901 replaced an archived link. File 938.html was replaced with a PDF of the same page. Files 1947 and 1948 were replaced with PDF file 1947. The new file 1948 (a PDF rather than a JPG) replaced an archived link. Later, HTML files 853 and 854 were replaced by a JPG and a PDF respectively.

May 10: The Russians Are Fighting, The Russians Are Fighting was published originally by Wikinut with a cartoon.

The above was actually published shortly after the site update below. It was submitted May 7 and so date stamped.

May 10: On this site:

The Friday Rock Show (Great White)
The Friday Rock Show (excerpt) August 21, 1992
The Friday Rock Show (excerpt) September 1992

The three above .wma files were replaced with .mp3 files (for technical reasons).

A sentence was added to the Site Corrections Page re the above

A PDF file was added to the entry for Lachelle Covington on The Cosby Accusers In Brief (replacing an archived link).

Files candice-u-245-7 were added to The Candice Night Gallery

My review of The Courage To Heal was augmented, ie two comments were added.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 28-May 10, 2018 was also added.

May 11: Three entries and files 2914-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

HTML files 917, 936, 952, 955, 959, 960, 975 and 1420 were replaced with PDF files. JPG file 2505 was replaced with a PDF.

May 12: Four entries and files 2917-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline. HTML files 987, 1008, 1010 and 1046 were replaced with PDFs. File 1119 (HTML) and 1120 (JPG) were replaced with 1119 (PDF). The new 1120 file (PDF) replaced an archived link. File 1070 (HTML) and 1071 (JPG) were replaced by 1070 (PDF). The new file 1071 (PDF) replaced an archived link.

May 13: One entry and files 2931-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. HTML files 1078 and 1100 were replaced with PDF files so numbered.

File 2385 (PDF) replaced 2385 (HTML) and 2389 (JPG). This latter slightly reduced in size was incorporated into the PDF along with another picture; the two make up an image gallery in the original article. A new 2389 file (an MP4) was added to an existing entry. File 2386 (HTML) was replaced by a PDF similarly numbered.

May 14: Two entries and files 2938-41 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 2356 (JPG) was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered. File 2301 (HTML) was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered, ditto file 2316 and file 2334.

May 15: Five entries and files 2942-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Also, files 1125 and 1126 were replaced with a PDF (1126); 2194 and 2195 were replaced with a PDF (2195); 2200 and 2201 were replaced with a PDF (2201); 2295 and 2296 were replaced with a PDF (2295). Files 1125, 2194, 2200, 2202 and 2296 were replaced with PDF files of previously archived links.

May 15: Here Is The Jews was uploaded to YouTube. (The date of upload was, I can assure you, completely accidental).

Alternative link for the above video.

Alternative link for the transcript (PDF file).

And this arrived from YouTube shortly!

May 16: Two entries and files 2944-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 1149 and 1151 were replaced by a single PDF file numbered 1151; a new 1149 file replaced an archived link. Files 1153 and 1154 were replaced by a single PDF file numbered 1154; a new 1154 file replaced an archived link. File 1156 (HTML) was replaced with a similarly numbered PDF. File 1203 (HTML) was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered. File 1218 (HTML) was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered (this contains two images not included in the original upload).

File 1223 (HTML) was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered. Files 1224-6 (JPGs) were deleted as these photographs are included in the replacement.

Re file 1204, see entry for November 7, 2021.

May 17: Two entries and files 2949-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 1224-6 replaced archived links.

May 18: Three entries and files 2951-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 1212 and 1214 were replaced by a single PDF file, 1214. A new 1212 file replaced an archived link. HTML file 1217 is replaced by a PDF similarly numbered.

May 19: Three entries and files 2956-61 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

File 1236 (HTML) was replaced with a similarly numbered PDF file. Files 1246, 1247 and 1250 were replaced with a single PDF file numbered 1250. Files 1238 and 1239 were replaced with a single PDF file, 1239. A new 1238 file replaced an archived link. Two new PDF files, 1246 and 1247, replaced archived links.

May 20: Three entries and files 2962-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Files 1264 and 1265 were replace with a single PDF file, 1264; files 2178 and 2179 were replaced with a single PDF file, 2178. A new 1265 file (PDF) replaced an archived link, ditto a new 2179 file.

Circa May 22: The songfact for I Feel Pretty by Steph Copeland was published.

May 22: Six entries and files 2965-72 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Files 183 and 1269 were replaced by a single PDF file (183); a new 1269 file (JPG) replaced an archived link. Files 1272 and 1273 were replaced by a single PDF file, 1272; a new 1273 (PDF) replaced an archived link. Files 2167 and 2168 were replaced by a single PDF file, 2167. A new 2168 replaced an archived link.

May 22: The Prior Bad Acts Of Gloria Allred was published at the Internet Archive.

Alternative link for the above video.

May 23: Three entries and files 2973-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Files 2133 and 2134 were replaced with a single PDF file, 2134.

May 24: Four entries and files 2133, 2977-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 2133, 2977-8 are MP4s.

May 25: Trump Moots Prison Reform was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

The above was actually submitted on May 19, hence the date. Unreal.

May 25: Two entries and files 2980, 2981 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 2058 and 2059 were replaced with a single PDF file, 2059. A new 2058 file replaced an archived link.

May 27: Two entries and files 2982-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

May 27: The following were added to this site:

Files candice-u-248 to candice-u-255 to The Candice Night Gallery

File candice-u-183 (an exact duplicate of file candice-u-130) was replaced; see entry for February 2, 2018, (above).

To the Image Gallery under The False Rape Timeline gets noticed: a screengrab from the American military court martial website. Also, two photographs from the Snowdonia visit. I think I took them both but have only a vague memory at this distance.

Fan Mail from Jay Raskin re my Gloria Allred video (May 22, above). This consists of two screengrabs from Facebook, including my reply, and was added under Other Contributors.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 11-27, 2018.

May 28: Two entries and files 2986-92 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Files 1276 and 1277 were replaced with a single PDF file, 1276. A new 1277 file replaced an archived link.

May 28: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

The i, February 2, 2018
Boxing News, March 29, 2018
Prospect, April 2018
The i, April 20, 2018

May 29: Three entries and files 2993-3000 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

HTML file 1281 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered, which includes comments. HTML file 1294 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered; the replacement file contains a photograph.

May 29: TOMMY ROBINSON: Hero Or Idiot?

The above, which was uploaded to YouTube, is another of my ad hoc videos. It took me probably just over an hour to make. I ran up 85 views in 47 minutes; the very first view was mine, but leaving that aside, this is the very best I’ve done for a long time.

Alternative link for the above video.

May 30: Donald Trump And The Three Stages Of Truth
And Russophobia Comes To Britain were published originally by Wikinut, each with a photograph.

The time these articles took to process is unreal.

May 31: Two entries and files 3001-3003 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 1346 and 1347 were replaced by a new 1347 file, a PDF. a new 1346 file replaced an archived link.

June 2018: Adelaide Institute newsletter

The above was actually published later in the month because it includes a contribution from me on page 25. This resulted from my sending Dr Töben an e-mail on June 11 headed “Revisionist history the feminist way”. This was the twentieth anniversary of the death of Emma Humphreys.

The above entry was added September 7, 2019.

June 3: Thirteen entries and files 3004-24 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Files 1387 and 1388 were replaced with a new 1388, a PDF. The HTML file 1390 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered. Files 1392 and 1393 were replaced with a single PDF file, 1393.

New 1387 and 1392 files replaced archived links. HTML files 1404 and 1408 were replaced with PDFs similarly numbered. Files 1416 and 1418 were replaced by a single PDF file, 3024; the associated article includes two photographs, different from the one removed (1416).

June 4: The Tommy Robinson Arrest — What Americans Need To Understand was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

The above was written May 31 and submitted the same day to the American website The Daily Caller; its original title was The Tommy Robinson Arrest: A Dissenting View; a few minor alterations were made to the version published here.

This was the first time I’d submitted an unsolicited article in a long time. It was rejected in eleven minutes, which is a record for me, if not for the world!

June 5: Two entries and files 3025-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 3027 & 3028 were actually copied from this site, a review of the documentary Lonely And Lethal

New 1416 and 1418 files replaced archived links. Files 1521, 1522 and 1523 were replaced by a single PDF file, a new 1521. New 1522 and 1523 files replaced archived links. The HTML file 1753 and the embedded 1752 file (a JPG) were replaced with a PDF file numbered 1753.

June 6: Three entries and files 3030-3035 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 6: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Menu for the Coconut Tree, Herne Bay
Daily Doings In Herne Bay, September 18 & 25, 1993 – these two were uploaded as Double Doings, an error that was corrected on June 21, 2018 when I uploaded two more issues.

This evening, I noticed I had added two photographs numbered 310: webb_photos_310.jpg and webb__photos_310.jpg (ie double underscore). This latter was renamed webb_photos_533.jpg; it appears not to have been linked so it has been published now for the first time.

June 8: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

A Very English Scandal
Armour Of God
Cold Light Of Day
Devil Hunter

The first of the above was actually screened as a three part mini-series. The second was originally titled Lung Hing Foo Dai; I added a spoiler warning to this by mistake, but decided to leave it. (I really hate this new format). The fourth entry was originally called El Caníbal.

June 8: Three entries and files 3036-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 2021 and 2022 were replaced with a single PDF file, 2021; a new 2022 PDF file replaced an archived link.

June 9: Two entries and files 3028-41 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The HTML files 1427 and 1955 were replaced with PDFs. The HTML file 1786 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

June 10: Notorious Holocaust Liar Kicks The Bucket was uploaded to YouTube with a transcript.

Alternative link for the above video.

When I logged on later in the evening, the video had been deleted and my YouTube account had received a strike. I tried to submit an appeal through the given link but it ran too long, so I uploaded said appeal as a comment to a new (private) video.

Here is the video,

Here is the comment.

And here is the result of my appeal. It was timed 9.12pm, my time. Read it was not considered seriously. They barely had time to read it. Sigh.

June 10: Middle East Quiz was also added to this site (under Other Contributors), as was the Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 28-June 10, 2018.

June 11: Two entries and files 3042-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 11: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

New Statesman, August 14, 1992
Boxing News, May 17, 2018
Boxing News, June 7, 2018

June 11: Letter from British Telecom re Michael Stone was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

The above missive dated July 20, 2009 is from Stephen Wren of British Telecom concerning a request for telephone records re the Chillenden murders. This was in readiness for an article about Michael Stone I will be publishing later this month.

June 13: Six entries and files 3050-60 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The HTML file 1443 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered.

June 13: This evening, I spoke at the Yunus Emre Institute in Central London on the subject of The War On Due Process In Modern Britain – see entry for July 10, (below)

June 14: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb:

Conversations With Hank Skinner from the series On Death Row
Time Machine: Banned From The Bible
REVERSING ROE: The Norma McCorvey Story

My fourth documentary review of the day was declined. Surprise, surprise!

June 14: Notorious Holocaust Liar Kicks The Bucket was reuploaded, this time to the Internet Archive, again with the transcript.

June 15: Three entries and files 3061-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 15: The following were added to this site:

A review of The Day Amazon Murdered History
Photographs candice-u-256 to candice-u-264 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
Ripperana, January 2011, pages 20-21 with a note on same added to the Site Corrections Page.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 11-5, 2018.

June 16: Three entries and files 3066-70 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

The HTML file 1425 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

June 16: YouTube Censorship And The 1% Rule was published on VennerRoad

June 17: Three entries and files 3071-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 18: Two entries and files 3078-83 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

The HTML file 1791 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered.

June 18: The flyer for Kinky Boots was added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site on December 29 last year but was not linked properly, so it is really published for the first time today. I have to stop doing that!

Two more programmes were also added to the site:

Beyond Caravaggio
Skating event at Somerset House.

June 19: Four entries and files 3084-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

The HTML files 1680 and 1721 were replaced with PDF files similarly numbered.

June 20: Three entries and files 3089-95 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 21: Can The Chillenden Murders Be Solved? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

The above was submitted June 9. Unreal.

June 21: Daily Doings issues for May 8, 1993 and October 16, 1993 were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site

June 22: Three entries and files 3096-3100 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The HTML file 1887 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered.

June 22: Arrest The Music! was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs.

June 22: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Death Of A Public Paranoid
Delusional from the series Most Evil
Jack Ruby On Trial from the series History’s Mysteries
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers from the series Behind The Music
Truth Or Lies – Somaly Man from the series 101 East

June 23: Two entries and files 3101-3104 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

The HTML files 1969 and 1798 were replaced by PDF files similarly numbered.

June 24: Three entries and files 3105-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 24: The following were added to this site:

The poem Stormy Denials – this was originally published on Facebook, April 20 this year.
Photographs candice-u-265 to candice-u-271 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
The Wiener Library Bulletin, Volume 1, Number 6, September 1947, page 30 (directly into the bibliography of the Protocols Of Zion)
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 16-24, 2018.

June 25: Four entries and files 3111-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 25: WHY THE DEEP STATE HATES DONALD TRUMP — In A Nutshell was uploaded to YouTube with a transcript (my narration only).

Alternative link for above video.

June 26: Three entries and files 3118-24 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 26: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Another flyer for Dreamgirls
Black Ey’d Susan – Kent
Pirate Pete & The Magic Lamp
Two more flyers for Radio Sydenham.

June 28: When Is It Okay To Hit A Woman? was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph of the gorgeous Lauren Southern.

June 29: Four entries and files 3125-31 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

June 29: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Down To Earth, Sydenham, June 2018
Fox Tots, Sydenham Arts, July 2018
Garden Voices at Sydenham Garden, July 2018
Professor QwertyBleeps, Sydenham, June 2018.

July 1: Five entries and files 3132-43 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 1: Daily Doings In Herne Bay April 24 and July 24, 1993 were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site

July 1: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb:

Ghoulies Go To College
Even Lambs Have Teeth

The first review I submitted was of Getting Away With Murder: The JonBenet Ramsey Mystery; this will not be processed until tomorrow. Or can I have been censored for the second time, in quick succession?!

July 2: Three entries and files 3144-51 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 2: The following reviews were published by IMDb in this order:

The film Getting Away With Murder: The JonBenet Ramsey Mystery (see entry for July 1, above).

The documentary Fred & Rose: The West Murders

Something strange is going on here; two documentary reviews have been held up until tomorrow: Lauren Southern’s Farmlands and Schoolgirl Killer, the latter of which includes some comments from me about the toxicity of feminism.

July 3: Two entries and files 3152-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

File 3152 replaced file 2431.

The entry beginning “December 2005: A Massachusetts woman...” was removed. This appears in one of my Digital Journal articles; I’ll add a note to the Site Corrections Page for the next Bibliography update.

July 3: My review of Farmlands was published by IMDb; my review of Schoolgirl Killer was not, and may have slipped through. so I submitted it again.

July 3: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

A flyer for
Plant sale, Cator Road
Wing Chun Kung Fu & Qi Gong.

July 4: Five entries and files 2431, 3157-62 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 4: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

Cotton Comes To Harlem
My Wife’s Murder

I submitted two more reviews but they have been held up until tomorrow. My review of Schoolgirl Killer has literally disappeared, even though I resubmitted it. I’ll submit it again in maybe six months from now. On the plus side, my review of Farmlands has already been marked helpful by one person.

Gorilla At Large was added later in the day.

July 4: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

A View From Islington North, 2016
Celebrity fund-raising recital – Ripley Arts Centre, May 2016.

July 5: Five entries and files 3163-70 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 832 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered. The PDF file 1789 was replaced with a JPG similarly numbered. A duplicate entry (for Chris Quentin) was removed.

July 5: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

The i, February 21, 2018
The i, April 11, 2018
The Spectator, May 12, 2018.

July 6: Two entries and files 3171-2 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The PDF file 1124 was replaced with a JPG similarly numbered, and the JPG file 1494 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

July 6: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Flyer for Adamsfest, June 30, 2018
Photographs webb_casting_136 and webb_casting_137.

July 7: Four entries and files 3173-80 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The entry for John Leslie was given its own page (3176) and the latest false allegation against him was added to it.

July 7: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Auction at Holy Trinity Church, October 2017
Goldilocks And The Three Bears, Sydenham, 2017
Klezmer in the Park, 2017
Yalta 1945, 2017.

July 8: Three entries and files 3181-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 1672 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered.

July 9: Three entries and files 3188-94 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 9: Reviews of the following films were submitted to IMDb in alphabetic order as usual:

Captive Audience: The Kidnapping Of A Mom And Daughter
Extraterrestrial (2014)
House Of Darkness
Stalked At 17

I’m not sure if they were published in that precise order; I thought I might have trouble with Stalked At 17 again, and I did. That and House Of Darkness were shown as being held over until tomorrow. And then...

July 9: The Great BUZZFEED ‘Vulnerable Women’ Hoax was published originally by Wikinut with 3 images.

July 10: Three entries and files 3195-205 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 10: A short clip from the June 13 Yunus Emre Institute meeting was uploaded to YouTube on June 22 but I received the link only today from David Parry. I added said clip to the Internet Archive.

Alternative link for the above.

July 11: Three entries and files 3206-13 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 1263 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered.

July 11: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb, apparently in this order:

The Lost Book Of Abraham
Thin Lizzy: Outlawed – The Real Phil Lynott
Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

My first submission has been held up.

July 12: Three entries and files 3214-20 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 13: Five entries and files 3221-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Re files 3222 & 3228, see also entries for August 26 & August 27, 2019.

July 13: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Artists Trail, Sydenham Arts, 2018
Daily Doings In Herne Bay, July 17, 1993
Totally Vocal, 2018


Another programme for The Pajama Game, Coliseum.

July 14: Two entries were added to the False Rape Timeline as were files 3229-32 and 3234-8.

July 14: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Santa’s Grotto at the Museum Of London,
Taylor Wessing Prize, 2017/8
The Little Prince, Playground Theatre
Ugly Duckling, Albany Theatre.

July 15: Two entries and files 3233, 3239-47 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 1944 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered, as was the JPG file 269.

July 15: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Darling, it’s twins! – Lewisham
lipstick & GUNPOWDER, Brighton
So Last Century, September 2017.

July 16: Two entries and files 3248-54 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 16: MSO 2018 Begins Next Month was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

The above is dated July 6. This site is getting worse.

July 16: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Nature Morte, 2017-8
Sukkot: Seeking Shelter, 2017
The City Is Ours, 2017-8
The Lorax, 2017.

July 17: Three entries and files 3255-68 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 17: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Peckham Rye Music Festival
Scams Awareness Month
Sugar Smart
We Are The Lions
Will Week.

July 18: Three entries and files 3269-77 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Due to a coding error, file 3270 was not linked until January 27, 2019. I have no idea how that happened; I aim to check every single link every update.

July 19: Two entries and files 3278-80 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The entries for August 27, 2010 (Bream) and August 29, 2010 were merged. This is a duplicate. The entry has been redated to August 30, 2010, the date of the (consensual) sexual encounter.

July 19: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Big Brighton Record Fair, 2018
Brentford Record Fair, July 2017
Bros, August 2017
Digbeth Record Fairs, 2017
The Trembling Wilburys, 2017.

July 20: Two entries and files 3281-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 20: The video Every Picture Tells A Story was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a transcript (of my narration only).

Alternative link for the above video.
Alternative link for the transcript (on this site).

The full transcript was also published by Eddy Morrison on his National Sentinel blogspot.

July 21: Four entries and files 3287-96 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 22: Two entries and files 3297-306 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 22: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Castle Concerts, 2018
The Robot Zoo, 2017.

July 23: Three entries and files 3307-14 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 23: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

Forced Entry
Playing With Dolls: Bloodlust
Who Killed JonBenét?

A Killer Walks Free (updated)

My second submission was actually Hands Of A Stranger (1987), but this has been held up as pending, probably because it includes the word raped. Damn this new social media censorship madness.

My review of the (updated) documentary A Killer Walks Free was originally posted in the wrong place, ie the 1994 original. Today I posted it in the right place and deleted the original posting.

July 23: I received the message below from YouTube. The video was uploaded July 31, 2014!

July 24: Four entries and files 3315-22 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The PDF file 1880 was replaced with another PDF file similarly numbered but with more photographs.

July 24: My review of Hands Of A Stranger (1987) was published by IMDb

July 25: Three entries and files 3323-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 25: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

Daily Mail, April 26, 2017
The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2017
The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2018.

July 26: Three entries and files 3329-38 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 26: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Charles Ponzi & His Scheme from the series In Search Of History
The East Area Rapist from the series On The Case With Paula Zahn

My second review was actually a resubmission of the 2018 documentary Harold Shipman: Doctor Death; this has been held up again. I also deleted my review of Sally Anne Bowman; I have a significant augmentation to make but decided to submit it as a new review, a purely technical matter. It is taking some time to delete.

July 27: Three entries and files 3339-46 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 27: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
Talon Falls

My Harold Shipman review has been rejected; I think this is because it includes the word sonofabitch; I may edit and resubmit. Something strange is going on with that other submitted review from yesterday.

July 27: The Wickedness Of A Woman was published originally by Wikinut with three images.

The above is dated July 12; how much worse can this site get?

July 28: Four entries and files 3347-53 were added to the False Rape Timeline; file 3553 replaces file 2492.

July 28: My augmented review of the documentary Sally Anne Bowman was published by IMDb

See also the Review Section on this site.

July 29: Three entries and files 2492, 3554-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 30: Three entries and files 3559-63 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 30: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

Times Educational Supplement, April 13, 2018
The i, June 22, 2018
Boxing News, July 19, 2018
Boxing News, July 26, 2018.

July 31: Two entries and files 3565-70 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

July 31: Jeremy Corbyn — Anti-Semite? was uploaded to Vimeo, but see entry for August 3 (below).

July 31: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Harold Shipman: Doctor Death
Jeremy Thorpe from the series Secret Lives
Jon Venables: What Went Wrong?
Invisibel Intruders from the series Forensic Files

It appears I was right, a review that contains a forbidden word will not be published. I removed an arrogant sonofabitch from the first of the above substituting supremely arrogant; publication was initially held over until tomorrow but all four were published within minutes. Weird or what?

August 1: Two entries and files 3571-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 1: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:

Return To Horror High
Save Yourself

August 3: Three entries and files 3576-84 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 3: Jeremy Corbyn — Anti-Semite? was uploaded to the Internet Archive with a transcript.

Alternative link for the above video and transcript.

August 4: The following were added to this site:

A Lawyer Known Best for Losing Capital Cases by Adam Liptak (replacing an archived link)
An Unsafe Campus by Helen Price (replacing an archived link)

Files candice-u-272 to candice-u-281 (to The Candice Night Gallery)

The augmented review of the documentary Sally Anne Bowman (to the Review Section)

A Site Correction to A timeline of recent false rape cases

A note section to UNANSWERED CORRESPONDENCE: Re The Lies Of Gena And Norman Turgel with eight images

A short introductory page to The Men Who Whitewash Hitler (I have removed an unrelated advertisment from the bottom of the last page of the actual article)
The Wealth Of Nations (2007 edition) with a short introductory page

The guestbook was removed from the HomePage. On May 25 this year, I noticed all my guestbooks had disappeared. I e-mailed Motigo the same day but received no response; I followed up, but again was ignored. I will add a new guestbook at some point.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for June 25-August 4, 2018 was also added.

August 5: Three entries and files 3585-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 5: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Freud Museum, 2018
Gilbert & George, Brighton Museum
The Neil Diamond Story, Brighton
Twisted Escape Room – Handmade Mysteries.

August 5: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Putin’s Way from the series Frontline
Soham Revisited: 15 Years On
The Serial Killing Savior from the series Born To Kill?

Circa August 6: The Dark Girl Dress’d In Blue credited to Harry Clifton was published by Songfacts.

August 6: Three entries and files 3589-93 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 6: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Be The Hero, Save The Day, Brighton, 2018
Brighton Racecourse, 2018
Mindout for the laughs 2018, Brighton, August
Paul Middleton.

August 7: Two entries and files 3594-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Circa August 9: Sling Your Hook (Chas’s Message To Cancer) was published by Songfacts.

August 9-10: If You See My Saviour by Thomas A. Dorsey was published by Songfacts (massively augmented).

August 10: Two entries and files 3599-603 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 11: Three entries and files 3605-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 12: On this site:

Five PDFs, 2 HTML files and one photograph were added to the transcript of Rolf Harris And You; I say added, they all replaced archived files including two of Daily Mail articles. The photograph is of Michael Stone. Incidentally, playback appears to have been resumed on (see entry for April 27, 2017).

Four photographs from Brighton, August 2, 2018 to the Image Gallery
Photographs candice-u-282 to candice-u-285 to The Candice Night Gallery

The HomePage was updated.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 5-12, 2018 was added.

August 13: Two entries and files 3611-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 13: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Pajama party
Short story prize, 2017
Wrestling, April 28, 2017.

August 13: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

To Catch A Killer (Andy Ortiz)
Unravelling The Lies of Jodi Arias from the series 48 Hours
Love, Undone from the series Killer Instinct
Rape On The Night Shift from the series Frontline
Schoolgirl Killer
The Black Cab Rapist from the series Real Crime

The above reviews were submitted in alphabetical order. All but the first one were held up. The first two were published in that order. I have no idea in which order of the other six were published, but as we are talking about minutes rather than days, that hardly matters.

August 14: Six entries and files 3619-25 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 14: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Finding Yourself Offside, Rialto, Brighton
Laser Zone, Brighton
South Downs Heritage Centre
Toy And Model Museum.

August 15: Two entries and files 3626-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 15: The two e-mails below arrived in my G-Mail inbox today; they were sent simultaneously or more or less simultaneously. The offending video was uploaded to YouTube on November 5 last year.

My appeal was rejected August 21; at least they took the time to actually review it rather than rubber stamp the rejection like last time.

August 15: As a result of the above, the video The Hoax Of The Twenty-First Century was added to the Internet Archive.

Alternative link for the above.

August 16: Seven entries and files 3631-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 17: Three entries were added to the False Rape Timeline, or two, if you count the second mention of Jemma Beale as part of an existing entry. Files 3639-46 were also added.

August 18: Two entries and files 3647-51 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 1328 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

August 19: Four entries and files 3652-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 20: Three entries and files 3659-64 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 22: Nine entries and files 3665-75 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 22: Rape Culture In The Greasy Spoon Café was published on VennerRoad

August 24: Three entries and files 3676-82 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 24: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Bill Cosby: Fall Of An American Icon
Notes From A Killer from the series On The Case With Paula Zahn
Paedophiles In Parliament

August 24-5: The following were published by Songfacts:

Black Denim Trousers credited to The Cheers
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat by Charles Mingus
Venus In Blue Jeans by Jimmy Clanton.

All three of the above were seriously augmented in-house.

August 25: Two entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 115 was removed, and an unrelated PDF file similarly numbered was substituted. Files 3683-5 were also added.

August 25: I have just noticed The Prior Bad Acts Of Gloria Allred has been removed from the Internet Archive, apparently yesterday.

I have no idea how long this was the case, but returning to this entry three years later I can only note that this was a very temporary take down if at all. As of October 17, 2021, this amazing video had been viewed only 662 times.

August 26: Two entries and files 3686-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 922 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered. File 2123 and the associated duplicate entry were removed.

August 27: Seven entries and files 2123, 3690-3700 were added to the False Rape Timeline. A duplicate entry was also merged, a bad girl in Singapore!

August 27: The following were added to this site:

Leroy Cool Meets Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Photographs candice-u-286 to candice-u-298 (to The Candice Night Gallery)
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 13-27, 2018.

August 28: Three entries and files 3701-06 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 28: Hey, I checked my Gloria Allred video around 2.20am and it is back at the Internet Archive. Must have been a glitch or something.

August 28: A memorial was added to Find-A-Grave for Tom Caldwell with a photograph from the Image Gallery. Twenty-four years gone, amazing.

August 29: Two entries and files 3707-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

August 29: A memorial was added to Find-A-Grave for Thomas McGinn with two photographs, one of them previously published.

August 30: Two entries or three were added to the False Rape Timeline. (One is a second entry for a likely serial false accuser – from Marseille – so it depends how you could them). Files 3711-4 were also added.

August 31: Two entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 3715-20 were also added; file 3720 replaced the unrelated file 2633.

September 2: Four entries and files 2633, 3721-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 2: A memorial for Valerie Storie was published at Find-A-Grave with a photograph; I was surprised she wasn’t listed already.

September 2: I sent out this message below at some point during the day, and what happened was quite unique: only 84 impressions but a hefty 19 engagements. By comparison, another one sent out on August 13 generated nearly 400 impressions but not a single engagement to date.

September 4: Five entries and files 3729-38 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 2237 is replaced by a PDF file similarly numbered, one that gives a fuller report.

September 4: It Wasn’t About Cosby; It Isn’t About Corbyn was published at the Internet Archive with a transcript.

Alternative link for the above video.

A full transcript (added October 7, 2018) can be found here.

September 4: Susanne Cameron-Blackie (1948-2017) was published originally by Wikinut with a photograph.

The above article was actually submitted on August 4. I no longer have any confidence in the site.

September 4: A memorial for the notorious Arnold Leese was published at Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

September 6: An entry for the serial killer Robert Black was published at Find-A-Grave; I would definitely not call this a memorial. It includes a photograph.

September 6: Three entries and files 3739-43 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 7: Four entries and files 3744-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 7: A memorial for Volve Katz was added to Find-A-Grave without a photograph.

Gable will like this one: not a lot! No photograph, sadly.

September 7-8: The following were added to Songfacts:

Where’s Me Shirt? by Ken Dodd

She Had To Go And Lose It At The Astor by Harry Roy & His Band

A Scottish Soldier by Andy Stewart
Donald Where’s Your Troosers? by Andy Stewart

The Green Hills Of Tyrol credited as Traditional.

September 8: A memorial for Hollie Roffey was added to Find-A-Grave without a photograph.

September 8: Three entries and files 3750-54 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 9: Three entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 2239 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered. Files 3755-60 were also added.

September 10: Two entries and files 3761-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 10: A memorial for Jane Burch was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

I met her once, when I was doing some research for Chris Tame.

Circa September 12: The following were published by Songfacts:

White Trash Girl by Candye Kane

Cold, Cold Earth by Allison Moorer.

September 12: Three entries and files 3776-82 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 12: When Victim Blaming Doesn’t Count — The Case Of Barbara Coombes was published originally by Wikinut with two photographs.

Unbelievably, the above article was submitted August 11! It was made the Star Page, but I would rather it had been published reasonably promptly.

September 12: International False Rape Timeline – test broadcast (1) was uploaded to YouTube.

The above is a shade over a minute including the repetition – which was not down to me! This is hopefully the first of many live YouTube hangouts.

September 13: Three entries and files 3783-90 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3790 replaced files 877 and 1535. The former was a JPG screencapped from the website of the Coventry Telegraph, which has now been replaced by CoventryLive, although it is still currently using the same domain. Since I started this timeline, some websites therein have disappeared or merged. For example, the Surrey Mirror is now using

September 14: Three entries and files 877, 1535, 3791-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 14: International False Rape Timeline – test broadcast (2) was uploaded to YouTube.

I set up a Streamlabs account today, and it seems to work okay with YouTube. Hopefully the donations come in. Assuming I get any viewers!

September 15: Two entries and files 3794-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 15: A memorial for the great Major Douglas was added to Find-A-Grave with two photographs.

September 15: Apostates And Idiots was published on VennerRoad with two images.

September 16: Six entries and files 3798-803 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 1946 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

September 17: Allred & Bloom was uploaded to Vimeo.

This is a very short video; included was a transcript (of my narration only).

Alternative link for the above.

And the transcript.

September 17: Four entries and files 3804-809 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 19: Six entries and files 3810-20 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 19 was replaced with a PDF file similarly numbered, entirely different but about the same case.

September 19: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (1)

I went live tonight. why do I bother? I logged on at around 21.50, began the livestream at 22.00 dead, and had a peak of 5 (five) viewers. Unreal. One bloke said he knew DuQuesne. I asked him if he knew Goodman; he said he knew of him.

I made the video private shortly after the livestream had finished.

Alternative link for the above.
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

September 20: Three entries and files 3821-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 21: Seven entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. A duplicate entry was removed (hopefully the last) and the JPG file 1267 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered. Files 3826-32 were added.

September 21: Why Brett Kavanaugh’s Accuser Does NOT Deserve To Be Heard was uploaded to YouTube.

A fairly rush job with no script. Not a bad effort.

Alternative link for the above video.

September 23: A memorial for Lawrence Wright was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph of the great man.

On September 26, I received a message to the effect that the above had been rejected because it was not in the proper format for a famous grave, although curiously it had not been removed. Later the same day, I found an earlier entry under the name Horatio Nicholls. I checked for that before I submitted my entry, but apparently I didn’t check hard enough. Whatever, I have no intention of removing it. If it is removed at any point, the above link has been archived. Curiously, since I archived that link, archiving pages has been denied on this site.

September 23: Six entries and files 3833-45 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

This brings the total entries to just over four thousand. Over the next few weeks and months I will have other priorities so will be adding fewer new entries. Hopefully I will be able to add another five hundred by the end of 2019, subject to my still being around. Which is by no means certain!

But, re file 3845 and the associated entry, see entry for August 3, 2022.

September 23: The International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (1) of September 19 was made public again after editing out the first 13 minutes or so which was basically music with me coughing a bit.

September 23: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

Socialist Worker, August 26, 1978, page 7
Labour Weekly, May 31, 1985
Labour Weekly, July 5, 1985
Times, April 19, 2018
Times Educational Supplement, July 13, 2018

Letter from Roly Owers of World Horse Welfare, December 15, 2016
Letter from Eileen Crawley of SOAS, June 5, 2018.

September 24: Three entries and files 3846-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Circa September 25: The following were published by Songfacts:

Rat Bat Blue by Deep Purple
Cat Squirrel by Doctor Ross
Ariel by Rainbow.

Originally the last sentence of Ariel read: “Ariel was also an official German soccer song! The original Ariel is a character from mythology, usually an angel, a bit like Candice!”

September 25: Two entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 421 was replaced by file 3851; files 3852-4 were also added.

September 26: I did another live hangout on YouTube tonight. Six people this time! Unreal. I set it to private until I can edit out the first fifteen minutes or so, which is just music.
It went live on September 28, see below for original link.

Here is an alternative link for the video.
And here is an alternative link for the notes to it.

September 26/7: My Find-A-Grave entry for Lawrence Wright was added to this site. I’m not sure when I added this but it was either September 26 or 27.

On December 12, 2018, it was amended.

Circa September 27: That’s What I Like by Chas & Dave was added to Songfacts.

September 27: Three entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 421, 3856-60 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 799 was replaced with file 3860.

September 27-8: Modern Robin Hood by Chas & Dave was published by Songfacts.

September 28: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (2) from two days ago was made public.

September 28: Two entries and files 799, 3861-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

September 28: Two Real Victims And One Head Case was added to the Internet Archive with a transcript of my narration only.

Alternative link for the above video.

September 29: Two entries and files 3864-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 14 was replaced with a PDF similarly titled (the full article).

October 3: A memorial for Deke Leonard was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

October 3: Eleven entries and files 3868-84 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3870 replaced file 15.

October 3: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive in this order:

International False Rape Timeline – test broadcast
International False Rape Timeline – test broadcast 2
International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (1)
International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (2)

October 5: Five entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Files 15, 3885-95 were also added. File 3893 replaced file 2476 (the same article but an original scan).

October 5: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (3) was held from 10pm. Six people turned up tonight!

Afterwards, I set it to private; it was made public October 7 after editing (see below).

Alternative link for the above video.
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

October 6: A memorial for Wendy Ridgwell was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

I may have got the cemetery wrong.

October 6: Three entries and files 3896-900 were added to the False Rape Timeline, but see entry for August 3, 2022 re file 3897.

October 7: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (3) from October 5 was made public.

October 7: Three entries and files 3901-905 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 2476 replaced file 3654.

October 7: Reviews of the following documentaries were submitted to IMDb and presumably published in this order:

Driven To Kill from The F.B.I. Files
Fatal Attraction from the series Deadly Women
India: Land Of Missing Children from the series Unreported World
Justifiable Homicide? from the series American Justice
Sean Vincent Gillis from the series Born To Kill?

October 7: This website was updated as follows:

2018 Age was added to the Image Gallery
Poor Kid was added to the Cartoon Gallery
Images candice-u-299 and candice-u-314 were added to The Candice Night Gallery
Transcript for It Wasn’t About Cosby; It Isn’t About Corbyn
Transcript for These Bitches Are Playing You
Transcript for Two Real Victims And One Head Case (my narration only).

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for August 28-October 7, 2018.

October 8: Three entries and files 3654, 3906-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 9: Two entries and files 3911-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 703 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

October 10: Five entries and files 3918-25 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Circa October 11: Why Don’t You Love Me by John Miles was published by Songfacts.

There is no question mark in the title, and the first line was submitted thus: “Apart from the ‘white’ voice, this nearly three and a half minute single might have been recorded by a Motown artist. In fact, it was the debut single by John Miles.”

October 12: I did some file counting last night and have just realised that on the False Rape Timeline, file 3352 is followed by file 3533.

October 12: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (4) – How And Why The Timeline Came About was held from 10pm.

A truly pitiful turnout. The main subject was how I came to publish the Timeline. I set the video to private immediately afterwards. It was made public October 15 (see below).

Alternative link for the above video.
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

October 13: Six entries and files 3353-61 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 14: One entry and files 3362-4 were added. The JPG file 704 and the HTML file 1442 were replaced with a single PDF file, a new 704. A new 1442 file, a PDF, replaced an archived link.

October 14: Reviews of the following documentaries were submitted to and apparently published by IMDb in this order:

The Casebook Rapist from the series Crime Stories
The Jeremy Thorpe Scandal
The Mount Rennie Outrage
The South Side Rapist from the series Cold Case Files

October 14: A memorial for Muriel McKay including a photograph was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

October 15: After editing, International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (4) was made public on YouTube. It will be added to the Internet Archive in due course.

October 16: Eleven entries and files 3365-76 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 16: A memorial for Andrew Dennis was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

This is a bloke who died recently; I found him mentioned in the local press.

October 17: Two entries and files 3377-83 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 18: Memorials for

Nicola Fellows and
Karen Hadaway

were added to Find-A-Grave in that order, each with a photograph.

I was surprised there was no entry for these two. Their alleged killer is currently on trial again. Alleged, yeah, right.

October 19: Seven entries and files 3384-92 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 19: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (5) was held from 10pm.

Another pitiful turnout – 5 viewers! The main subject was false rape statistics. I also acknowledged the sad death of my correspondent Professor Michael Patterson. The video was set to private immediately afterwards.

Alternative link for the above video.
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

October 21: Seven entries and files 3393-403 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 22: Three entries and files 3404-10 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3407 replaced file 2487, and file 3409 replaced file 722.

October 22: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (5) – False Rape Statistics was made public.

I also created a new dedicated channel on my YouTube account: falserape. I hope it works. The new address of this channel appears to be

October 23: Three entries and files 722, 2487, 3411-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 25: Two entries and files 3414-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3416 replaced file 12.

October 26: Four entries and files 12, 3420-3424 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

I also removed an entry, the first time I’ve done this for one that was not a duplicate, but see entry for Lynnwood, (August 11, 2008). The case of Luke Lazarus was entered at May 12, 2013. The complainant waived her anonymity and was named as Saxon Mullins. I also removed the associated file, a very brief CCTV clip – 1657.mp4. Removing this entry does not mean I now believe this girl was raped. Once again we come up against the murky issue of consent – he believes she is consenting when she isn’t. And of course alcohol, lots of it. Lazarus spent 11 months in prison before his conviction was quashed, but it is difficult to feel sorry for him. Anal sex in an alleyway (or anal sex anywhere) has never been my idea of romance. Some of these blokes do literally bring it on themselves. The deleted entry has been archived.

October 26: The Mind Sports Olympiad Goes Live was published originally by Medium with an image.

Believe it or not, I submitted the above article to Wikinut on September 13, and it still hadn’t been published. That site is now effectively dead. I didn’t sign up with Medium because it’s a subscription site, but you can publish through Google or Facebook. I chose the latter. I actually commented on it in 2016.

October 26: Himtoo Makes No Sense but Reveals so Much by Chris Elmore

The above article was added December 26, 2022.

ࢬMr. Baron’s earnestness is matched by others who seem to lack his apparent concern forfact and documentation.ࢭ – I will take that as a compliment!

October 27: Four entries and files 1657, 3425-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

October 28: Two entries and files 3429-33 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3433 replaced file 3425.

October 28: I did another False Rape Timeline livestream tonight. And not one person turned up. Not one! I set the video to private immediately afterwards. It was made public October 30 (below).

Having said that, I am more than a little satisfied about the ground I covered – celebrity false rape allegations. I sent out a lot of tweets, e-mails and other messages, so can only assume people had a problem with the new channel. Sigh.

Alternative link for above video.
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

October 29: Reviews of the following films were submitted to and apparently published by IMDb in this order:

Lesser Of Two Evils
Ms. 45
Possible Worlds
The Covenant (2017)

October 30: Files 3425, 3434-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. There were no new entries, but the existing entry for Wigmore On Evidence was moved to its own page and a PDF was added to it.

October 30: I deleted the False Rape channel on YouTube. I may reinstate it if I can create one with a meaningful name like FalseRapeTimeline instead of

The livestream from Sunday night was made public as International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (6) – False Allegations Against Celebrities; I added pictures rather than exhibit my ugly mug yet again!

October 30: A memorial for Fiona Bone was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

I wanted to add her colleague too but couldn’t find her grave. Going to look it up at the Library tomorrow. I’m surprised these two were not listed already, as with Nicola Fellows and Karen Hadaway.

October 31: As promised yesterday, a memorial for Nicola Hughes was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

October 31: Two entries and files 3438-43 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 2: Three entries and files 3444-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 2745 was replaced by file 3447. The PDF file 3895 was replaced with an MP4 file similarly numbered.

November 2: The following YouTube videos were uploaded to the Internet Archive in this order:

International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (3)
International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (4) – How And Why The Timeline Came About
International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (6) – False Allegations Against Celebrities
International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (5) – False Rape Statistics

November 2: The following documentaries were submitted to and apparently published by IMDb in this order:

Red Light Regular from the series Twisted
The One Who Got Away from the series 48 Hours
Trapped By The Internet from the series Real Stories

November 2: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Flyer for The Cromwell Museum
Flyer for The Mystery Plays at Canterbury Cathedral, 1992
The Truth About Israel And Zionism by Nathan Weinstock and Jon Rothschild.

November 3: Two entries and files 2745, 3450-53 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 4: Three entries and files 3454-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 5: Three entries and files 3460-65 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 6: One entry and files 3466-71 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 8: Four entries and files 3472-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 9: Three entries and files 3480-85 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 9: This site was updated as follows:

Letter from A. Herman to the Jewish Chronicle, September 29, 1933, page 16 (linked directly from two pages)
Anger as magazine promotes anti-Semitic pamphleteers direct into the Bibliography
Commons writ server in contempt direct into the Bibliography
Images candice-u-315 to candice-u-334 were added to The Candice Night Gallery
The transcript for Every Picture Tells A Story was added to this page (replacing an archived link)

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for October 8-November 9, 2018 was also added.

November 10: Four entries and files 3486-92 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 10: A memorial for Sidney Smith was added to Find-A-Grave with two photographs.

This guy was a friend of Goodman.

November 10: Two memorial programmes were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site, one for Carroll Quigley and the other for Sidney Smith; the latter was an associate of Goodman.

November 11: Two entries and files 3493-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 12: Three entries and files 3499-508 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 13: On this site, pages 280, 284, 286 & 288 of J.J. Goldberg’s book Jewish Power were added direct into the endnotes of ORGANISED JEWRY: The Conspiracy We All Know Doesn’t Really Exist... as were pages 28, 52 & 89 of Behind The Balfour Declaration. Eleven pages from Prisoners Of Fear were also added, in one PDF file prefixed with a short introductory note.

A video of the Gerald Kaufman polemic against the mass murder in Gaza replaced an archived link in the Stop Anti-Semitism! quiz. At some point I will give this video its own page.

November 14: Four entries and files 3509-13 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 15: Two entries and files 3514-21 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 6 was deleted.

November 15: On this site, Why Jews Shouldn’t Meet With Farrakhan by that lowlife Abraham Foxman was added to an endnote of Born In Bigotry...

Pages 181-3 and a plate between pages 176 and 177 from the Harry Golden book The Lynching Of Leo Frank were added to same.

November 16: Three entries and files 6, 3522-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 16: Race, Class, And Gender In The United States: An Integrated Study was published originally by Medium

I submitted the above review to Amazon in October last year, and it was rejected. I was going to publish it on Wikinut but that site appears to be dead now; it hasn’t been updated since September, and like The Latest News appears simply to have been abandoned.

November 16: I held another live hangout with the False Rape Timeline from 22.00; the subject was the fraud of tonic immobility. It ran for around 45 minutes. I set it to private immediately afterwards and will make it live again after I have edited it down.

Another extremely disappointing turnout but at least I wasn’t talking to myself like last time. There were four viewers at one point but mostly three including Sean Coleman.

Alternative link for the above video.
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

November 17: I added a new counter to this site on the HomePage (ie

In due course I will add counters to the other sites as well as guestbooks but only one per site unlike last time.

November 17: A memorial for Clarke Pearce was added to Find-A-Grave with a previously published photograph.

He was murdered 32 years ago yesterday.

November 18: Two entries and files 3529-32 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 18: Scans from the following publications were added to the Mark Taha website:

Today, July 3, 1990
The Friars’ Chronicles, Summer 2018, Volume 36, Number 149
Boxing News, August 9, 2018
The i, August 29, 2018
Wooster Sauce, September 2018, Number 87

The Motigo guestbook on the site was removed because it wasn’t functioning; I don’t think anyone ever signed it anyway.

November 20: Four entries and files 3533-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3533 replaced file 251.

November 20: Below are my YouTube site statistics. These may vary from the pageviews shown on my YouTube HomePage. To understand why, click here. Apparently, 100% of my viewers are male!

November 21: The YouTube live hangout from November 16 was made public: The Fraud Of Tonic Immobility

November 22: Moral Inquiries..., and ...Jewish Ritual Murder by Arnold Leese, were added to Shechita Barbaric?... directly into the text, the latter replacing an archived link.

Moral Inquiries...contains an explanatory note. Last night, I downloaded an original copy of ...Jewish Ritual Murder from the Internet Archive, but it is over 200Mb; the version I have substituted is a shade over half a megabyte. I have decided not to add either of them to the Other Contributors index page.

November 23: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

About Face from the series Forensic Files
Kidnapped from the series Wicked Attraction
So Close To Home from the series Disappeared
Stacey’s Story from the series American Justice

November 23: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Community Day at Elim Church, September 2018
Ozzies Cafe, Peckham – no apostrophe!
Radio Sydenham
Russian celebration leaflet.

November 23: A memorial for Jane Triffitt was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

November 24: Two entries and files 251, 3540-44 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 24: This is hardly worthy of mention but I will mention it anyway. Tonight I realised an image was not properly linked. The image in question is kaufman-hansard-1.jpg which is part of the classic Gerald Kaufman speech in the House Of Commons, January 15, 2009. This is part of my speech on the Jewish Question. The image is linked within the notes wherein I say this is the full text from Hansard, so technically, the full text was not added until today. I will add a note to this effect to the Site Corrections Page next time I update this Bibliography, probably early next month.

November 25: Three entries and files 3545-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 320 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

November 26: The following comment on lawfuel dot com was added July 11, 2019. The False Rape Timeline url was omitted:

November 26: Three entries and files 3550-52, 3926-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

File 3552 was not linked properly until June 10, 2019.

November 26: The short documentary How To Stop Fatal Police Shootings — Dead was published at the Internet Archive with a transcript of my narration only.

Alternative link for the above video

November 27: Two entries and files 3928-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 27: Not sure what time of day I left this, below, it may even have been in the small hours of November 28 bearing in mind most of these websites run on Eastern Standard Time. Whatever, he, he!

November 28: Two entries and files 3931-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

November 28: I went to Southwark Crown Court this afternoon to look in on the Sabine McNeill trial. Jesus, what a bunch of total cranks, lunatics and morons she has in her corner.

November 28: This evening at 10pm there was another live hangout with the International False Rape Timeline. The subject was Rapism v Racism

Alternative link for the above video, and for the notes.

The video went live on YouTube on December 2 – see immediately below.

November 29: Two entries and files 3935-41 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 3938 replaced files 412, 413 and 414 as well as an archived link.

December 2: Three entries and files 412-4, 3942-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 2: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (8) – Rapism v Racism went live on YouTube.

December 3: Two entries and files 3947-53 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 3: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (7) – The Fraud Of Tonic Immobility
and International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (8) – Rapism v Racism were added to the Internet Archive.

December 6: Two entries and files 3954-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The JPG file 109 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered.

December 6: Review of the following films were published by IMDb apparently in this order:

Angel Of Decay
Small Sacrifices
The Stendhal Syndrome
Sisters Of Death

December 6: My video Who Are The Real Holocaust Liars? was restricted today; it was uploaded December 6, 2010!

I appealed but had to send the following message in two parts. I hope it all got through. I am quite sure the link for appealing video take-downs is deliberately restrictive:

Hello, this video was uploaded 7 years ago today. While the owners of YouTube believe in free speech, clearly the people who flagged this video do not. Nor do they believe in truth, because if you watch it closely and check the citations you will realise it exposes lies and liars. Censoring it is akin to censoring the truth.

My appeal was rejected before midnight. What total BS.

December 6: The UK Parole Board Has Lost Its Collective Mind was published by Medium with two images.

Wikinut has still not been updated and is definitely dead, so the occasional article I would have published there will be published on Medium from now on. Famous last words! See here.

December 7: Two entries and files 3958-63 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 7: The following flyers were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:

Cuttin It’, 2016
Lewisham @ 50 Exhibition, 2016-7
Shakespeare In Song, July 18, 2016
Wildheart Festival, 2016.

December 8: Two entries and files 3964-8 were added to the International False Rape Timeline.

December 9: The following were added to this site:

My Doctor Molested Me – to the Cartoon Gallery

Files candice-u-335 to candice-u-366 to The Candice Night Gallery

Against Identity Cards by Sean Gabb, under Other Contributors

The following were added directly into notes and links rather than under Other Contributors:

The American System Of Criminal Justice, page 217.
Selected pages from The Jew In American Politics by Nathaniel Weyl (in a PDF file prefixed with a short note)
The Lobby..., page 14.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for November 10-December 9, 2018 was also added.

December 10: Three entries and files 3969-73 were added to the False Rape Timeline. File 1071 was deleted along with (hopefully) the last duplicate entry, the Bracken case from Ohio.

December 11: I amended my Find-A-Grave memorial for Lawrence Wright.

I had been under the impression there was no obituary for him in Melody Maker; I researched this years ago, but on Monday (December 10) in the Library I found an actual obituary without much effort.

December 12: My Find-A-Grave memorial for Lawrence Wright (on this site) was amended.

December 13: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb:

Ashley Humphrey from the series Snapped
Dealing With The Devil from the series Catch My Killer
Joel The Ripper from the Biography series 48 Hours
One Of Their Own from the series
Ron Luff from the series Criminal Mindscape

December 13: Five entries and files 1071, 3974-81 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The PDF file 3974 actually replace JPG file 2496.

December 14: Reviews of the following documentaries were added to IMDb:

Stages Of Grief from the series American Monster
The Hunt For Ted Bundy
Serial Killers: The Real Life Hannibal Lechters
The Santa Strangler from the series Dateline NBC
The Search For Lisa Rene from The F.B.I. Files

December 14: I held another live hangout tonight – Man-Haters And Female Psychopaths – three people turned up, most of the time two! It lasted exactly an hour. I set it to private afterwards and will publish it in a day or two after I have edited it down.

Alternative link for the above video
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

December 15: I noticed today that all my Songfacts urls have disappeared. Do you ever get the impression you’ve been here before? With IMDb in my case. Sigh.

I found the two songfacts below too. They were submitted on September 19, 2015, so were probably published some time ago.

Lover’s Lane by Georgio
Sexappeal by Georgio.

Ah! Good news, just heard from The Man. The old urls are still there but will only work when the browser is used in incognito mode.

December 15: On this site, I noticed file candice-u-346 was a duplicate of candice-u-230, so I replaced the former with a new one.

Images candice-u-367 to candice-u-370 were also added to The Candice Night Gallery

Is The State The Enemy? by James Leatham was added under Other Contributors
It was my original intention to add only cited pages as internal links, but as it is so short I decided to scan the whole pamphlet.

December 16: Three entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Although the entry for Gemma Hasson is new, her case (attempted rape) actually appears on the Types Of False Accuser page.

The JPG file 25 was replaced with a PDF similarly numbered; files 2496, 3982-4 were also added.

December 16: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb:

The Vienna Strangler from the series Serial Killers
Who Killed Hannah Hill? from the series American Justice

And the film

Lady Frankestein (English title)

I also submitted a review of the 1973 film Firehouse; this has been held up until. They must be using keywords of phrases now to flag these for censorship.

December 16: An article about/interview with Sir Oswald Mosley from the Jewish Chronicle, May 12, 1933, page 35 was added to this site (linked directly into the notes on three pages).
Pages 220 & 278 from the 1920 Edition of The Rising Tide Of Color... were added directly into the note section of Anti-Capitalism From Anti-Semitism To “Anti-Racism”

December 17: Surprise, surprise, my review of Firehouse has indeed been declined. (Although the message is dated December 16, I received it December 17). The new repression is growing deeper and even more insidious.

See entry for December 26, 2018 (below).

December 18: Two entries and files 3985-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 18: The live hangout from December 14 was made public this morning.

December 21: Two entries and files 3992-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

A new category was also added to the page that discusses types of false rape accusers, in particular man-haters and female psychopaths.

December 23: Foxy Lady — Or Guy was recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

Alternative link for the above video.

December 24: Four entries and files 3997-4000 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 25: Two entries and files 4001-4006 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 25: The Sin Toyers was published originally on Medium with a photograph.

December 26: The following were added to this site:

Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume 1, page 6; Volume 2, pages 407-10; Volume 4, pages 46-60.
Warrant For Genocide, pages 17, 27, 33, 45-6, 65-7, 108, 219, 230-1, 293.

All the above were added directly into notes.

My rejected review of Firehouse (1973)

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 10-26, 2018 was also added.

December 27: Three entries and files 4007-4014 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 27: A memorial for prostitute, female psychopath and false rape accuser Eleanor de Freitas was added to Find-A-Grave with a photograph.

December 28: Two entries and files 4015-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 30: Five entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. Sort of. The entry for the Clacton Gazette article of June 19, 2008 was removed from the main page and placed on a separate page to which four sets of annual statistics were added. Files 4018-22 were also added.

December 31: Two entries and files 4023-4, 4026-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

December 31: Cyntoia Brown  —  the murderess in pigtails was published on VennerRoad with an image.

To Bibliography (1980-89)
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2002)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
To Bibliography (2005-07)
To Bibliography (2008)
To Bibliography (2009)
To Bibliography (2010)
To Bibliography (2011)
To Bibliography (2012)
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To Bibliography (2014)
To Bibliography (2015)
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