Baron — Banned In Germany!


On Tuesday, March 10, I received the attached e-mail from my hosting company, Leadhoster.

My very first thought was that I was the victim of a phish, perhaps an early April Fool’s Day joke. Shortly, it transpired that this was not the case. I had always thought Leadhoster was based in the US; I suppose I should have realised it was in Germany because in the past I’ve had correspondence from there relating to my domains.

I don’t want to say too much about my relationship with this company because they have been very cordial, and are of course in an impossible position, suffice it to say that having been with them since I bought my first domains in May 2008 (bar the Michael Stone domain which dates to May 2003), I was very happy with their prompt, efficient service, interface, and everything else. We parted on good terms. Now to the abuse reports...

Of the urls listed, ADOLF HITLER: Anti-Racist! is clearly satire. What else could it be with such a title? Also deemed to be a threat to German youth is the text of my Tehran address. So I am legal in Iran but banned in Germany!

There will doubtless he others too, in particular my two books on the Holocaust ‐ so-called ‐ which are both of course written from the Revisionist perspective. I had not intended to publish these on-line, but after the October 2008 arrest of Dr Töben at Heathrow I felt obligated to do so. For reasons I won’t go into here, I did not expect to live as long as I have, so it must be that whatever force has guided me from those dark days in 1976 has work for me yet to do.

Although I was unable to obtain any information as to who precisely was responsible for closing my site, I cannot help but think that along with the arrest of Dieudonné and similar developments, this is another example of the commitment of our democratic governments to free speech in the wake of the recent atrocities in Paris. For those who accuse me of being a hatemonger, I offer the following.

In the first place, most of the material on my main website is either not controversial or controversial with a small c. It includes dozens of articles published on mainstream news websites and in regular publications available over the counter, from early on in my journalistic career. There are also two collaborations with Orthodox Rabbis, and polemics against big government, and unlike Angela Merkel, I have never been nor will I ever be complicit in the specious war on terror which has caused untold death and destruction in the Islamic world.

My current situation is that I am in the process of transferring all three of my domains to another host. Although I do not anticipate further problems of this nature I am more than a little annoyed for reasons relating to the structure of the host and its user interface. I expect to be on-line again within two weeks.

Although I am receiving a limited refund from Leadhoster, this nonsense has left me out of pocket, but none of us are in this for the money.

Donations may be sent to my snail mail address at 93c Venner Road, Sydenham, London SE26 5HU, or contact me for details of on-line donations.

I will let you know when I am back on-line. In the meantime, watch your backs, all of you.

A Baron

March 15, 2015

[The above document was e-mailed in WORD format to supporters and contacts on March 15, 2015.]

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