Hi there stupid, my name is Satpal Ram,
I got life cos I killed in self-defence,
That’s what I always say, though it’s a sham,
But liberal whites have got no common sense.
I stabbed my victim three times in the back,
The press all know my claim is total shite,
But all you need do if you’re brown or black
Is shout Racist!’ and it’ll be all right.
My name is O.J., handy with a knife,
I left clues that led right back to the crime
When I stuck Goldman and my faithless wife,
I thought “Oh shit, now I’ll do heavy time”.
But my attorney read a different book,
Cry Racist! he said, when you’re in the dock,
I did, and Fuhrman got me off the hook;
Was my acquittal really such a shock?
Comrade Mugabe is my name, and I
Brought white rule to an end, and now I’m boss,
I’ve stayed in power decades as I’m sly
And kill and torture everyone I cross.
Zimbabwe is now in a shocking state,
But that’s not the fault of my evil ways,
It’s Britain that my countrymen should hate,
And Blair, Brown and their “Cabinet of gays”.
The Asians are evicted from Uganda,
A major famine’s sweeping through the South,
A holocaust is raging in Rwanda,
’Twas Whitey took the bread out of my mouth.
And when I took my rifle and machete,
And shot and hacked my brothers black to death,
With broken bodies falling like confetti,
It’s Whitey made them draw their final breath.
It’s all the fault of hatred and racism,
The legacy of slavery appalls,
Whatever crime, flaw or fanaticism
My race inflicts, I haven’t got the balls
To face up to the fact that Whitey never,
Put the gun in my hand and made me kill;
The racist bigots say I’m thick, not clever,
That must be true, for I possess free will.
[Dedicated to Jamal, and all the other braindeads on BarfiCulture.com.]
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