Searchlight Critical Bibliography


ANTI-FASCISM IN BRITAIN by Nigel Copsey, published by Macmillan, London, (January 2000). 229 pages. Index.

This bloke is lecturer in history at the University of Teeside. And a right tosser.

On page vii he credits among others former street thug Morris Beckman and arch-liar Mike Whine.

Gable and his gang get several mentions in this book.

On pages 182-3 he covers O’Hara’s vilification by Searchlight, and on the latter page refers to Searchlight’s “ground-breaking ‘Community Handbook’”. More interestingly, on page 158 he says that one commentator has speculated that the Notting Hill Carnival bomb plot was fabricated by Searchlight. This commentator is O’Hara (not the current writer). This of course is one of O’Hara’s more intelligent speculations. In fact Loony Larry’s analysis of this “plot” is spot on, and as for speculation – he who asserts must prove. It was not O’Hara who was doing the asserting here but Gable and his shabboz goy stooge Ray Hill.

Page 140: the mug also refers to Column 88.

How two deaths in Telford were turned into a national cause célèbre by Andrew Alderson and David Bamber, published in the Sunday Telegraph, January 30, 2000, page 21:

Gable is quoted in this article and seems to have had an outbreak of common sense in his old age. He dismisses a conspiracy theory about the alleged murders of two black men as absurd.

Arch-liar Gable gets a mention in Third Way, Issue 31, page 3. (Undated but published apparently early February 2000). The magazine suggests that Gable obtains confidential information about his political enemies from the police. I could have told them that!

HOLOCAUST AFFIRMERS: Their Ideologies, Their Methodologies, Their Antecedents, Their “Raison D’etre”, by Alexander Baron, published by Anglo-Hebrew Publishing, London, (February 2000). 257 pages. Index. Illustrated.

I sold my first copy of this book February 20, 2000, which is as good a publication date as any.

The Searchlight Organisation gets a sub-heading on pages 47-51. There are a few other mentions of Gable and his gang too. See in particular pages 7, 31, 37, 40 & 47-51.

Outcry as bible of extreme Right hits book stores by Phil Miller, published in THE SCOTSMAN, February 23, 2000, page 3.

A spokesman for Searchlight is quoted on the day the magazine lost a libel case. William Pierce is described as “probably the world’s leading Nazi”, which is probably defamatory of Harold Covington.


After a five day trial before a jury at the High Court, London, Chesterfield-based accountant Morris Riley was awarded five thousand pounds damages against “Searchlight” magazine editor Gerry Gable, one-time columnist Ray Hill, and the magazine itself, in relation to an August 1993 article in the “Hill Street News” column.

Riley is the author of “PHILBY: THE HIDDEN YEARS”, the second edition of which was published by Janus of London last year. Janus publisher Sandy Leung gave evidence for Riley yesterday. Today, Judge Walker sent the jury out at 11.30am, and they returned at 3pm to announce their unanimous verdict.

The defence elected to call no evidence; Mr Gable (who also appeared on behalf of the magazine) and Mr Hill, were in court to hear the verdict. Mr Hill had denied writing the article in question. All three defendants were represented by Mr Hudson of Counsel on behalf of Mishcon de Reya. Mr Nigel Ley and Mr John Orme of Grays Inn Chambers acted for Mr Riley.

Because of complications entailed by two payments into court, Mr Riley was ordered to pay the defendants’ costs from February 11, 2000 to the end of the trial. He said though that he had been totally vindicated. Afterwards, he treated his supporters to a belated free lunch at a nearby hotel.


[A correction to the above – publisher Sandy Leung actually gave evidence on the third day of the trial.]


The above press release was e-mailed to various newsgroups and others on the night of February 23, 2000 under the subject heading Riley v Gable. The correction was added later.

A letter from Ms (!) Sonia Gable was published in the Times, February 25, 2000, page 25 under the heading Budget repeats.

Written from her home address, it is dated February 22, and concerns tax cuts, a subject she knows something about.

Spearhead, March 2000, No. 373, page 9: The Searchlight Educational Trust gets a mention in a column NEWS FROM THE NET by Jay Lee, under the heading MARXISTS GET OUR MONEY.

The Voice of Freedom, March 2000, page 3: A short report on the Riley v Gable libel trial reports that Searchlight was fined £5,000 by a judge for libel. This is not true, of course. It also refers to “convicted burglar Gerry Gable”, which is technically not correct.

Festival scrapped by fascist threats by David Northmore, published in the PINK PAPER, Friday 17 March 2000, Issue 626, page 1.

Arch-liar Robson quoted on the Leicester National Front who appear to have formed an alliance with Christian evangelicals (according to the paper) to shut down a gay festival in Leicester.

New TARGET, issue number Fourteen came through my door March 27, 2000.

On page 2 is a photograph of Daphne Liddle. On the back page under STOP PRESS is a mention of Gable & co losing to Morris Riley “Full details in next issue”.

April 2000: The Irving libel trial at the High Court prompted a report in Searchlight; I get an unflattering mention! Gable forgets to mention though why I was at the High Court; Riley v Gable was being heard at the same time. And Gerry lost!

Page 9

NAZI THUGS’ SICK NEW THREATS TO TV SHARRON by David Brown and Nick Lowles, published in the Sunday People, April 2, 2000, page 9.

This article is an advertisement for Searchlight and includes its web address. Gable gets a mention. As for Sharron Davies, she is living proof that beauty is only skin deep.

Why Grieve And Veness Must Be Sacked by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (April 2000). 12 pages. Illustrated.

This pamphlet was mailed out from mid-April. Gable gets a mention or two here!

Liars With Poor Memories And Journalists Who Don’t Care: Searchlight “mole” Ray Hill caught lying to the press yet again, by Alexander Baron, published by InƒoText Manuscripts, London, (April 2000).

A four page A4 pamphlet in reply to Hill’s Sunday Post interview of December 5, 1999.

M15 alerts ministers to rise of far Right by Dominic Kennedy and Tom Baldwin, published in the London Times, April 25, 2000, page 14.

Searchlight quoted on the BNP – their usual two shekels’ worth of hate.

A letter by Carrie Supple published under the heading Unequal lives? in the Daily Mail, April 26, 2000, page 71.

Here, Ms Supple whines that so much more attention was allegedly paid by the media to the horrific murder of a white Zimbabwean farmer than of an Asian man in Wales or of a black policeman in “liberated” Zimbabwe.

“Their deaths are equally horrendous, their lives equally valuable. Aren’t they?”

She misses the point; they all received less coverage than the murder of Stephen Lawrence!

In late April 2000, Issue No: 3 of TRADE UNION Democrat came through my door. It was a single sheet of A4 paper and targetted the SWP rather than Searchlight, but mailed with it was an eponymous flyer which urged its readers to distribute TRADE UNION Democrat and subscribe to New Target.

Hoax survey sent to Jews in the name of anti-Fascist magazine, by Bernard Josephs, published in the Jewish Chronicle, May 5, 2000, page 10.

Gable is quoted in this hilarious story.

VOMIT UK 19/00, 6 May 2000, page 4: Under Baronial gripes, Al’s pamphlet Terminate These Scumbags! gets a mention. Gable and Searchlight also get a mention; typically, Editor and Publisher James Todd gets his facts wrong about the judgment in Riley v Gable & Others!

SECRET NAZIS by Graham Johnson, published in the Sunday Mirror, May 7, 2000, page 14: Silver is quoted in this so-called exposé of anti-abortion far rightists.

SEARCHLIGHT BANNED published in The Voice Of Freedom, May 2000, page 9.

Reports that “North London Yeshurun schul synagogue” has deemed Gable’s hate sheet “unsuitable for reading on the premises, and should not be seen by children”.

June 2000: Searchlight

This is a scan from page 18; the claims about the Searchlight team are entirely self-serving.

Rock ’n’ Roll Jews, by Michael Billig, published by Five Leaves, Nottingham, (June 2000). 170 pages including advert page. No index. [BBIP, 2001].

Hansard (Commons), June 22, 2000. Under Written Answers concerning the EC Equal Treatment Directive, columns 250W-252W, Gable “Anti-racist and Violent Crime Task Force” is one of 82 individuals listed by Mike O’Brien MP as consulted in this connection. Gable is actually number 66 on the list. His token black Bob Purkiss listed here as a representative of the Transport and General Workers Union, is number 3.

June 30, 2000: following the conviction of David Copeland this same day, BBC1 screened a Panorama special after the 9 o’clock news and local news. Gable and his hate sheet featured prominently in the programme, which in the credits at the end included Assistant Producer Nick Lowles and Producer Andrew Bell.

According to Morris Riley, viewing from Chesterfield, Gable also put in an appearance on the BBC2 Newsnight programme as part of a panel. He claimed that Searchlight, through a third party, had the name of Copeland passed to the police at lunchtime the Friday of the final bombing.

July 2000: INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, issue 301 is priced £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

On June 30, David Copeland was given six life sentences for what was then a well-publicised killing spree so it should come as no surprise that his mugshot appeared on the front page of this issue, nor that several pages of the magazine are devoted to the man and his crimes. The back page is an advertisement for Searchlight subscriptions, a special low price of £24 for the next 12 issues plus a free oopy of the Lowles/McLagan book Mr Evil, which as I have said elsewhere is worth reading. Page 2 offers a signed copy of the book for £12.99. Go figure. One of the reports on Copeland is by Carly Seabright, a new or one-off contributor. Another article is by Ewa Burza, ditto.

Clearly the magazine was published later in the month instead of slightly prior to its beginning (as are many magazines).

In the Editorial on page 3, it is claimed that the Gable gang were the first people to identify Copeland, several hours before his workmate Paul Mifsud identified him. Yeah, sure.

Pages 4-5 is an article on UKIP by Kate Taylor.

Page 6 is a report of the disruption of a National Front march in Margate; it is co-written by Tony Robson and Terry Fitzpatrick.

Page 8 reports the death of Lady Birdwood, more to follow next month.

Page 33 is another article by Carly Seabright, this time on the Tulsa race riots of 1921.

FIGHTING TALK, Issue 24, July 2000, page 8: under SEARCHLIGHT in the AFA ROUND-UP column it is clear as ever that these thugs don’t think much of a magazine which in its April issue published “A glowing tribute to the Metropolitan Police’s Racial and Violent Crime Task Force”.

July 1, 2000: the day after David Copeland’s conviction, Gable and his gang were quoted widely and obviously much sought after by the media, which for the most part either doesn’t know or doesn’t care what he and his kind are. Lowles made the front page of the Guardian: “Searchlight, the anti-fascist magazine, said the police should have known about Copeland, and called for a crackdown on the publication of inciteful and racist literature.

“There are many more potential Copelands in society,” said co-editor Nick Lowles.

On page 3 we are told that Special Branch was faxed, “through an intermediary”, a list of 260 known right wing extremists at 2pm on the day of the Soho bomb and that Copeland’s name was on it. So what?

Gable was quoted in the Independent (page 4) in the same connection, and doubtless in many other newspapers and media.

British police seek foreign aid in anti-terror battle: Nail-bomber case ‘highlights need for co-operation’, by Bernard Josephs, published in the Jewish Chronicle, July 7, 2000, page 12.

Gable and Searchlight get a mention here re the “monitoring” of “far-right organisations”.

Lobster, 39, Summer 2000: This publication came through my door at the beginning of July although according to Morris Riley it was published shortly before that.

Gerry Gable loses another libel case appears on page 22. This is based on the press release I sent out after the Riley trial “Thanks to Al Baron for the following.

Searchlght also gets a mention on page 26.

is this the mein kampf of the 21st century? by Julian Kossoff, published in the times magazine, 8 july 2000, pages 22-3 & 25-6. [The magazine’s capitalisations or lack of!]

Steve (oy vay) Silver gets his proboscis in here. Apparently “As crazy as it may sound, we have a bunch of Nazis who want to kick off a race war in this country.” And a bunch of Jews who are making a comfortable living out of it!

New TARGET, ISSUE Number Fifteen. [Undated but published around the beginning of July 2000.]

This six page issue is devoted largely to the Riley v Gable & Others libel case. It is not entirely accurate, but this is due to carelessness rather than malice. (The malice is there anyway!)

Millionairess leaves retreat to neo-fascists by Adam Nathan and Nick Fielding, Additional reporting: Justin Rigby, published in the Sunday Times, July 16, 2000, page 1.10.

Searchlight quoted. Gable’s gang are still plugging the line that Roberto Fiore is a terrorist.

LYING KOSHER SCUM: How Many More Times Will Gerry Gable And His Searchlight Gang Repeat This Vile Untruth?

This essay was written by Yours Truly July 22, 2000 and mailed out the same day to various individuals and newsgroups.

July 25, 2000: Interview With The Vampire

This post by Harold Covington appeared on Usenet as dated. Click here to read it. Although it is fairly lengthy and most of it does not concern Searchlight or its controller Gerry Gable, Covington’s comments on Combat 18 are extremely insightful, and, I have no doubt he is telling the Gospel Truth, on this issue at least.

August 2000: INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, issue 302 is priced £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

As promised in the previous issue, there is a (big) report on the recently deceased Lady Birdwood who graces the front cover with the (uncredited) obituary and photographs on pages 17-20. For those who prefer objectivity, I would recommend the three interviews of the gullible but never hateful Lady Birwood on my main website.

On pages 22-3, Kate Taylor reports on Abortion wars

Page 24 is a review by Silver of a book by Dave Renton, a friend of this hatesheet.

There are signed articles by Tammy Wild and Atkinson (both reporting from Germany), Jean Raymond, Stieg Larsson and Gable himself.

FAR-RIGHT LINKED TO GROUP THAT NAMED THE WRONG MEN published in the Daily Express, August 5, 2000, page 8.

This is an inset in a story about paedophiles – real and alleged. For the sake of future reference, following the murder of eight year old Sarah Payne, which received massive publicity, and the News Of The World newspaper’s campaign to “name and shame” child molesters, residents of a Portsmouth housing estate – mainly mothers and children – began a campaign against alleged paedophiles living in their midst.

A spokesman for “the anti-Nazi magazine Searchlight” gets a mention here.

Fascist charity boss recruited to spy for MI6 by Yvonne Ridley, published in the Sunday Express, August 20, 2000, page 10.

Gable is quoted here though not verbatim; this is yet more repetition of his and Searchlight’s scurrilous nonsense about Roberto Fiore.

Neo-nazis join animal rights groups: Hitler’s vegetarianism inspires far-Right to infiltrate anti-testing demos, by Daniel Foggo, published in The Sunday Telegraph, September 3, 2000, page 5.

This innuendo and smear article is directed primarily at Troy Southgate who is pictured here and who also features in Gable’s Jews From The Sewers column in the September 2000 issue of his comic. “A spokesman for the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight” is quoted here.

PHILBY AUTHOR WINS LIBEL CASE was published on Alexander Baron’s website (then hosted by Geocities) on September 8, 2000.

Jewish roots in rock by Chris Arnot published in the Guardian in the Society supplement, October 4, 2000, page 6.

This is an article about Gable’s co-racialist and academic co-conspirator Michael Billig, whose latest book is called Rock ’n’ Roll Jews (see entry for June 2000 above).

November 2000: INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, issue 305 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

A big photograph of Donald A. Martin appears on the front cover, a smaller black and white version appears on page 5; the article on pages 4-5 by Lowles and Silver is a smear not only on him but on Social Credit and anyone even mildly associated with it.

Pages 6-7 is an article by Lowles about internal strife within the BNP, mostly this is related to money, and for once not inaccurate.

Pages 8-9 is an unsigned article in the same vein called CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. Adrian Davies was one of the people brought in to examine party accounts. As a member of the legal profession (of unimpeachable integrity, I might add) Mr Davies was very guarded in his comments but it has since become clear from Griffin’s later activities that Jews are not the only people who love money. He had sacked the party treasurer Mike Newland and there was the little matter of married couple Steve and Sharron Edwards who had been expelled but then readmitted.

On page 11, Gable contributes an article about internal feuding in the National Front, unrelated to finance, apparently.

Pages 22-4 is a big article by Atkinson said to list Nazi murders since the reunification of Germany. It would be time-consuming to go through all those listed though it remains to be seen how many were motivated by supposed Nazi sentiments but here is one example:

A fire in Lübeck, January 1996 that killed ten people (so-called asylum seekers) is said to have been racist, however, the only person charged was a Lebanese named Safwan Eid but the case against him was not considered strong enough to proceed. Four young Germans were also arrested but they were cleared. To me this has echoes of the 1981 Deptford fire in which thirteen people were killed (all of them black). This was widely touted as an arson attack by the far right and still is today by left wing clowns, but the best evidence is that it was started by someone at the party, and was almost certainly an accident or at worst an act of recklessness.

Most of the perpetrators on this list, those who were identified and convicted, are young, including teenagers. To me this indicates plain thuggery, something that is far too common in all societies whether or not it is cloaked in racial antagonism.

A comment article on page 25, also by Atkinson, says racist murders are under reported. Yeah, right.

Page 30 is another article by Gable and yet another smear on Roberto Fiore who has since served as a Member of the European Parliament and at the time of writing (February 2025) is still at liberty. Some terrorist.

GERRY GETS IT WRONG – as usual!, published in Spearhead, No. 381, NOVEMBER 2000, page 20.

An uncredited article, but probably written by publisher John Tyndall, taking Gable to task for claiming that he is planning to join the National Front. The writer says that Nick Lowles “though an enemy, is usually fairly factual in his reporting”. And not much of an enemy it would appear as by his own admission he is a fully paid up member of the BNP!

FUEL: IT’S A NAZI HIJACK by David Brown, Nick Lowles & Steve Silver, published in the Sunday People, November 5, 2000, pages 8-9.

The names of the last two co-writers say it all.

Notes from the BORDERLAND, ISSUE 3 Autumn-Winter 2000-2001.

The latest edition of O’Hara’s comic appears to have been published late December 2000; I didn’t see a copy until mid-January the following year.

The Searchlight gang get several mentions throughout this magazine; O’Hara has become so increasingly paranoid that he’s beginning to make Gable look sane, or even respectable. On page 7 appears an old photograph of Steve Tilzey, and on page 29 a photo of co-author of noted novel The Other Face Of Terror, Andrew Bell. Most of Loony Larry’s ravings are devoted to David Copeland, his handiwork and its aftermath. In this connection he asks on page 26:


No Larry, just evil, but unlike you, not quite insane.

December 2000: INTERNATIONAL Searchlight, issue 306 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

The cover story is a big smear on the Democracy Movement, ie the attempt of British patriots (and many others) to keep Britain a sovereign nation.

This is followed by an article on the crimes of Apartheid, by Sam King.

Lowles contributes an article on Nick Griffin suggesting his leadership of the BNP was under threat. Griffin and the BNP did not part company until 2014, so this claim was somewhat premature.

This is followed by an article, also on the BNP, by Steve Silver, then a one-off contribution from Mark Perryman on English soccier fans.

There are several overseans reports including one on Italy by Gable and one from Germany by Atkinson.

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