Searchlight Critical Bibliography


THE FAR RIGHT IN WESTERN AND EASTERN EUROPE, Edited by Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson and Michalina Vaughan, published by Longman, London and New York, (1995). 378 pages. Index.

This is the 2nd edition (published originally as Neo-Fascism in Europe). See entry below for Gable’s contribution.


This essay repeats for the Nth time Gable’s lies about the 1960s synagogue arsons. According to Gable, (page 259): “a 19 year-old-student was killed and a second youth crippled while jumping from the flames.”

The arsons trials resulted in 13 convictions. And of course, the police failed to catch the arsonists but “a team of investigative researchers working for Searchlight found one of the Nazis involved and persuaded him to give himself up to the police.”

For the prosaic truth about this accidental if tragic fire, the reader is referred to the study on this site.

On page 262, Gable says of Redwatch that “in a sinister new departure it also printed the names, addresses and telephone numbers, sometimes ex-directory, of people from many walks of life whom they perceived as enemies.”

What he neglects to mention, of course, is that it was Searchlight which pioneered this “sinister new departure”.

Page 263 contains more garbage about Combat 18.

Page 270: Gable quotes a Home Office estimate of 135,000 “racial incidents” a year in Britain and an average of 12 racially motivated murders a year.

My favourite books, by Gerry Gable, published in Socialist Review, January 1995, page 25.

Gable makes a one-off contribution to this column. As well as a bit of flannel about his family history, he says that after reading one of Alexander Baron’s books he obtained a British view of the First World War from a working class perspective. No, not that Alexander Baron, or rather not this one!

Ironically he says also that Hill & Bell’s book The Other Face Of Terror is “both exciting and amusing”. It is indeed Gerry. And a fine work of fiction.

Reunited Germany
The New Danger, published by Searchlight Magazine, London, (January 1995). 60 pages. Large format. Illustrated.

This was published in association with AntiFa Infoblatt. It is uncredited but has a Foreword, pages 3-4, by Michael Schmidt. This is a strange publication indeed for Searchlight.

Page 3: “But are the nazis really the only problem?” he asks. The pamphlet’s conclusion is no.

Page 3: Schmidt: “Facts, however, are stubborn things. They can be rather unpleasant too.”

This pamphlet is a collection of articles, bascically one long rail against German “nationalism”.

FASCISM: A HISTORY, by Roger Eatwell, published by Chatto & Windus, London, (1995). 327 pages. Index. Illustrated.

Searchlight gets a couple of mentions, although the independent-minded (if liberal) Eatwell doesn’t appear to rely on Gable and his clowns to any extent. This isn’t a bad book either.

TOMORROW’S JOB: A review of policy trends within the police service, January 1995, issue 1. *

Gable gets a mention on page 2 of this four page, extremely impressive “fake” document.

* On the front page it is said to have been REPRINTED DUE TO DEMAND BY S.O.1 23/3/95.

Police raids uncover fascist death list and bomb-making guide, by Ken Hyder and Gerry Gable, published in the Observer, January 8, 1995, page 5.

More Gable disinformation, including the claim that the BNP is the parent body of Combat 18. Mike Whine is quoted in this article.

Jail lets racist pair put up swastikas, by Dave Black, published in The Journal, January 21, 1995, page 18.

This is a regional newspaper (for Newcastle upon Tyne). Pete Brighton is quoted.

Arson attack on anti-Nazi, published in the Observer, January 22, 1995, page 5. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

A report of an arson attack on the home of an “anti-racist” campaigner in Gravesend. “The editor of our magazine had a fire-bomb sent to his home in December.” C18 were blamed for the former.

weapon of the future
THUGS USE CS GAS IN FOOTBALL RIOT, by Roger Todd, published in the Daily Mirror, [CD-ROM], February 2, 1995, Edition 3, page 46:

Searchlight is quoted.

Forget all myths about thugs, by Peter Brighton, published in the Daily Mirror, February 17, 1995, Edition 1, page 9.

Lowles – writing under one of his many pseudonyms – pens a half decent article.

EVIL RACE-HATE THUGS TARGET SWIM ACE SHARRON, by James Weatherup, published in the News of the World, February 5, 1995, page 25.

Gable added his own two shekels’ worth of hate by claiming that the quasi-mythical Combat 18 had, like some American Nazi groups, changed from targeting blacks and Jews to “couples of mixed race”. Well, what harm has the local rabbi ever done to Charlie Sargent?

Dublin riot blamed on fascist fringe and white youths in search of mayhem, by Owen Bowcott, published in the Guardian, February 17, 1995, pages 2-3. (Additional reporting by Christopher Elliott, Dave Hill, Tom Sharratt and Martin Wainwright).

Robson is quoted in this article on page 3. On the same page a group of football fans are shown giving what are said to be “Nazi salutes”. In reality, most of them have their fists raised, something which is borne out by the video of the incident.

OF PATRIOTS, FASCISTS AND FOOTBALL FANS, by Paul Goodman, published in the Sunday Telegraph, February 19, 1995, page 19, page 19.

Gable is said to have claimed that Combat 18 were present in Dublin but didn’t try to get into the ground. He studied film of the riot but was unable to identify any individual. For the obvious reason.

Segregation nightmare that became a bloody coup for far-right hatred: Nazi group behind night of violence, by James Cusick and Leonard Doyle, published in the Independent, February 17, 1995, pages 2-3.

The sub-article, Nazi group behind night of violence, quotes arch-liar Robson of Searchlight, the so-called “specialist magazine which monitors the extreme right”. This soccer riot story was actually front page news.

THUGS’ RED GENERALS: Agents of hate who whipped up the crowd, by John Sheils, published in the Sunday World, February 19, 1995, pages 8-9.

Arch-liar Gable gets a lengthy quote in this Irish newspaper; apparently, Combat 18 are “suspected in a number of brutal murders”. Among other things.

The Growing Danger From Racial Violence, by Glyn Ford MEP, published in European Brief THE INDEPENDENT COMMENTARY ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRS, FEBRUARY/MARCH 1995, Vol. 2, No. 5, pages 31-2.

Page 31: Ford is said to be “Chairperson, European Parliament’s Branch, Interparliamentary Council against Anti-Semitism”.

Page 32: and “Chairperson” again! of the First Committee of Inquiry into the Rise of Racism and Xenophobia (1986); Rapporteur for the Second Committee of Inquiry (1990); and Observer on the Consultative Commission on Racism and Xenophobia.

The Myth of Kosher James Bond (PART ONE), by Adrian Brightman, published in BRITISH PATRIOT: UNCENSORED CONSERVATIVE COMMENTARY, March 1995, issue 12, page 4.

This article abot Gerry Gable and the Searchlight Organisation is based largely on Searchlight On Gerry Gable: Secret State Asset Or Liability? It was of course written by the current writer although I certainly did not choose the pseudonym. This was used because at the time I was in litigation with Gable.

Part Two of the article did not appear (in this magazine) because editor and publisher Mark Cotterill fled to the United States in the wake of the potentially fatal doorstep attack on him by two “anti-racist” thugs.

In the EDITORIAL of the same issue (page 2), Cotterill points out that, contrary to Searchlight’s claims, he is not a member of UKIP. He also comments on Gable and the January 1995 issue of Searchlight thus: “...Gable...reported in his January issue ‘One of the men charged with assaulting Cotterill has a serious knife wound to his arm’. This is of course a blatant lie and a copy of his magazine has been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.”

£25,000 for demo snapper, by Tony Thompson, published in Time Out, March 1-8, 1995, No. 1280, page 14

Reports that David Hoffman received £25,000 plus costs in an out of court settlement after an incident in which he was falsely arrested. Of Hoffman it is said his “work appears regularly in Time Out”.

Editor vows ‘no change’ following letter bomb to home, by Susannah Cusworth, published in the Jewish Chronicle, March 3, 1995, page 8.

This reports that Gable had received a bomb through the post the previous December. He was said to be undeterred, and with good reason, at that time he was less worried about bombs than about libel writs.

At about 7.35 on the morning of Tuesday, March 7, 1995, the current writer heard Gable on GLR (Greater London Radio). He fed the impressionable BBC reporter a load of guff about Combat 18 and boasted that his organisation ran agents in far right groups. The theme of the interview was the then current football violence. Gable said that he’d worked as an investigative reporter [sic] for eight years for London Weekend Television. He appeared to be on very good terms with the reporter who at the end thanked him for speaking to the programme again.

Editor’s bomb scare, published in Time Out, March 8-15, 1995, No. 1281, page 13.

“Gerry Gable, the editor of the anti-fascist magazine, Searchlight, has survived an attempt to kill him with a letter bomb...Gable is the scourge of the British far-right...”

Muslim militants cause chaos at London meeting: Cries of ‘Allahu Akhbar’ as student’s speech is cut off, by Susannah Cusworth, published in the Jewish Chronicle, March 10, 1995, page 22.

They even had the audacity to interrupt that nice Mr Robson.

Violent neo-Nazis target Glasgow’s Asians and Jews; Scotland, published in the Sunday Times, by Adam Jones and Stuart Millar March 12, 1995, page SC/13. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

Robson is quoted. It is said that a certain Dr Gluckstein and someone named Amar Anwar had been targeted by hate calls.

Soundtrack, 6: The Light and the Darkness War.

This was a programme broadcast on Radio 4 on March 16, 1995, the sixth in the series. The Radio Times, 11-17 March 1995 contained the following write-up: “‘If you’re fighting a war, what does your army need before anything? Good intelligence.’ Gerry Gable has spent the best part of his life exposing the activities of the far right in the pages of Searchlight, the international anti-fascist monthly magazine he edits.” The programme was produced by Mark Burman.

The idea that Gable is some sort of beacon in the darkness is rather quaint, considering the lies and black propaganda this hate-filled little Jew has spewed out over the years.

Shining example: Helen Jacobus considers the progress of the battling anti-Fascist journal, Searchlight, as it celebrates its 20th birthday, and meets its indefatigable editor – building worker-turned-investigator, Gerry Gable, published in the Jewish Chronicle, March 17, 1995, page 27.

Read this garbage then read the current writer’s thoroughly documented and irrefutable refutation immediately below.

SEARCHLIGHT ON THE “JEWISH CHRONICLE” How The Diseased Organ Of “British” Jewry Spreads The Fantasies, Paranoia And Poison Of Arch-Liar Gerry Gable, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, (March 21, 1995). 7 pages.

A detailed critique and refutation of the above.

The second printing of Searchlight On The “Jewish Chronicle” was printed March 27, 1995; a couple of typos were corrected. The inside front cover, page 8 and the inside back cover are blank, so have not been scanned.

Mortal Combat, published in Time Out, March 22-29, 1995, pages 12-3.

“It started on the terraces as the result of team rivalry, but now football violence and its perpetrators are as organised as any army. Except that this army smuggles drugs and guns. Peter Brighton investigates.”

Brighton (ie Lowles) contributes an article that is a mixture of fact, fantasy, fiction and sensationalism.

Investigation launched after police forces are sent anti-Semitic hoax, by Susannah Cusworth, published in the Jewish Chronicle, March 24, 1995, page 7.

The Met are said to have asked Searchlight about this; perhaps they should have asked Gerry’s printer.


Uncredited but written by the current writer with a Private Eye style caption on the front cover. It was printed and published March 27, 1995.

One minor correction re the front cover; Gable has in fact been married four times!

World In Action, March 27, 1995.
Radio Times, 25-31 MARCH 1995, page 73: under the listing for World in Action on Monday, March 27 we find “Tonight’s programme examines the activities of a right-wing group called Combat 18 which it blames for plotting the riot at last month’s England v Republic of Ireland football match.” No credit is given to Gable’s gang.

This independent television programme concerning the now almost legendary Combat 18 was another of Gable’s fantasies about football violence, this time related to the fracas in Dublin. Although Gable was not credited there can be no question that his hidden – and slimy – hand was behind it. The most amusing comment on the programme came from Mike Whine who said that Combat 18 is “a small group, but one with a disproportionate influence. If its activities are unchecked, then it could lead to serious problems...” Was he really talking about Combat 18?

When the State declared war on Leeds, published in Wild Boar, issue 1, page 2.

Gable gets a mention also on page 6 in an article called RED ALERT!

The above scan is taken from a poor photocopy, so I am not to blame for its terrible quality.

As far as I know this undated magazine, published by the British National Party in Leeds, was issued about April, 1995.

COMBAT 18: CREATION OF A PSEUDO-GANG, published in Green Anarchist, Spring ’95, No. 37, pages 8-9.

The latter is said to be “Edited extracts from Larry O’Hara’s Turning Up The Heat exposing the truth behind Searchlight’s C18 hype and teaching some important lessons to us all”.

This is two articles in parallel, repeating the nonsense about Searchlight being part of MI5 etc.

Page 17 includes (in the COUNTER-CULTURE column) a review of Turning Up The Heat.

WHITE LIES A conspiracy to promote violence in the city of Leeds.

This is a 63 page booklet published by the Leeds Branch of the British National Party. No ISBN, a few illustrations, it is not a bad effort, and was launched on the world in about April 1995.

It is difficult to assess the accuracy of the material herein, especially about the booklet’s central character, Tony White. The claim that White dealt in snuff films is an exaggeration rather than a lie, but he certainly appears to have been trading in dodgy videos. The claim that he was working as a police agent provocateur appears to have some basis in fact, but the role Gable played in this is not clear. Certainly there is no real evidence that Gable was acting as any sort of Secret State errand boy.

The main theme of this booklet is that Gable tried to start a street war in Leeds between the far right and the SWP/ANAL. Their persistent references to the BNP’s Security Unit does seem somewhat over-glamorous, though I do not take this as evidence that they are sharing the same delusions as Gable.


This is a letter dated April 1995, issued by the SEARCHLIGHT VICTIMS SUPPORT GROUP.

An order form came with it. The letter itself is headed SORRY SEARCHLIGHT, WE HAVEN’T GONE AWAY!

Zionists And Communists:
Enemies Of Islam, Enemies Of Humanity
A Guide For Moslems To Gerry Gable,
The Searchlight Organisation And The Popular Front Against “Racism”

This is a five page pamphlet, uncredited but written by Yours Truly and published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, (April 1995).

“You can’t be paranoid when they really are out to get you” Larry O’Hara believes in truth, justice and the individual but he has managed to make enemies of MI5, the far right and anti-Fascist groups. Is the world ganging up on him? Edward Platt investigates, published in The Big Issue, April 3-9, 1995, issue 124, pages 18-9.

More of Mr O’Hara’s nonsense, this time a full two page spread in The Big Issue. Arch-liar Robson is quoted: "Basically, he accuses everybody who writes about MI5 of working for them". For once, Robson has hit the nail bang on the head. See also entry below.

Race hate among the hedgerows, by Chris Arnot, published in the Observer, April 9, 1995, page 9. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

Robson is quoted.

SEARCHLIGHT ON THE BBC: How The Broadcast Media Peddles The Fantasies, Paranoia And Poison Of Arch-Liar Gerry Gable, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (April 12, 1995). 12 pages.

Uncredited, but written by the current writer. This is a minutely detailed critique of arch-liar Gable’s radio broadcast of March 16, 1995.

Gable’s Mole Exposed in Leeds!!

This is a British National Party Leeds Branch press release, a single side of A4 advertising White Lies, (see above). It advertises too the new magazine WILD BOAR, which is said to cover the same ground. Of course, it’s one thing to make allegations, another thing entirely to substantiate them. Even against Gable. It appears to have been published early April 1995.

Circa early April 1995: An untitled, undated leaflet, one page of wordprocessed A4, written by one Brian Moseley and published by Phoenix Press (ie Housmans Bookshop) slagging off Gable and supporting Larry O’Hara.

This is actually a remarkable document; at the time this was issued, the current writer was in litigation with Housmans in relation to defamatory articles published in issues of Searchlight which they had stocked; they had pleaded justification and fair comment, but this totally undermines their defence. Mark Taha picked up a copy on a visit to the bookshop. Unsurprisingly, they settled the action (on my terms) a few months later – see entry for October 23, 1995 below.

Searchlight and anti-Fascism, published in the Jewish Chronicle, April 21, 1995, page 25.

A letter from Gable claiming that Sweet Sonia worked as a “mole” inside the National Front, but not the British National Party as previously reported in the paper.

“MI5 In Action”, by Paul Cox, published in Third Way, issue 24, pages 10-2.

This issue is undated but it appears to have come out mid-April 1995. Paul Cox seems to have healed his rift with Patrick Harrington. *

This is yet another review of Turning Up The Heat, and yet again Searchlight is portrayed as an arm of the ubiquitous Secret State.

* See entry for August 13, 1994, AT WAR WITH THE EDITOR: A DISCLAIMER.

CPS accused of letting off racists, by Ken Hyder, published in the Observer, April 23, 1995, page 8. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

Arch-liar Gable is quoted. The Board of Deputies is said to have passed on more that a dozen “racist pamphlets” to the police in the past two years.

Evil cults link to UK
US CULTS LINKED WITH BRITAIN, by Hamish Macdonell and Rick Hewett, published in the Sunday Mirror, [CD-ROM], April 23, 1995, Edition 3, page 7.

Gable is quoted on Combat 18’s international links.

HE PRAYED IN THE ASHES OF WACO AND VOWED REVENGE: Bomb suspect’s visit to Koresh blaze site, by Stuart White, published in the News Of The World, April 23, 1995, pages 4-5.

This is a story that was filed from Oklahoma City after the arrest of Timothy McVeigh on suspicion of the bombing of the FBI headquarters. Gable was called upon to add his two shekels’ worth of hate, and claimed that Combat 18 had travelled to the States to train with the (so-called) fascist militias!

“Last year, Combat 18 produced a detailed bomb-making guide.” They were said to have told their members, “We have given you the technology. Here are the hit lists. Now bomb the bastards.” And he added, "The authorities have to deal with it. These people must be stopped." There is always the possibility that Gable was misquoted, of course, but this claim is ridiculous, from wherever it emanates.

Just another burglary, published in The Big Issue, April 24-30, 1995, issue 127, page 9.

A letter from the current writer concerning Larry O’Hara and Searchlight, severely edited. Click here for the unedited version.

Yobs in war on soccer finals
COMBAT 18 RECRUITS THUGS TO DISRUPT SOCCER EURO CHAMPIONSHIPS IN ENGLAND, published in the Daily Mirror, [CD-ROM], May 13, 1995, Edition 3, page 2.

Gable is quoted re a European Parliament inquiry into soccer violence.

Far-right ‘plot’ to disrupt Euro football finals, by John Duncan, published in the Guardian, May 13, 1995, page 5. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

More nonsense about Combat 18; arch-liar Gable quoted.

Soccer hooligans target European Championship, by Lucy Berrington, published in the Times, May 13, 1995, page 5. [Compiled from CD-ROM]

Arch-liar Gable quoted. Gable gave evidence to a European Parliament conference on soccer violence in London. This was chaired by one Glyn Ford.

“Searchlight” News, published in Lobster, June 1995, issue 29, page 17.

This is a small piece reporting the persistent attacks on Larry O’Hara.

“Their campaign against Larry O’Hara has reached new depths.”

Searchlight magazine probed, published in Open Eye, issue 3, 1995, pages 5-6.

I was passed a copy of this article * at the beginning of June 1995; presumably the magazine came out about then. It parrots O’Hara’s nonsense about Searchlight and the “Secret State”. It contains other articles on the same lines, including one by O’Hara himself.

* I didn’t see a full copy of the magazine until early 1996.

A Federal Europe would be the greatest of all tyrannies!, published in the Flag, June 1995, issue 86, page 2.

Both Gable and his pet MEP Glyn Ford get a mention in this article.

the Rune, issue 10.

This issue is undated but came through my door Saturday, June 3, 1995.

Gable appears on the front cover, and a rather unflattering cartoon of him appears on page 21.

Page 5: AND FINALLY... refers to Yours Truly’s libel writ against Gable.

Page 7: Hill Street Blues: A personal view by a Bedfordshire Patriot, tells a few home truths about a certain Mr Ray Hill.

Page 23: TURNING THE SPOTLIGHT ON SEARCHLIGHT is an extremely flattering review of Liars Ought To Have Good Memories, written by Nick Griffin; I have to point out that I obtained Ray Hill’s letter of expulsion from the British Movement from Larry O’Hara.

A letter from a certain Daphne Liddle published in Briefing, June 1995, page 27.

“I have sent the negatives to Searchlight, the anti-fascist magazine.”

Mrs Liddle doesn’t mention of course that she freelances for Gable’s hate sheet. Her letter refers to an alleged march of Ulster Loyalists which was joined by “up to 200 members of the neo-Nazi outfit, Combat 18.” Two hundred indeed.

Beyond belief, by Julian Kossoff, published in Time Out, June 14-21, 1995, pages 12-3.

Arch-liar Gable gets his Semitic snout in the trough in this article care of his equally venal co-racialist, Julian Kossoff. Apparently the far right is infiltrating New Age cults.

THE LIFE AND “CRIMES” OF JOHN COLIN CAMPBELL JORDAN or WHY AN HONEST NAZI IS BETTER THAN A LYING, SCHEMING JEW, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (July 15, 1995). 49 pages. Illustrated.

No prizes for guessing the identity of the lying, scheming Jew in question. This contains further documentation on the 1960s synagogue arsons.

SECURITY ALERT, published in Green Anarchist, SUMMER ’95, No. 38, pages 12-4.

This is a lengthy review by Larry O’Hara of White Lies.

True Lies, published in RED ACTION, Summer 1995, issue 71, pages 1-3

This is a 3 page spread which includes inset articles. They seem to be more or less following O’Hara’s line of reasoning, but they certainly take Gable to task. A couple of snippets at the end of the feature: “If you still believe that the ANL have something to offer, that is your prerogative. Their number is in the book. For Searchlight, on the other hand, there can be no way back. One way or another, their number is surely up.”

“ our own experience, it is the anti-fascists rather than the fascists in Germany who tend to be pro-IRA. But then again, when have Searchlight ever been prepared to let the facts stand in the way of a good argument?”

As if that isn’t bad enough, how about this from page 3: “Searchlight’s main contention seems to be that all nationalism (with one notable exception) leads to fascism.”

What could that one notable exception be? Anti-Semitism in the IRA? Never!

BRITISH PATRIOT, Subscribers Bulletin, July 1995.

This double-sided A4 sheet came through my door July 5; editor Mark Cotterill is far from happy that Gable’s alleged contempt of court had not been investigated while the accusation Gable levelled at him had been investigated at once.

‘Tainted’ Front changes name, published in the Guardian, July 17, 1995, page 6.

This reports, citing Searchlight, that the NF now has only about 200 members.

Searchlight aids the fight against new Euro racists: Anti-Fascist group active on eastern front, by Bernard Josephs, published in the Jewish Chronicle, July 28, 1995, page 8.

Gable and his clowns are said to be sticking their unwanted proboscii into the struggle against the mythical fascist menace in Eastern Europe. I wouldn’t bet on it.

Greater London Radio, August 7, 1995

Just after the 7.30am news I had the dubious pleasure of hearing Gable spouting off about football violence. Apparently leading European “Nazis” including Combat 18, held a meeting in Copenhagen in early March to plan the season’s disruptions. Oh boy! Gable said he was concerned that the arrest figures were down.

London Talk Radio, August 16, 1995.

According to an informant, * Gable appeared on a London Talk Radio programme from 10-11am commenting on Roger Eatwell’s new book. Gable is alleged to have said that the Nazis murdered ten million people in the camps and that next time they could well murder twenty million.

* Michael Newland, then Press Officer for the British National Party: telephone conversation, August 18, 1995.


This is a 15 page A5 pamphlet, written and published anonymously, with a 50p price tag on it but distributed free. I was sent a copy in September 1995.

The rhetoric is this pamphlet is distinctly left wing, see in particular page 2. On page 3, the claim is made that the much touted claim that BNP member Peter Rushden is a red spy is not true; Charlie Sargent is said to hate him because he’s middle class. Sargent is said to have tried to fit up Rushden as a spy; I’m not sure he’d have the brains, (in spite of what he told me once).

Page 5: One Gary Hitchcock is said to be an MI5 mole. Charlie Sargent is said to be an MI5 “asset” too; the fact that Sargent is said never to be short of money is seen as an indication of that.

The pamphlet contains what are probably deliberate spelling mistakes and grammatical errors; page 2 refers to Stella Rimmington instead of Rimington (a mistake many people would surely make). The same page refers to “there paid tools” instead of "their paid tools", and so on. Page 5 refers to “ship[ping] niggers home in body bags”.

Obviously anyone whose name appears in such a publication must be suspected of having a hand in it, though in this case we can safely rule out Frank Bruno and Sir Ivan Lawrence, and Gable too.


This is a document printed on one side of 9 sheets of A4 paper and is further documentation on Tony White, the Leeds-based purported Searchlight “mole”/Special Branch “asset”.

ONE PUNCH AND IT’S OVER! SOCCER NAZIS MARCH ON NORWAY, “INVESTIGATION” by Mark Bowness and Tony Hoare, report, apparently, by Tom Pendry, Shadow Minister for Sport, published in the Daily Sport, October 10, 1995, pages 4-5.

Tony Robson has at last found his true vocation; he is quoted in this article on the mythical Nazi menace.

Row as Grant joins line-up for London meeting, by Gary Younge, published in the Guardian, October 14, 1995, page 14.

This is part of a larger, composite article by the paper’s Washington correspondent called Farrakhan vows to rally black votes.

Paul [sic] Robson is quoted here.

PRESS RELEASE: October 23, 1995: Alexander Baron v Gerry Gable & Others – Libel Actions

This is a double-sided sheet of A4 which was also uploaded to alt.revisionism and E-mailed to selected publications. It was issued by the Plaintiff, Alexander Baron, in a personal capacity.

BNP plans for a Party Political Broadcast, by Julian Kossoff, published in Time Out, October 25-November 1, 1995, page 10.

Arch-liar Gable is quoted in this article; he might have told his co-racialist Kossoff that the leader of the BNP is not called Martin Tyndall!

A full page advertisement “Housmans Bookshop Ltd regrets...” published in Peace News, November 1995, page 10.

And they certainly did!

Manual for fighting subversion, published in Spearhead, November 1995, issue 321, page 13.

An unsigned review of White Lies.

PROVOCATION EXPOSED, Geoff Peters reviews White Lies, published in The Rune, issue 11, (undated but published circa early November 1995) page 22.

When hate comes to town

An A5 leaflet inserted into the November 1995 issue of Searchlight advertising Community Responses to Racism and Fascism – Searchlight Community Handbook.

I cannot be absolutely certain which is which of these two promotional leaflets - above and below.

Promotional leaflet for When hate comes to town: Community Responses to Racism and Fascism, page vii.

When hate comes to town: Community Responses to Racism and Fascism, Edited by Ruth Levin, published by the Searchlight Educational Trust, (November 1995).

Hard Muslims top of hate list: Gay students fear them most, published in The Gay Gazette, November 1, 1995, page 8.

Searchlight and the Union of Jewish Students are said to have initiated a 24 hour Campus Watch helpline for victims of this outrageous intolerance. The line was originally set up to monitor far right activity.

Racism: Survival kit for fascist thugs’ prey, by Ken Hyder, published in the Observer, [CD-ROM], November 5, 1995, page 12.

This is a plug for When Hate Comes To Town by one of Gable’s poodles; the arch-liar himself is quoted.

Another “Searchlight” smear job
“Open Eye”, the major media,
and the New Age anti-semites, by Matthew Kalman and John Murray, published in Lobster, December 1995, issue 30, pages 26-7.

A complimentary copy of this issue of Lobster actually came through my door in mid-November.

Though it’s nice to hear a Jew (Kalman) slag off Gable, this article is less an indictment than a continuous whine about how they couldn’t place a story about “New Age Nazis”. This Matthew Kalman is, apparently, a different Matthew Kalman from the one who edits New Moon.

Combat 18 and M15:
some background notes
, by Larry O’Hara, published in Lobster, December 1995, issue 30, pages 28-9.

Nothing here the reader won’t have seen before. Scroll down this PDF file to read loony Larry’s ravings.

New Searchlite!
Virtually Fact Free, * published in Red Action, Autumn/Winter 1995, issue 72, page 10.

Another attack on Gable and co, this one accuses them of building up Combat 18 and “Airbrushing the militants out of the picture”.

* The title – including deliberate mis-spelling – is a pun on a contemporary TV advertisement for yoghurt, or some such product, ie “fat free”.

A review of Larry O’Hara’s Turning Up The Heat (by Derek Wall) was published in GREEN WORLD, AUTUMN 1995, NO. 11, page 24 in the REVIEWS – BOOKS, etc. column.

Turning up the Heat: MI5 After the Cold War, by Michael Barry, published in FREE LIFE, December 1995, No. 24, pages 14-5.

A critical review of O’Hara’s nonsense.


This is a long and grossly defamatory article posted to the Internet. Dated Berlin, 30 January 1995 it was apparently posted 1995/12/31. The author was Graeme Atkinson, European Editor of Searchlight magazine. In it, among other things, he accuses a certain Alexander Baron of being “the largest anti-Jewish pamphleteer ever in Britain” and says of Mark Taha that “as well as being a nazi, [his background] involves sexually propositioning young children”.

Click here to read the original article (in English and German) retrieved from Google Groups.

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