CRYING WOLF: Hate Crime Hoaxes In Britain

Introduction To The HTML Version


The publication you are about to read was uploaded to the Internet Archive in Portable Document Format on July 13, 2017, (see Bibliography entries for July 13 & 14, 2017).

It was finally added to this site in HTML on April 27, 2018.

It differs from the PDF version only in a few endnotes being linked to the actual citations. I will add more of these as time permits. As far as I can recall, the only material alteration/correction has been my altering shot gun to shotgun at page 44.


Update: November 18, 2024


This month, I spent a lot of time re-editing this publication, edits that were more of form than of substance. When I began work on my websites a quarter of a century ago(!), I used the standard HTML font. Today, many people consult websites on their mobile phones. Google recognises this, and I have received warnings about specific webpages being difficult to read. For the past year and more I have been re-editing all the HTML files on all my websites, principally to enlarge the fonts. I have also been fixing broken links, correcting the occasional spelling mistake, etc.

When this pamphlet was first uploaded in HTML, it was as a conversion from Micro$oft WORD, which generated a massive amount of code, the vast majority of it redundant, not to say confusing. It took a massive effort but I have now removed all this superfluous code, and the page numbers, as well as many commas in the note section.

Other errors have been corrected, none of which detract from the content of this publication. I have not of course been able to re-edit the PDF version, having long since deleted the original WORD file.

Finally, I have moved Notes And References to its own page.

I will probably at some point add further links to the latter section (as uploads), but this publication is now in its final format.

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