The 12 Norse Gods


1. Balder, God Of Light And Beauty
2. Bragi, God Of Culture
3. Forsti, God Of Justice
4. Freyja, Goddess Of Beauty
5. Heimdall, God Of War
6. Njord, Sea God
7. Odin, God Of Wisdom
8. Thor, God Of Thunder
9. Tyr, God Of War
10. Ull, Snow God
11. Váli, God Of Lightning
12. Hœnir, God Of Silence

* There are several lists of Norse Gods; the above, listed here in alphabetical order, are the 12 most important. According to Goodman! Spelling varies, for example, Balder is also spelt Baldr and Baldur. There is also some overlap of their bailiwicks, for example Balder and Freyja. For some reason, Loki is not included.

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