Epitaph by Ted Goodman


I heard a knocking at my door,
I opened and a ghastly spectre saw.
It was a skeleton standing there,
that in its hand a watch did bear.
It warned me that my time was short
and that my plans would come to naught,
if I did not achieve them fast
before I would have breathed my last.



The Angel of Death called my name
and to this heavenly realm I came.
It is the abode of the ghosts of the dead,
a peaceful place not to dread.
Mourn not my passing, for I am happy here
far away from strife and fear.
I have my memories ‐ magic moments with loved ones
laughter of grandchildren on fun runs.
I leave just a fading image, remembered by few
of a white bearded man who said “Adieu.”
When those few disappear, so do I,
surviving only as a spirit in the sky.

The above was sent to me in two e-mails in July 2023. It is reproduced here verbatim although I have added Epitaph to the title. It was published originally in my obituary for Ted on February 20, 2024, five days after his death.


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