‘Twaz A Good Fight’!

  By VennerRoad, 13th Feb 2016

A review of the authorised biography of John Colin Campbell Jordan (1923-2009).

Colin Jordan with his fanatical first wife.

I was given what I was told was an early copy of this book; I don’t know how many were printed initially, but I am informed that it still needs correcting. Also, it needs an index if it is ever reprinted. And let’s not mention a proof-reader. The author appears never to have heard of pronouns; there are spelling mistakes, there is repetition, an easy read it is not. Why then would I give it 5 stars?

Not because my own researches get a mention on page 189, not because I wrote an earlier, far more limited biography of Colin Jordan. Not even because I have met the author. ‘Twaz A Good Fight’! is minutely researched; the author knew Jordan personally and was given unfettered access to his personal papers after the great man’s death. A fellow traveller of sorts, he has written a plain and honest biography without the inflammatory and at times ludicrous rhetoric which even seasoned academics feel obliged to infuse into their writings when touching on such untouchables.

For those not au fait with the charismatic Jordan, he was the Anjem Choudary of his day: articulate, polished, and courted by the media to present to the dumbed down masses as a joke figure. Unlike Choudary, Colin Jordan never made inflammatory threats against his perceived enemies, and sought to convince his countrymen of the rightness of his cause by peaceful means. For which he was hounded unmercifully, including by Britain’s political police who on more than one occasion raided his premises on the most spurious of pretexts carting away thousands of documents and building on each occasion a case against him for expressing unpleasant or simply unfashionable views about race and politics, views which in the United States are espoused openly, protected by the First Amendment to its great Constitution, a document and spirit Jordan’s enemies foreign and domestic have sought tirelessly to trash so they may impose their tyranny on Mankind worldwide.

The author covers Jordan’s early life, his influences, and arguably his greatest folly, the supermarket incident. This is a balanced and scrupulously fair book that with the help of a proof-reader and an index deserves to become the standard work on the man who was the foremost National Socialist theorist in England if not Europe and the entire world from the death of Arnold Leese in January 1956 until his own death over half a century later.

The greatest tragedy and irony of John Colin Campbell Jordan is that for all his talk about preserving the white race, he failed to make the most positive contribution possible, and died without issue.

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