The Founders Of Religion


1. Moses
2. Krishna
3. Buddha
4. Jesus
5. Muhammed

*The above are listed in chronlogical order. Moses was born from 1592BC to 1391BC and was the Founder of Judaism, the first of the monotheistic religions. Jesus, who died 33AD and Muhammed (570-632AD) are the other two, notwithstanding the Holy Trinity of Christianity.

Judaism is not a world religion; although Jews can be found in many countries, their numbers are insignificant in comparison with Christianity and Islam. Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion in the world, and although Krishna can be said to be its founder, he is also regarded as a God. Buddhism is the 4th largest religion and like Hinduism is not monotheistic.

All the above religions have different branches/sects, resulting from various schisms, the main ones for Christianity being Catholicism and Protestantism. The main branches of Islam are Shia and Sunni.

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