Winter Is Coming


The sky is deepest blue,
The Sun is shining bright,
But there’s a chillness to the air,
I feel it everywhere,
All through the day and night;
Winter is coming.

The swallows have flown south
Long time since, and the ground
Is hard beneath my boots,
The trees stand bare of leaves and fruits,
And all around
Is still,
Winter is coming.

The sky will soon be gone,
Obscured by cloud,
The ponds and lakes begin to freeze,
The wind will bend the trees
Until they’re bowed
In supplication.
Winter is coming, again.

I feed the hungry birds in my garden:
Song thrush, starling, sparrow.
The light fades from the Sun
Now darker days have come,
The cold bites to the marrow,
And Winter is here.

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