The British Far Right’s Third Position Stance by Gerry Gable, published by Longman, London, (1990).
This book, which appears not to exist, * is referred to by Glyn Ford in his FASCIST EUROPE..., at page 47.
* An e-mail from Whitaker dated November 11, 2002 confirmed that no trace of this book could be found. Ford is probably confusing this non-existent book with Gable’s contribution to the 1991 book Neo-Fascism In Europe.
January 1990: SEARCHLIGHT
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY INCORPORATING CARF issue 175 is priced at £1 and runs to 20 pages. (Note the slight change of title).
Pages 4-5 is HILL STREET NEWS reporting from Bexley, Sunderland and Scotland after a short absence. Hill is said to have been touring the country, but it was Gable rather than he who wrote this column as admitted in their defence to Riley v Gable & Others.
In the WHISPERS column on page 9, these lowlife boast that Lucy Roberts has resigned from NALGO following her appearance in the December 1989 issue of this gutter rag.
Pages 10-11 is an article about the state of the far right in Britain in 1989. On page 11 is a mention of Column 88, one of the biggest scams ever pulled off by Searchlight – the late and unlamented Ludmer and his chum the equally late and unlamented Dave Roberts rather than Gable.
CARF is pages 17-20.
Collective Memory, Ideology and the British Royal Family by Michael Billig is pages 60-80 of Collective Remembering Edited by David Middleton and Derek Edwards, published by Sage, London, (January 1990).
The full credits for this book are COLLECTIVE REMEMBERING Edited by David Middleton and Derek Edwards, published by Sage, London, (1990). 230 pages. Index.
It was published simultaneously in hardback and paperback.
[BBIP, 1991]
February 1990: SEARCHLIGHT
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY INCORPORATING CARF issue 176 is priced at £1 and runs to 20 pages.
The cover story is about the exposure of a race war plot. This is pages 9-12 and includes the Ku Klux Klan as well as so-called Nazi death squads, a typical Gable tactic to rope in everyone to the right of Leon Trotsky.
The reality though is that far right terror attacks – such as they are – have been dwarfed by the IRA and of late Islamist terror attacks, be they by lone wolves or organised groups.
Interestingly, on page 12 is a purported list of far right activists who are supposed to be involved in these forthcoming (imaginary) attacks. While the names on the list are real, it remains to be seen if any of them were participants, but more interestingly, this is what is known today as doxxing. The far left scream like hysterical children when they are doxxed, but they have never been shy about engaging in the practice themselves, indeed it was Searchlight photographer Daphne Liddle and her paramour the late Dave Roberts who appear to have pioneered this with Forewarned Against Fascism, see in particular the relevant entry for April 1979 in this Bibliography.
CARF is pages 18-20 and consists mostly of whining about something called racism.
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY INCORPORATING CARF issue 177 is priced at £1 and runs to 20 pages.
NAZIS IN ARMED FORCES boasts the front page.
On page 3, the reader is informed that Gable’s home address had been published by the National Front, as if this was some big secret.
Page 6 reports the NF is to disband as of January 20 (previously). Things were a lot more complicated than that since John Tyndall formed the breakaway New National Front in June 1990. Many other right wing and not-so-right-wing political parties/organisations have been formed since in Britain.
CARF is pages 17-20.
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY INCORPORATING CARF issue 178 is priced at £1 and runs to 20 pages.
Page 5 reports on the conference of the Scorpion magazine in London.
Pages 10-11 reports on the BNP marching in East London, in contrast to the previous lsssue which reported on the winding up of the National Front.
There are various reports from all over the world in no particular order.
CARF is pages 17-20.
DIRECTORY OF HOLOCAUST EDUCATION AND RELATED ACTIVITY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Edited by Warren Taylor, Foreword by Greville Janner QC MP, published by The Holocaust Educational Trust, London, (August 1990). 29 pages. Index.
On page 26 under PUBLISHERS is listed SEARCHLIGHT. “Contact: Gerry Gable, Editor and Publisher”
Of the magazine “Articles regularly appear analysing trends in Holocaust revisionism and exposing the main proponents of Holocaust denial.” Indeed.
[BBIP, 1991]
Rhetorical and historical aspects of attitudes: the case of the British monarchy by Michael Billig, published in Philosophical Psychology, 1: 83-104. (Undated but circa 1990).
Not seen by compiler, but cited by Billig in Talking of the Royal Family, page 232.
This is a letter from Mrs Sonia Gable to the Times, March 22, 1990, page 13.
Concerning the history of the word poind, from Mrs Gable’s professional address. My apologies for the large format but the alternative was far worse!
Fancy that published in Palestine Solidarity, issue 44. Undated.
This is a short unsigned article taking Searchlight to task for failing to reveal in its March 1990 issue that a former SS officer, Otto Skorzeny, had been employed by Mossad.
PLAYS: TWO by David Edgar, published by Methuen Drama, London, (April 1990). 501 pages +.
Has an introduction by the author.
[BBIP, 1991]
Backstabbing that killed the Front by Martin Shipton, published in the Northern Echo, April 10, 1990, page 10. [Compiled from CD-ROM.]
Tony Robson said it was strange that Roberto Fiore’s extradition was refused. Actually, it wasn’t strange at all. There was no case against him in English law.
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY INCORPORATING CARF is issue 179, is priced at £1 and runs to 20 pages.
An angry Richard Edmunds graces the front page. This issue is the usual combination of the fascists are taking over everything and these people are pathetic losers. For example, on page 3 is an article called BNP spreads in the East Midlands while on page 11 is a short piece called BNP seminar flops.
On page 16 are 2 paragraphs on legal proceedings in Israel against Rabbi Meir Kahane who had described Arabs as “a cancer in our midst”. This shows what might be called balanced reporting. No Gerry, it’s the White Race you hate.
CARF is pages 17-20.
On page 19 is a letter from Camden Committee for Community Relations to the great man informing him that the Council has cut all its funding for that august body. Readers are invited to voice their protest against this and similar cuts across the country.
The back page is the usual whining round up of so-called racism by CARF.
US ban urged on BNP leader by David Rose, published in the Guardian, May 19, 1990, page 4.
Refers to Gable and his American race-hate equivalent the Center for Democratic Renewal.
British National Party leader Tyndall ‘refused US entry’ by Andrew Culf, published in the Guardian, May 28, 1990, page 4.
“We are very pleased he was turned back. The idea of someone with sustained criminal convictions going to the States and being given equal status to law-abiding people was ridiculous.” said Gable. Does that include his buddy, Ray Hill?
AT WOMEN’S CONVENIENCE A Handbook on the Design of Women’s Public Toilets by Sue Cavanagh and Vron Ware, published by Women’s Design Service, London, (June 1990). 84 pages. No index. Illustrated.
Former Searchlight editor Ware finds her true vocation.
[BBIP, 1991 gives date of publication as July 1990.]
‘Nazi’ Bill under threat is a one-sided A4 leaflet inserted in the June 1990 issue of Searchlight.
Psychological Aspects of Fascism by Michael Billig, published in Patterns of Prejudice, Summer 1990, Volume 24, Number 1, pages 19-31.
The Dark Side of Europe: The Extreme Right Today by Geoffrey Harris, published by Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, (June 1990). 213 pages. Index.
Preface by Glyn Ford MEP, who refers on page x to “diligent research of journals like Searchlight”.
Page 115 refers to the documentary The Other Face of Terror; it accepts the garbage about the bomb plot.
Page 116 refers to Column 88.
[BBIP, 1991]
Anti-semitism: the spectre Britain ignores? by Tim Kelsey, published in the Independent On Sunday, June 10, 1990, page 10.
An interesting article in which Gable claims that a Jewish-born informant inside the British Movement predicted an attack on a Jewish cemetery in Edmonton, North London. Which begs the question: Who supplied the aerosol cans, Gerry?
Stacking the cards of ideology: the history of the “Sun Royal Souvenir Album”, published in DISCOURSE AND SOCIETY, July 1990, Volume 1, Number 1, pages 17-37.
This is “An International Journal for the Study of Discourse and Communication in Their Social, Political and Cultural Contexts”. It is published by Sage Publications.
Inside the front cover, Billig is listed as co-editor.
‘Thank God I Said No to AIDS’: on the changing discourse of AIDS in Uganda, by Gill Seidel, published in DISCOURSE AND SOCIETY, July 1990, Volume 1, Number 1, pages 61-84.
Page 83 lists: On the Discourse of AIDS in Africa, said to be in preparation for Macmillan, 1992. As far as I can tell, this book was never published.
The Running Man published in Marxism Today, July 1990. pages 4-5.
This is an interview in the EYE TO EYE column; the interviewee is Sebastian Coe; the interviewer is David Edgar.
Below are two apology notices from Searchlight, No. 181, JULY 1990, page 7:
These two short pieces above re Keith Anderson and Ian Barnes speak for themselves. I have enlarged them so they receive the attention they deserve.
NEO-NAZIS DEFILE JEWISH GRAVES IN UK CEMETERY published in the Jerusalem Post, July 9, 1990, page 2. [Compiled from CD-ROM]
Gable is said to be an adviser to the European Council’s Committee on Racism and Xenophobia. He had apparently warned that the attacks had been planned as part of an anti-Semitic campaign for up to a year in advance. Careful with those paintbrushes, Gerry.
Spectre of racism hangs over Europe, MEPs warn by Andrew Culf, published in the Guardian, July 24, 1990, page 2.
This is a report on a committee chaired by Searchlight fan Glyn Ford. Searchlight is said to have warned the Board of Deputies about the desecration of an Edmonton cemetery three weeks before it happened. As I said, careful with those paint cans, Gerry.
Decline and fall of a nazi plot by Tony Grogan and David Turner, published in Leeds Other Paper, July 27, 1990, issue 643, pages 8-9.
This is a feature in this local red rag. An insert on the same pages reports that “According to the anti-fascist publication, Searchlight: ’Many members of these groups strongly suspect [Eddy Morrison] of being a police grass, because of the disruptive effect he has on any organisation’.”
It is not unlikely that much of the other information in this article came from Searchlight either directly or indirectly.
Grave attacks linked by Richard Holliday, published in the Mail on Sunday, August 5, 1990, page 23.
A worldwide fascist network is said to be behind the desecration of Jewish graves. Gable’s “informants” said they were co-ordinated by the BM, the BNP and German and Dutch fascist groups and the Ku Klux Klan.
An Asian woman community liaison officer is said to have had her car blown up in Milton Keynes. A Dutchman named Et Wolsink is named in connection with the grave attacks.
September 1990: Issue 183 of SEARCHLIGHT
The front page peddles fearmongering, associating Holocaust Revisionism with anti-Semitism which spills over into the Editorial on page 2.
Page 3 includes a photograph of Jewish graves in Manchester desecrated with swastikas. In this connection, we should mention the attitude of real Nazis to this sort of thing:
The Jewish Chronicle for August 10, 1934, page 12 reports that 54 tombstones were smashed when a Jewish cemetery was vandalised.
“Our movement wars only against living people, not against the dead, who are at peace” said one spokesman.
Three drunkards were later jailed, one for one year, one for six months, one for four months. This act of vandalism was said to be not political. They were jailed in accordance with the guidelines laid down by Hitler himself.
Page 5 brands Lady Birdwood The bigoted battle-axe; check out THE BIRDWOOD TAPES on my main website and you may disagree.
CARF is relegated to pages 18-20 and contains the usual whining about something called racism. On page 19, they cover deaths in custody. These creeps and their fellow travellers always try to make these sound sinister, spouting statistics, but it is well to remember that deaths in both police custody and prisons occur all the time, including especially in the latter from old age and ordinary illnesses. The victim of a stabbing or a road accident may die while technically in police custody.
Apart from the above there are sundry reports from around the UK and the rest of the world in this hate sheet.
SPOTLIGHT ON SEARCHLIGHT... by Tony Greenstein, published in Red Action, issue 57, September/October 1990, page 3.
[Based on photocopy.]
Originally published as SEARCHLIGHT: Undermining Anti-Fascists, Defending Zionism.
An attack on Gable by an anti-Zionist Jew; exposes him for the snake he is. Although Greenstein doesn’t believe that “Nazis” have rights, he does, to his credit, realise that the only real difference between the Nazis and the Zionists is that the former use a hooked cross while the latter use a six-pointed star. He also misses the point that the driving force behind Searchlight has always been racial hatred and is therefore far too generous to the late, unlamented Maurice Ludmer. But one could not reasonably expect anything else from any species of Jewish “anti-fascist”.
Initially, when I was given a photocopy of this article (by Chris Tame) I was led to believe that it had originally been published in Palestine Solidarity, issue 42. I made an exhaustive search of this publication but could not find it. * I have still only seen a photocopy, but this time I am confident the reference is correct. This article is actually a reprint. I still have no idea where it was first published.
* In Palestine Solidarity No 48/49, December ’90/February 1991, page 11, it is indeed credited as published thus. I can say only that the copy of issue 42 that I saw (in the British Library) did not contain it.
October 1990: Issue 184 of SEARCHLIGHT
The front page is scaremongering about the then reunification of Germany, a Fourth Reich, they ask? There is no shortage of photographs of Jewish graves daubed with swastikas in this issue. The big story can be found on the centre pages, the reporting from Berlin is by Atkinson, obviously.
On page 13 is what they claim to be a world exclusive, an interview with Gregor Gysi, a politician in East Germany; there is no interviewer credit but presumably this was also Atkinson.
Pages 14-5 is an article by Konstantin Ivanov, coincidentally the name of one soccer player (born 1964) and another (born 2006). This one though worked for Novosti Press of Moscow and his article calls national patriotism a danger to Russia. Is there any other kind of patriotism than national patriotism?
On page 15 there is also a STATE OF THE UNION column, presumably written by Zeskind.
CARF is relegated to pages 18-20 with the usual whining about blacks being persecuted by the police. Perish the thought.
[Based on photocopy.]
This is the full version of the CARF statement (see under CARF is back/Dear Searchlight) – a two page letter – addressed to Gable and co from a number of “Black” organisations including Indian organisations. I believe this was issued as a circular. It enumerates seven points, particularly the fight for Palestinian rights. They don’t think much of our wonderful police force either.
TABLES TURNED by Michael Simmons, published in the Guardian, October 26, 1990, page 25.
Edgar is interviewed on Eastern Europe; covers his play The Shape of the Table
Activists against racism split over Zionism by David Rose, published in the Observer, October 28, 1990, page 3.
Unmesh Desai is referred to as a leading “black activist”; reports he was banned from a meeting at Ilford synagogue by Gable; see also December 1990 entry for Return below.
November 1990: SEARCHLIGHT
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY is issue 185, priced £1 and runs to 20 pages.
The front page carries a photograph of Tony Lecomber being arrested or at least manhandled by a police officer. This relates to BNP activities in the East End of London.
Pages 17-9 is a three page smear on HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM (so styled).
Destined to take notes on the times; Interview; David Edgar by Benedict Nightingale, published in the Times, November 3, 1990, page 8.
Destined to take notes on the times: David Edgar, once a rigid socialist, tells Benedict Nightingale how his new play tackles the changes in eastern Europe and the political lessons still to be learnt, published in the Times Saturday Review, (a supplement to the Times newspaper), November 3, 1990, pages 18-9.
Antisemitism 1990 – how big is the threat? published in the Jewish Chronicle, November 9, 1990, pages 24-6. This was a lengthy article credited to Bernard Josephs.
This is a big feature including BNP Führer John Tyndall, Ray Hill and the sweepings of the ghetto himself. The Board of Deputies said to refer to his magazine as Gable’s Fables. But they still use him, of course. Gable is referred to on page 26.
Page 24: Hill is pictured, and on page 26 so is Gable.
On page 24 under ‘Mole’ inside British Klan is reference to another so-called mole, named Steve, later identified by Target as Charles Hanson, who was subsequently gaoled for life for murdering his wife.
Black People Banned From Meeting published in the NEWS AND VIEWS column in Return, December 1990, issue 5, page 5. See also SEARCHLIGHT: The Slide into Racism (below).
[Based on photocopy.]
No Palestinian rights in this synagogue, comrade.
SEARCHLIGHT: The Slide into Racism published in the NEWS AND VIEWS column in Return, December 1990, issue 5, page 5, No 5. See also Black People Banned From Meeting (above).
[Based on photocopy, see above entry.]
I obtained this photocopy from the late Chris Tame; the file has also been compressed but it is of passable quality.
Condemns Searchlight smears and the anti-Arab racism of Gable’s co-racialists. Somebody should have told these boobs that ultimately only Jewish suffering matters to them.
SEARCHLIGHT and Black People Banned From Meeting, published in Palestine Solidarity, December ’90/February 1991, issues 48/49, page 11.
I’m not sure if this is one article or two, but what I am certain of is that the article Defending Zionism – Undermining Anti-Fascists’ [sic] mentioned on the same page was not published in issue 42 as stated, nor in any other issue of this magazine that I have seen. The scan is of a photocopy given to me in the 1990s by Chris Tame; the very bottom of the page is missing but nothing is missing from the relevant article(s).
See also Return (above).
THE WAR CRIMES BILL IN DANGER is a one-sided A4 leaflet that was inserted in the December 1990 issue of Searchlight.
December 1990: SEARCHLIGHT
THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-FASCIST MONTHLY is issue 186, priced £1 and runs to 20 pages.
See the above entry re the insert.
A photograph of a man said to be one of Manchester’s Nazi Godfathers graces the front page together with a small inset of a second man. This non-story appears on pages 4-6
Also on page 4 is a letter from several MEPs that calls to ban Nazi organisations in Europe, but not Communist ones, of course. And remember, they decide who is a Nazi and who is not.
Pages 10-11 is a big spread about Ahmed Rami, who at the time of writing (December 2024) is still hosting Radio Islam in Sweden. It is difficult to take this sort of Jew-obsessed nonsense seriously, and of course the Searchlight gang do not either.
Page 18 reports that traces of Zyklon B had been found at Auschwitz. As it was acknowledged that Zyklon B was used througout the concentration camp system as a disinfectant, this should come as no surprise to anyone.
Page 19 reports the death at just 39 of David McCalden (who relocated to California and took the name Lewis Brandon).
The magazine as a whole contains sundry reports about real crimes and imaginary crimes with the usual mixture of whining and wailing.
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