The Great Asylum Rape Scam

  By VennerRoad, 20th Jun 2016

How many times have you heard sob stories about so-called asylum seekers being raped? Most of these women are shameless liars.

Asylum crook Amine Muse.

Ever get the feeling you’re being played? If you don’t know what is meant by a victim narrative, check out this video and follow the links. For years, the feminist movement has been peddling victim narratives to excuse women from the consequences of their actions, even when those actions include murder, as in the unsuccessful case of Jodi Arias, and the partially successful case of Jane Andrews who murdered her lover Thomas Cressman in September 2000.

Selling a murderess to the big-hearted British public or to people anywhere is not an easy proposition, and even if Mr and Mrs Average are taken in, the courts are usually a different proposition. But portraying an illegal immigrant as a victim is an easier task, especially if the person concerned has suffered persecution for racial, religious, political or most any other reason.

While men can be portrayed as victims of any of the above, women can also be portrayed as victims of sexual abuse, especially rape. The campaigning organisation Women Against Rape claims that “Research by Legal Action for Women in 2005 found that 70% of women detained in Yarl’s Wood were victims of rape and/or other forms of sexual violence.”

Sure it did. Unfortunately, simply asking women if they have been raped and holding out a big juicy carrot - asylum and free housing - for an affirmative answer, doesn’t count as research. Women Against Rape and many other organisations have been campaigning for years to close Yarl’s Wood. The time to do that is when all spurious asylum seekers have been booted out of the UK; other Western nations would do well to adopt a similar policy; certainly neither Japan nor Thailand nor even Mexico stand for this scam. The major reason for that is probably their lack of white guilt. Let’s stay with rape though, or more accurately bogus rape.

An application for political asylum is a complex process, and fortunately for us if not for them, when those claiming asylum are of dubious character, this process can be thorough. Let’s take a look at a few cases from three continents, starting with Europe.

Amina Muse claimed to have seen her brothers murdered in Somalia on December 1, 1998. To add insult to injury, she was also gang-raped. Shocking isn’t it, how could any mean-spirited tribunal refuse this poor woman asylum in the UK? Unfortunately, she was allowed in, and in January 2011 she was given a four and a half year sentence at Harrow Crown Court for a professionally planned fraud which was said to have netted her over £250,000. Maybe she committed this fraud after being traumatised by the gang-rape? Nope! She had been living in Sweden since 1995, and was said to have scammed the Swedes for £50,000 too. She was known there as Ayan Abdulle, which means either or neither of those names may belong to her, indeed it is not even clear if she really is a Somali.

On November 30, 2000, a man from Pakistan and his wife claimed asylum in Vancouver. They had been refused asylum in Sweden, which was hardly surprising because he had been convicted of murder in absentia. Whether or not it was to counter his murder conviction, this unnamed individual’s wife’s claimed to have been raped. The tribunal was unimpressed, pointing out: “The claimant’s testimony on the number of times she was raped was variable, the number decreasing with each retelling. In the first version of her story, she could not specify whether she was raped three or four times”.

On October 1, 2014, an unidentified woman from the Congo submitted a claim for asylum in Canada. She claimed to have been raped more than once, but she does not appear to have done her homework, because at the time of one of her imaginary rapes she was a patient in a clinic.

One more will suffice, this one from Down Under. A woman from the Congo travelling with her ten year old daughter tells the New Zealand authorities she has been raped, and raped, and raped. She is found to be travelling on forged documents and telling false stories. On June 28, 2010, she is given short shrift.

All the above cases can be found on the International False Rape Timeline.

Are these really poor, traumatised women, or something far more sinister? An astounding number of these faux rape victims travel on false passports, including British passports. Obtaining a British passport has never been easy, even before 9/11. To obtain a false one requires contacts as well as lots of money. Ask yourself if you or anyone you know could obtain a false passport.

Ask yourself too is rape really that prevalent? Most of these alleged rapes are said to have been carried out by police officers and soldiers. Rape has always been a serious offence under military discipline. In Nigeria for example, the penalty for rape is life imprisonment, with or without caning.

So many of these women claim to be impoverished, yet they seem to have no trouble travelling great distances with little or no means of support. No one should allow professional agitators or agenda-driven special interest groups to blind people to the fact that such women are anything but trouble. Especially in the current political climate.

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