Staff, Assets, And Associates


The following are literally brief biographies. For more information about the individuals concerned, follow the links. Significant dates are not linked but references to them can be found in the relevant section of the Searchlight Critical Bibliography.

For example, Searchlight photographer Michael Cohen was convicted of attempted burglary in August 1966, so see under Searchlight Critical Bibliography 1962-74.

The Searchlight Association was formed in 1965; it published four issues of a broadsheet from Spring 1965 (issue 1). The last issue was 1967 (undated) but published May 1967. * There is no incontrovertible documentation in the public domain to show what if anything it did between May 1967 and October 1975, when it was dissolved by notice in the London Gazette. However, it is fairly certain that Searchlight or people associated with it published at least two pamphlets in that time: the anonymous THE MONDAY CLUB A danger to British Democracy (c1972), and the Guide To Extremism In Britain, (1973).

In 1974, Maurice Ludmer and Gerry Gable published a polemical pamphlet, A Well-Oiled Nazi Machine, and in February 1975 the first issue of the new Searchlight was published.

In March 1999, the hate-sheet expanded, and from January 2000 styled itself INTERNATIONAL Searchlight. The revamped publication included a wider number of named contributors, especially foreign correspondents.

This directory was first published in September 2002, and at the time of writing all the information therein is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate, although by no means comprehensive.

Alexander Baron,
South London

September 7, 2002

* FASCISM IN BRITAIN An Annotated Bibliography by Philip Rees, published by Harvester Press, Sussex, (1979), page 213.

Ardent, John:

An early contributor to the magazine, he may not have existed. Nothing further known.

Atkinson, Graeme

Long time European Editor of Searchlight, Graeme Atkinson is living proof that Jews do not have a monopoly of either nasties or Communist scumbags. In November 1975, Atkinson was the victim of a horrific attack when National Front supporters stormed a political meeting he was attending. This may have contributed to his political outlook, although he was an active leftist sometime before that.

Atkinson was employed by the Morning Star in the 1980s, and in September 1986 lost an unfair dismissal case against the paper.

Bell, Andrew

According to his witness statement in Riley v Gable (dated 1/4/99), Andrew Gerard Bell was at that time a producer with the BBC TV programme Panorama. Before that he worked for World In Action for almost ten years. Between 1980 and 1985 he worked as a researcher and then deputy editor for the CPSA, although he also freelanced.

A graduate of Balliol College Oxford, Bell is the co-author of Hill’s lie-ridden autobiography The Other Face Of Terror. Like Gerry Gable, Bell has been known to masquerade as a journalist, principally for Time Out.

It is possible that Bell may have actually edited Searchlight sometime in the 80s.

Bidney, Harold (1922-84)

According to his Jewish Chronicle obituary:

Since 1975 he had been associated with the anti-fascist magazine, “Searchlight.”


The true nature of this association will probably never be known, although he was clearly one of the backroom boys. Harry Bidney’s claim to fame was that in 1965 he persuaded Paul Dukes, one of the 1960s synagogue arsonists, to turn himself and his comrades in, although the disillusioned Dukes didn’t take much persuading. Bidney also tried to frame the British Nazi leader Colin Jordan as the mastermind behind the fires. Bidney was a founder member of the 43 Group, and later was one of the leaders if not the leader of the 62 Group. Like his protegé Gerry Gable he was total scum and pure evil, but will unfortunately probably never be remembered as such.


The following information about Harry Bidney was added February 21, 2012:

It was given to me in writing (in an E-Mail to be specific) in January 2012. For reasons of confidentiality, I will not say too much about the person from whom it was obtained, suffice it to say that he knew both Harry Bidney and Manny Carpel as well as being acquainted with Gerry Gable. The picture he paints of him is very different from the one most of Gable’s enemies – including the current writer – have or had of him.

Harry (Hershel) Bidney was born in about 1923 and died in 1984 in Amsterdam, of a heart attack. As a child he lived in the East End of London which was then a predominantly Jewish area. He attended a local school without achieving very high grades. In 1940, he joined the army in which he served till being demobbed in 1946. He spent much of the war in Singapore where he reached the rank of Staff Sergeant, and acted as Warrant Officer. After being discharged, he returned to his mother’s house in the East End from where he sold nylon stockings. After a time he took on a stall from which he sold haberdashery and associated products. Business was so good that he bought himself a car without having first learned to drive. Taking it through the market where he worked, he demolished a number of stalls causing some injury to a number of people. As a result he would never drive again. It was shortly after this that he became involved with his work against fascism which he continued until his death.

I first met Harry Bidney in 1964, although I had seen him around for some years before. In those days I worked in Regent Street. On my way home I would often stop off in a café in Berwick Street on the way to get my train. On this particular evening as I was having my coffee, three men entered the café and held down this little man. They then emptied a bowl of sugar over his head and tried to set it alight. I went to his aid and dealt with the men. Apart from some bruising he was fine although very angry. He introduced himself as Harry Bidney, and said his attackers were members of the National Front. About a year later, I bought the café in Soho from its Scottish owner. I had often seen Harry Bidney in the hairdresser in Archer Street that was run by a friend of his called Cyril. Harry used to come to the café every day around lunchtime. After a time he would offer to help out doing various small jobs. I soon discovered he used the café as a meeting place in the evenings after having spent most of the day in the betting shop. It was soon obvious some of the people meeting him were regular visitors. One of these was Manny Carpel who was brought up in an orphanage. Carpel behaved towards Harry Bidney much as you would to an uncle. He was a very affable young man who was extremely fit. Harry would eventually tell me he was a good housebreaker whom he used to gather information from arranged break ins. When Harry got news of the address of a member of the National Front, Manny would be used to break into his house or office. He was also used to cause disruption at National Front meetings. Most of this disruption was organised by Cyril the hairdresser as a result of intelligence from Harry Bidney. Cyril was the leader of the 62 Group. It could be said that Manny was Harry Bidney’s man. Harry would often pay Carpel sums of money for his work. This came to Harry via the financier behind the 62 group. Manny Carpel was eventually convicted and sent to prison on matters having othing to do with Harry Bidney or the 62 Group. The Group’s financiers have always been well known public figures.

During the period from when I first met Harry Bidney until the Brighton fiasco, he had two Special Branch handlers, one of whom became the head of Special Branch. They would visit him two or three times a month. He told me who they were after a time so that I could give them a message if he was not around when they came. The Brighton business happened when a number of fascists came over from Holland for a meeting. Cyril went with his group to disrupt the meeting, which resulted in him and other members of the group being charged with and convicted of affray. After that, the group seemed to dissolve. Harry was completely genuine in his motives, and an ardent anti-fascist. He died with nothing so certainly was not in it for the money. Nor was he in it for notoriety. Many things have been written about him over the years, some of it rubbish. He was a very private man who kept himself to himself. He lived his life alone after the death of his mother.

A few points regarding the above, and a few more. When I was researching the 3rd and Definitive Edition of A Revisionist History Of The 1960s Synagogue Arsons, I found Bidney’s criminal record in a file at Kew, DPP 2/4079. The following information is extracted from this, and is presumably accurate. His name was given as Harold Bidney, and at 9th November 1965 his occupation was given as Secretary. He was convicted of the following offences:

April 25, 1951: Found in a common gaming house convicted as Harry Bidney at Marlborough Street Magistrates’ Court

bound over on his own recognizance for 12 months and fined £10

May 19, 1951: Found in a common gaming house/breach of recognizance convicted as Harry Bidney at Marlborough Street Magistrates’ Court

bound over on his own recognizance for 12 months and fined £10, £10 est’d.

March 21, 1955: Dealing in American cigarettes knowing duty had not been paid. Selling cigarettes without a licence.

convicted as Harold Bidney at Marlborough Street Magistrates’ Court

Fined 40 shillings and ordered to pay £11.2s 10d duty or to serve 4 weeks; imprisonment. Nonseparate penalty.

February 28, 1961: convicted as Harold Bidney at Marlborough Street Magistrates’ Court

Fined £10 for Receiving stolen gin and whiskey, value £25

August 12, 1961: convicted as Harold Bidney at Marlborough Street Magistrates’ Court

conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £5 5s costs for “Allowing a room to be used for betting with persons resorting thereto.”

May 6, 1965 he was convicted as Harold Bidney at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court on ten counts (cases):

5 cases of allowing prostitutes to assembled in a licenced Refreshmemt House.

Counts 6 to 9 were “Being the keeper of a Refreshment house, permitted disorderly conduct”

Count 10 was “Permitting public music and dancing without a licence”.

He was fined £5 on each of cases 1-5 with £10 costs and a disqualification order in respect of the premises in case 1.

Re cases 6-9, he was fined £1 each, and re case 10, he was fined £10 and ordered to pay 3 guineas costs.

When I showed this rap sheet to my colleague Mark Taha, he said exactly what I had expected him to say: Victimless crime, victimless crime, victimless crime...

The only real crime listed above is receiving stolen gin and whiskey. The penalty handed down was surprisingly lenient. It used to be that receiving (fencing) was regarded more seriously than the actual theft, the logic being if there were no receivers there would be no thieves, or a lot fewer at any rate. In addition to that, although this was the first – and apparently the only – time he was caught, there can be little or no doubt that this was not his first such transaction, although it may have been his last, Having said that, it’s hardly the crime of the century.

The same person who gave me the above information told me too that the widely held belief that Bidney was a homosexual was untrue, rather he was a masochist, and was not too particular about who beat him, male or female, although apparently he sought the services of young men, and like so many Jews – including Gable! – he had a thing about Nazism, including the uniform. I have no doubt that he got off on being subjected to ritual humiliation, probably with a bit of anti-Semitic abuse thrown in.

In the words of my correspondent: “Harry was a regular client of Joan (a correction Madame in Duck Lane) He was not gay in the usual sense of the word as it is used today. As far as I am aware the only thing he ever turned him on were the beatings and humiliations he solicited from males and females”.

One more quote: “I will tell you something that might shock you. You would probably have liked Harry as he was a man who did his thing and really did not give a fuck for the establishment”.

Another thing my informant told me is that Gable’s love affair with Bidney was totally unrequited. Bidney and indeed other members of the 62 Group believed him to be a police informer. Oy gevalt! How accurate is this information? Well, this source, who wishes to remain unnamed, is a Gentile, was a friend of Bidney, as can be seen from the above, and being entirely non-political, he had and has no axe to grind. His recollection of Bidney being attacked by members of the National Front cannot be correct, because the National Front did not exist in 1964, however, I have no doubt that this attack happened at about the time he said it did, and in the manner that it did, although it remains to be seen if it was politically motivated, though it probably was. All in all, there is not much more to be said about Harry Bidney, apart from the disgraceful attempt he and others made to frame Colin Jordan as the mastermind behind the arson attacks, a series of fairly minor though potentially dangeous outrages which were in reality the brainchild of Jordan’s rabidly anti-Semitic ex-wife, of which he had no foreknowledge and did not approve. And of course which Gable has quite cynically and callously exploited over the years, and indeed does so to this very day.

Re Harry Bidney, see also:


Billig, Michael

Billig is, or has been, a Searchlight shareholder. A graduate of and former Research Fellow with Bristol University, he spent eleven years in the Department of Psychology, University of Birmingham. Professor of Social Sciences at Loughborough University from 1985 he was winner of the Erik Erikson Prize for distinguished contribution to Political Psychology.

Like David Edgar, Billig is a prolific writer, and like Gable it remains to be seen if anything he has ever written has ever been or ever will be of value to the human race.

Several reviews of Michael Billig’s books are listed in the Book Review Index: A Master Cumulation 1965-84, page 479, Vol 1, edited by Gary C. Tarbert and Barbara Beach, published by Gale Research, Detroit, Michigan, (1985).

Brighton, Peter

According to Spearhead contributor Mark Devin, Searchlight’s Peter Brighton is actually called Nick Lowell. * On at least one occasion, loony Larry O’Hara (mis)identified him as Steve Silver, ** other times he has identified him as Nick Lowles. ***

* MEDIA LIES AND THE SECRET STATE by Dr Mark Deavin, published in Spearhead, August 1997, No. 342, pages 10-1.

** SEARCHLIGHT FICTION PULPED by Larry O’Hara, published by Larry O’Hara, London, (February 1997), page 4.

*** Notes from the BORDERLAND, ISSUE 4, Winter 2001-2002, page 18.

Carpel, Manny

Manny Carpel was a member of the 62 Group. He was with Gerry Gable during the infamous November 1963 raid on the home of David Irving. In August 1966, he was convicted along with (later) Searchlight photographer Michael Cohen of an attempted burglary on a print works.

In 1981, Carpel went one better when he was sentenced to two and a half years for burning down the Hancock printing press. Many years later when another arson attack was made on the same printing press, Carpel was at once suspected, but according to Anthony Hancock, he had the perfect alibi. He was on remand in Lewes Prison charged with some sort of antiques fraud rap.

Carpel’s actual contribution to Searchlight is unclear; he may never have actually written for the magazine, but probably researched for it. It goes without saying that Carpel’s research modus operandi is somewhat different from that of most other journalists. According to Sam Swerling, Carpel once burgled the Monday Club. [Telephone conversation January 24, 1995].

See also the above entry for Harry Bidney for some more comment about Carpel.

Cohen, Mike (1935-2002)

Searchlight photographer Michael Cohen was born July 24, 1935. Like Gable he was a former member of the 62 Group, In August 1966, he pleaded guilty to a politically motivated attempted burglary; his co-defendant was Manny Carpel. Although he obviously had an ideological commitment to Searchlight’s poison and even held the position of Company Secretary, he is not considered an important player.

Cohen died of pneumonia on October 2, 2002. An obituary – written by Gable – appeared in the Jewish Chronicle, October 25; a photographic obituary based on this piece was published in the December 2002 issueof Searchlight.

Cohen’s photographic work – not all of it without merit – has appeared in many publications besides Searchlight, in particular the Morning Star and the New Worker.

Collins, Matthew

Yet another Searchlight “mole”, the fantasist Collins was given prominent coverage in the media when he “came out”. He is alleged to have worked for Searchlight between 1989 and 1993, although we only have his word for it. And Gable’s, of course! Matthew’s main claim to fame is that he was never a member of the BNP! He has since relocated to Australia, having fled Britain in fear of his life. Yeah, sure. He contributes to the magazine from there.

In 1998, it was announced with great fanfare that he would be publishing a book about his heroic exploits. In view of his successful libel actions against Gerry Gable, the current writer was contacted by a leading member of the BNP; subsequently a strongly worded pre-emptive letter was mailed to bookshops and distributors across the country, and the book failed to materialise.

Coyle, Kenny

A member of the Communist Party of Britain, Coyle contributed to (at least) two issues of the magazine in 2001.

Edgar, David

Edgar is, or has been, a Searchlight shareholder. Born in 1948, he had written at least 40 plays by 1983; upper class communist Edgar has contributed to or appeared in the Stage, presumably many times, written for the Listener and appeared on radio.

It would be tiresome to list every recorded review of David Edgar’s plays. There are many listings for Nicholas Nickleby in the READERS’ GUIDE to periodical literature (UNABRIDGED), March 1981-February 1982, page 534, published by H.W. Wilson, New York, (1982). A number of his plays are also listed in the Play Index 1973-1987, published by H.W. Wilson, New York, (1988).

A biography of Edgar (by Elizabeth Swain) was published in 1986. He is an even more prolific journalist.

Ford, James Glyn

According to his entry in WHO’S WHO 1997, former Searchlight columnist Glyn Ford was born January 1950; he is a graduate of Reading University and became a Member of the European Parliament in 1984. Among other things he sat on the Committee of Inquiry into Growth of Racism and Fascism in Europe, 1984-86. Although most definitely a fellow traveller, Ford is one of the very few people associated with Searchlight who has ever done anything useful, including some sterling work on exposing state surveillance.

Freeson, Reginald (1926-2006)

Reginal Freeson MP edited the first three issues of the original Searchlight. A Zionist Jew, he stepped down on receiving a government appointment and was replaced by the Gentile MP Joan Lestor.

According to his entry in Who’s Who (1994 for example), Freeson was born in 1926 and was “Editor: Searchlight, against fascism and racialism, 1964-67”. He was also a member of Poale Zion (ie Labour Zionists). Exactly how he (or anyone else for that matter) can reconcile Zionism with opposition to “fascism and racialism” has never been made clear.

Gable published a glowing obituary for Freeson in the November 2006 issue of the magazine.

Gable, Gerry

Gerald Clark Gable was born January 27, 1937. According to the man himself, his father was of Dublin Protestant stock; his mother a Jewess. Gable has been married four times, apparently every time to Jewish women (or women of Jewish origin). He is one of the founders of Searchlight magazine and since the death of Maurice Ludmer in 1981 he has been the driving force behind it.

More detailed information about Gable – his personal life, his methodology and his fellow travellers – can be found in various articles on this site and throughout the bibliography.

Gable, Sonia

Sonia Kathleen Emma Gable (née Hochfelder) was born November 19, 1952. Sweet Sonia is by far the most eclectic member of the Searchlight team. During her youth she was attracted to the far right, in spite of her Jewish origins, although she was also both a Conservative and a Maoist! The subsequent claim that she was some sort of Kosher Mata Hari (following the current writer’s (exposés ) do not hold water any more than the ludicrous (and defamatory!) claims by Larry O’Hara that while at university she set up Republican students for assassination by Loyalist Death Squads.

According to Sam Swerling, * Sonia Hochfelder attended a lot of meetings of the Young Conservatives in 1974-5, including the 1974 Brighton Conservative Conference.

Her career with Searchlight has seen her as sub-editor and company secretary. She is or has also been responsible for the company’s accounts. On occasion she has had letters published in the Times, most notable in May 1991 concerning manipulative moggies!

* Telephone conversation January 24, 1995.

Gladstone Smith, Peter

Peter Gladstone Smith was a Telegraph journalist, a Quaker, a liberal, and as gullible as they come. He was fed stories about Column 88 by Maurice Ludmer, and it was his uncritical coverage which led to the legend of the Nazi Underground as much as the sensational nonsense that was published in Searchlight.

Graves, Ken

Said in the April 1976 issue to be their man in the Midlands. It may be that he did not exist.

Hanson, Charles

Charles Hanson is one of the lesser known Searchlight “moles”. A big exposé of Hanson appeared in issue 7 of the anti-Searchlight magazine Target after he was gaoled for life at Winchester Crown Court for the murder of his wife. According to the magazine, he spied for the Gable gang for over 25 years.

Click here for a scan of the Target article.

Hepple, Tim

After Ray Hill (see below) Tim Hepple was Searchlight’s next mole to surface from the far right, although in comparison with Hill, his revelations were extremely tame.

Hepple’s meanderings through almost the entire political spectrum have been documented by Larry O’Hara and his team. Although O’Hara is seldom to be trusted on interpretation, * the facts he has unearthed about Hepple (and others) are generally reliable.

After his jaunts in the extreme right and becoming an “anti-fascist”, Hepple took to ufology. He claims to have turned over a new leaf, and may well be sincere. At the time of writing (September 2002) he has used the name Tim Matthews for some time.

* O’Hara accuses all and sundry of working for the ubiquitous “Secret State”, including, I am reliably informed, the current writer!

For more on Hepple, click here.

Hill, Ray (1939-2022)

Most definitely a Gentile, Ray Hill is perhaps the most worthless member of the Searchlight team. The current writer’s 1994 biography of Hill, Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, is a damning critique, thoroughly documented mostly from the public domain, and totally irrefutable.

After coming out as a “mole”, reformed “Nazi” Hill put his name to a regular slot in Searchlight (and was undoubtedly paid for the privilege). He cried off though when along with his puppetmaster Gerry Gable he was sued for libel by Morris Riley. In February 2000 however he was held jointly responsible for a defamatory article in the magazine’s Hill Street News column, an article which ironically he almost certainly never wrote.

During the 1980s, Hill was Searchlight’s star catch, although the evidence indicates that he had already sold out to Organised Jewry in South Africa. Hill was a member of a very select club, perhaps the only man in history to have fled two continents while on bail for different offences.

Hochfelder, Sonia

The maiden name of Mrs Sonia Gable.

Hoffman, David

David Hoffman is a freelance photographer whose snaps have appeared in many left wing publications, the March 1996 edition of Peace News for example. He has on occasion supplied prints for Searchlight, but although he is Jewish he is not part of the cabal. A self-styled “litigious bastard” he has taken on the Metropolitan Police on more than one occasion, and has left them with egg on their faces. In the early 1990s, he was sometimes mistaken for the somewhat older Michael Cohen.

Kushner, Anthony

Like Michael Billig, Dr Anthony Kushner is one of the Searchlight Organisation’s academic henchmen. He has also been a director of the Searchlight Educational Trust.

Larsson, Stieg (1954-2004)

Karl Stig-Erland Larsson was a Swedish journalist and (very successful) novelist. He is not to be confused with an associate of his named Stig Larsson. The former was originally known as Stig Larsson but is said to have changed the spelling to avoid confusion.

Larsson was based in Stockholm and wrote for a magazine called Expo, the Swedish equivalent of Searchlight; he was a regular contributor to Searchlight. A glowing obituary for him by Graeme Atkinson was published in the December 2004 issue.

King, Laurence

A name used by Nick Lowles, (see below).

Lawton, Maurice Julian

See under Ludmer, Maurice

Lestor, Joan (1931-98)

According to issue 4 of the original Searchlight, Reginald Freeson MP, who had received a government appointment, was being replaced as editor by Joan Lestor, M.P., “with this issue”.

Lestor was a fanatical race-mixer, and her involvement with this filthy cabal will come as no surprise to anyone who knew her.

Liddle, Daphne

A photo-journalist who has worked for Searchlight, Liddle was the founder and editor of a short lived, hysterical magazine called Forewarned Against Fascism. * According to this, David Irving was a leading member of Column 88 and the Duke of Westminster was behind the fascist coup in Chile. As obsessed with landowners as some people on the right are with Jews, Liddle is a committed Stalinist ** and a genuine anti-Zionist, strangely enough. She was also the lover of Dave Roberts, instigator of the Column 88 “Nazi Underground” hoax.

* Nine issues published between 1978 and 1981 are held by the British Library.
** When he interviewed her long estranged husband Terry Liddle back in the early 1990s, the current writer was informed in all seriousness that Daphne has a poster of Stalin above her bed!

Lowles, Nick

Also known as both Peter Brighton and (by his own admission) Laurence King, Lowles was co-editor (with Steve Silver) of the new revamped Searchlight from 1999 then editor until 2011. According to Larry O’Hara, he was recruited from the Union of Jewish Students. Curiously, Lowles was once a fully paid up member of the British National Party. * Although on account of what he is, he is not to be trusted, particularly on ideology, some of his writings on the far right are surprisingly objective. His book on nail-bomber David Copeland is particularly worth reading.

In 2004, Lowles founded Hope Not Hate which was initially part of the Searchlight Organisation until he betrayed Gable in 2011.

Unbelievably, he was awarded the MBE in 2016. The image below is a screengrab from a video uploaded to YouTube in April 2024.

* An admission he made in the January 1999 issue of Searchlight.

My colleague Mark Taha has met this nasty piece of work twice. Here are his observations.

See also the entry for July 28, 2022.

Ludmer, Elizabeth

The widow of Maurice Ludmer, at June 29, 1991, she held 5 shares in Searchlight Magazine Limited. This appears to be the extent of her involvement with the organisation.

Ludmer, Maurice (1926-81)

Maurice Julian Ludmer (also known as Maurice Julian Lawton) was one of the founders of Searchlight and until his death from a heart attack on May 14, 1981, the senior partner. He is supposed to have dropped dead while on the phone to a Special Branch officer, a claim which is typical of Gable’s Kosher James Bond nonsense.

Like his co-racialist Gerry Gable, Ludmer was a genuinely evil individual. He was also with Gable co-author of the 1974 pamphlet A Well-Oiled Nazi Machine, which nearly led to his indictment for criminal libel on Colin Jordan.

Unlike Gable, he appeared to have had a streak of loyalty to his Gentile collaborators, and is said to have met Dave Roberts at the gate when he was released from Stafford Prison in 1978.

Ludmer was as much as Roberts the instigator of the Column 88 “Nazi Underground” hoax.

In the above photograph, Ludmer contemplates how best to cynically exploit the suffering of his co-racialists during World War II – real and imagined – in order to brainwash the gullible goyim into accepting race-mixing (and the inevitable miscegenation).

Luft, Mike

Yet another racial Jew, Michael Avril Luft has been around Searchlight since the 1970s. Nothing much is known about him.

Matthews, Tim

See under Hepple

Moss, Baron (1923-98)

Baron Moss was an East End Jew, like Gerry Gable. His obituary (unsigned but written by Gable) appeared in the November 1998 issue of Searchlight. According to this, he was the Chairman of the 62 Group.

He appears to be the only person connected directly (by a paper trail) with both the original Searchlight Association and the new Searchlight; he was a director of both the Searchlight Association Limited and the Searchlight Educational Trust. He died February 6, 1998 so his obituary was somewhat belated.

Purkiss, Robert

Purkiss is the Searchlight Organisation’s token black, he is or has been a Commissioner for the misnamed Commission for Racial Equality.

He is an active trade unionist and is or was a director of both Ocean Sound Radio and the Searchlight Educational Trust.

Riley, Morris (1945-2001)

Morris Riley was recruited by Gerry Gable in the 1980s to spy on the far right. One of the good guys; click on one of the links below for more information about him.

Morris Riley note
Morris Riley obituary
Photograph of Morris Riley

Roberts, Dave (1949-82)

Richard David Roberts was Searchlight magazine’s first “mole”. A dedicated Communist, Roberts joined the National Front in the Midlands under the pseudonym Ralph Marshall. In March 1976, he was convicted of conspiracy to assault the staff of an Indian restaurant. His co-defendants were two members of the West Midlands lunatic fringe. Together with Maurice Ludmer he was the author of the Column 88 “Nazi Underground” hoax. After Ludmer’s death in April 1981, the magazine disowned him, and his own premature death went unreported by the left wing and “anti-racist” press.

Sometime in the early nineties, the current writer was informed by Steven Brady that Roberts actually edited two issues of Searchlight; whether or not that was the case, he was certainly employed by the magazine, contrary to Gable’s later assertions.

Robson, Tony

One of the backroom boys, nothing much is known about this character, apparently a Gentile, he has been quoted occasionally in the press.

Seidel, Gill

An hysterical Jewish polemicist, her exact contribution to Searchlight is unknown, but she has definitely written for the magazine. She is the author of an equally hysterical (and typically dishonest) 1986 book on Holocaust Revisionism.

Silver, Steve

Don’t ask, of course he is with a name like that. Steven Silver became joint editor of the new Searchlight (along with Nick Lowles). According to a report on the CPB 46th Congress published in the Morning Star, June 4, 2002, Steve Silver of Essex warned against the rise of anti-Semitism across Europe. As the photographs for this article were supplied by one Mike Cohen, it is a fair guess that this was the same Steve Silver, and that he is a member of the Communist Party.

Sprague, Ken

Kenneth Reginald Sprague (1927-2004) was a time-serving communist who edited Searchlight briefly at the beginning of 1976. He was sacked for the heresy of supporting Palestinian rights. See his August 2004 obituary.

Supple, Carrie

Yet another racial Jew, Carrie Supple, who was born in 1958, is a schoolteacher. More of a dupe than a conspirator, she is the author of an academically worthless 1993 book From Prejudice To Genocide.

Vaughan, Leslie

According to Searchlight, Vaughan was the kingpin of Column 88, the “Nazi Underground”. He received prominent coverage in the magazine for many years and was literally demonised by Gable and his gang. Later, Column 88 was said to have been a state “honey-trap”. and is now as good as forgotten. In 1994, the current writer was given Vaughan’s address by a far right contact. After I wrote to him I heard nothing, but sometime later, to my total surprise, my letter found its way into the documents Gable served on me in his defence of my ultimately successful libel action. Vaughan had clearly passed it on to Gable, and he had probably stupidly passed it on to his lawyers along with much other (and for the most part innocuous) correspondence. Vaughan’s actions beg an enormous question about the entire “Nazi Underground” scam.

Ware, Veronica

Also known as Vron Ware, she is apparently a Gentile. Ware took over the editorship of Searchlight on the death of Maurice Ludmer in 1981. Later she emigrated to the United States and in 1992 published a book about white women and racism which is obviously the product of a sick mind. In 1979, she published – or her name was put to – a pamphlet called Women And The National Front. From its style this pamphlet was almost certainly written by – or at least heavily influenced by – Maurice Ludmer. [But see my speech alluded to below at this point].

Most tellingly, in 1990 she published a book (co-authored with Sue Cavanagh) about women’s public toilets.

The photograph above is the face of true evil, a proud poisoner of the racial soul. See my speech “Racism” And Brainwashing... to learn why.

Wells, Darren

Darren Wells was active in the far right for many years. In the December 2001 issue of Searchlight he “came out” as another Searchlight “mole”. The story was front page news, but on pages 4-6 his interview with Nick Lowles was remarkably tame. Apart from the claim that he stopped a riot in June 2001, it is not only believable but Wells comes across as a decent human being who has made and faced up to a mistake. One can hardly have imagined Gable writing a piece like this ten or fifteen years ago, or indeed then.

Wooler, Leslie

He appears to have worked for Searchlight prior to the founding of the magazine. He is the co-author of the Guide to Extremism in Britain, a short pamphlet published by the (non-existent) Circle for Democratic Studies in 1973.

Zeskind, Lenny

Leonard Zeskind is to the United States what Gable is to Britain. A long time US correspondent for Searchlight, he runs his own “anti-racist” organisation. He was at the House Of Commons in December 1993 when three men said to be from the Searchlight Organisation (Gable, Silver and himself) were set to give evidence to a House Committee. The current writer was ejected at this point because as Gable stood up I hit him with a libel writ!

Zeskind is nowhere near as odious as Gable, but that is hardly a compliment. He is a former organiser for the Marxist-Leninist Sojourner Truth Organization. His Center for Democratic Renewal was known as the National Anti-Klan Network until 1986. * As might be expected from his name, he is yet another racial Jew.

* Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe: POLITICAL EXTREMISM IN AMERICA, by John George and Laird Wilcox, published by Prometheus, Buffalo, New York, (1992), pages 407-8.

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