Alexander Baron And The ITMA Label
A Selected, Annotated, Chronological Bibliography


January 1, 2024: I joined AK Nation for his live hangout which started at 4.15am London time, see screengrab below. I stayed until well after 6am and contributed but I will not link the video here although I may upload that segment to the Internet Archive at some point. Here is a screengrab though.

Regarding my comment about mathematics being racist, see the first entry immediately below. As for the poker tournament, yes, I did indeed win a dollar. Some background: I was chip leader at one point and had I not played so loose I might have made the final table instead of min cashing, but I wanted to go to Trafalgar Square so left as soon as I was busted out, got a train to Victoria from Sydenham then the Underground to Embankment.

Afterwards I did my ritual, the one I have done since 1998/9 then walked back to Charing Cross and got a train to Lewisham. From there I got a bus to Catford and had a peri peri chicken dinner. Then, unable to find a cab (something I have never even considered before), I caught a night bus to Brockley (thinking it was going to Forest Hill), then walked to Forest Hill.

There is a cab office near the station but the controller told me there was nothing for another hour, so I walked to the station intending to cross the road and maybe walk home when a train came in. Just like that! It was going to West Croydon so in 15 minutes or so I was home. I turned on my computer around 3.30. After logging off I went to bed and although I woke up quite a bit earlier it was nearly 2pm before I got up.

My back has been absolute murder, I took two Paracetamol at Catford and two more shortly after I got home. Going to have to get another prescription for Naproxen if this continues. Heck, is this a bibliography or a diary? Whatever, this will explain why my output will not be so great this year, should it not be. Happy New Year anyway, hopefully happier than the last one.

January 1: A Pathway To Equitable Math Instruction? was (re)published here from The Duran with (the absurd) Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction which is linked from within the article, but not directly on the site.

January 1: International False Rape Timeline – hangout (101) 6,000+ was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

January 2: The following were added to this site:

The Lost In The Mall Experiment – a short video by Elizabeth Loftus with an introduction page under Other Contributors.

The poem Claudine Gay

These four were (re)published from The Duran:

Index On Censorship Launches New Magazine At Google’s London HQ
Rodney Reed And Virginia Giuffre Are Perpetrators, Not Victims
The Great Russian Election Hacking Myth
The Sex Offenders Register – Public Protection Or Stigmatisation?

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 14, 2023-January 2, 2024 was also added.

January 3: YouTube’s Misinformation Miss was published on Substack with a screengrab.

January 3: I did a lot of work overhauling this site including SearchlightArchive where I added a note to one of the pamphlets re what I have been doing.

January 4: I continued the overhaul of this site. The following were also added:

Burke Shelley (1950-2022), “My Son Hunter” — Reviewed and UFO — The Final Visitation, all (re)published from The Duran

January 4: A PDF of The Monopoly Of Credit was added to FinancialReform, not before time!

January 5: International False Rape Timeline — hangout — (102) Defamation was uploaded to my second YouTube channel.

Alternative link for the above video
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

January 6/7: Two entries and file 7015 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 7: Two videos were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site: a BBC interview and his introduction to the Diamond Jubilee.

January 8: A photograph and an advert were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site. I also reformatted two of my articles from The Duran

January 8: Three entries and files 7016-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 9: The people who run Face have lost the plot. They have just removed a link I posted on May 13, 2018 because It looks like you tried to gather sensitive information, or shared malicious software. I have no idea what was on the page because the website concerned is gone, its domain park, and the url in question has not been archived.

January 9: Down And Out In CROYDON was uploaded to YouTube.

Alternative link to the above video.

January 9: Two entries and files 7019-20 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 10: The following were added to this site:

A page called ‘Happy Birthday, Al’ with 4 documents and some commentary

Free Stuff In This Age Of Austerity and The New Breed Of Low Budget Film-Makers (re)published from The Duran

I am continuing the overhaul of this site but it is incredibly laborious

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 3-10, 2024 was also added.

January 11: Two entries and files 7021-2 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 11: Tear The House Down was published on Substack with an image.

January 12: Two entries were added to the False Rape Timeline along with files 7023-6 and 7028.

January 12: AK Nation went live at 4.30am. I stayed until just after 6. I didn’t say anything that was really profound but here is my (archived) contribution. It runs to nearly fifty minutes.

I forgot I was muted at the end so you won’t hear me saying goodnight. Night, indeed. The screengrab below refers to an incident at the beginning of the hangout. A black woman had her debit card declined, and she did NOT like it!

January 13: Three entries were added to the False Rape Timeline along with files 7027, 7029-30.

January 14: Three entries and files 7031-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 14: A letter from the late and unlamented Ray Hill (August 27, 1993) was added to SearchlightArchive

January 14: This evening I completed a full overhaul of the Mark Taha website, enlarging text, correcting a few coding errors, and replacing two or three images with better quality scans.

January 15: Three entries and files 7034-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 15: After The British Library Hack was published on Substack.

January 16: Two entries and files 7037-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 17: Three entries and files 7039-40 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 18: The video The Trans Monsters Are Coming For Your Kids was uploaded to BitChute

Transcript for the above video
Alternative link to the above video.

January 18: Two entries and files 7041-2 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 18: The following were added to this website:

Black Invention Myths (under Other Contributors)
An article from the Toronto Star to my 2016 article Diana And The Gorgons
Two articles replaced links in another 2016 article False Rape Claims And The Tragedy Of The Commons

“Fan Mail” From A Danish Airhead was added November 16, 2016 but was not linked properly until today. Having said that, I believe I posted the correct link somewhere the same day or perhaps shortly after. At any rate, it has been properly published (and archived) today.

The Legacy of Chris Tame and Chris Tame — Seven years gone today (re)published from Digital Journal, both with the same image from the Image Gallery

The poem David Wood – this was originally published without the title as a YouTube comment on January 11

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 11-8, 2024 was also added.

January 19: Three entries and files 7043-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 20: Two entries and files 7046-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 20: Free Tools For Your Website was published on Substack with an image.

January 21: The video Good Morning Good Moron was uploaded to BitChute.

January 21: Three entries and files 7048-50 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 22: The following were added to this site:

The Minimum Wage Yet Again (re)published from The Duran
And open letter by Elad Benari to Mark Zuckerberg (under Other Contributors).

January 22: Three entries and files 7051-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 23: Three entries and files 7055-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline. I also removed the Patreon appeal video and have submitted a request to delete this (useless) account.

January 24: The following wer added to this site:

Three PDF files to The Most Expensive Solicitor’s Letter In History?

Hate Crime Hysteria In Oakland
And The New YouTube Terms Of Service For Content Creators (re)published from The Duran

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 19-24, 2024 was also added.

January 25: Three entries and files 7057-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 25: The following were added to this site:

Dave Davies: Kinkdom Come (re)published from Digital Journal
A video to the 2017 article Are All “Victims” Worthy Of Belief? replacing a link.

January 26: Time To Hold VIRGINIA To Account is a short rant uploaded to my second YouTube channel
Alternative link to the above video.

January 27: Three entries and files 7059-61 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 28: I started playing Party Poker again for the first time in many years, I figured on playing freerolls only, but yesterday they sent me an e-mail telling me if I deposited $20 I would be awarded a free $22 tournament ticket. How could I refuse? I deposited more than that and played a bounty tournament at 4am. I also played a small bounty tournament (PLO8) on PokerStars. I cashed in both. There were only 34 runners in the $22 so I thought this freebie would come to nothing. Thankfully, I was wrong. I had great cards, played them well, and came up against some truly idiotic plays. I was chip leader for a long time but in the end could finish only fifth, busted out with pocket queens, but I have no cause to complain. See screengrab below.

While I was doing that I joined the AK Nation live hangout. For some reason I was unable to send a message with my superchat (below), but I was an active participant although I won’t upload any of the conversation here. I logged off around 7am and didn’t get up until early afternoon. I have to stop doing this!

January 29: Two entries and files 7062-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

January 30: Can We Exonerate Donald Trump? is a rant uploaded to my second YouTube channel.

January 30: I now have 3 followers on Twitter. Wow!

January 31: Two entries and file 7064 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 1: The following videos were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

Defamation (False Rape Timeline hangount 102)
Time To Hold VIRGINIA To Account
Can We Exonerate Donald Trump?

February 2: Two entries and files 7065-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 3: Three entries and files 7069-72 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 4: The following were added to this site:

An illustrated audio of of 2012 speech “Racism” And Brainwashing: A UK Perspective with some new text to the relevant page: Additional Notes And February 2024 Recording
Undocumented immigrants — ‘Huffington Post’ hysteria (re)published from Digital Journal with a PDF of a previously linked article

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 25-February 4, 2024 was also added.

February 5: “Racism” And Brainwashing: A UK Perspective was uploaded to YouTube. I will hold back uploading it to BitChute and the Internet Archive until I see how this one goes.

February 5: Three entries and files 7073-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 6: Still Down And Out In CROYDON was uploaded to YouTube.

February 6: This was one Hell of a turnaround. I believe this is the first PLO tournament I have ever won, certainly the first bounty tournament. There were 120 runners and 23 places paid. Two re-entries were allowed but I’m not sure how many people did re-enter, but there were 120 actual players at any rate. The icing on the cake was that I entered this believing it to be a PLO8, and was playing it as such for around 20 minutes. Also, late in the tournament I took down a pot heads up after misreading my hand. I thought I had the but straight when I had nothing!

February 7-8: Three entries and files 7076-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 8: I joined AK Nation this morning. His hangout was meant to start at 4.30am, then 4.45, then finally 5am. His wife has just had another baby and much of the hangout was about choosing a name for his new son. I contributed but nothing worth reporting here. I stayed until after 6 then went to bed. My back has been giving me Hell and the over-the-counter drugs are doing no good. I found some Pregabalin and took two of those yesterday. They are soporific, among other things, and I didn’t get up until noon.

February 10: Three entries and file 7079 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 11; This afternoon, I finished a massive overhaul of the Michael Stone website. No new files have been added although I did replace a PDF of a full page of a newspaper with a JPG of the relevant article at the top of the page. I also removed quite a bit of text relating to PDFs as their compatibility is now universal and people don’t need instructions on how to open and resize them. The HomePage has now been viewed 6113 times since June 5, 2019. A couple of dozen of those views will be mine.

I e-mailed Stone to that effect later.

February 12: Two entries and files 7080-83 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 13: Three entries and files 7084-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 14: Two entries and files 7088-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 15: Owen Jones Lies About The Grooming Gangs was uploaded to YouTube
Alternative link to the above video
Transcript of my narration only

February 15: The Broken Promise Of Bill Gates was published on Substack.

February 16: Two entries and files 7092-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 17: The latest False Rape Timeline hangout was uploaded to YouTube: Witch-Hunts And Cover-Ups
Alternative link for the above video
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

February 18: A smear article from The Mirror, May 25, 1999 was added to SearchlightArchive together with the relevant entry.

February 18: The following were added to this site:

My False Rape Timeline Patreon video with an introductory page (under Articles)
One sentence to ‘Images And Other Files On This Site’
A cartoon about bombs (to the Cartoon Gallery)
A recent photograph of Mark (to the Image Gallery)

Fan Mail From A Librarian
Why the world can’t tolerate a pre-emptive Israeli attack on Iran

All the above under Other Contributors

I fixed the odd broken link or two, including a photograph of Donald Trump in a Wikinut article

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 5-18, 2024 was also added.

February 19: My YouTube Anomaly was uploaded to BitChute.
Alternative link to the above video

My YouTube channel has finally topped 1,000 subscribers. This video explains why!

February 19: I did a complete overhaul of the NCROPA Virtual Archive, ie all the HTML files but added nothing to it except an explanatory note on the index.html page, then I made a ZIP file and uploaded it to the Internet Archive, the second (and definitive) such upload.

February 19: I made the final table tonight. Sadly, Goodman didn’t. I was informed earlier by Daniel Jacobs that he died last week. I will phone his son tomorrow to find out what is going on.

Re the above, I was astounded to cash in this tournament much less make the final table. The hand above was magic. I went to the final table a massive underdog and went out to a total garbage hand with a flush when the board paired, but second place of 83 runners, who’s complaining?

February 20: Beware Of Hackers! was (re)published on this site from The Duran

February 20: Runner-up again! This time for even smaller stakes. There were 66 runners tonight.

February 20: Ted Goodman (1945-2024) was published on Substack with 6 photographs including one that has probably never been published before.

February 21: Three entries and files 7094-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 21: AK Nation was due to go live at 4.30am but was half an hour late. I stayed until about 6.15.

This archived file is my contribution; it consists of a very short section followed by seven seconds of blank screen then the rest.

My comment about the reaction of Ted’s son was not only that I am not welcome at his funeral but the fact that he has deleted his father’s cliohistory website. This afternoon I had another shock. I intended to start backing up TheGoodmanHistoryBlog only to find the cunt has deleted that too. Fortunately, I believe I archived every entry and will convert them to PDF files to upload them elsewhere in due course. Why would be do something like this?

February 22: Three entries and files 7097-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 23: One new entry and files 7100-7104 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 24: Re the False Rape Timeline: a duplicate entry (hopefully the last ever) was removed along with the relevant JPG file (3282). Three new entries and files 3282, 7105-108 were added. The new 3282 is a video file.

February 25: REPRIEVE — A Charity Worth Defunding was published on Substack with a photograph.

February 25: The following were added to this site:

Will The Nordic Model Come To Britain?
NORDIC MODEL NOW — Strictly For Man-Haters
Doyle Brunson (1933-2023)

The above, in chronological order, were (re)published from The Duran

A PDF of a previously linked article, to the 2012 article Notorious Knoxville double murder headed for retrial?

Then there was this: 95 runners, 17 places paid. An absolutely amazing turnaround even to cash, much less reach the final table.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 19-25, 2024 was also added.

February 26: New Phrases For An Old Dog was published on VennerRoad, my first blog since last May.

February 26: Three entries and files 7109-11 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

February 26: This evening I created The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE

I won’t itemise this in any detail but it includes what I could recover from TheGoodmanHistoryBlog, some photographs and the like. I wrote quite a long introduction for it.

February 27: Letitia James And The C Word is a short rant uploaded to YouTube.

February 27: One letter, three advertisements and nine articles or parts of articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site, all from 1982.

February 28: The following documents, listed below in no particular order, were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

Letter Ian Jackson to Ted, August 17, 2000
Memorandum by Ted re seizures by Customs of obscene materials, 1996
Multi-Ethnic States – what appears to be the last of his blog posts
Petition against a bill by the GLC – drafted by Ted.

February 28: A newspaper advert and a video clip were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

February 28: How Long Have They Been Spying On Us? was published on Substack with a screengrab of a 1947 newspaper article.

February 29: Three more documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

Flyer for the Sexual Freedom Coalition Conference, 2004
Copy of E Goodman application to join Stop The War, 2006
Notice of the winding up of NCROPA (I believe this came through my door February 7, 2015).

February 29: Goodman was buried today, in Redstone Cemetery, the same place as Jessie.

February 29: A scan of the back page of Searchlight, September 1997 was added to SearchlightArchive with an explanatory paragraph.

March 2: Two letters from Tuppy Owens circa 1999 were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE

March 2: The last False Rape Timeline hangout was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

March 3: What Is Parallel Construction? was published on Substack with a screengrab.

March 3: Three documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

His critique of Column Of Phocas by Sean Gabb: egoodmand-9.pdf
Correspondence with Canterbury Council, April 2018: egoodmanc-4.pdf & egoodmanc-5.pdf

March 3: There were 114 entrants to this tournament, I think 100 players and 14 re-entries. Whatever, I took off a tiny bit of money tonight, and have a lot of work to do after eating and into the small hours.

March 4: Why Black Americans Should Vote For Donald Trump was uploaded to YouTube
Transcript of my narration only
Alternative link to the above video.

March 4: AK Nation was scheduled for a 2.30am start so I joined in the conversation. It was slightly off-beat for much of the time and my contribution was nothing exceptional so I haven’t bothered to upload it here.

March 4: The following four documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmanp-8.jpg: Surrey Mirror (REDHILL, REIGATE & BANSTEAD), December 21, 1995, page 4: Edward gets a mention.
egoodmanp-9.jpg: Letter published in the Surrey Mirror (REDHILL, REIGATE AND BANSTEAD), December 30, 1999, page 6.
egoodmanp-10.jpg: Notice of Edward’s death from the Campaign Against Censorship website’s homepage.
egoodmanp-11.jpg: His entry from a column of potted biographies for election candidates, Tunbridge Wells, published in the KENT Evening Post (MEDWAY TOWNS), March 24, 1992, page 6.

March 5: The latest Taha missive from The i, yesterday, was added to his website.

March 5: The following four documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmanp-12.jpg: Letter published in the Surrey Mirror (REDHILL, REIGATE AND BANSTEAD), April 16, 1998, page 9.
egoodmanp-13.jpg: Article in the HORLEY MIRROR Incorporating Horley Advertiser, October 8, 1992, page 9.
egoodmanp-14.jpg: Article in the HORLEY MIRROR (CHARLWOOD, SMALLFIELD, GATWICK), January 18, 1996, page 3.
egoodmanp-15.jpg: Legal notice published in the LEATHERHEAD ADVERTISER (COBHAM, BOOKHAM FETCHAM and ASHTEAD ADVERTISER), September 11, 1986, page 31.

March 6: International False Rape Timeline – hangout – (104) was uploaded to my second YouTube channel; the subject is Not For The Timeline

Alternative link to the above video
Notes to the above video.

March 6: The following four documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmanp-16.jpg: Caterham Mirror, January 14, 1999. An article from page 7.
egoodmanp-17.jpg: Surrey Mirror (REDHILL, REIGATE & BANSTEAD). An article from the front page.
egoodmanp-18.jpg: Funeral notice from the local bulletin ReMember, on the day of his funeral!
egoodmanp-19.jpg: Funeral programme front page.

March 6: The British Prudery Archive was renamed The Ted Goodman Prudery Archive; a new introductory page was added and the original was linked from it. It includes an edit of Ted’s best photograph.

Various pages on this site were edited to reflect the new name of the Archive and the fact that Ted is no longer with us.

March 6: The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE was published on Substack with the same edit of the photograph I published earlier on The Ted Goodman Prudery Archive

March 7: Three scans from the March 1997 Searchlight were added to SearchlightArchive along with many related paragraphs re the issue.

March 7: The following three documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-10.pdf: British Homosexuality 1800-2000
egoodmanp-20.jpg: SURREY MIRROR (REIGATE & REDHILL EDITION), June 4, 1992, article from page 2.
egoodmanp-21.jpg: HORLEY MIRROR Incorporating Horley Advertiser, February 17, 1994, article from page 7.

March 8: Three articles from 1983 were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 8-9: I spent most of the late evening into the small hours overhauling SearchlightArchive; nothing new was added but the reformatting was Hell. I noticed if I hadn’t before that there are two pages to display one photograph of Morris Riley. I decided to leave then both because they are linked from different pages.

March 9: The following three documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmanp-22.jpg: SURREY MIRROR (REIGATE & REDHILL EDITION), January 27, 1994, article from page 8.
egoodmand-11.pdf: Nigel Meek, February 2006.

March 9-10: Three entries and files 7112-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 10: The following five documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmanc-6.pdf: Edward Goodman CV to 2006, (slightly inaccurate).
egoodmanc-7.pdf: Peter Hitchens to Goodman, July 21, 2006.
egoodmanc-8.pdf: Lawyers Secular Society to Goodman, June 17, 2009.
egoodmanc-9.pdf: Goodman to Stop The War, June 8, 2007 (enclosures not included).
egoodmanp-23.jpg: Goodman to the Editor of PLAN re the Jews and the Palestinians, September 6, 1982.

March 10: Arrest J.K. Rowling! was published on Substack with a montage (two photographs side by side).

March 11: The front cover and a scan of the Editorial from Searchlight, February 2006 were added to SearchlightArchive along with several related paragraphs. I need to do a lot more work on this database. I’ve neglected it for years.

March 11: Two photographs were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE, the second from The NCROPA Virtual Archive:

egoodmanp-24.jpg: Campaigning for Labour.
egoodmanp-25.jpg: With David Webb.

March 12: The following 4 documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-13.pdf: Jordan is Palestine; this paper was published in HTML format on this site, March 14, 2023
egoodmand-14.pdf: Postcard from Nettie Pollard
egoodmand-15.pdf: Letter from Mary Hayward, November 18, 1985
egoodmanp-26.jpg: Letter to (Brynmor?) John MP, October 29, 1976.

March 12: I joined the AK Nation live hangout this morning. These are starting earlier now. I sent him a superchat as usual but he is still more concerned with black violence than with what the Biden gang has been doing to America so my contribution was not meaningful.

March 12: A scan of a page from the April 2006 issue of the magazine was added to SearchlightArchive along with some text relating to the issue.

I have just noticed dozens if not hundreds of issues at the Internet Archive, uploaded two years ago. That will save me a great deal of scanning over the next few months.

March 12: Two new entries and files 7115-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline. The HTML file 5396 was replaced with a PDF of the same judgment similarly numbered.

March 13: The following 5 documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-16.pdf: Letter Goodman to the ASA re a wine advertisement (without enclosure), November 5, 2015.
egoodmand-17.pdf: Letter Mary Hayward to CAC Council, circa November 1985.
egoodmand-18.pdf: Letter Department for Culture Media & Sport to Goodman re legislation, November 23, 2015.
egoodmanp-27.jpg: Letter Goodman to Alwyn Turner (address redacted), November 13, 2013.
egoodmanp-28.jpg: Letter Goodman to Surrey Trading Standards re entrapment (without enclosure), February 12, 1994.

March 13: Several paragraphs were added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography re the January 2003 issue.

March 13: Three entries and files 7119-21 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 14: The following 5 documents were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-19.pdf: Goodman line of descent (males only), verbatim.
egoodmanp-29.jpg: Invitation to an event by The Leydig Trust, 2003.
egoodmanp-30.jpg: HORLEY MIRROR Incorporating Horley Advertiser, August 11, 1994, article from page 5.
egoodmanp-31.jpg: SURREY MIRROR (REIGATE & REDHILL EDITION), June 30, 1994, article from page 5.
egoodmanp-32.jpg: SURREY MIRROR (REIGATE & REDHILL EDITION), July 2, 1992, article from page 7.

March 14: Several paragraphs were added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography re the December 2002 issue.

March 14: Three scans were uploaded to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site: two press articles and the preface of a book on swimming for people with disabilities, the latter with an explanatory note.

March 14: Two entries and files 7122-3 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 15: Several paragraphs were added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography re the November 2002 issue.

March 15: The following 5 letters were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-20.pdf: Goodman to DPP re extreme pornography, October 27, 2016.
egoodmand-21.pdf: Goodman to Secretary of State for Culture re film censorship, November 5, 2015.
egoodmand-22.pdf: Goodman to Andy Slaughter MP, December 8, 2015.
egoodmand-23.pdf: Goodman to Tom Watson MP re Internet censorship, (enclosure not included), January 19, 2015.
egoodmand-24.pdf: Goodman to ATVOD re censorship, May 28, 2015.

March 15: Is There A Woke/Islamist Alliance? was published on Substack with a cartoon.

March 15: Three articles were added to The Ted Goodman Prudery Archive, the first update since November 19 last year and of course the first update since it was renamed.

March 16: Several paragraphs were added to the Searchlight Critical Bibliography re the March and June issues of the magazine with a scan from the latter.

March 16: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 16: I’ve lost track of the number of royal flushes I’ve had since I started playing on-line (but not this one) although as far as I recall, this is the first time I’ve had one at hold ’em. The guy had raised pre-flop, and having hit the house on the turn we ended up going all-in on the river. Painful though it is to lose with a full house, he could have given me credit for AQ. Not that this did me any good at all. I didn’t cash in this freeroll, I played a total of four tournaments, cashing in one, losing a grand total of 8 cents! March 17 was a lot better!

March 17: The following 5 letters were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-25.pdf: Goodman to Ministerial Support Team re film classification (without enclosure), December 3, 2015.
egoodmand-26.pdf: BBFC to Goodman (with enclosure) re film censorship, July 1, 2015.
egoodmand-27.pdf: Goodman to BBFC re film censorship, August 12, 2015.
egoodmand-28.pdf: BBFC to Goodman re film censorship, July 24, 2015.
egoodmand-29.pdf: Goodman to BBFC re film censorship, July 13, 2015.

March 17: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the February 2007 issue of the magazine.

March 17: No royal flush tonight but fourth in the freeroll with 126 runners and 32 places paid.

March 18: Pathetic Women And Real Women On The Hustings was published on Substack with an image.

March 19: Three articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 19: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the December 2006 and January 2007 issues of the magazine.

March 19: The following Taha correspondence was added to his website:

Collectors’ Digest, March 1995
Boxing News, June 28, 2023

March 20: Three entries and files 7124-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 20: Four articles and one advertisement were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 20: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the May 2004 issue of the magazine.

March 21: Yes, Virginia, Some People Are Illegal! was published on Substack with a screengrab.

March 21: International False Rape Timeline – hangout – (105) Potpourri IX was uploaded to YouTube

Notes to the above video
Alternative link to the above video.

March 21: Two more articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 22: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the April 2004 issue of the magazine.

March 23: Three articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 23: AK Nation started his hangout very early (March 22); I joined at 1.55am. It ran for well over five hours but here is my (archived) contribution, two segments separated by a 7 second gap and running in total to 45 minutes, 14 seconds.

And here’s one I made earlier. Just don’t ask.

March 23: Mark came round today and this afternoon we went to Redstone Cemetery at Redhill. We took a number of photographs on his phone but when I asked him to send them to me I received only three blank e-mails!

March 23: Thoughts On Compelled Speech was published on Substack.

March 24: Two articles and a clip (augmented with the full archived video) were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 25: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the December 2001 issue of the magazine.

March 25: This evening I received an invitation to join the YouTube Partner Program. After all these years!

March 25: Four articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site, all from October 1985.

March 26: Whoopee! Al has been accepted for the YouTube Partner Program.

March 27: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the October 1986 issue of the magazine.

March 27: The following were added to The EDWARD GOODMAN VIRTUAL ARCHIVE:

egoodmand-30.pdf: Candidates speak on key issues published in the Tunbridge Wells Courier, March 27, 1992.
egoodmand-31.pdf: Reigate’s nuclear bunkers shutdown published in the Caterham Mirror Incorporating The Caterham Times, June 4, 1992.
egoodmanp-33.jpg: Article in SURREY MIRROR (REIGATE & REDHILL EDITION), July 28, 1994, page 3.

March 28: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the May 1991 issue of the magazine.

March 28: Four new entries and files 7127-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

March 28: The True Value Of The Trump Property Portfolio was published on Substack with an image and a screengrab.

March 29: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the December 1991 and January 1992 issues of the magazine.

March 29: Three articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

March 30: The poem My Silent Friends was published on Substack with two of the photographs we took at Redstone Cemetery on March 23.

March 30: The Grave Of Jessie Gilbert was added to the Internet Archive. This is a photo of Yours Truly standing behind her grave, another photo of the grave, an edit of same (just the headstone) and a map of its location in Redstone Cemetery, Redhill.
The first of these photos was uploaded to Substack earlier today with the poem, (see above).

The Grave Of Edward Goodman (1945-2024) was added to the Internet Archive. This is a photo of Yours Truly standing behind his grave, another photo of Mark standing behind it (close up), a third photo close up, and a map of its location in Redstone Cemetery, Redhill.
The first of these photos was uploaded to Substack earlier today with the poem, (see above).

March 31: The following documents were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site (the first update since August 8 last year):

Beckenham Quilters Exhibition, November 25, 2023
Chinese Medicine 2000
Exact House Classics PRESENTS, April 30, 2022

And a sick leaflet I picked up on December 12 last year.

April 1: Four entries and files 7131-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 1: March 31 Was Trans Visibility Day was published on Substack with that horrific photograph I have used before, of two young women with their breasts hacked off.

April 1: I joined the AK Nation live hangout in the small hours; I sent him a superchat and contributed, but nothing worth mentioning here. AK is still laser focused on Sun violence and is missing the bigger picture, like with the ongoing invasion at the Southern Border and the consequences this is having for working class Americans, especially blacks.

April 1: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the October 1999 issue of the magazine. I had hoped to cover a few more issues but these entries are incredibly labour intensive.

April 2: I joined the AK Nation live hangout again.

This archived excerpt consists of around 16 seconds followed by 7 seconds of blank screen then the rest. AK was preoccupied with sports. I enjoy these hangouts but I have to cut them down to a maximum of one a month; staying up literally all night is screwing up my biorhythms.

April 2: This afternoon I posted my first message on Truth Social. I had trouble signing up for it and Support had to sort it for me.

April 2: The following were added to this site:

Missing Women And Psychic Charlatans
Nicola Bulley And The Suicide Solution

Both the above are (re)published here from The Duran

Two MP4s and two PDFs were added to In Denial Of Female Evil, one of the MP4s related to a different testimony from the same court case, the actual archived link being removed
A PDF replaced a link in Is Russia Now The Free World?
Two PDFs replaced links in Colin Pitchfork To Be Paroled

All three of the above are Wikinut articles

Clio History – as a subdirectory with a new Homepage

The Homepage was updated

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography February 26-April 2, 2024 was also added.

April 3: Ana Kasparian Sees The Light? was published on Substack with a screengrab.

April 3: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive:

International False Rape Timeline – hangout – (104) – Not For The Timeline
International False Rape Timeline – hangout – (105) – Potpourri IX

April 3: A letter published in The Critic, July 2023 was uploaded to the Mark Taha website

April 4: The New $20 Minimum Wage In California was uploaded to YouTube.

April 4: In May 2021, Tim Sandle told me all Digital Journal articles published before 2015 had been deleted. I have just found one of my articles that was archived in March 2021, so it could be there are one or two still on the site although they will no longer be linked.

Today, How the London riots will benefit the economy was (re)published here from Digital Journal

April 4: On FinancialReform, a PDF of The broken window fallacy by Henry Hazlitt was inserted into the article A Marxist economist explains what is wrong with capitalism. Not replacing a broken link.

April 5: Why Dan Bongino Is Wrong About Google was published on Substack with a screengrab.

April 5: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the August 1997 and July 2006 issues of the magazine.

A PDF of Neo-Nazi gang war fear after murder was added to the Bibiliography at January 28, 1998.

April 6: One new entry and files 7135-6 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 6: At 4pm today I had 8 followers on Twitter, 2 up from recently, but I have now only 116 followers on BitChute, down 2; I was stuck on 118 for some time.

April 6: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the January 2005 issue of the magazine.

April 6: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 7: The Phantom Serial Killer Of Nigerians In Britain was published on Substack with an image.

April 7: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the August 2002 and July 2003 issues of the magazine plus a short entry for Stieg Larsson on the Brief Biographies page and a photograph.

April 7: Three entries and files 7137-9 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 8: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the January and May 2001 issues of the magazine.

April 9: The Idiot In The Mask was published on Substack with a cartoon.

April 9: In the small hours I made a 45 second video advertising a live False Rape Timeline hangout which I uploaded to YouTube, Bitchute and Rumble in that order.

April 9: Two more entries for SearchlightArchive re the December 2000 and February 2001 issues of the magazine.

April 9: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 10: Thank You, Mr Cohen was published on Substack.

April 10: Three entries and files 7140-42 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 11: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 11: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the April 2001 issues of the magazine.

The biography for Lowles was updated and a screengrab added to his entry.

April 12: The War On Cash Is Real was published on Substack with an image.

April 12: Several paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the September 2003 issues of the magazine.

April 12: Wow, another big win! 43 runners including rebuys, not sure how many actual players. There were 9 places paid. Hope to do even better tomorrow night. I live in hope!

April 12: From 11pm, I held a live hangout with The International False Rape Timeline on my main YouTube channel – the last one ever as things stand. See the second entry for April 13.

April 13: An article and two singles charts were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 13: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (106) – Open House III was uploaded to my second YouTube channel after editing.

Notes to the above video
Alternative link to the above video.

April 13: The front page of the February 1991 issue and page 11 of the December 1997 issue of the magazine were added to SearchlightArchive, each with a bit of commentary.

April 14: You Need To Read More Than The Headlines was published on Substack.

April 14: Thoughts On O.J. Simpson was uploaded to YouTube.

April 14: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the October 2003 issue of the magazine.

April 14: Two newspaper articles, one listing and one photograph were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 15: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the September 2002 issue of the magazine.

April 15: My Advice To Tim Pool is a short video uploaded to YouTube.

April 16: Ritchie Blackmore At 79 was published on Substack with an image.

April 16: A short entry for the May 2003 issue of the magazine and a scan of a November 2008 Daily Mirror article was added to SearchlightArchive.

April 16: Three entries and files 7143-5 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

April 17: A Message To Trump Supporters was uploaded to YouTube.

April 17: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 17: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the November 2003 issue of the magazine.

April 18: The Simplest Argument Against Reparations For Slavery was published on Substack with a cartoon.

April 18: The following were added to this website:

‘Inside Claridge’s — A world beyond austerity (re)published from Digital Journal with a photograph
Former Government Minister Chris Huhne and ex-wife sentenced (re)published from Digital Journal with a screengrab; I may have uploaded the photograph with an earlier article

A VERY LIGHT SLEEPER: THE PERSISTENCE AND DANGERS OF ANTISEMITISM (under Other Contributors and replacing a link to the PDF on the archived version of the website of the Runnymede Trust) with a short introductory page
Epitaph by Ted Goodman (under Other Contributors)

A formerly linked article from London Metro was replaced with an uploaded PDF of same to Will Google Self-Destruct?
A formerly linked entry from a database was replaced with an uploaded PDF of same to Who Killed Jessie Gilbert?
A formerly linked photograph of the Kray Twins was replaced with an uploaded JPG of same to the accompanying text of that classic photo of me with Taha

Photograph candice-u-798 was added to The Candice Night Gallery

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 3-18, 2024 was also added.

April 19: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

After uploading these around 1.10am, I checked Twitter, and I now have 13 followers.

April 19: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the March 2004 issue of the magazine.

April 19: On this site, Accountants ‘shield’ launderers by Adam Jones from THE TIMES, April 15, 1997, was added directly into the note section of An Evil That Threatens Us All

April 20: The War Against The Scammers was published on Substack with two images.

April 21: Gideon Falter Gets His Comeuppance was uploaded to YouTube; this is a short rant, audio only.

April 21: The two articles below were (re)published on this site from The Duran:

Are Women Always Victims? — Amber Heard And Emma-Jayne Magson
EMMA-JAYNE MAGSON — The Final Chapter

April 21: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the February 2004 issue of the magazine.

April 22: UFO Will Fly No More was published on Substack with a photograph.

April 22: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the June 1999 issue of the magazine.

April 22: Gideon’s Way No More was uploaded to YouTube.

April 23: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the May 1990 issue of the magazine.

April 24: Two Nations, Two Twin Tracks Of Justice was published on Substack with a montage.

April 24: Two articles, an advertisement and a photograph were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

April 24: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the August 1994 issue of the magazine. I also did a lot of tidying up of the page, mostly deleting unwarranted commas.

April 25: A letter from Colin Jordan to Gerry Gable, November 1996, and a letter from Sonia in the Times, August 24, 1994, were added to SearchlightArchive

I also did a lot of tidying up on the relevant pages and the page for 1979.

April 26: The Most Corrupt Lawyer In Britain was published on Substack with an image and two montages.

April 26: I now have 17 followers on Twitter, none verified as yet.

April 26: I played my first game of chess in donkeys’ years today, in that new pizza place. I say new, I’ve been there four times, the first time with Taha a while back. It’s the best pizza I’ve ever had. No cole slaw or any extras, just pizza and a drink. There were two guys playing, I thought they were Italian but the place appears to be owned by an Albanian, so....The winner had to go but I don’t think he was much better than the guy I played. Obviously, I played the Sicilian Defence; when he recaptured the pawn on move 3, I kinda realised he’d probably never heard of the Morra Gambit. This evening, I tried to reconstruct the game afte downloading a program called Free Chess, but my mental faculties are no longer up to it. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the position below. Before I grabbed the rook, I pointed out that his next move would fork his queen. Suffice to say it didn’t last long. Whatever, my chess days are long over. I wish I could say the same about my poker days.

April 27: Three entries and files 7146-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

Apri 28: Driving While Female (And White) was published on Substack with a photograph.

April 28: On this site, a PDF replaced a linked PDF in my correspondence with the BBC re Linda Carty.

April 28: I joined the AK Nation live hangout this morning. I joined it yesterday too; it was scheduled to start at 4.30am London time; AK did eventually turn up but I had already waited until after 6 so turned in. Fortunately, he started on time today, but I really cannot keep doing this; I want to be in bed by 3 tonight/tomorrow morning. He was on Rumble only because his YouTube channel has had a strike, for a ludicrous reason.

Here is a very short clip, part of my contribution. I may upload the lot to the Internet Archive at some point.

April 30: THE HATE THAT LIES PRODUCED Debunking the Zionist victim narrative was uploaded to YouTube

it took me ages to put this together, but I finally got it right.

A heavily illustrated transcript (of my narration only) can be found here
Alternative link for the video.

April 30: I appear to have lost a couple of followers on Twitter in the past few days. I was up to 17 but am now down to 15.

May 1: Two advertisements (video clips), one press report and one short clip of him on stage were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

May 1: When Smoking Was Romantic (And Cheap) was published on Substack with an image.

May 1: International False Rape Timeline – live hangout (106) – Open House III was uploaded to the Internet Archive.

May 2: I lost another follower on Twitter and am now down to just 14. My video of April 30, on Zionism, might have had something to do with that!

May 2: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

May 3: The Heroes Of Hainault was published on Substack with a screengrab.

May 3: Three newspaper articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

May 4: AK Nation went live at 4am and against my better judgment I joined the conversation. Rumble only, again. It was nearly 6.30 before I got to bed. It was interesting as usual but nothing really to report on here although I will upload my segment to the Internet Archive in a day or two.

Before the hangout, I posted a link to The Hate That Lies Produced on the Facebook page of a certain Roger Waters. And he gave it a heart. See below. I can only assume he didn’t play it all the way through!

May 6: When Irish Eyes Aren’t Smiling was published on Substack with a map.

May 6: Three articles and one advertisement were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

May 7: Three entries and files 7149-51 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

May 7: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:

Eric Smith: Gambling On A Killer from the series 48 Hours
Screams Before Silence
The Tool Box Killers

I was somewhat surprised the second of the above was published, but we appear to be over the Summer Floyd now. I am stil not entirely sure of the title of the third, but it appears to be called The Toolbox Killer and The Tool Box Killers for starters.

May 8: Three articles were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

May 8: The following were added to this site:

Photograph candice-u-799 to The Candice Night Gallery (happy fifty-third birthday Candice)
A photograph of Charles Firth, to the Image Gallery with some blurb

Anti-Defamation League Suffers Major Legal Defeat under Other Contributors

Two linked articles were replaced with uploaded PDFs re my October 2016 Grayling’s Failings
A linked article was replaced with an uploaded PDF re my May 2018 article Russophobia Comes To Britain
A linked article was replaced with an uploaded JPG re my May 2018 article The Russians Are Fighting, The Russians Are Fighting!

An anti-trans movement cartoon to the Cartoon Gallery

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for April 19-May 8, 2024 was also added.

May 9: A Bad Month For Legendary Guitarists was published on Substack with two images.

May 10: International False Rape Timeline — hangout — (107) Is Harvey Weinstein Innocent? was uploaded to my second YouTube channel.
Alternative link for the above video
Alternative link for the notes to the above video.

Re the comment below, this guy comments regularly on my second YouTube channel although he has changed his screen name overnight. I had no idea who he was until I read the second sentence. I will say only that he is someone from across The Pond with whom I have corresponded; he also sent me some correspondence re the case against him, which was totally bogus.

May 11: The Lost Goodman Blogs was published on Substack.

May 13: This evening, I added four photographs to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site. Earlier today, I finished editing Goodman’s magnum opus

May 14: The following were published today, as PDFs only:

The Legendary Line Of Descent Of BRITISH RULERS (Platinum Jubilee 2022) by Edward Goodman Edited and with additional research by Alexander Baron
TheGoodmanHistoryBlog (complete)

The latter is his complete blog entries with an introduction by Yours Truly.

May 15: Three files and three entries were added to the False Rape Timeline. I also had to remove an entry. I am very angry about this; it is discussed in my May 23 hangout.

File 4002 (a PDF) was deleted with it. A new file 4002 (a JPG) was added along with files 7152-3.

May 16: “Weapons Of Mass Migration” — reviewed was published on Substack with an image.

May 16: An entry was added to SearchlightArchive re the February 1992 issue of the magazine.

May 17: The New (Insane) Wealth Tax was published on Substack with a cartoon.

May 18: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

(London) Metro, May 15, 2024
(London) Metro, May 17, 2024

May 19: Decolonise The Curriculum? No Thanks! was published on Substack with an image.

May 19: Daffy Delusional Dusky Damsels DEBUNKED is a nearly ten minute video uploaded to YouTube.

Alternative link to the above video
Illustrated transcript of my narration only.

May 20: AK Nation went live at 3am and I joined in. He didn’t drop the link for the first two hours or more; I stayed until around 6am. I like these hangouts but AK still seems to think blacks are the biggest problem in the US today, rather than the increasingly fascistic Biden Administration and the wide open southern border.

Here are the archived excerpts containing my contribution, for what it is worth. The first section shows my humble donation, then there is 7 seconds of blank screen followed by the general discussion.

May 20: The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:

The Friars’ Chronicles, Spring 2024
Yours RETRO, April 2024
(London) Metro, April 22, 2024
The i, May 2, 2024
Daily Mirror, May 8, 2024

May 21: Palestinian Refugees For Britain? No Thanks! was published on Substack with a screengrab.

May 22: A few paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the August 2003 issue of the magazine.

May 22: Three photographs and one article were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.

May 23: International False Rape Timeline – hangout – (108) A Real Mixed Bag was uploaded to YouTube
Alternative link for the above video
Notes to the above video.

May 23: DONALD TRUMP: The Victim On Trial was published on Substack with a screengrab.

May 24: Four entries and files 7154-8 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

May 25: When Violence Against Women Doesn’t Count was published on Substack with an image.

May 25: A few paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the March 2001 issue of the magazine.

May 26: I listed Goodman’s magnum opus on eBay, for all the good it will do. I tried Amazon but have problems with the software and my life is short enough as it is.

May 26: Three entries and files 7159-61 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

May 26: A few paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the January and February 1990 issues of the magazine.

May 27: A.K. And J.K. Shatter The Narratives was published on Substack with an image.

May 27: An Angry Black Woman In Croydon was uploaded to YouTube.

May 27: Three entries and files 7162-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.

May 28: A few paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the December 1989, March 1990 and April 1990 issues of the magazine.

May 28: Truly amazing, I wasn’t expecting this. All I did was point out there is no High Street in Sydenham – a common mistake. There must be some real enthusiastic contributors to these maps; the last time I looked, contractors were still working on the clinic at the junction of Newlands Park and Sydenham Road. The building had been empty for some time; previously it was a charity shop, and, if my memory serves me correctly, before that it was a betting office.

May 28: Tonight, I mailed out a media release to a number of academics concerning Goodman’s book and his four unpublished works. I will e-mail a lot more over the next few days.

May 29: A few paragraphs were added to SearchlightArchive re the September 1999 issues of the magazine.

May 30: The following were added to this site:

Photographs candice-u-800 & candice-u-801
candice-u-802 – a video file
All the above to The Candice Night Gallery

The Child Groomers Are Coming (Back) To Lewisham and Time To Stop The War On Cash were (re)published from The Duran. The original of the latter when first published included an archived article and an archived video (both archived through this website). These have now both been uploaded directly under Other Contributors. The article is Pay-back time by Tina Orr-Munro. I have given the video the title Police Officer Threatens To “Make Something Up” and have added a short, explanatory paragraph.

The Ted Turner Website (re)published from Digital Journal was added with a photograph. (This photograph was actually used in a later article from The Latest News about Wishbone Ash).

Destiny Bends and Love Came To Me as originally submitted to Songfacts, were published here on the Songfacts page.

Two linked webpages re the 2017 article Shami Chakrabarti On The Horrors Of Being A Woman were replaced with uploaded PDFs.

I did a great deal of site maintenance as well.

The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for May 9-30, 2024 was also added.

To Bibliography (1980-89)
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2002)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
To Bibliography (2005-07)
To Bibliography (2008)
To Bibliography (2009)
To Bibliography (2010)
To Bibliography (2011)
To Bibliography (2012)
To Bibliography (2013)
To Bibliography (2014)
To Bibliography (2015)
To Bibliography (2016)
To Bibliography (2017)
To Bibliography (2018)
To Bibliography (2019)
To Bibliography (2020)
To Bibliography (2021)
To Bibliography (2022)
To Bibliography (2023)

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