Appendix B:
An Unqualified Apology
To Tim Hepple


In the first edition of this short study I attributed the following quotes to Tim Hepple:

“Fuck off with your theatrical crap, the only answer is violence.” And: “Beating up boneheads is OK for a start, the day you take out Tyndall or Edmunds we will know you are serious.”

There are a number of points here, firstly, I have libelled Tim Hepple, albeit inadvertently. This inadvertent libel was also published in The Shocking Truth About “Searchlight”..., which was distributed by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, and again I apologise unreservedly for having published it. Hepple may wish to take legal action against me over this, although in view of the fact that he has been in and out of the fanatical race-hate Church of the Creator, admitted stealing from BNP funds, and has indeed incited violence against the BNP, I don’t think any court would award him more than a penny damages.

Another person whose reputation is worth no more than the lowest coin of the realm is Gerry Gable. If Mr Gable had studied the first edition of this pamphlet he might have exposed one of my rare – and more significant – mistakes. I suspect that he hasn’t even read it. Which really is too bad, because if he had read my other work Searchlight on a Searchliar, written jointly with Mark Taha, he would not have made the ludicrous allegation that I am a “buddy” of Patrick Harrington and would probably not now be facing a libel writ.

The final point I wish to make here is that as agent provocateur Hepple didn’t incite the murders of John Tyndall and his deputy, this incitement, made by Baz, (81) was obviously genuine. Under these circumstances, perhaps Gable is to be commended for attempting to subvert this magazine and its supporters, most of whom rightly choose to remain anonymous. They are every bit as obnoxious as he is, and far more dangerous in that, unlike him, they are obviously sincere.

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