Snooker, that classy sport,
Enjoys our sponsorship.
So too the tennis court;
Do try our filter tip.
How ’bout a game of cricket?
We give a major prize
For every fallen wicket;
Do try our new king-size.
Sportsmen are fit and healthy,
As are our patrons too,
The workers and the wealthy;
It isn’t bad for you.
They all smoke on the screen,
Spy, hero and romancer,
Femme fatale, movie queen,
Comedienne and dancer.
It’s very vogue, and in,
Like dress, it’s part of fashion,
A bit of nicotin’
Won’t harm your health or passsion,
Unlike the demon drink!
It’s cheap too, bar the tax,
It leaves you in the pink,
Helps you unwind, relax.
Just five or ten a day
Won’t set you back a packet.
Health warnings? Disobey
Them; it’s a con, a racket.
All things in moderation,
That even goes for sport!
The doctors of this nation
The simple truth distort.
At worst it is a vice,
But every vice is fun
With, at the end, a price,
But “cancer of the lung?”
The quacks are only joking,
Just cough at this retort,
And don’t be put off smoking;
It’s harmless fun, like sport!
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