Alas, all that is now in the past, and although the event is a lot smaller than initially envisaged, not only does it survive, it continues to grow. This year featured several new games in addition to the regulars like abalone, backgammon, chess, continuo, entropy, scrabble and Settlers of Catan. Next year’s event has already been confirmed for the same Central London venue, and more new games. Full details can be found on the official MSO website along with the results from the eight hundred or so entries this year, and all previous years.
Tony Corfe photographed at a previous event; he has run the MSO since its inception in 1997.
[The above article was first published September 10, 2013. The three photographs displayed here were used in Digital Journal articles about MSO.]
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The oldest competitor at this year’s MSO was 89 year old Bernard Morgan,
who picked up a bronze medal for dominoes.
The 2013 Pentamind winners: Ankush Khandelwal and Andres Kuusk.