Notes And References

(1) O’Hara’s photograph was first published in the March 1995 issue; the current writer * has yet to have that privilege!
*  [I was finally granted this privilege in the March 1998 issue.]
(2) One far rightist told me, only half jokingly, that the only person O’Hara hasn’t yet accused of working for MI5 is himself, but give him time and he’ll get round to it.
(3) Although, unlike Gable, O’Hara does not have powerful friends in the media or bent coppers who supply him with information, he does have some excellent sources. Notwithstanding that, he frequently gets things wrong, and, like Gable, his analysis leaves much to be desired.
(4) Until his death in May 1981, Maurice Ludmer was the driving force behind Searchlight magazine although Gable was certainly in the background. On Ludmer’s death, Veronica Ware took over as front woman, but it is most likely that Gable was running the show from then until the present day.
(5) In case anyone notices, I italicise the word Searchlight only when I am referring specifically to the magazine.
(6) The pamphlet is believed to have been written largely by Maurice Ludmer and to have been largely researched by Gable.
(7) Which is certainly no recommendation!
(8) February 1975, issue 1, page 4 refers to Column 88 as an “Under-cover hard-line Nazi group”.
(9) It has the somewhat long-winded title: In Serving The Wicked Expect No Reward: A Belated Obituary For The Forgotten Hero Of British “Anti-Fascism” Richard David (Dave) Roberts (1949-82), “Searchlight” Agent Provocateur And Instigator Of The Column 88 Nazi Underground Hoax.
(10) Searchlight On A Searchliar and Editors! Are You Being Fed A Load Of Bullshit?
(11) This is not to say that he hasn’t told this story before.
(12) With one minor exception. A prominent member of the far right was once convicted of an assault on a Jewish teacher after the latter was shown some mug shots from the magazine’s photo file.
(13) For more on this the reader is referred to Searchlight On Gerry Gable: Secret State Asset Or Liability? A Critique Of Larry O’Hara’s Flawed Conspiracy Theory, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (August 1994).
(14) Former American Naval Intelligence Officer Milton William Cooper is probably the most bizarre example of this; in his book Behold A Pale Horse he claims, among other things, that the Pope sold the Nazis the Zyklon B that was used in Auschwitz and that the world is controlled by a conspiracy of Illuminati and chlorophyll-based alien life forms!
(15) ENEMIES of the STATE, by Gary Murray, Foreword by Tam Dalyell MP, published by Simon & Schuster, London, (1993), page 256.
(16) Murray, Enemies Of The State, page 252, (ibid).
(17) I’ve heard from more than one source that Sonia was friends with lots of young men at this time, but this is only human nature, after all.
(18) Even if this microfiche hadn’t given Mrs Gable’s maiden name I would eventually have made the connection because I have been quietly building up a profile of Gerry Gable from the 1960s to date. I also obtained a copy of their marriage certificate. Incidentally, Gable has been married four times!
(19) A photograph of Sonia Hochfelder appears on page 11 of issue 24, (undated but probably June 1977).
(20) Ode To Sweet Sonia, by Alexander Baron - who has no connection with Larry O’Hara, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (September 20, 1993).
(21) Snigger!
(22) As far as is known.
(23) The former was published in the March 1994 pamphlet THESE MEN ARE NOT HELPING POLICE WITH THEIR ENQUIRIES BUT MAYBE THEY SHOULD BE: The Special Branch “Searchlight” Report and the latter in my biography of Ray Hill, Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, published in August 1994.
(24) The July 1988 issue of Spearhead contained a report on the case and comment on Hill, so presumably it was a BNP member - or sympathiser - who drew it to the magazine’s attention.
(25) He seems to have inside information on this. Peter Brighton has also been identified elsewhere as Nick Lowles. It is possible that this name has been used by both of these Kosher krazies.
(26) Professor Michael Billig is Searchlight’s academic henchman.
(27) Gill Seidel is another Jewish academic, and the author of an hysterical polemic against Holocaust Revisionism.
(28) According to official records, the Searchlight Association Limited was incorporated as a “COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE AND NOT HAVING A SHARE CAPITAL”. Its “Memorandum of Association” (840295) is stamped by Companies House “REGISTERED - 9 MAR 1965”.
(29) Underlined in original.
(30) The Far Right in Contemporary Britain, by Gerry Gable published in Neo-Fascism in Europe, Edited by Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson and Michalina Vaughan, published by Longman, London and New York, (1991), page 260.
(31) To a mutual acquaintance and probably to dozens of other people.
(32) THE CHURCHILL PAPERS: Revising The Revisionists, Unmasking Irving, by Alexander Baron and Mark Taha, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (October 1994).

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