Searchlight Critical Bibliography


Assassins of Memory
Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust by Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Translated and with a foreword by Jeffrey Mehlman, published by Columbia University Press, New York, (1992). 205 pages. Index.

This is the first English language edition; at the time of cataloguing (January 2003) it is available on-line. [The book was first published (in French) in 1987].

According to the obverse of the verso:

Les Assassins de la mémoire: "Un Eichmann de papier et autres essais sur le révisionnisme." (c) Editions La Décou- verte, 1987.


On page 184 (in the footnotes section), is a reference to the pseudo-documentary The Other Face Of Terror, which is said to have been broadcast on Antenne 2 television. It is cited as a source of information on organised Holocaust Revisionism. Notwithstanding that this book is a polemic by yet another wailing and gnashing of teeth Jewish academic, it shows the extent to which these parasites have insinuated themselves into the fabric of our society, and the extent to which their poison has spread throughout academia.

[BBIP gives publication dates as March 1993 for hardback and May 1994 for paperback.]

January 1992: Issue 199 of SEARCHLIGHT
runs to 20 pages for £1.

The cover story is about a new asylum bill.

The Editorial on page 2 takes a swipe at black nationalists including Louis Farrakhan and even the Jewish extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane (who was assassinated in November 1990).

On page 5, the London visit of the French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen the previous month is called provocative.

On page 7 it is claimed that Tasleem Akhtar was the victim of a racist murder; the Gable gang are not the first ones to make this claim. Tasleem was an 11 year old girl who was battered to death with a brick by the 16 year old Lee Costello. This was not the crime of a racist but of a teenage psychopath.

On page 9, the Whispers column reports on David Irving, and on Andrew Benjamin, a racial Jew who is alluded to as a nazi collaborator – Benjamin had recently been convicted of crimes that are not crimes in the United States. There is also a photograph of an amusing postcard apparently sent to Gable from Auschwitz by a Chelsea supporter.

There are various reports both national and international including a total of 5 pages on Germany, and a brief mention on pages 12-3 of Column 88, an outfit that did exist but was blown up into a massive Nazi conspiracy by the late Dave Roberts and Gable’s predecessor back in the 70s.

On the back page is an advertisement for a seminar to be held on February 9 hosted by the Spiro Institute and the magazine. Gable is listed as the last speaker. The same page reports that the magazine is to expand and the price is to be increased. It also reports on Gable’s then forthcoming trial (see the relevant entries for July 21 and July 24 below).

GOTCHA! gable tracked down published in National Front News, issue 126. Undated.

This is the cover story; Gable given a dose of his own medicine.

February 1992: Issue 200 of SEARCHLIGHT
runs to 24 pages for £1.50.

Note the new cover price and the increased pagination.

David Irving is the front page story, pages 8-9 is SWERVING IRVING and his new so-called denial of the Holocaust. One more time, no one in his right mind denies the Holocaust, many people are skeptical about the full extent of it, and some of us have a track record of exposing lies about it. The real story though is the Editorial about an entirely different subject. On December 12, the Socialist Workers Party telephoned the Gable gang to inform them it was relaunching the Anti-Nazi League. The Anti-Racist Alliance also get an unfavourable mention. Who says there are no enemies on the left? And the word, Gerry, is poseurs, not posers.

There are various reports on violence, including of a bombing in Stockholm on November 30, (page 3). There is more about Sweden on page 17.

On page 15 is an article called CAMPAIGN AGAINST RACIST MATERIAL GETS WIDE SUPPORT; translated into English this means many people (like the Gable gang) demand more censorship of material they find offensive.

Pages 20-22 is a long report (several really) by Zeskind re the United States.

TALKING OF THE ROYAL FAMILY by Michael Billig, published by Routledge, London, (1992). 244 pages. Index.

[BBIP, 1995 gives publication date as November 1991 in hardback and paperback. Paperback not seen by compiler.]

Arguing and Thinking: a rhetorical approach to social psychology, published in PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Volume 5, Number 1, 1992, pages 101-3.

This is a review of Billig’s book of the same title, by John D. Greenwood.

Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism and History by Vron Ware, published by Verso, London and New York, (January 1992). 263 pages. Index. Illustrated.

Pages 23-4: She says she worked as an education officer for Birmingham Community Relations Council, and later spent six years with Searchlight “from office girl to editor”.

Page 24: Ware describes her “investigative work” with Searchlight as “often dangerous and potentially violent”.

Page 26: She says she supplied several stories to a local women’s magazine including one about a strike by Asian women in Handsworth.

Page 28: “any attempt to confess ritualistically my own personal racism...” This woman is obviously mentally ill.

On the same page, Ware claims to have been commissioned to write an article in the anti-male hate magazine (the now thankfully defunct) Spare Rib, in 1982. The second paragraph of the article was said to begin with the words: “To speak of sex, race and crime in one breath...”

My colleague and I have made a thorough search for this article, including under pseudonyms and unsigned contributions. From the information provided we have been unable to find it and have concluded that it was not published in 1982 or in 1981, ’83 or ’84. And probably not in any other year either.

Page 29: After becoming pregnant, she was told she could not have her old job back as editor of Searchlight. Perhaps the baby was white.

[BBIP, 1995 says the book was published simultaneously in hardback and paperback. Paperback not seen by compiler.]

Searchlight accuses Briefing of “knife in the back”, published in the RIGHT OF REPLY column in Labour Briefing magazine, February, 1992, page 29.

Graeme Atkinson of Searchlight tries to whitewash Gable, and slags off O’Hara. Incredibly, Atkinson claims, inter alia, that “In the 1980s, [Gable] co-produced the TV programmes MI5’s Official Secrets and Spying for the Comrades, both of which exposed British Intelligence.” The reader is referred to the Sunday Times articles for April 27 and May 25, 1986, and to the lengthy New Statesman article SPY TRIAL BY TELEVISION for the truth about these exposés of British Intelligence.

Out of unity ‘has sprung Nazi terror’ published in the HAMPSTEAD & HIGHGATE EXPRESS, (the Ham & High), Friday, February 14, 1992, page 4.

This is a report of a meeting at the Spiro Institute which saw Atkinson and Gable speaking. The meeting focused on reunited Germany; interestingly, Germany and Austria were said to have refused to screen Atkinson’s pseudo-documentary The Truth Sets You Free. Gable added his two shekels’ worth of hate: “We’ve” managed to get the Holocaust onto the national curriculum "after a very hard struggle", he said. And who is “we”, one might ask?

Atkinson is said to be a special investigator for the European Parliament into something called racism and something else called xenophobia.

New Statesman

The cover story for February 28, 1992 issue is Race wars

Pages 12-3: under ANTI-RACISM is
Race wars
Divisions between anti-racist organisations threaten the campaign against the far right, says Steve Platt

Page 13: “A former Daily Worker journalist tells me of when his paper decided to run a series of scare stories about a fascist revival in the East End during the 1950s. In fact, the revival was a figment of his political and journalistic imagination...But after the stories appeared, and a campaign had been launched against the supposed far-right revivalists, a number of attacks on synagogues did take place.”

Curiously, Gable is a former Daily Worker journalist! He is quoted on the same page on ARA; he says Lee Jasper invited Louis Farrakhan to Britain.

Old NAZIS, the NEW RIGHT, and the REPUBLICAN PARTY, by Russ Bellant, published by South End Press, Boston, MA, (March 1992). 148 pages + advertisements. Index.

According to the obverse of the verso, this book is “Rev. ed. of: Old Nazis, the new right, and the Reagan administration. 2nd ed. 1989.”

Copyright dates are given as 1988, 1989 and 1991.

The book has a Preface by Chip Berlet.

Page 103, note 211 cites Searchlight.

[BBIP, 1995 gives publication date for the paperback as March 1992.]

Labour Briefing, March, 1992, page 31.

A letter in support of Larry O’Hara from Tony Greenstein in the Searchlight v O’Hara debate.

‘I am living proof that Hitler can happen again’: Ewald Althans wants to unite Germany’s far right, by Robin Gedye, published in the Daily Telegraph, March 2, 1992. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

Included is a quote from Atkinson. Keep taking the tablets, Ewald.

Proof positive, a letter from Lee Jasper of the Anti Racist Alliance published under LETTERS, in the New Statesman, March 13, 1992, page 38.

This is a reply to the claim made by Gable in the February 28 issue that Jasper invited Louis Farrakhan to Britain. Jasper denies this. Who do you believe?


The issue for 13 March 1992 says on page 2 that this is
13 March 1992
Vol 5 No 193
New Statesman Vol 121 No 4075
New Society Vol 88 No 1516
Incorporating Marxism Today, The Nation, The Athenaeum
and the Week-end Review

EDITOR UNDER CHARGE, by Rory Hegarty, published in the Journalist, April/May, 1992, page 3.

“At his committal, the Crown argued that his very presence at the meeting was illegal.”

No mention here of the little matter of forged tickets.

“Dozens of people have offered to appear as character witnesses...”

They’ve all been conned.

Searchlight is recognised as the leading British authority on neo-fascism.”

Not anymore, it isn’t.

GHETTO BLASTERS: Can America’s Inner City Blues Happen Here? by Andrew Garfield, published in New Moon, May 1992, pages 16-9.

This was also the cover story in this London-oriented “Jewish events magazine”. Searchlight head honcho Gable was one of several people quoted:

Page 18: “...Gable reserves particular scorn for the new British Black leaders like Lee Jasper of the Society of Black Lawyers, who, he says, refuse to acknowledge that Blacks can learn from the Jewish experience. ’I don’t need Jasper to tell me whether I am anti-racist. These are people who represent nobody but themselves,’ says Gable.”

You should know, Gerry.

Page 19: “...Searchlight editor, Gerry Gable has never been a member of a synagogue. He won his spurs as a young anti-racist campaigner marching against the fascists in Notting Hill during Britain’s first race riots in the 1950s.” These were hardly the first anymore than they were the last, no matter.

To the claim that he has never been a member of a synagogue, my Rabbi friend would undoubtedly reply, “Then how can he be a Jew?”, while earlier on the same page, Aubrey Rose, Senior Vice President of the Board of Deputies was quoted thus: “Many Jews are unaware of the role Jews played in getting the Race Relations Act on the statute books.” (And why so many people hate them).

Fighting Talk

This was the name of BBC2 Open Space documentary broadcast on May 18, 1992. Its listing in the May 16-22 issue of the Radio Times made no mention of Searchlight, but the magazine was credited at the end of this particularly nasty programme.

Notes From the Underground: British Fascism 1974-92 – Part 1 1974-83, by Larry O’Hara, published in Lobster, June 1992, issue 23, pages 15-20.

BIGOTS AND BALLOTS “Racist Violence and Far Right Electoral Strategies in Europe and the U.S.” is a leaflet or flyer reproduced in an article "Searchlight" welcomed in North America, published in Searchlight, June 1992, issue 204, page 12.

This appears to have been sponsored by the D.C. STUDENT COALITION AGAINST APARTHEID & RACISM.

The meeting was held in a room at Howard University and the speakers were Gable and his co-racialist and fellow hatemonger Leonard Zeskind.

Searchlight, Issue 199, June 1992, page 11.

This scan, from the Hill Street News column, shows Gable in his true colours. This column, or certainly this part, was obviously written by him rather than Hill. His hatred of Black Separatists has rather less to do with their anti-Semitism (which is not anti-Semitism in the classic Jew-hating sense but simple ignorance) than with their abhorence of miscegenation, poisoner of the racial soul that he is.

KKK exposed in Britain by Amit Roy, published in the Sunday Telegraph, June 7, 1992. [Compiled from CD-ROM].

Boasts that a British Klan member lost his job and had to move home when he was “exposed” in a TV documentary. Reports that in the United States, Jewish “defence” groups were said to have identified Ku Klux Klan members publicly. A source at Searchlight is quoted thus: “British law is different. Giving out people’s names and addresses may be seen as an incitement to violence.”

JUSTICE DELAYED by David Cesarani, published by Heinemann, London, (July 1992). 326 pages. Index. Illustrated.

On page 199, this distinguished Jewish academic (in reality Zionist propagandist and whining, snivelling hypocrite) refers to “The authoritative anti-fascist magazine Searchlight”.

On page 209, Gable is said to have handed over a dossier to the Home Office concerning Paulis Reinhards after a research trip to the Soviet Union.

The Mandarin paperback, which was published simultaneously, is subtitled How Britain became a refuge for Nazi war criminals.

[BBIP, 1995]

The Extreme Right in Europe and the USA Edited by Paul Hainsworth, published by Pinter, London, (July 1992). 320 pages. Index.

Hainsworth is Lecturer in Politics at the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. His introductory essay The Cutting Edge... makes the odd mention of Hill.

On page xiv, Gerry Grable [sic] gets a thank you, among many others.

[BBIP, 1995]

The Nature of the Right: American and European Politics and Political Thought Since 1789, Edited by Roger Eatwell and Noel O’Sullivan, published by Pinter Publishers, London, (July 1992).

This book is a collection of essays, mainly by Eatwell, who is as venal an academic as one could hope to meet. The back cover describes these bods as leading world authorities on political theory, which goes a long way to explaining why there has been so much suffering in the world for the past hundred years.

See entry for Billig below.

[BBIP, 1995]

The Extreme Right: Continuities in Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory in Post-War Europe, by Michael Billig, published in The Nature of the Right, pages 146-66, see above.

Billig is in fine form here. On page 153 he refers to Le Pen’s “detail of history” remark about the Holocaust, which of course brought the wrath of the French media as well as the courts down on his head.

Page 158: “Having claimed that the Holocaust was a lie, authors like Butz and Harwood then feel the need to explain the why and wherefore of the big lie.”

Professor Butz for one did not set out claim that the Holocaust was a lie. Rather he showed the why, the wherefore, and the how.

Anti-fascist ‘led hijack of meeting’, published in the Independent, July 21, 1992, page 5. [Compiled from CD-ROM.]

A brief report on Gable’s trial re the fracas in Kensington Library.

Anti-fascist editor “beat up members of right-wing St George league”, by Angella Johnson, published in the Guardian, page 3, July 21, 1992, page 3.

Correction: Gerry Gable, published in the Guardian, July 22, 1992, page 3.

Apologises for the previous day’s misleading headline but neglects to point out that Gable’s magazine glorifies violence against, and repression of, “fascists”.

Anti-fascist editor cleared of violence, by Sarah Boseley, published in the Guardian, Friday July 24 1992, page 2.

A report of the court farce. Gable had the chutzpah to claim that he was being victimised for investigating the security services! Red Action thug Gary O’Shea was bound over to keep the peace for six months in the sum of £50.

Click here for Keith Thompson’s account.

ADL mouthpiece spreads Britain’s ‘Germany is Fourth Reich’ lie published in Executive Intelligence Review, July 24, 1992. [Based on photocopy.]

A story which starts on page 47 and ends, apparently, on page 50. Searchlight said to be the mouthpiece in Europe of the ADL. Among other things.

The Independent, July 28, 1992, page 16. [Compiled from CD-ROM.]

A letter from Gable’s solicitor, Neil O’May, protesting at allegedly biased reporting of the case. Stresses that Gable was “honourably discharged and awarded costs out of public finds.” So what happened to the money in the defence fund, Gerry?

Gerry Gable is acquitted, published in the Journalist, August/September, 1992, page 3.

“A big defence fund had been raised for Gerry Gable...”

Where did all the money go, GG?

FIGHTING FASCISM, by “Eagle Scout”, published in Green Anarchist, Autumn ’92, No. 31, pages 9-10.

This was Tim Hepple, a bizarre character writing under a bizarre pseudonym.

On the world stage, by David Edgar, published in the Independent, August 19, 1992, page 12. [Compiled from CD-ROM.]

The clever boy has written a play about presidential elections.

THE JEWISH HERITAGE IN BRITISH HISTORY: Englishmen and Jewishness, Edited by Tony Kushner, published by Frank Cass, London, (September 1992). 234 pages. Index. Illustrated.

This appears to be a fairly innocuous book.

[BBIP, 1995 says published simultaneously in hardback and paperback. Paperback not seen by compiler.]

Anti-fascist smeared, published in Labour Briefing, September 1992, page 5.

A small article reporting the smear by Gable and his gang on Larry O’Hara.

Nazi concert ban urged amid violence fears, by Andrew Harrold, published in the Guardian, September 14, 1992, page 3. [Compiled from CD-ROM.]

Gable quoted.

FASCIST EUROPE The Rise of Racism and Xenophobia, Edited and with an Introduction by Glyn Ford, published by Pluto Press, London, (November 1992). 216 pages. Index.

This book was published simultaneously in hardback and paperback. Hardback not seen by compiler.

According to the obverse of the verso, this was “First published 1991 by the European Parliament as the Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee of Inquiry into Racism and Xenophobia on the findings of the Committee of Inquiry”

Copyright is given as ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels, Luxemburg, 1991.

Gable and his gang have clearly had an input into this. Page 46 refers to “The Searchlight booklet Terror on the Terraces published days after the Heysel stadium tragedy...”

On page 47 the list of sources includes under Television Programmes the pseudo-documentary The Other Face of Terror, which is listed as Channel 4 television, UK, 1983. It was actually screened in 1984.

Under Books we find “Gerry Gable, The British Far Right’s Third Position Stance, Longman, London, 1990.” Ford appears to have consulted a book which does not exist.

Page 48: Hill’s book is listed, and

In addition, information has been provided by Searchlight’s
infiltrators operating inside various fascist groups and fascist
informants in some of these groups.
  Searchlight’s network of correspondents have also con-
tributed. They remain unnamed for security reasons.

[BBIP, 1995]

FAILURE IN FIVE PARTS, by Alan Milnes, published in WHITE RESISTANCE, November 1992, issue 4. [Based on photocopy.]

Page numbers not shown but probably 4-5. The author is referred to as Reverend Alan Milnes. This is the newsletter of the lunatic race-hate cult the Church of the Creator. The piece is subtitled Rev Alan Milnes takes a look at the career of Tim Hepple.

Death by a thousand splinters: German neo-Nazi killers stay one step ahead by staying apart, by Philip Sherwell, pulished in the Sunday Telegraph, November 15, 1992. [Compiled from CD-ROM].

Atkinson quoted on German “neo-Nazis”.

Public Reply by CAFE to slanders by Gerry Gable (editor/boss of Searchlight) and the leaders of Red Action, published in Nazis Out!, Nov/Dec 1992, issue 7, pages 4-5.

Published by the Campaign Against Fascism In Europe. Gable’s equally undemocratic rivals slag him off. A good article.

Two articles from Lobster, December 1992, issue 24:

Our Searchlight Problem, pages 2-4.

Unsigned article (written by editor Robin Ramsay) recounting Gable’s smear/hate campaign against Larry O’Hara. Contains the full text of the notorious Gable Memorandum.

Notes from the Underground: British Fascism 1974-92, Part 2, by Larry O’Hara, published in Lobster, pages 15-21.

A lengthy (and excellent) analysis; also demolishes Searchlight’s Notting Hill bomb plot nonsense.

Trading with the Enemy

An anonymous, scurrilous leaflet put out late 1992 accusing Gable of collaborating with Anthony Hancock. It is said to be published by the (non-existent) North London Branch of the British Brothers’ League, presumably named after the anti-immigration pressure group of the turn of the century.

The plot to criminalise Anti-Fascist Action Codename “OPERATION BLACKSHIRT”, published in Red Action, Dec 92/Jan 93, issue 64, pages 3-4? [Based on photocopy.]

The fantasy after the farce. Reports on the failed attempt to prosecute Gable and O’Shea after the affray in Kensington Library.

GABLE TRIAL, published in the LEAGUE NEWS column of League Sentinel. Issue 13? [Based on photocopy.]

Covers the trial fiasco of Gable and Gary O’Shea over the Kensington Library incident.

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