If I were not so soft-hearted I could have made more of this and possibly have got this pillock an official reprimand or worse, but the sad fact is that DS Chainey is one of the least unsavoury members of the Met’s Cunts In Disguise branch. The effect of the magic word racist is a marvel to behold; it literally mesmerises the police nowadays. I have no doubt that if I’d accused him of using a racial epithet he would have been suspended; witness the appalling case of Steve Hutt, who was actually sacked (later reinstated) for committing this most heinous of crimes.
Magnanimous fellow that I am, I decided to settle on this occasion for making Chainey look like a complete arsehole to his superior. Incredibly, this is not the first time an incident like this has happened to me. A couple of years ago a big fat cunt pulled a similar strong arm act in Central London, also on the Northern Line. His humiliation was both summary and total; there can have been few occasions when a police officer so regretted whipping out his warrant card. But that’s another story!
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