Welcome to Clio History, the website of the late Ted Goodman.
This website first went live on October 15, 2023. By that time, Ted was very ill and had told me he had only a few months to live. He had already beaten cancer years earlier, that coupled with the fact that his father had lived to the age of 90 and his mother had died only in September 2021 at the age of 106, led me to believe this was a pessimistic forecast. Sadly, he died in a Redhill hospice on February 15, 2024. Mark Taha and I had visited him on February 9, and it was clear then he had only days left, although again I could only hope. We visited his grave on March 23, neither of us having been invited to his funeral in spite of my thirty year association with him and Mark’s forty year association.
I was not advised of his death until February 19, by a mutual acquaintance. When next I tried to access it, this website had been deleted – an act of malice by the only person who could have deleted it.
Fortunately, I had it backed up on my hard disk. The same cannot be said of his blog, which was also deleted. You can read the full story in this lengthy obituary. Here is the archive I set up for him at the Internet Archive; here is his grave, and here he is speaking at his mother’s funeral.
Initially, I regarded this website as silly, but I was paid to set it up and mustered some enthusiasm, in the process making recommendations of what not to include and a few suggestions of my own of what to add, which were for the most part accepted, including illustrations and videos.
Having said that, this site is far from complete. Altogether, the finished work consisted of over four thousand documents, most though not all of which I scanned to avoid cluttering up my apartment as much as anything else. At the time of writing it consists of 446 files, 370 of them HTML pages, including this one, a few of them are incomplete. I also have my own projects to work on, that and my generally poor health means I will only be able to work on this site sparingly. I am also unable to justify purchasing and maintaining yet another domain, so Clio History will have to exist as a sub-directory on my main website for as long as I do.
Alexander Baron,
April 2, 2024
Since writing the above I have added (today) a page relating to the 4 olds, which includes a video, and also a video of Ted explaining the BBFC. The former is an addition of my own and was not included in the papers he gave me.
No further additions will be made to this HomePage.
Updated June 8, 2024
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