January 1, 2025: The Cause Of Their Discontent was published on Substack with an image.
January 2: Beneath Contempt was uploaded to the Internet Archive; this is False Rape Timeline hangout 114.
January 2: A Message For Left Wing White Women was uploaded to YouTube
Alternative link to the above video
This is what might be called the illustrated version of my December 19, 2024 Substack article of the same title.
January 3: When I logged on this morning there was a message from YouTube that the above video had been restricted. The offending content runs from 4 minutes, 12 seconds to 4 minutes, 44 seconds. I was more than a little surprised because I removed the sound. I had no idea the algorithm was able to detect silent video. Anyway, I uploaded it to BitChute. Normally, I would have waited a while. I am still being shadow banned to High Heaven so I don’t suppose it will make the slightest difference.
January 3: Baron v Kakala was added to this website under Articles; this is a short essay with two attached PDFs – my witness statement and the consent order.
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for December 7, 2024-January 3, 2025 was also added.
January 4: Artificial Intelligence — Not So Intelligent. Yet? was published on Substack with six screengrabs.
January 5: Is Jess Phillips Right About The Grooming Gang Scandal? was published on Substack.
January 5: Late tonight I joined the new Bluesky social network, said to be a favourite of leftists. Wonder how long it will be before I get kicked off!
January 6: Three entries and files 7281-4 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 6: I did some more work on SearchlightArchive, augmenting the magazine entries for February 1991 and November 1997 while adding a new entry for September 1990.
I spent two days doing preparatory work as well us uploading duplicates of videos and PDFs to especially the Internet Archive and Locals. I will continue to do so.
January 9: Why Do You Hate Blind People? was published on Substack with an image.
January 9: The following were added to this website:
A PDF of The Ballad Of Captain Bob... to the Poetry Section
A (shouted) review of the above by Andrew Savage (who else?) from Super Trouper, 10 to the Review Section along with audio reviews from Super Trouper, 8 of What Gilbert Should Have Written and The Story Of Bonnie And Clyde... to the same.
A screengrab from the website of the Local Radio Archive (taken yesterday) direct into the Baron/ITMA Bibliography at February 24, 1989
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 4-9, 2025 was also added.
January 10: A Message For YOUR IMAM was uploaded to YouTube.
Alternative archived link for the above video.
January 10: Three entries and files 7285-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 11: Two new entries and files 7288-91 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 12: PAEDOPHILES IN PARLIAMENT by Sonia Poulton (reviewed) was published on Substack.
That is the full title. This is my August 2018 review of that ludicrous Poulton documentary prefixed with several explanatory paragraphs.
When I was researching some of the antics of Poulton over the past few years, I found some text on a couple of websites that sounded familiar. It is quite flattering to find my research and writings quoted so widely, albeit often without accreditation. Al-Ayham Saleh Aggregator credits me from The Duran, others do not.
January 13: Trump Supporters Debunk The Lies Of E. Jean Carroll was uploaded to Substack.
The above is a video made up of Trump supporters and lawyers ridiculing the absurd defamation case brought against Donald Trump by this madwoman. It contains no audio or visual by me but includes my earlier video Away With The Fairies
Alternative archived link to the above video
January 14: Correspondence from the Daily Mirror, January 10, 2025 was added to the Mark Taha website.
January 15: Not For The Timeline IV is hangout (115) from The International False Rape Timeline uploaded to my second YouTube channel
Alternative archived link to the above video
Transcript of the notes to the above video
January 16: He Didn Do Nuffin was published on Substack with two images.
January 16: The Digital Journal article Does a higher minimum wage hurt or help? was (re)published on FinancialReform
January 17: My witness statement and the consent order in Baron v Kakala were uploaded to the Internet Archive, the same page.
January 17: The Story Of Baron v Kakala was uploaded to YouTube.
January 17: AK went live at 3.30 this morning, earlier than usual, so I decided to join the stream. I stayed until nearly 5.30. I was unable to send a superchat through YouTube so sent one through Rumble. They don’t show up there so this is one continuous video running to 31 minutes 4 seconds instead of he usual two segments. Because it is so small I decided not to archive it.
The screengrab below shows AK with his son, Cairo. Did you ever see such a proud father?
For some reason, although I showed up on my webcam, you can’t see me or anyone else bar AK.
For the record, Brooklyn Beckham was born in London, not Brooklyn.
January 17: On this site, I augmented the text associated with the audio of Mike Allen’s Nightline followed by augmenting it everywhere else it was uploaded.
January 19: Sadiq Khan Wants To Silence Your Sons (And Rape Your Daughters) was published on Substack with a screengrab.
January 20: The Time Has Come To Punish Wickedness was published on Substack with that classic mugshot of Donald Trump.
January 20: At 4.22am, this message arrived in my Gmail inbox:
Here is my appeal.
And here is the result of my appeal!
January 20: An MP3 file of my interview with Wilfred Price (the extant part) was uploaded to FinancialReform with an explanatory page.
January 21: PDFs of the following were uploaded to the Internet Archive in this order:
Forewarned Against fascism, No 3, May 1978
Here is an alternative archived link
Forewarned Against fascism, No 7, October 1979
Here is an alternative archived link
My 1993 pamphlet Charity Begins At Home...
And here is an alternative archived link
This was something of a backlog. These publications were scanned months ago.
January 22: The Biden Crime Family Can Still Be Held To Account was published on Substack.
January 22: I spent most of this evening working on this site. I thought I had ironed out everything but apparently not, in particular there was some trouble with duplicate file names in differnent directories, and a few files that were long redundant. In the end I managed to sort it all out but it was one Hell of a pain.
January 23: On this site, after confirming the date, I made a final edit to the Mike Allen phone-in page. I had already edited the text where I had uploaded it elsewhere (the short and extended versions)
The April Jones murder trial verdict was (re)published from Digital Journal with 2 images
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 10-23, 2025 was also added.
January 24: A Foolish Old Woman Drinks The Anti-Trump Kool-Aid was published on Substack with a photograph of the old woman in question.
January 24: The Digital Journal article Who does the minimum wage help and hurt? was (re)published on FinancialReform with two photographs – originally listed as one but I cannot remember at this distance if this was because of duplication or only one being uploaded to the original article by me. Whatever, this is totally unimportant.
January 25: AK Nation went live at 4.30 this morning. I joined in when he dropped the link and stayed until well after 6. I got up at 1pm!
As I was able to send a superchat via YouTube, unlike last time, there are two excerpts, archived as usual, separated by 7 seconds of blank screen.
January 26: The video Will The MONSTER Ever Be Released? was uploaded to my Substack with a few notes.
January 27: Three entries and files 7292-7 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 28: More Censorship? No Thanks! was published on my Substack.
January 28: Reviews of the following films were published by IMDb in this order:
Dirty Little Secret
Spring Break Nightmare
January 28: The pamphlet The Guernsey Experiment was uploaded to a new page on FinancialReform with an introductory paragraph. The audio recording of the same name was moved from the Site Index to the same page.
January 29: The following were added to The David Webb Virtual Archive & Fan Site:
Richmond, Orange Tree Theatre: programme for September 1988-January 1989
Flyer for Al Stewart at the Royal Festival Hall, April 24, 1991.
The following correspondence was added to the Mark Taha website:
The i, September 9, 2024
(London) Metro, September 26, 2024
The i, November 6, 2024
January 30: The following were added to SearchlightArchive:
Entries for David Herman and Richard Hermer under the biography section; one sentence for the former, two paragraphs and a scan for the latter
Entries for the January, April and June 1991 issues of the magazine. The June entry is an augmentation. I may add to any or all of them at a later date as time and resources permit.
January 30: Three entries and files 7298-30 were added to the False Rape Timeline.
January 31: What Does The Rest Of The World Think Of DEI? was published on Substack with a map.
January 31: Three articles and one video clip were added to The Rolf Harris Tribute Site.
Including my latest view, the HomePage has been viewed only 129 times since September 20, ie when the counter was installed.
February 1: The Comment Section was published on Substack with an image.
February 1: The following were uploaded to the Internet Archive:
Not For The Timeline IV – False Rape Timeline hangout 115
Trump Supporters Debunk The Lies Of E. Jean Carroll
February 2: The snapshot below was taken just before 2.30pm. Quite impressive, and eclectic too; Chiyoda (January 23) is in Japan.
February 2: Bamber And Letby Are Innocent? No, They’re Not! was published on Substack with a photograph.
February 3: False Rape Timeline hangout 116 was uploaded to my second YouTube channel as Another Mixed Bag
Alternative link for the above video
Alternative link to the notes to the above video.
February 4: I had a pleasant surprise this morning. Yesterday, I contacted YouTube re my deleted video Daffy Delusional Dusky Damsels DEBUNKED; I received a cursory dismissal to which I replied. Whether or not that was heeded, this morning I received notification that said video had been restored. The bad news is that since it was uploaded on May 19 last year, it had been viewed here only 13 times! It has done better on BitChute and the Internet Archive but not massively so.
February 4: The May 1997 issue of the Gable hatesheet was added to SearchlightArchive
February 4: Wow, I am Sooo impressed!
February 4: Apparently, some time today, the second clip of Radio Mercury I uploaded to the Internet Archive, BitChute and Rumble was added to the Local Radio Archive. I added the relevant screengrab to the Baron/ITMA Bibliography at June 1989.
February 5: This was a no limit hold ’em tournament on Replay Poker that started at 11pm yesterday. This was for Silver level members. I am Platinum. There were 92 runners and 15 places paid. I have literally lost count the number of royal flushes I have made at Omaha but I believe this is only the second one I have made at hold ’em.
February 5: AK Nation went live at 5am. I joined and stayed until after 7. I got up just before midday.
As before, only AK appears on the screen but my voice can be heard, and boy, was it a wild night? That idiot Fisherman is as Jew-obsessed as Arnold Leese.
There are two segments to this archived video separated by 7 seconds of blank screen. Chat replay is available but not in one file, which is annoying, but basically, after AK said he thought Abbi Phillip had the hots for white dudes, I pointed out that she is married to a Sun Man. That is his response to my comment. Sadly, no one was interested in the restoration of my Franchesca Ramsey video.
If you noticed the word strike has been misspelt, that is because I left my glasses at the optician yesterday afternoon. I got them back this afternoon fitted with new lenses. My sight is getting real bad.
February 6: Tony Blair Believes He Knows What You Think was published on Substack with a photograph.
February 6: The following reviews were published by IMDb in this order:
The films:
The Legend Of Wasco
When The Girls Take Over
The documentaries:
Steeltown Murders, Hunting A Serial Killer
The Bone Yard
Re the latter, bone yard has also been rendered as one word.
February 7: Out Of The Dark (reviewed) was published on Locals.
The above (so titled) is the only new thing I have published today although I have done quite a lot of prepatatory work. I published a review of this documentary on IMDb, June 20, 2016, but when I visited the site today, it had been deleted. I have no idea when, probably during the Summer of Floyd. I actually wrote this later review some time ago. I forgot I had written the original one so watched the documentary again.
February 8: The following were added to FinancialReform:
Good news — UK unemployment hits record high
And How bonuses pay and benefits don’t
Both the above were (re)published from Digital Journal; the former had already been uploaded to this site but it belongs properly on FinancialReform; rather than delete it from here I chose to duplicate it.
A newspaper article previously linked from the latter was uploaded directly and linked from within the article.
I also did some general maintenance of the site.
February 9: They Dared Call It Conspiracy was published on Substack with two images (one of text).
February 9: I entered this tournament by mistake. And won it! I was awarded an 11 cent ticket in an ongoing promotion and thought I had used it for a bounty tournament. Glad I got that wrong! There were 94 buy-ins, with or without rebuys/re-entries.
February 10: Reviews of the following documentaries were published by IMDb in this order:
Woman On The Rampage from the series Killing Spree
Timothy Spencer from the series Born To Kill?
The Prince And The Epstein Scandal from Panorama
None of the above has been reviewed before by users; the same can be said of dozens of my reviews.
February 11: I got home after ten last night and against my better judgment, played five tournaments. I came nowhere in either of the freerolls but cashed in all three of the others. The first screengrab below is of the royal flush I was dealt in the $2.20; the second one speaks for itself! There were eighty buy-ins.
February 11: The following were added to this site:
A begging letter from David Irving (see original entry for January 19, 2010).
A PDF of DNA EVIDENCE: Is It Safe To Convict? was added to the HTML version under Other Contributors.
A PDF of a previously linked article to The Fraud Of Femicide. (This caused me a great deal of aggravation. Somehow I got the idea this was a Digital Journal article rather than one I wrote for this website in 2018. I thought therefore it had been indexed on the wrong page so removed it to the /djetc directory before the penny dropped.
I also did some heavy editing of the 2011 & 2012 Bibliography pages, necessitated by archived pages giving error messages. I had to remove the www from dozens of them).
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for January 24-February 11, 2025 was also added.
February 12: No Farmers, No Food, No F*****g Way! was published on Substack with a screengrab.
February 13: Jasmine Crockett’s Mediocre White Boys was published on Substack with an image.
February 14: This was the 23.00 tournament again, the $2.20. There were 72 buy-ins and 13 places paid. I also cashed in the 22c. Apart from that, Taha had a happy sixty-sixth birthday.
February 14: Re SearchlightArchive, an entry for the June 1997 issue was added and the existing entry for the September 1997 issue was augmented.
February 15: One Year On was published on Substack with a photograph.
February 15: The following were added to this site:
An audio of the poem Basil prefixed by Andrew Savage reading part of it and reviewing issue 1 of MAR and two extra, explanatory paragraphs
Both the above were also linked from the Review Section
Cost/Benefit Analysis Of Aquaponic Systems by Richard Chiang
(The above was originally linked from the Digital Journal article Can you beat austerity with Aquaponics? but I decided it warranted a direct upload, under Other Contributors)
The HomePage was updated
The Baron/ITMA Bibliography for February 12-5, 2025 was also added.
To Bibliography (1980-89)
To Bibliography (1990)
To Lorrain Osman Campaign (1990-91)
To Bibliography (1991)
To Bibliography (1992-4)
To Bibliography (1995-7)
To Bibliography (1998-9)
To Bibliography (2000)
To Bibliography (2001)
To Bibliography (2002)
To Bibliography (2003-04)
To Bibliography (2005-07)
To Bibliography (2008)
To Bibliography (2009)
To Bibliography (2010)
To Bibliography (2011)
To Bibliography (2012)
To Bibliography (2013)
To Bibliography (2014)
To Bibliography (2015)
To Bibliography (2016)
To Bibliography (2017)
To Bibliography (2018)
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