The 7 Wonders Of The World


1. The Great Pyramid Of Giza
2. The Lighthouse Of Alexandria
3. The Mausoleum At Halicarnassus
4. The Colossus Of Rhodes
5. The Temple Of Artemis At Ephesus
6. The Statue Of Zeus At Olympia
7. The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon

The above are the original Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World in the order in which they are usually presented. This list is said to have been compiled in the Second Century BC.





The New 7 Wonders Of The World


1. The Great Wall Of China
2. Chichén Itzá
3. Petra
4. Machu Picchu
5. Christ The Redeemer
6. The Colosseum
7. The Taj Mahal





The 7 Wonders Of The Industrial World


by Deborah Cadbury, published by fourth Estate, London, (2003).





The 7 Wonders Of The Natural World


1. The Aurora Borealis
2. The Grand Canyon
3. The Paricutin Volcano, Mexico
4. Victoris Falls, Zambia
5. Mount Everest
6. The Great Barrier Reef
7. Guanabara Bay, Rio De Janeiro

The above list was published inter alia by Exoticca Magazine.





The 7 Wonders Of Britain


1. Stonehenge
2. Hadrian’s Wall
3. The White Cliffs Of Dover
4. Loch Ness
5. Snowdonia
6. Edinburgh Castle
7. Cheddar Gorge

* The above list is said to have been compiled from a survey of 1,000 holidaymakers by the holiday firm cottages4you. It was reported by Mail Online, May 27, 2009.

See also The 10 Wonders

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