Searchlight Critical Bibliography


January 2007: INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, issue 379 costs £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

The front page and pages 6-7 reports on a BNP rally in East London; it is said to have been a flop. This is a familiar there – on the one hand, give us money to stop the far right before they take over, on the other hand, no one supports them. The article is written by Lowles.

Beyond Belief  by David Williams on page 10.

The above is a report on the recent Tehran Conference. And Yours Truly gets a mention.

Pages 11-5 is a big article on the State of the right by David Williams.

Pages 16-7 covers a number of smaller outfits in the UK, including the National Front which appears to be a shadow of its former self.

Much of the rest of the magazine is devoted to the BNP in addition to overseas reports from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Russia and Sweden.

On the back page is a big advertisement for a website called stopthebnp; at the time of writing (March 2024), this is long defunct.

February 2007: INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, issue 380 costs £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

Pages 4-5, an article credited to David Williams and Graeme Atkinson reports on the formation of a new far right group in the European Parliament. One should bear in mind that their idea of far right is very different from that of a rational person.

Pages 6-7 sees Atkinson rehashing some nonsense on populism that he presented at a congress in May the previous year.

On pages 8-9, Lowles publishes an article called Let’s welcome migrant workers. My colleague Mark Taha and quite a few other people will tell you the sort of welcome this lowlife gives people he targets. In March 2024, Tommy Robinson gave Lowles a taste of his own medicine. The statistics Lowles gives on page 9 are dubious to say the least.

On page 11, we see more of his hate in an article about a new union that was being launched by the BNP.

Pages 14-5 is an article about the BNP in Swindon by Gable, who says they have turned it into a racial war zone. Indeed.

There are three more signed articles by Lowles but only one by Mr Gable although his better half publishes what is said to be a regular column monitoring the operations of the BNP at a local level.

On page 25 is a totally insincere obituary by Matthew Collins for David Ervine, an Ulster Loyalist.

There are several international reports including one from Russia by Mara Vladimirova while on the back page is thw same big advertisement as on the back page of the previous issue.

Searchlight Magazine Limited Accounts for year ended December 31, 2007.

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