(1) One very rare exception is the recently published Jewish History, Jewish Religion, by Israeli author and Belsen “survivor” Israel Shahak; unfortunately, Shahak appears to have bats in the belfry; if published by a far right magazine, his calumnies on the Talmud would have quite likely led to the editor being dragged into court under the notorious (and totally misnamed) Race Relations Act. Incredibly, this book is published by the left wing (and Jewish-controlled) Pluto Press.
(2) I prefer the term Organised Jewry, which is in no sense pejorative, the assertions of David Cesarani et al to the contrary.
(3) The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination: A Social and Cultural History, by Marion Halcombe, published in Free Life, April 1995, issue 22, pages 27-8.
(4) For example, Ratcliffe says nothing of any Jews who may have been lawfully put to death under Hitler; it is well known that Hitler’s idea of what was lawful was a shade different from most people’s.
(5) Kushner, The Holocaust and the Liberal Imagination, page 267, (op cit).
(6) I am not concerned here with the truth or otherwise of Ratcliffe’s claim; the simple fact is that atrocity stories of the most lurid sort circulate freely in war-time: sometimes they have a factual basis, sometimes they do not, while sometimes, as with the current horror in Rwanda, the simple, unjaundiced facts beggar belief.
(7) See in particular pages 130-4 of my book HOLOCAUST DENIAL: NEW NAZI LIE or NEW INQUISITION? A Defence Of Free Inquiry And The Necessity Of Rewriting History, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (January 1995).
(8) This was screened by Channel 4 in October 1993; it was quite clearly staged as a propaganda stunt.
(9) For other examples the reader is referred to the current writer’s book HOLOCAUST DENIAL: NEW NAZI LIE or NEW INQUISITION?, (op cit); Wilhelm Staeglich’s excellent study AUSCHWITZ: A JUDGE LOOKS AT THE EVIDENCE, covers the same subject and much else besides. Other Revisionist authors have also taken to task – and more often torn to shreds – the nonsense of the I-was-there brigade; even establishment historians have warned that survivor testimony must be treated with extreme caution, although they are of course far more diplomatic about it.
(10) Howard clashes with leading Jewish peer over racism, by Bernard Josephs, published in the Jewish Chronicle October 15, 1993, page 40. This is a rule rather than an exception; Organised Jewry is forever wailing and whining that the race laws should be strengthened.
(11) Michael Howard is far from the Jewish Chronicle’s favourite Minister, and its controllers obviously believe that Howard’s first commitment should be to them rather than to Britain, the government and his party. Few and far between are the Libertarians who will find a good word to say about Michael Howard, but if nothing else he is an honest man. He admitted publicly after the Birmingham 6 fiasco that he had changed his mind about capital punishment, and he has done far more than any Gentile Home Secretary to keep these monsters off our backs.
(12) Incredibly, there was no loss of life in either of these incidents, which clearly had a Middle East connection. One might add to these the 1982 attempted assassination of the Israeli Ambassador in London, but again, this was an act of political terrorism, not anti-Semitism.
(13) Which hardly justifies either, of course. It is no comfort at all to the family of an IRA terror victim to know that their loved one was not murdered out of hatred for the British people but out of hatred for British “Imperialism”.
(14) The nation which suffered the single greatest loss of life was the Soviet Union, which is generally estimated to have lost a staggering twenty million people. The Russians also suffered under communism, of course, both before and after the War.
(15) Who, for some strange reason, seem always to be branded anti-Semitic. Except for such “nationalists” as the IRA. Incidentally, the current writer was informed in a personal communication from an establishment historian that nationalists’ peddling of anti-Holocaust literature does little to enhance their public image and that they would do better to drop it!
(16) FAR AND WIDE, by Douglas Reed, published by Jonathan Cape, London, (1951), page 309. See also pages 308-12.
(17) Auschwitz: A Judge Looks At The Evidence, (op cit).
(18) Which, according to the cover of Seidel’s book, is “a radical Jewish publishing collective”.
(19) The index to Seidel’s book includes no less than 13 references to the Protocols! Inadequate and dishonest as is Lipstadt’s polemic, it is immeasurably superior to this piece of garbage.
(20) Brenner is in fact a staunch “anti-racist” who has committed the cardinal – and unforgivable – sin in the eyes of Zionist Jews and their fellow travellers of judging Jews by the same standards as Gentiles; in particular he denounces the Zionists for their collaborating with the Nazis – a proven and thoroughly documented fact, Seidel and co’s assertions to the contrary – and for condemning Zionist-sponsored terrorism.
(21) Lipstadt has often made the point that there is nothing to debate. Many Revisionists would agree with her!
(22) Revisionists have also been silenced by many means which are neither legal in any sense of the word, nor moral, a policy which Organised Jewry has openly encouraged.
(23) Night, by Elie Wiesel, Translated from the French by Stella Rodway, paperback edition published by Penguin, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, (1981), page 43.
(24) From a leaflet A Prominent False Witness: ELIE WIESEL, published by the Institute for Historical Review, (undated).
(25) The full credits are: THE MOLOTOV NOTES ON GERMAN ATROCITIES: NOTES SENT BY V.M. MOLOTOV, PEOPLE’S COMMISSAR FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, TO ALL GOVERNMENTS WITH WHICH THE U.S.S.R. HAS DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS, Issued on behalf of the Embassy of the U.S.S.R. in London. Published by His Majesty’s Stationery Office: London, (1942). Later, a third Molotov Note was issued.
(26) I have covered these notes briefly in Holocaust Denial..., pages 144-5. Although they are clearly atrocity propaganda, one cannot state with certainty that they contain not a gramme of truth – atrocities happen in all wars – the point is that they are totally impossible to assess.
(27) This piece of sensationalist, literary trash was republished as late as 1979; I have analysed it in Holocaust Denial..., pages 136-7.
(28) THE SCOURGE OF THE SWASTIKA: A SHORT HISTORY OF NAZI WAR CRIMES, by Lord Russell of Liverpool, [first] published by Cassel, London, (1954), page 160.
(29) I am alive, by Kitty Hart, published by Abelard-Schuman, London, (1961), page 105.
(30) Secret papers show Hitler thought divided Britain would be easy prey, by Richard Norton-Taylor, published in the Guardian, November 26, 1993, page 8. [Compiled from CD-ROM.] The quote is not verbatim but the words are attributed to Cesarani. In the same article it is claimed that in November 1941 Hitler was confident of world domination. If this is true, then perhaps he really was mad.
(31) Kushner, The Holocaust..., page 263, (op cit).
(32) Jewish Chronicle August 17, 1945, page 10, under the sub-heading GREATEST CRIME IN HISTORY.
(33) See in particular THE CHURCHILL PAPERS: Revising The Revisionists, Unmasking Irving, by Alexander Baron and Mark Taha, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (October, 1994).
(34) The most serious charge that can be substantiated against Washington is that she was incredibly stupid, but although I have never been the
victim of any sort of sexual assault, I have on more than one occasion been the victim of silver-tongued con-men, so I can empathise.
The simple fact is that we can all of us be conned, and however much publicity the recently discovered phenomenon of “date rape” may generate, no woman expects her date to rape her, the same way that nobody who parts with his or her hard-earned money voluntarily expects to be conned.
(35) Although many people have been blamed or partially blamed for Tyson’s fall, including his former wife and her mother, his former manager, and boxing promoter
Don King, the fact remains that Tyson was entirely and solely responsible for the rape of Desireé Washington, and he must likewise take the lion’s share of the blame for everything else that has
happened to him since he came of age.
(36) The fact that both the perpetrator and the victim were black did not prevent the more hardened and cynical of so-called “anti-racists” from attempting to exploit the case for their own ends. Shortly after Tyson’s conviction I heard one black feminist on the radio declaiming the racist media for portraying Tyson as the stereotype black beast. A much more valid complaint was that levelled by a young black woman in a documentary about the fall of Tyson, that the attitudes adopted by certain black men – including one Louis Farrakhan! – made her feel that she, and other black women, were expendable. This is undoubtedly true, but the way certain black men view black women is hardly a race issue.
(37) There have been occasional dissenting articles in the British press – and doubtless elsewhere – but they have been few and far between.
(38) THE FAITH HEALERS, by James Randi, published by Prometheus, Buffalo, New York, (1987), page 280.
(39) This is not quite true, there are others, including the revelations of Antony Sutton re the transfer of technology to the Soviet Union, and the true nature of the financial system, but nothing provokes quite the furore as any debate on the Holocaust, or indeed any dissenting views on any aspect of it.
(40) The British Lion, Early JULY 1926, page 7.
(41) And still is in some quarters!
(42) The White Russian anti-communist emigré Boris Brasol is thought to have introduced American intelligence officers to the Protocols; it remains to be seen how seriously they were taken.
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