This Image Gallery - which includes cartoons - contains scans of photographs and such that I have collected over the years. Some of these images can also be found embedded directed into the Searchlight Critical Bibliography and/or linked from other pages on this site. As far as possible they are in a chronological order of sorts.
January 27, 1937: A momentous day in history - Gerry Gable’s birth certificate
September 1953: London telephone directory - entry for Gerry Gable’s telephone home number, under his father’s name
June 29, 1956: Marriage certificate of Gerald Clark Gable and Mariana Josephine Amon
June 1974: Death certificate of Walter William Gable, Gerry Gable’s father
February 1980: Maurice Ludmer, co-founder with Gerry Gable of Searchlight magazine
The above photograph was first published in the Guardian, February 25, 1980.
November 17, 1984: Marriage certificate of Gerry Gable and Sonia Hochfelder
1995: Cartoon of Gerry Gable
On March 16, 1995, Gerry and Sonia Gable appeared on a BBC Radio 4 programme. The above cartoon was drawn in response to a claim he made about the way he was once treated by the police.
March 1989: Cartoon from the front cover of The Other Face Of “Searchlight”
Circa 2000: Anti-Searchlight sticker – issued apparently by the people who run Target.
Undated: The odious Vron Ware: one-time editor of Searchlight, miscegenist, and poisoner of the racial soul.