The 4 Celtic Quarter Days


1. Imbolc – February 1, Saint Brigid’s Day
2. Beltane – May 1
3. Lughnasadh – August 1, Harvest Festival
4. Samhain – November 1, Winter Festival




The 4 English Quarter Days


1. Lady Day – March 25, Feast Of The Annunciation
2. Midsummer – June 24, Nativity Of Saint John The Baptist
3. Michaelmas – September 29, Feast Of Michael And All Angels
4. Christmas Day – December 25




The 4 Scottish Quarter Days


1. Candlemas – February 2, Feast Of The Presentation Of Jesus Christ
2. Whitsun – May 19 (in 2024)
3. Lammas – August 1, Loaf Mass Day
4. Matinmas – November 11, Saint Martin’s Day

* There are uncertainties with the above. Imbolc is also called Imbolg; it may have been celebrated February 2. Other spellings may also vary. Whitsun is also known as Whit Sunday and Whitsunday.

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