On February 24, the RSPCA will microchip your dog for free in Sydenham, and if you suffer from fleas or worms, they will treat you at a discount.
Seriously, the leaflet below was found in one of the few public telephone boxes left in Sydenham. The RSPCA has a dedicated South London website on which the full details of this, er, event, can be found. Its main website can be found here. The event is being held at the organisation’s charity shop at 46 Sydenham Road. If you want to take advantage of this offer, please make sure you turn up at the South East London address rather than 46 Sydenham Road in Sydney, Australia, because that is an entirely different kind of, er, shop!
Microchipping dogs and other pets is a good idea, so is microchipping farm animals, for entirely different reasons, but let us beware of that slippery slope that says we should microchip humans, because it is not only the mystics and conspiracy theorists who are now mooting it.
[The above op-ed was first published February 20, 2013; the original wasn’t archived.]
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