(1) Although we are forever being reminded of the “Holocaust” it is well to remember that before Britain declared war on Nazi Germany the only mass action against German Jews was Kristallnacht in November 1938. Thousands of Jews were deported to concentration camps, although the overwhelming majority were later allowed to return. The deportation of German – and other – Jews, happened in the context of the bloodiest war in history, when many Jews were detained either for “security” reasons or for purposes of forced labour, to assist the war effort.
(2) Asians were expelled en masse from Uganda in the 1970s by Idi Amin.
(3) TRAGEDY AND HOPE: A History of THE WORLD in Our Time, by Carroll Quigley, Second Printing, Angriff Press, Los Angeles, (1974), page 257.
(4) Quigley, Tragedy And Hope, page 316, (ibid).
(5) Quigley, Tragedy And Hope, page 53, (ibid).
(6) Quigley, Tragedy And Hope, page 325, (ibid).
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