Searchlight Critical Bibliography


THE RETURN OF FASCISM... by Alison Little and Geoff Marsh, published in the Daily Express, April 23, 2002, page 1.

The above has a French angle, or perhaps that should be a French connection. Gable is quoted on page 1, after which European Editor Graeme Atkinson offers his vacuous opinion, which continues on page 6.

STOP THESE NEW NAZIS by Dennis Rice and David Smith, published in the Daily Express, April 24, 2002, page 1.

This non-story continues on page 4, and there is more. Gable is quoted on page 1.

August 2002: INTERNATIONAL SEARCHLIGHT, issue 326 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

The front page uses Gable’s favourite word – links. The relevant article is by Graeme Atksinson on pages 4-5 followed by another on pages 6-7 by Mr Lowles.

The bottom line is that on July 14, 2002, Maxime Brunerie attempted to assassinate the French President Jacques Chirac for which he received what sounds to have been an incredibly lenient ten year sentence of which he would serve only seven years, but this appears to have been at best a half-hearted assassination attempt, a .22 rifle is hardly the ideal weapon for such a task from a hundred metres as in this case. His links with the far right in Britain appears to be limited to a message he left on the guestbook of Combat 18 before the event. Not the brightest of things to do, but Brunerie is far from the brightest of men, and no Jackal as claimed on the front page of this hate sheet.

Other articles include one by Mr Silver on pages 14-5 on what he calls a century of anti-immigrant lies. The lies in this case are all his, including that immigrants are not a burden on society, illegal immigrants certainly are, and at the time of writing (April 2024) only a fool or a knave would claim otherwise.The Silver article is followed by one on a similar subject by Kate Taylor and what is called a special 4-page pullout which attempts to convince the gullible goyim that illegals actually benefit the country. Yeah, right.

Pages 22-3 is the News from the sewers column in which this Jew from the sewers smears Keith Thompson as inter alia a paid informant of Searchlight. This is far from the first time Gable has told this lie. For a detailed analysis and the background to it (the Kensington Library incident), the reader is referred to the relevant section of this lengthy article.

There are the usual several international reports including one from Seattle by a dude named Eric K. Ward rather than US correspondent Zeskind, about David Irving. Yeah, that dude.

September 2002: INTERNATIONAL SEARCHLIGHT, issue 327 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

Gable publishes an article about what he says was a BNP rally that turned out to be a flop; this is followed by a Lowles article that claims there is an internal power struggle within the Party. We know now this was a thing rather than anti-BNP propaganda. I was privy to this years before.

On page 12, foreign correspondent Karl Pfeifer contributes a review of a biography of Jörg Haider.

Silver contributes heavily to this issue and there is a big emphasis on trade unionism including two of his articles, one by Kate Taylor, one by Maureen Foster and an interview of TUC man Brendan Barber by Foster.

There are the usual international articles including one by Zeskind.

October 2002: INTERNATIONAL SEARCHLIGHT, issue 328 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

In this issue, Gable exposes himself to the entire world for the pond scum he is for the Nth time. The front page story, which runs from pages 4-6, is by him, and is about the way the extreme left trashed a memorial concert for Ian Stuart Donaldson. The police and the Home Office shut it down, apparently to minimise public disorder. And such public disorder comes from whom, exactly?

Donaldson was killed in a car crash 9 years previously. Whether or not you like his kind of music, he wrote one truly great song: The Snow Fell; personally I prefer the version recorded by Saga, but that is neither here nor there.

Page 7 reports on a different music event, or series of them, run by the Anti Nazi League (sans hyphen), a front organisation for the Socialist Workers Party.

A second article by Gable, on pages 8-9, concerns the BNP.

Pages 12-5 is a one-off contribution by Nick Ryan, the author of Homeland. Page 22 is a full page advertisement for the book.

William Pierce died July 23 aged just 68. In 1974, he founded the National Alliance. He was also the pseudonymous author of a novel called The Turner Diaries which is believed (credibly for once) to have inspired sundry far right terrorists, It was odds-on then that his death would be covered by the Gable gang, and no fewer than four pages are donated to him and his legacy.

On page 20, Gable rails at the acquittal of Tony Hancock who published a satirical pamphlet by veteran Nazi Colin Jordan. Jordan died in 2009 at the age of 85 but he was not a well man in 2001-2 and was not deemed fit to stand trial. Tony (or AH as I used to call him) stood trial at Leeds Crown Court where he was defended by Adrian Davies, who secured his acquittal on September 5. Like the scum he is, Gable was unhappy about this. Do not believe anything he says about AH; he simply makes things up.

There are the usual several pages of international reports and a full back page advertisement for the Nick Lowles book White Riot.

November 2002: INTERNATIONAL SEARCHLIGHT, issue 329 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages.

On page 3, next to the Editorial, is notification of the death of photographer Michael Cohen, see next issue.

On pages 4-5 is a curious article by Steve Silver, The green jackboot tramps; appparently supporting the countryside is now racist.

Pages 8-9 is an article by Gable about a dude named David Tovey, a white supremacist who was into black women. Tovey appears to have been one of those military fantasist types; Gable compares him with David Copeland. Copeland is a psychopath; although convicted of murder he was later found to be criminally insane.

Kate Taylor contributes to this issue, including a book review.

On page 14 is an article about Nazi links in Northern Ireland. Links/linked is of course Gable’a favourite weasel word. He shares the credit for this article with Scott Millar.

On page 15, is an advert for the launch meeting of the Welsh Friends of Searchlight and one for Patterns Of Prejudice.

Pages 18-21 is a big article on so-called fascism in the post-fascist era by the academic Roger Griffin – no relation to Nick! At the end of the article is a photograph of Troy Southgate alongside one of an article he published for the on-line Pravda. Make of this and the article what you will.

Pages 22-3 is a smear article by Nicholas Hillman. Apparently, all fascists old and new are misfits, dullards and outcasts. Outcasts, certainly, thanks to whom?

There are several pages devoted to the international scene including the US by regular contributor Zeskind and on Australia by Matthew Collins who covers the lunatic Church Of The Creator, a dubious American import. The back page includes a free book offer, not for the first time.

December 2002: INTERNATIONAL SEARCHLIGHT, issue 330 is priced at £2.50 and runs to 36 pages. Pages 17-20 is a photo obituary for photographer Michael Cohen, a long time contributor and Gable collaborator.

Quite a bit of this issue is devoted to real right wing violence but there are of course the usual smears including on John Prescott, who at that time was Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. The two page spread on pages 8-9 is by Alfio Bernabei, an Italian correspondent.

There are contributions from Kate Taylor and of course Nick Lowles. On page 16, Lowles gloats over the expulsion of Mark Cotterill from the United States. Check out the reason Cotterill moved to the US and the lies Gable told about him at the time.

There are quite a few international reports including from Atkinson. The STATESIDE column is written by Devin Burghart in Chicago rather than by Zeskind.

On page 29, Mara Vladimirova reports from Moscow.

Bertie van Zyl reports on a Boer terrorist gang from South Africa amd Rafal Pankowski in Poland.

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