Notes And References


(1) This particularly nasty smear was effected by Gable wearing his other hat, as a TV “researcher”. The 20/20 Vision programme which was broadcast on Channel 4, April 12, 1986, (Spying for the Comrades), set up the gullible civil servant Brian Gentleman. The bottom line was that the lonely Gentleman – who had no access to classified information – was a drinking pal of Colonel Miroslav Merhaut, a military attache for the Czech government. Merhaut called himself Mick, but made no secret of the nature of his work. On April 13, the Observer ran the story on its front page: Civil servant was spy: MI5 BLUNDER OVER THE CZECH CONNECTION, it proclaimed. However, the truth did not take long to come out: in its April 27 edition the Sunday Times ran a story Now, the truth about the spy who never was; this was followed on May 25 by Police question TV men over Czech spy claims, also published in the Sunday Times; and then by a two page spread in the New Statesman of July 25: SPY TRIAL BY TELEVISION, by Duncan Campbell, Patrick Forbes and Jolyon Jenkins. From these last articles it is clear that Gable was the driving force behind this frame-up, and, one would have hoped, these thoroughly documented exposés would have ended his career in television, or at the very least severely curtailed his prospects for mischief-making in the future. Chance would be a fine thing!
(2) Larry O’Hara, who has been libelled by Gable so many times that I’ve lost count. His problems began with the allegation in the July 1992, issue that he was a “political errand boy” for someone called Patrick Harrington. Since then he has been accused of working for something called “nazi counter-intelligence”, and engaging in criminal activity. Including dealing in drugs! Gable’s libels against O’Hara have been so outrageous that they may eventually do far more to damage his ill-deserved credibility than any of Yours Truly’s thoroughly documented exposés.
(3) As some of them do in the good ol’ US of A.
(4) But not blacks, apparently. In October 1994 the South African press reported that the so-called “anti-racist” government of Nelson Mandela was planning not only to retain the fence between “liberated” South Africa and neighbouring Mozambique but to extend it and even to electrify it in order to keep out illegal (ie black) immigrants. The “anti-racist” lobby which raises the spectre of gas chambers at even the mere suggestion that Britain should adopt anything but an open door policy on immigration didn’t bat an eyelid.
(5) The first the current writer has been able to find. It was said on page 4 to be an “Under-cover hard-line Nazi group”. The name is said to have been taken from a pre-war group of the same name; the 88 stands for – what else? – Heil Hitler, ie the eighth letter of the alphabet.
(6) This has the rather cumbersome title: In Serving The Wicked Expect No Reward: A Belated Obituary For The Forgotten Hero Of British “Anti-Fascism” Richard David (Dave) Roberts (1949-82), “Searchlight” Agent Provocateur And Instigator Of The Column 88 Nazi Underground Hoax, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (March 1994).
(7) The May 1975 issue, which was edited by Gable, ran a story COLUMN 88 THE STORY OF BRITAIN’S UNDERGROUND NAZIS. This article ran to four pages, and claimed on page 5 that “Column 88’s Special Sections are trained along strict military lines to engage in guerrilla warfare.” Twenty years on, Searchlight’s readers are still waiting for this guerrilla war.
(8) Gable hasn’t published O’Hara’s address, yet, but there can be no doubt that it has been passed on to some of Gable’s ugly friends in the misnamed (and violent) anti-fascist left. Like the current writer, O’Hara was the recipient of a “parcel delivery”. Fortunately, and unlike the current writer, he wasn’t at home at the time.
(9) For a critique of this article on/interview with Gable the reader is referred to the current writer’s SEARCHLIGHT ON THE “JEWISH CHRONICLE”, which was published in March 1995.
(10) For the full, documented story of Gable’s lies and poison, and the truth about this arson campaign, the reader is referred to A REVISIONIST HISTORY OF THE 1960s SYNAGOGUE ARSONS: – The Truth About Harry Bidney And The 62 Group Laid Bare Further Documentation On The Lies And Libels Of “Searchlight” Head Honcho Gerry Gable, by Alexander Baron, 2nd Edition Revised, Expanded And Updated, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (October, 1994).
(11) Writer’s Name “leaked” to NF, by David Rose, published in the Guardian, January 31, 1991, page 2. Gable’s address was leaked by the National Front in issue 126 of National Front News.
(12) For further boasts of the power of the Gable disinformation octopus, the reader is referred to the Guardian Women interview of Maurice Ludmer, published in the Guardian, February 25, 1980, page 8, and to the article TO KNOW THE RIGHT, by Bob Huntley, published in Media Week, May 10, 1985, page 34.
(13) Dublin riot blamed on fascist fringe and white youths in search of mayhem, by Owen Bowcott, published in the Guardian, February 17, 1995, pages 2-3. (Additional reporting by Christopher Elliott, Dave Hill, Tom Sharratt and Martin Wainwright).
(14) Gable must have told this lie innumerable times and probably believes it himself by now. See for example Life in the shadow of the fascist threat, by Martin Shipton, published in the Northern Echo, September 2, 1989, page 6.
(15) The Archive informed me that according to their records there was no member of the Union Movement living in Hackney at that time who was a schoolteacher by profession. The question of whether or not there was one who was a supporter is of course impossible to answer, in any case, a supporter can mean virtually anything. As the British National Party is a strong advocate of the death penalty for convicted murderers, by that criterion most blacks could be said to be BNP supporters.
(16) From page 26 of THE JEWISH CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILISATION, by Cecil Roth, published by Horovitz Publishing/East And West Library, London, (1956). First published by Macmillan, (February 1938).
(17) With one brave exception you won’t read about this in any of the standard works on British fascism; the only author who touches on it, in some depth and to his credit, is Robert Skidelsky in his biography Oswald Mosley.
(18) Something else to hate them for!
(19) Later there were race riots in Notting Hill and other areas, involving Nazis and “teddy boys”, but these were directed against blacks.
(20) Huntley, TO KNOW THE RIGHT, (op cit).
(21) The original organisation was the Searchlight Association Ltd, but there was also Searchlight Publishing Ltd; both these companies have long since been wound up. At the time of writing – March 1995 – there is Searchlight Information Services Ltd and Searchlight Magazine Ltd. There is also the Searchlight Educational [sic] Trust Ltd.
(22) I met Swerling in the Library where he was researching Searchlight. At the time he was suing the Sunday Express for libel and believed that some of the information they obtained on him on which this alleged libel is based, came from Searchlight. That is hardly surprising. Swerling is of Jewish origin, and another unlikely Nazi fellow traveller.
(23) Keith Thompson interview April 26, 1994.
(24) Keith Thompson interview, (ibid).
(25) Chesterton never hesitated to sue for libel anyone who claimed that he might have been disloyal to Britain. And he won. Fourteen times!
(26) This needs to be clarified; although Mosley was pro-Nazi he was never an anti-Semite; initially he condemned the persecution of the Jews by Nazi Germany, and the Jewish Chronicle wasn’t hostile to his movement either. It was only when Mosley committed the unpardonable heresy of mentioning Jewish financial power which he believed – rightly or wrongly – was driving Britain towards war with Germany, that Organised Jewry turned against him and his organisation. Eventually the BUF started churning out anti-Semitic propaganda, but it must never be forgotten that hatred of the BUF by the Jew came before the hatred of the Jew by the BUF. Although he was interned during the war, Mosley was never either disloyal or potentially disloyal; all claims to the contrary are simply hate propaganda by communists – who were loyal only to the Soviet Union – and by a certain type of Jew, eg Gerry Gable. Mosley was certainly never on the Nazis’ “white list” of potential collaborators.
(27) THE BRITISH POLITICAL FRINGE: A Profile, by George Thayer, published by Anthony Blond, London, (1965), page 16.
(28) According to the June 1970 issue of Spearhead, which was then published in support of the National Front, the Reverend Brian Green stood as the National Front candidate for Islington North.
(29) Including one Albert Elder, a friend and fellow traveller of Lady Birdwood and an anti-Semitic propagandist of some repute!
(30) The current writer was informed by Keith Thompson that at one point any Front activist who espoused the sort of anti-Semitic nonsense that Colin Jordan and company were churning out would be thrown out on his ear.
(31) The People, September 9, 1962, page 8. A youthful – though still bald! – John Tyndall made a similarly unflattering “Jews are maggots” quote at about the same time.
(32) Ie the men in black hats and caftans.
(33) The whole question of racial and other epithets has become rather silly in recent years as blacks have taken to calling each other and themselves “nigger”, and militant homosexuals to calling themselves “queers”.
(34) I can’t say any more, unfortunately, this case is sub judice.
(35) The Daily Telegraph was originally the Daily Telegraph & Courier, and was actually founded by Colonel Arthur Burroughes Sleigh (1821-69), in 1855. However, the paper was on the rocks, and it was bought by the printer and publisher Joseph Levy (died 1888), who turned it around and made it spectacularly successful.
(36) THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BRITISH PRESS 1422-1992, Edited by Dennis Griffiths, published by Macmillan, London, (1992), page 187.
(37) In point of fact, Gable has only two principles: 1) In the struggle against eternal anti-Semitism anything goes. 2) If in doubt, refer to rule 1).
(38) Searchlight, July 1993, page 24.
(39) For the full sickening story of both these “plots” the reader is referred to the current writer’s unauthorised but irrefutably documented biography of Ray Hill, Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, (1994).
(40) This is particularly so in the United States, and increasingly in Britain. In the States, the most worrying aspect of violent crime is black on black crime; some estimate that as many as one black male in twenty-one will be murdered, mostly by fellow blacks. There are many reasons for this, racism is the least of them.
(41) “The first casualty when war comes is truth.” – Senator Hiram Johnson, 1917, quoted from the front of THE FIRST CASUALTY: From the Crimea to Vietnam: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist, and Myth Maker, by Philip Knightley, Quartet Books paperback edition, London, (1978). This quote is actually very well known, but must never, it appears, be applied to the likes of Gerry Gable or the misnamed anti-fascist movement. For the record, the same sentiment goes back to at least 1758 when Samuel Johnson wrote: “Among the calamities of war may be jointly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages.” Doubtless some Roman or Greek pundit also wrote or uttered much the same thing.
(42) They are, in chronological order: AT WAR WITH THE TRUTH: THE TRUE STORY OF SEARCHLIGHT AGENT TIM HEPPLE, by Larry O’Hara, Produced by Mina Enterprises, Camberley, Surrey, (1993); In Serving The Wicked Expect No Reward, (op cit); and Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, (op cit).
(43) Baron, Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, (ibid).
(44) THE OTHER FACE OF TERROR: Inside Europe’s Neo-Nazi Network, by Ray Hill with Andrew Bell, published by Grafton Books, London, (1988), page 152.
(45) Hill and Bell, The Other Face Of Terror, page 152, (ibid).
(46) Hill and Bell, The Other Face Of Terror, page 152, (ibid).
(47) Keith Thompson interview April 26, 1994, (op cit).
(48) The Birmingham Six, by Derek Dunne, published by the Birmingham Six Committee, Dublin, (September 1988), page 19. This was a civil action which was commenced in November 1977; it concerned injuries allegedly sustained by the men whilst in police custody.
(49) This magazine started life as London Labour Briefing; it is called either Labour Briefing or simply Briefing. This is an anti-fascist, “anti-racist” magazine, supposedly published in support of the Labour Party, but its occasional attacks on fascists pale in the face of its frequent (and at times quite nasty) attacks on Labour Leaders and senior party members.
(50) Graeme Atkinson letter, Labour Briefing, February 1992, page 29.
(51) Thayer, The British Political Fringe, page 89, (op cit).
(52) The attack on Mark Cotterill was potentially fatal.
(53) This is discussed briefly in my pamphlet JEW-HATERS, BLACK-HATERS, VIOLENT CRIMINALS, HYPOCRITES, AND LIARS CONDEMNED OUT OF THEIR OWN MOUTHS: A Guide For Teachers And Educators To The Criminal Conspiracy Known As The Searchlight Organisation, 2nd Edition, (November 1994). The press coverage both before and after the successful libel case exposed the total rottenness of this piece of filth, which was all directly traceable to Gable.

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