10): previous marriages: Yes – 3 (further details: Authorisation: Inspector or above required)
20): credit cards held (Barclaycard, Visa) (further details National Confiscation Bureau and
30): hobbies: reading, Jewish interests
40): abortions by current wife: no
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11): wife’s maiden name: Sonia Hochfelder (JEWESS)
12): siblings (Authorisation: Inspector or above required)
13): telephone number (Authorisation: Inspector or above required)
14): National Insurance Number ZP258339C
15): number of children: six, including one by current marriage
16): driving licence: yes (details road traffic units only or inspector and above)
17): international driving licence: no
18): pilot’s licence: no
19): mortgage: yes, Chelmsford bank (further details National Confiscation Bureau
and Money Laundering Commission staff only)
Money Laundering Commission staff only)
21): drinker? apparently in moderation
22): medical condition: general: fair, claims to have a heart condition but is suspected of being
economical with the truth; admitted to hospital for barium meal in 1996, (Authorisation:
Inspector or above required for more detailed information)
23): character: inveterate liar, conspiracy theorist, fantasist, one-time paid police informant
24): security risk? considered potentially disloyal due to Zionist sympathies
25): political history: former journalist with communist newspaper; former Communist Party candidate
26): associates: Nazis and “former Nazis” including his wife, convicted criminals
27): countries visited: Russia, United States, Israel, Latvia, France, Germany
28): occupation: journalist, film producer, publisher, company director
29): comments on financial status: apparently lives beyond his income, money laundering
drugs and terrorism not suspected, believed to obtain money from wealthy Jews by dubious practices
31): mistresses/lovers: yes: (Inspector or above required for more detailed information)
32): homosexual or bisexual: no, but in 1984 wrote glowing obituary for Harold Bidney,
convicted pimp and known homosexual
33): racist sympathies: referred to Louis Farrakhan supporters as worms, ignores Palestinian rights
34): gambler: occasional lottery ticket, nothing further known
35): criminal convictions: burglary artifice and theft, January 1964
36): suspected criminal activity: low level racial incitement (anti-white)
37): County Court judgments: none
38): High Court judgments: £5,000 (joint) in favour of Morris Riley (former MI6 agent) for libel
39): illegitimate children: none known
41): mental health: mild paranoia, sociopath, delusions of grandeur – has a mission in life to
save his fellow Jews from an all-pervasive international Nazi conspiracy
42): driving record: clean, occasional parking ticket
43): library membership: Wiener Library (private library); local libraries
44): books borrowed in the past ten years from any library: (details:
Authorisation: Inspector or above required)
45): direct debit, credit card purchases, etc, in the past ten years (details:
Authorisation: Inspector or above required)
46): DNA profile: access senior medical staff only
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