Dani Clay – Not your average denizen of Brentwood.
Currently unsigned, the singer-songwriter has done a fair bit of work in the States, and as of April 25 will be performing selected dates in London and the Home Counties. Backed by a band of up to 9 members, she is symbolised less by enormous hoop earrings than by a voice that would not be awed by Shirley Bassey; she is what the older woman alludes to as a belter.
Miss Clay appears to be happy to perform standards for the most part, but she should consider ditching them for a set list made up entirely of her own compositions, songs that lack nothing in the sophistication department. It would be impolite to guess her age but as she has been doing this for fifteen years, she is clearly older than she looks.
You can check out the Dani Clay Band on the official website and also on Facebook and MySpace, as well as the odd performance and interview on YouTube. Recently she spoke to the leading on-line music database SongFacts where she explained the inspiration for four of her own songs. Expect more to be added in future.
[The above article was originally published on April 1, 2014. At the time of writing – January 2015 – the Dani Clay website is defunct. If you want to check her out, start with her entries on Songfacts.]
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