Personal Items


This page includes scans of a number of personal items, ie relating to David Webb himself.

Birth certificate of David Webb
The above was too big for my scanner so was scanned in two parts then joined together. I am astounded that the seam is invisible. Fluke?

Letter Russell Twisk to David Webb; this was found in a NCROPA file.

David Webb in campaigning mode
The above photograph was forwarded to me by Sean Gabb; the original was not among the items I removed from David Webb’s apartment.
David Webb’s travel pass front and back

Badges: miscellaneous
Re the above, David Webb owned a large collection of badges, and as will be seen from this first scan, one very large badge. The above are all I intend to scan. The badge on your bottom right hand corner has been scanned upside down, so here it is again, the right way up and a bit larger. The NCROPA badge – which undoubtedly he commissioned – has a slogan printed on the back: “Badges are Beautiful”. Obviously David Webb thought so!

Forms for David Webb’s Old Vic Audition, December 1950 for March 31, 1951

Memorandum/notes re Michael Knowles visit.
I have no idea what the above concerns, but it appears to be in Webb’s handwriting.

According to Goodman, the above comes from the Tricycle Theatre, circa 2000; it was apparently sent or given to him. As can be seen, Webb played a judge.

Curriculum Vitae


The following 9 documents all qualify for the name Curriculum Vitae; some are more complete than others:

CV 1 – this appears to be the earliest
CV 2 – a short one listing only some of the parts he played
CV 3 – a one page carbon; this was apparently produced in 1972
CV 4 – this appears to be the template for the one immediately below
CV 4a – one page from 1986
CV 5 – This was produced in January 1986
CV 6 – this is apparently an original template
CV 7 – directors and producers he worked with; the best copy possible
CV 8 – this appears to be the last version of this document that was produced.


RADA Documents


The documents in this section were delivered to me by Goodman in the first half of 2015. Six of them are on large sheets of paper; I’m not sure what size but they are larger than A4. They were collected by RADA Archivist James Thornton on July 30, 2015.

Prior to scanning, these were reduced on a photocopier in a local shop so have lost their colour, in particular blue ink.

Summer Term 1952 – Report, A Division
Summer Term 1952 – Score sheet (this was stapled to another document, the one above, I believe)
Autumn Term 1952 – Report, MA Division
Spring Term 1953 – Report, UM2A Division
Spring 1953 – Score sheet (this was stapled the UM2A Division Report, above)
Summer Term 1953
Autumn Term 1953 – Report, Finals
Spring Term 1954 – Report, Finals


David Webb The Pornographer Royal – Goodman delivered this to me on August 3, 2017. I would assume Webb didn’t actually send letters in such envelopes!

Greyhound bus ticket and label scans.
I had problems converting the above to PDF, so they can be found here, here, here and here in JPG format.

Standing Orders for the National Secular Society, undated
Programme and menu for National Secular Society Annual Dinner, March 24, 1979
I found the above in the papers of the NCROPA Archive, but think it belongs here. Ditto 1981, 1982, 1986 and 1990, below.
Programme and menu for the National Secular Society Annual Dinner, March 21, 1981
Programme and menu for the National Secular Society Annual Dinner, March 27, 1982
Programme and menu for the National Secular Society Annual Dinner, April 23, 1983
Goodman was the Legal Consultant for NCROPA, and on the death of David Webb he became its acting director, although by this time the organisation had been dormant for several years.
Programme and menu for the National Secular Society Annual Dinner, April 5, 1986
The above is a folding card; here is the top half the right way up.
Programme and menu for the National Secular Society Annual Dinner, April 4, 1987
The above folding card was found in one of the NCROPA files. In spite of the way the scan has come out here, both sides are the same colour.
Programme and menu for the National Secular Society Annual Dinner, April 21, 1990

Among his other talents, David Webb was an amateur painter. The following works were rescued from his apartment.

Abstract painting by David Webb
Abstract painting in oils
The above abstract is said to have been painted by David Webb circa 1960; I have not seen it because it was scanned by its new owner.
Portrait in oils: I assume this portrait was painted by him. It might be his mother.
The paintings immediately above and below were collected by RADA Archivist James Thornton on July 30, 2015.
Portrait of a young man, apparently by David Webb. This is approximately 51cm by 61cm.

Dare To Be Different
The above was far too big to fit on my scanner but it photographed well. I believe Mr Webb kept this on his living room wall.

Ticket to the House of Lords, March 11, 1982
Ticket to the Sex Maniacs Ball, November 20, 1986

Telegram to David Webb, December 8, 1970

Television licence until September 1959
Yeah, right! The above was donated to RADA, July 30, 2015.

University of Cambridge school certificate, July 1946.
The certificates immediately above and below are printed on thick paper card 22.7 x 16.5cm. They were donated to RADA, July 30, 2015.

University of Cambridge higher education certificate, July 1949.

Letter to David Webb from University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, October 10, 1946
The above document is approximately 21 x 13.2cm.


Eight Sketches By David Webb


The seven scans below were taken from a small notebook owned by David Webb. Image 7 is Image 6 inverted. I will make no comment on any of them.

This section was added October 4, 2019.

(1) Man
(2) Man and woman
(3) Roman soldier
(4) Profile
(5) Man
(6) Man plus inverted
(7) Inverted plus man!
(8) Weird stuff

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