Dear Heart, don’t cease to beat
Although you’re broke in two,
Time heals all wounds,
And one day soon
You’ll be as good as new.
Dear World, don’t cease to turn
And leave me without Hope,
But make me tough,
So when it’s rough
I will not life revoke.
Dear Dawn, don’t cease to break,
And leave me to the Dark,
For I’m still young,
My life’s not done,
I’ve still that vital spark.
Dear Life, don’t fade away,
And you will not regret,
Though Death may clutch,
Ward off his touch,
For there’ll be good times yet.
Dear God, if you exist,
Give me strength to survive,
Though I’ve sinned
And now reap the wind
Please keep this soul alive.
Dear God, if you exist,
Pity me.
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