Steph Taylor who makes Bohemian jewellery and trades as FizzCat Creations.
In a recent interview she explained how the name FizzCat came about and how she was inspired by a meeting with a troubadour. Although she has worked markets in and around the London area, the talented Miss Taylor sells most of her handmade Bohemian jewellery through both Facebook and the on-line store Etsy which was founded in 2005.
E-commerce has now well and truly arrived, and the best news from the point of view of the small artist or trader is that it requires little or nothing in the way of investment, no business premises with expensive rates, minimal inventory, and nothing more sophisticated than an e-mail address. Plus, no regular hours: work as and when you please.
A similar site to Etsy is Craftopia, which was launched only this year. There are quite a few others, and doubtless even more will spring up soon.
One of Steph Taylor’s more intense creations, a superbly coloured and crafted bag.
Another unique FizzCat design.
[The above article was first published November 18, 2013.]
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