A brilliant cut diamond, the ideal engagement ring.
In case you hadn’t noticed, Valentine’s Day is less than a month away, for some especially young people, that means romance. But what happens when the romance is over? In 2005, A List actress Demi Moore married her third husband Ashton Kutcher, who is 15 years her junior. Perhaps in view of this as much as the notoriously unstable nature of showbiz marriages, they divorced last year. After which Miss Moore is reported to have sold her 5 carat diamond engagement ring for a quarter of a million dollars! Okay, you know where this is going, right? If he can’t afford a 5 carat rock like Miss Moore traded in, you could still get a tidy sum for that stone. There are not a few places on-line where you can sell diamonds. Check out the cute cartoon on the page linked below:
But, if your love doesn’t last forever, and he leaves you with only your share of the mortgage to pay, please don’t emulate Kimberly Hricko. On Valentine’s Day 1998, she poisoned her husband with succinylcholine and then set his body on fire hoping to collect $400,000 in life insurance. Unfortunately for her, a Maryland jury had other ideas, but at least she hasn’t needed to worry about paying her share of the mortgage for the past 15 years. Nor will she for the foreseeable future.
[The above article was originally published January 20, 2014.]
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