The viral video ‘The Harlem Shake’ is coming to Beckenham this Saturday; this will be a charity event with a twist, when ‘The Beckenham Shake’ is performed.
Beckenham was the home of Enid Blyton and the birthplace of Bob Monkhouse. A certain Mr Bowie also lived there for a while, although it is not really known for its showbusiness or entertainment connections, but this Saturday it has lined up a charity event which involves dancing, or what some would call dancing. Coinciding with St. Patrick’s Day, the event will take place on Beckenham Green by St. George’s Church, and appears to be organised by someone who calls himself The King Of Beckenham.
Needless to say, there is already a Facebook page for The Beckenham Shake, and undoubtedly it will spawn a video, but this will have to go some to compete with the Harlem Shake videos on YouTube, several of which have clocked up views in the tens of millions.
[The above was first published March 14, 2013; the original wasn’t archived. The information therein was obtained from the now defunct forum; the Facebook page alluded to no longer exists, and on June 7, 2021, a Google search for “The King Of Beckenham” returned zero hits. Here is a link in any case.]
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