Italian Restaurant Quickie


Scene: The front of an Italian restaurant. There is a big sign in the window saying: TODAY – ALL THE PASTA YOU CAN EAT FOR £2.50.

The owner is standing in front of the shop. He is moustauchioed and smiling, the stereotypical Italian restaurateur. Two young men approach the door; he smiles at them and opens the door.

Owner: (In thick Italian accent) GOOD AFTERNOON, GENTLEMEN.

(Two middle aged men walk up to the door talking to each other; they are wearing suits. The owner opens the door for them).


(A young couple walk up to the door arm in arm. The owner opens the door for them).


(The owner stands smiling for a few seconds, then his eyes bulge and his face becomes a mask of horror. He rushes into the restaurant, puts up a closed sign, and stares through the window. The scene changes to a road shot. A coach has just pulled up. On the side is emblazoned the legend: JAPANESE NATIONAL SUMO TEAM: WORLD TOUR. A number of giant sumo wrestlers have already left the coach and are walking quickly towards the restaurant. [Alternatively it can be a coach with KENT WEIGHT GAINERS CLUB written on the side, etc]).


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