(1) Marks & Spencer for example is a public company and in any case, co-founder Tom Spencer was a goy. The diamond trade is traditionally a Jewish stronghold and virtually a Jewish monopoly; Jews are well-represented in the clothing trade; but there are some industries where they are poorly represented if at all. Asians are now extremely well-represented in retailing in Britain owning perhaps half the small retail outlets nationwide and almost every shop in London’s Tottenham Court Road!
(2) Poor Jews: An American Awakening, Edited by Naomi Levine and Martin Hochbaum, published by Transaction Books, New Brunswick, New Jersey, (1974), page 3.
(3) From page 61 of The Hasidic Poor In New York City by Phyllis Franck in Poor Jews..., Levine and Hochbaum, (ibid).
(4) Orthodox Jews everywhere face special problems: Kosher food is more expensive than ordinary supermarket fare; Jewish reverence for learning, both religious and secular, means that (private) education is more expensive for Jews. Also, Hassidim especially have large families, which means more mouths to feed.
(5) It should be noted that Jewish benevolence is by no means confined to their co-religionists. Just as there is an embarrassing plethora of Jewish names in the banking field, so does a study of charities, trusts and foundations reveal a galaxy of Jewish names.
(6) Economic History of the Jews in England by Harold Pollins, published by Associated University Presses, London, (1982), pages 213-4.
(7) Pollins, Economic History of the Jews in England, page 214, (ibid).
(8) Membership of the Zionist Organization of America jumped from 43,000 in 1940 to 250,000 in 1948, and suffrage rights in the World Zionist Congress rose nearly fivefold. Page 222, Jews and Money: The Myths and the Reality, by Gerald Krefetz, published by Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, (1982).
And of course, if it had not been for Jewish capital, the State of Israel would never have come into existence in the first place.
(9) It should also be noted that some Zionist terrorists were trained by the Nazis. Although this is not spoken of today, the Nazis formed an alliance with the Zionists soon after they came to power. And it was the Zionists, not the Nazis, who made the first move. The rationale for this was their common purpose in removing the Jews from Europe ‐ the Final Solution.
(10) The violence and terror has not all been on one side, but although all terrorism must be condemned, the terror used by various Palestinian groups against the Zionists has at least been understandable. The PLO resorted to terror in order to attract the attention of the world’s media. * As soon as they had done this they renounced terror. The only Palestinian groups who today vow to destroy Israel are a handful of Islamic fanatics who have no mainstream support either by the Palestinians or by the rest of the Arab world.
* One must bear in mind that the Palestinians do not control the Washington Post, the New York Times and half the studios in Hollywood.
(11) Punishing A Nation: Human Rights Violations During The Palestinian Uprising December 1987-December 1988, a report prepared by Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man, published by South End Press, Boston, MA, (1990), page 3.
(12) Amnesty International Press Release, embargoed for 27 May 1993.
(13) Anti-Israel pamphlet referred to law officer by Julian Kossoff, published in the Jewish Chronicle, September 10, 1993, page 12.
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