Notes And References


(1) FRONT ATTACK “WELL PLANNED”, by Jim Arnison, published in the Morning Star, December 2, 1975, page 3. Atkinson was later employed by the Morning Star but was dismissed by the paper in 1986. He claimed an attempt had been made to recruit him by Bulgarian intelligence!
(2) See for example Anti-racist jailed for press arson, published in the Jewish Chronicle, April 24, 1981, page 9. Carpel’s conviction was also reported in the June issue of Searchlight under the heading JOURNALIST GAOLED FOR ARSON, (page 13). Naturally no mention was made of his work for the magazine, nor was the article written in the same tone of righteous indignation which is inevitably exhibited when similar attacks are made on “anti-racist” targets.
(3) Private information.
(4) Author’s telephone conversation with Nick Griffin. Griffin – who has a law degree – also gave me some very prosaic explanations for some of the things Fiore and company allegedly got up to in Britain. At one time, Fiore was driving a mini-cab, he and others were also washing dishes in a pizza restaurant (see earlier reference). So much for the Nazi menace.
(5) See for example the chapter Germany encircled in Martin Gilbert’s 1989 book Second World War, and DO YOU RECOGNIZE MY VOICE? in David Irving’s Hitler’s War. There can’t be many things the official whitewasher of Churchill and Hitler’s number one fan agree on, but this is unquestionably one of them.

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