The 13 Gunpowder Plotters (And Their Fates)


1. Thomas Bates – hanged, drawn and quartered
2. Robert Catesby – shot while being pursued
3. Sir Everard Digby – hanged, drawn and quartered
4. Guy Fawkes – hanged, drawn and quartered
5. John Grant – hanged, drawn and quartered
6. Robert Keyes – hanged, drawn and quartered
7. Thomas Percy – shot while being pursued
8. Ambrose Rookwood – hanged, drawn and quartered
9. Francis Tresham – natural causes while imprisoned
10. Robert Wintour – hanged, drawn and quartered
11. Thomas Wintour – hanged, drawn and quartered
12. Christopher Wright – shot while being pursued
13. John Wright – shot while being pursued

* After his arrest, Fawkes was tortured until he gave up the names of his co-conspirators. Those who were not arrested were killed at the extant Holbeche House in Staffordshire. Catesby was the ringleader.

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