How Racism Became a Dirty Word,
In Jane Birdwood’s Eyes


It was Humbert Wolfe (1885-1940) who penned the immortal and oft’ quoted lines:

You cannot hope to bribe nor twist
Thank God the British journalist,
But seeing what the man will do
Unbribed, there’s no occasion to. (10)

There’s many a true word written in rhyme, and no individual nor group of people have been more wilfully misrepresented, traduced, lied about, slandered and libelled than so-called racists. In Britain, the leftist/media-induced hysteria about racism, fascism, “Nazis” and anti-Semitism has at times reached fever pitch. Since the first boatload of West Indians arrived in this country shortly after the Second World War, (11) we have been subjected to a steady stream of non-white immigrants from all over the world. “Steady stream” is something of an understatement; in some inner city areas white people are now a minority. (12)

Many, in fact probably most, white British people became alarmed by this invasion (as they saw it), especially the older generation. Having been told they must take up arms against Hitler and sacrifice the finest flower of British manhood to keep the foreigner out, they were not unnaturally perplexed when after the War they were told they must let the foreigner in. Their confusion was, understandably, all the greater when these foreigners turned out to be not the culturally similar and biologically indistinguishable Germans, but “dark-skinned invaders”, people who wore strange clothes, practised “funny” or even “heathen” religions, ate spicy, (sometimes “unsavoury”) food, spoke in strange, garbled tongues and regarded the native British with hostility and suspicion.

Even worse, most of these foreigners came here to take jobs which belonged to British workers. There was an acute labour shortage, the British people were told, so “cheap” labour had to be imported. (13) A far more equitable solution would have been to pay British workers a living wage rather than exploit people with lower standards of living and lower aspirations than the native whites. Soon the British people were told that the foreigners couldn’t be sent back because the health service, the buses and the trains couldn’t run without them. The implication of course was that the British didn’t have a health service nor buses nor trains before the “coloured invasion”. (14) Clearly this suggestion is absurd because it is not in accord with either historical fact or logic.

Those “foreigners” who came here but didn’t manage to find jobs either languished on the dole drawing benefits which they weren’t entitled to, or else they became involved in drug dealing and organised crime. (15) The blacks were resented because they were shiftless, lazy and prone to crime. The Asians were resented because they were industrious and innovative and soon began monopolising the retail business. (16)

These were the rationalisations, but the apparent racism of the British people was not bigotry, nor xenophobia. Underneath the hostility and the nastiness exhibited openly by many less well-educated British people and the handful of rabble rousers was, and remains, the fear of miscegenation, the biological destruction of the white race. In a word:


This is a very real fear, one which the so-called “anti-racists” never confront because race they say, doesn’t exist; it’s a myth invented by the whites in order to justify the subjugation of blacks and other non-whites. Nowadays, anyone who is so foolish as to raise even the possibility of racial differences is immediately silenced by quite vacuous cries of racism, by raising the spectre of the Nazi gas chambers (17) or, in extreme cases, by intimidation and outright violence.

From the beginning, opposition to non-white immigration was seldom articulate; the movement to curb it, and to repatriate all non-whites did not, with very rare exceptions, attract the patronage of the upper classes and the power brokers. And why should it have? These people lived in exclusively white suburbs, mixed in exclusively white circles (and exclusive ones at that!), and while as in the United States they supported forced desegregation, busing and coercive “anti-discrimination” laws, they continued to send their own children to all-white public schools. (18) True, the token black or Asian was admitted to their “polite society”, but by and large they never practised what they preached. Even today, the British “ruling class” still lord over us from their ivory towers while they decide how many more immigrants (19) shall be allowed in, how much unemployment or social security benefit the great unwashed shall be paid, and even how they should spend it.

So it was left to the working classes to organise against immigration, as was their democratic right, and, naturally, both extremist elements and bigots made their way to this legitimate campaign. From the beginning there were also those who campaigned for more immigration, as was their democratic right too: sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander, but the issue of non-white immigration into Britain, even if it was at first a trickle, was an issue that should surely have been put to the popular vote, ie a referendum should have been called.

There are some issues in a democracy on which the public is not capable of making informed judgements, simply because they require a great deal of technical expertise. Neither an army nor a police force nor even a hospital can be run along democratic lines. This is not to say that the common people should not hold their leaders, policemen, generals and surgeons accountable, but obviously the man in the street has neither the time nor the know-how to make decisions about very many aspects of government policy, whether at a national or local level. Immigration however is surely not one of those. Had there been a referendum on immigration, at any time up to and including the present, the overwhelming response of the British people would have been “NO!”. Who can doubt that? It is an unfortunate fact that no government, either Labour or Conservative, has ever at any time given the British people the right to say yea or nay on this issue, and who can doubt that the wholesale immigration of alien peoples into these islands has had profound and far reaching consequences for all of us?

These consequences have been far from entirely and always detrimental. Blacks have produced sportsmen as well as muggers; Asians have contributed greatly to the commerce of the country, and also to the professions. Some non-whites have served this country and the British Empire faithfully, and some of those who have, like the Gurkhas, have been treated shabbily.

The immigration issue is not one of “hate” as it is always made out to be by that noisy minority of left wing fascists who masquerade as “anti-racists”. Rather it is an issue of choice, in particular the choice of a people to preserve their racial integrity (20) and their [Anglo-Saxon] heritage. (21)

The average British person, the average white person, does not hate either the Negro or the Asian, nor even the Jew. This is the lying propaganda of the multi-racialists (race-mixers as they are dubbed by the far right).

So what happened? During the Fifties there was fierce grass roots opposition to non-white immigration. In some working class areas there were even riots which, unlike the race riots of the 80s, were white on black. Though it may have been dismayed at this popular uprising, the government, rather than placate the white rioters as it did the black ones thirty years later, continued to permit and even encourage full scale immigration into this country.

Surely this could not have happened by accident? Although the claims of conspiracy theorists (including Jane Birdwood) often border on the absurd, it is impossible not to detect a “hidden hand” at work here. Clearly a policy decision was taken at a very high level of either government, or finance, or both, that Britain should be transformed from a largely racially homogeneous society to a smouldering melting pot. Furthermore, this policy has been pursued aggressively indeed mercilessly throughout the entire white world, and continues to be. Are we really expected to believe this just happened?

As opposition to immigration grew, so did the involvement of extremists and bigots. It didn’t take long for the race-mixers to latch onto this, and very soon they were able to turn it to their advantage. Many of these extremists were or had been associated with “Nazi” organisations, and in time it became the norm to smear everybody involved in the anti-immigration movement with guilt by association.

The emergence of the National Front and the above board infiltration of British “Nazis” into this organisation, their tendency to angry outbursts of rhetoric...all added fuel to the emerging “anti-racist” movement. The fact that many Jews had been (and continue to be) active in this movement has been unfortunate. Naturally some of them were terrified of the re-emergence of Nazism (which they associated with the gas chamber/Final Solution fantasy), but the majority of them were not. The majority, (for this is undoubtedly an unfortunate trait of the Jewish race), were seasoned agitators who were neither averse to exploiting real or imagined anti-Semitism and racism for their own ends nor to meting out violence against anyone opposed to their particular brand of racial tolerance.

The National Front was portrayed as a Nazi party, which it never was; its members were branded Nazis, which the majority of them never were, and the spectre of the gas chambers was raised time and time again. The less intelligent (and more violent) members of the National Front and similar groups developed an unfortunate habit of playing up to the media stereotype of “Nazis”, and an undeniable element of anti-Semitism crept into the movement. This in turn encouraged more Jews and Jewish organisations to take up the cry of “Stop the Nazis”; which in turn led grist to the anti-Semitic mill. The Jewish conspiracy became self-fulfilling. After all, weren’t the Jews actively campaigning to smear all white nationalists and to deny them their democratic rights? Weren’t these same Jews campaigning for tighter race laws, to increase immigration and to promote miscegenation?

At first, the word racist was seldom used; the preferred term was racialist or racialism. If only by dint of repetition, within a very few years the word racism became entrenched in the public mind as the most heinous and evil of beliefs/emotions. The rest is history.

Jane Birdwood was never intimidated by epithets any more than she was by “anti-racist” hysteria or by the bullying and at times outright terror her fellow travellers were to be subjected to. She always spoke her mind and was sincere in whatever beliefs she may have held. The fact that she was often wrong should not detract from either her sincerity or her personal courage.

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