Notes And References


l. A HISTORY OF SMOKING by Count Egon Corti, (translated from the German by Paul England), published by Harrap, London, (1931), 1, page 257.
2. SMOKING AND HEALTH, Report of WHO Conference 1983.
3. SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES by Christopher Caldwell, published in THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR, May 1992, page 28.
5. WHEN GENIUS ERRS, R.A. Fisher and the lung cancer controversy by Paul D. Stolley, published in the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, Vol. 133, No. 5, pages 416-25.
6. SMOKING AND HEALTH; a review prepared by the Smoking and Health Subcommittee of the Tobacco Industries Council, a council formed by the Minister of Finance of Japan published in the Internal Journal of the Addictions, (1991), 26 (4), pages 423-440.
7. ECONOMIST BOOK OF VITAL WORLD STATISTICS Edited by Sir Claus Moser, published by Hutchinson (1990). SMOKING AND SOCIETY, Edited by Robert D. Tollison, published by Lexington Books (1985), pages 32-7.
8. SMOKERS’ FOLKLORE, (but can you think of any other?)
9. SMOKING, NICOTINE, AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE by K. Wesnes & D.M. Warburton, published by Pharmae Therapy, (1981), 21, pages 189-208.
10. ON THE RELATION BETWEEN FAMILY SMOKING HABITS AND THE SMOKING BEHAVIOR OF COLLEGE STUDENTS published in the International Review of Applied Psychology, 32, pages 53-69.
12. SMOKING AND SOCIETY Edited by Robert D. Tollison, published by Lexington Books (1986), page 168. 
13. RACIAL HYGIENE: Medicine Under The Nazis by Robert N. Proctor, published by Harvard University Press, (1988), page 240.
14. Tollison, SMOKING AND SOCIETY, page 171, (op cit)
15. KINGS AND QUEENS by Herbert and Eleanor Farjeon.
16. COLLECTED POEMS by Rudyard Kipling.
17. A COUNTERBLASTE TO TOBACCO, (1604), reprinted by the Rodale Press, London (1954), page 32.
18. SUBLIME TOBACCO by Sir Compton Mackenzie, published by Chatto & Windus, London (1957), page 102.
19. SMOKING AND ITS ENEMIES by Sean Gabb, published by Forest Publications, London (1990), page 12.
20. A HISTORY OF SMOKING, page 103, (op cit).
21. THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS edited by Robert Latham & William Matthews, published by Bell & Hyman Ltd., London (1972), Vol. VI, page 120.
22. A HISTORY OF SMOKING, page 99, (op cit).
23. Gabb, SMOKING AND ITS ENEMIES, page 8, (op cit).
24. Gabb, SMOKING AND ITS ENEMIES, page 8, (ibid).
25. Gabb, SMOKING AND ITS ENEMIES, page 8, (ibid).
26. TEXTBOOK OF PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS by W. Hale-White, Pentland Young, published Edinburgh. Cited in: THE GLOBAL FIX; THE CRISIS OF DRUG ADDICTION, by Ben Whittaker, published by Methuen London, (1988), page 146.
27. A TEXTBOOK OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE edited by F.W. Price, published by Oxford University Press, London, 6th Edition, (1942), page 1151. [Personal reminiscence of buying asthma cigarettes as late as 1970.]
28. SMOKING, PERSONALITY, AND STRESS by Hans Eysenck, published by Springer-Verlag, (1991), pages 77-87.
29. Eysenck, Smoking, Personality and Stress, page 95, (ibid).
31. RELATION BETWEEN NICOTINE INTAKE AND ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE by Cornelia M. van Duijn, Albert Hofman, published in the British Medical Journal 6791, Vol. 1302, (June 22 1991), pages 1491-4.
32. SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE by Dr Tage Voss, published by Peter Owen, London, (1992), pages 39-48. [see also SMOKING, PERSONALITY AND STRESS, (op cit)].
33. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, page 45, (op cit); HEALTH SCARE, The Misuse of Science in Public Health Policy, by J.R. Johnstone and Chris Ulyatt, published by the Australian Institute for Public Policy, Critical Issues 14, (1991), page 24.
34. “MONICA” PROJECT, published in the World Health Statistics Annual, (1989), by the World Health Organization, Geneva (1989). FRAMINGHAM STUDY DATA AND “ESTABLISHED WISDOM” ABOUT CIGARETTE SMOKING AND CORONARY HEART DISEASE, by Carl C. Seltzer, published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Vol. 42, No. 8 (1989), pages 743-50.
35. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, page 52, (op cit); Tollison, SMOKING AND SOCIETY, page 20, (op cit).
36. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, page 52, (op cit); Tollison, SMOKING AND SOCIETY, pages 20-1, (ibid).
37. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, pages 100-1, (ibid).
38. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: 6th WHO conference on SMOKING AND HEALTH, Tokyo: Report of second day’s proceedings.
39. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, page 101, (op cit)
40. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, pages 101-2, (ibid).
41. INVOLUNTARY SMOKING AND LUNG CANCER; A CASE-CONTROLLED STUDY by L. Garfinkel, O. Auerbach, and L. Joubert, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 75 (1985), pages 463-9.
42. Voss, SMOKING AND COMMON SENSE, page 106, (op cit).
43. MARRIAGE TO A SMOKER AND LUNG CANCER RISK by Charles G. Humble et al., in the American Journal of Public Health (May 1987), 77: (5), pages 598-602.
44. LIFETIME PASSIVE SMOKING AND CANCER RISK by P.R.J. Burch, published in The Lancet, 1, page 866.
45. A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRAIL OF ANTI-SMOKING ADVICE: 10 year results by G. Rose et al., published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community. Health, (1982), 36, pages 102-8.
46. MULTIPLE RISK FACTOR INTERVENTION TRIAL, Risk Factor Changes and Mortality Results by the MRFT Research Group, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, (1982), 248, pages 1465-77.
47. CAN EPIDEMIOLOGY BECOME A RIGOROUS SCIENCE? How Big is the Big Kill? by Philip R.J. Burch, in FORUM, IRCS Med. Sci. 14, (1986), page 960.

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