Kimberly Anne performing Liar.
Encouragingly, this is not the case. The reality is that people have produced great music down the generations, but only the very few were heard. That is no longer the case, because anyone with an Internet connection – including you – can now make music and distribute it to the world. YouTube is both the video hub and the music hub of Planet Earth, and there are people doing amazing things there. Most of them will not achieve greatness or even celebrity, but let’s not talk about Justin Bieber.
The latest music phenomenon here is Kimberly Anne; If you haven’t heard of her, you should have. Don’t be fooled by the outlandish haircut, this girl has talent with a capital T. Based in Penge, the home of Walter De La Mere, she is making her own kind of poetry, and in a novel way. Recently she was confirmed as a performer at the first ever London Music Awards on June 11, “which aims to recognise the achievements of London’s aspiring young musicians, rising stars and legendary artists.”
She may not be legendary yet, but she has written one song that deserves to top the charts on both sides of the Atlantic. Check out Liar, and ask yourself if this doesn’t have the most infectious rhythm since Hey Ya!. At the age of 26, she has been honing her craft for some time; she is also left-handed, like a slightly more famous songwriter, and has a reasonable discography.
The really good news is that she is far from unique; check out the Song Academy which is nurturing young talent, and caters for kids from the age of seven. If you think that sounds overly ambitious, bear in mind that Mozart was composing from the age of five, and his second coming, Alma Deutscher, who is now nine, started at four, writing a mini-opera aged seven.
Finally, if you want some to discover some talent that has been around a bit longer but is still waiting for her big break, check out Dani Clay, who will shortly be playing the Brentwood Festival.
[The above article was published originally on June 6, 2014 with a linked video; the photograph above is a (new) screengrab from her performing on YouTube. The original article has been archived. The other left hander alluded to herein is Paul McCartney.]
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