Clio History — Number 13


To Antiochus Kings
To Emperors Entombed In Kaisergruft, Vienna
To Ephraimite Rulers
To False Messiahs of Judea
To Gates Of The Temple
To Martyrdoms Of the Disciples
To Monarchies Of Asia
To Non-Royal State Funerals
To Officers Of The Royal Masonry
To Ommayad Caliphs
To People Present At The Last Supper
To Planets Of The Solar System
To Protestant Bible
To Psalms Of Korah
To Routes Of Odysseus
To Soviet Economic Plans 1928-91
To The 13 Benedictine Popes
To The 13 Confederate States
To The 13 G12 Nations
To The 13 Gunpowder Plotters
To The 13 Sons Of King David Born At Jerusalem
To The 13 Years Of The War Of The Spanish Succession
To Tombs At Hebron
To Treasures Of The Island Of Britain

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